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2023 雅思 综合 资料 详解 这里
雅思综合资料详解看这里 备考雅思不会选资料雅思综合资料详解看这里,今天编辑给大家带来备考雅思不会选资料,希望能够帮助到大家,下面编辑就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 备考雅思不会选资料雅思综合资料详解看这里 一. 雅思官方综合类资料 说到雅思综合类资料很多小伙伴肯定都会想到雅思考试官方出品的两类备考资料:OG和剑雅真题。OG是雅思官方给考生的一本指南类书籍,但是书中也有关于雅思听说读写的综合类资料。剑雅真题是指剑雅4-13,至于4套之前的,因为内容太过老旧,不具备参考价值。不同于OG的是,剑雅真题里面没有指南性的内容,全部都是听说读写题目,这些题目是之前雅思考过的真题,而且剑雅4-13每一套都是单独一册书,每一册包括四个Test。 从利用价值上来,剑雅真题是要大于OG的,因为剑雅真题与雅思考试更接近,而OG里的练习题与真题在难度和出题方式上都有些许差异。所以雅思官方综合资料里最受推崇,利用价值最高的是剑雅系列。 二. 雅思机经 雅思机经属于非官方类的综合资料,它也包括听说读写四个局部,之所以把它单独列出来,是因为在雅思备考中,它为人所熟知的程度仅次于雅思官方资料。雅思机经,也称作雅思机经预测,是针对雅思考试的预测题目。它的形式与剑雅真题不同,网上大局部雅思机经是分科目罗列的,听力、阅读、口语和写作各个独立。但是就利用价值而言,雅思机经可谓却饱受争议。有人将其奉上神坛,有人将其贬的一文不值。那么雅思机经使用价值究竟如何呢首先,它的利用价值是低于剑雅真题的,这一点毋庸置疑。其次,它是有利用价值的,只不过需要理性对待。雅思听力机经可以用作备考听力词汇的资料,雅思阅读机经可以当做泛读素材,雅思写作机经可当做各类话题的练习材料。雅思口语机经相对其他三个版块使用价值更高,可以当做口语备考的重点材料,但是遇到变题季的话要及时更新所用机经。 三.其他综合类资料 非官方雅思综合类资料还有很多,比方不同机构出的针对剑雅真题的精讲书籍,以及为那些旨在冲击高分的9分达人类的备考资料。这些资料与剑雅真题相比,只是一些辅助类资料。从利用价值上来讲,这些综合类资料要低于剑雅真题,一些辅助类的剑雅精讲要以剑雅真题为蓝本,否那么完全没有使用价值,而9分系列只对于冲刺高分的人有些帮助。 总的来讲,雅思综合资料中使用价值最高的是官方出品的剑雅系列,接下来是OG和机经,其他类综合类资料可以当做辅助资料使用。如果大家不了解如何使用雅思综合资料,可以按照文中内容给资料排序,按照优先级决定使用顺序。 雅思大作文模板:优秀工作者 Describe a person who can do well in work Who this person is How do you know this person What kinds of work this person does Explain why this person can do well 雅思大作文模板范文参考: After being matured I came to know about lots of people who spent theirentire life for humanity. Among them, the contributions of Mother Teresaundoubtedly are more than any other one. In her life, Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary. She hadspent her entire life to care for the poor and destitute. She passed a notablepart of her life in India and was moved by the pathetic condition of the peopleliving in streets. So, she established some of the shelter homes for them indifferent parts of India. She is also the founder of Missionaries of Charity,and this is a Roman Catholic religious group that helps the people in distresswith all sorts of facilities including the arrangement of their medicaltreatment, rehabilitation etc. for free of cost. Mother Teresa did a lot of humanitarian works in her life. She learntdifferent languages to communicate directly with people in the Indiansub-continent. She played the role of a teacher in schools to teach studentsabout numerous issues. She turned into a nun in 1931, and selected a name whichshe had to alter the spelling for another nun had the same name with the samespelling. She served for around 20 years at Loreto convent school in Calcutta.But the poorness, ill conditions and deaths of the poor people disturbed herseriously. So, she planned to help the distressed. Accordingly, she arranged foropening some shelters in Calcutta to help them. Nirmal Hriday is one of hershelters where the poverty-stricken, ill-fated people can have their treatmentsfor some specific diseases and it is for free. She is a motherly figure in the world and has been admired even after herdeath. She is mostly famous for her charitable works and Missionaries ofCharities which comes in helping of the destitute across the world. In herlifetime, she was awarded numerous prizes and in 1979 she won the Noble Prize inPeace. She has been portrayed as an affectionate character who served thehumanity with great care and love. She really was an admirable woman of theworld. 雅思大作文模板:体育设施如何分配 Some countries achieve international sporting success by buildingspecialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sportsfacilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negativedevelopment 雅思大作文模板范文参考: Many spectators would be too exhilarated to resist their feelings when theysee their national flag rise with the national anthem in Olympic Games. Thesesports feats can hardly be achieved without some specialized facilities to trainthe most promising sportsmen. Although patriotism can be aroused by excellentperformance, I hold the view that more sports facilities should be built tocater for the public. One latent problem for the intended construction of specialized facilitiesexclusively for sportsmen is that it may dampen public’s enthusiasm for sports.Being discouraged from using the sports facilities, they are likely to believethat the access to sports is only a priority to a small group of top athletes.Whether these facilities can be utilized is based on how much contribution tothe country people can make instead of the basic principle that each individualhas the right to shape their bodies with some sports facilities. It may also lead to a result that the potential talent pool of giftedathletes will be drained and lose its continuous supply. Most top sportsmen arenot born to the stars, and their aptitude of sports occurs when they are joggingon the playground, playing tennis in the tennis court and running on thefootball pitch. Without the sports facilities accessible to the common people,their sports talent is unlikely to be found and then fully harnessed. There are ce

