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小妇人 2023 英语 读后感
小妇人英语读后感 篇一:中英小妇人读后感 LittleWomen 美国的画家摩西奶奶在写给小孩们的书信中,说道:“我不明白怎么样的生活更美妙,我能做的只是尽力接纳生活给予我的,让每一个当下完好无损。〞看到这句话,我想起了小妇人中马奇家四姐妹的故事。 Mose, the American painter, said, I dont know how to live a better life. What I can do is try to take my life to me, so that every now and then be in good condition.. To see this sentence, I think of the little woman in the four sisters in the Madge story. 小妇人是由美国作家露易莎·梅·奥尔科特所著,一部以美国南北战争为背景,以19世纪美国新英格兰地区的一个一般家庭四个姐妹之间的生活琐事为蓝本的带有自传色彩的家庭伦理小说。小说遭到当时的大思想家爱默生的阻碍,强调了个人尊严与自立自律的观念;内容平实却细腻,构造单纯而寓意深远,富有强烈的感染力。 Little woman was written by the American writer Luisa May Alcott, a family ethics novel, based on the American Civil War as the background, and the life of the four sisters in the new England area in nineteenth Century. Novels by was a great thinker of Emerson, stressed the importance of the concept of personal dignity and self-reliance and self-discipline; content plain but delicate, simple in structure and far-reaching implication, rich strong appeal. 小妇人是一本以女性角色为主,强调女权认识的半自传体小说。 以平实清新的笔调,为我们描绘了一幅幅温馨感人的家庭画面,一个个惟妙惟肖的人物形象,唤起人们内心对家的那份归属感。文中注重表现女性认识,鼓吹美妙质量。 Little woman is a female role, emphasizing the feminist consciousness of the semi autobiographical novel. In plain and fresh style, we depict the depicting a warm and moving picture in the family, a vivid characters, arouse peoples heart of the share ownership. In the paper, we should pay attention to the performance of female consciousness and promote the good quality. 故事中的小贝丝是我最爱的人物。她,害羞又害怕。在四姐妹中,她是最没有野心的小孩。父母的小院落,确实是她的桃花源,邻居送的小钢琴,满足了她最大的心愿。小小的她,帮着仆人做家事,协助穷人做善事。可遗憾的是,生命之花还未盛放,病魔已匆匆带走了这位纯真仁慈的小天使。非常多年来,每次读到贝丝因病逝去,我都会潸然而下。 Little Bess is my favorite character in the story. She is shy and timid. In the four sisters, she is the most ambitious child. The courtyard is her parents, the Peach Garden, neighbors to send a small piano, meet her biggest wish. Small, she helped to do housework, help the poor do good. Unfortunately, the flower of life is not yet bloming,a disease, have rushed away the innocent angel. For many years, every time I read Besss passing, I will be moved down. 故事中的大姐美格,是位漂亮可爱的小姐。少女时代,她也曾抱怨过家庭的贫穷,不满于工作的辛苦。她也曾精心打扮参加社交舞会,欣羡着光鲜亮丽的名利场。慢慢地,美格长大了,她走下了喜爱虚荣的空中楼阁,走进了柴米酱醋茶的婚姻生活。她曾羡慕的富家女萨利,结婚后来她的小院子做客,反倒羡慕起她和丈夫那安静宜人,温馨愉快的家庭气氛。 The story of sister MEG, is a beautiful and lovely girl. The young girls, she also complained about the familys poverty, the hard work. She was dressed in a debutante ball, a glamorous vanity fair. Gradually, MEG grew up, she went under the vanity of the daily necessities sauce vinegar and tea castles in the air, into marriage. She had envied the rich girl Sally, get married then her yard guest, but rather envy her husband and the quiet and pleasant, warm and happy family atmosphere. 书中的女主角乔是作者的影子,写来更具荣耀。她生性豪放,强调自我奋斗在家中乔非常关心姐妹们,在她们遭到损害时呵护有加,在她们作出成绩时备加欣赏,同时也对缺乏之处提

