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2023 英语教学 培养 学生 词汇 创新 记忆 研究
——英语教学中培养学生词汇创新记忆法的研究 宜君县高级中学 赵爱银 【摘 要】 本文结合一节词汇教学课例,介绍了教授词汇的方法,即在情景中渗入构词法,在完成一个个任务中,让学生学有所乐,学有所得,同时培养学生的想象力和创造力。 【关键词】情景教学,构词意识 记不住单词是阻碍学生英语学习的最大障碍。而教会学生如何记忆单词也一直是让教师头疼的难题。针对这个问题我进行了大量的思考和探索。我认为,在初中学习的根底上,教师须让学生重新认识划分音节的意义,领悟重音在单词中的作用,让“拼写〞单词根植于他们的脑子里。除此之外,教师还须培养学生的构词意识,传授构词法。教师要通过恰当的情景设计,把构词法渗入到课堂教学中,通过创设“任务〞,让学生完成一个个任务,在活动中构建学生的构词意识,在合作探究中享受学习的乐趣。以下是我教授构词的一节课的教学过程和教学设计,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。 首先,用三分钟放映美国大片变形金刚中反派首领袭击美国一军事基地的片段。从学生兴奋的表情中可以看出他们的疑惑:老师要做什么?这时候提出问题:你们从电影中看到什么?他们异口同声:变形金刚,奥特曼。随之而来的便是一系列的问题:变形金刚用英语怎么说?奥特曼是什么意思?学生答复:变形金刚是transformer, automan是一个机器人。他问:transformer能分成几个局部?三个,trans-form-er.我又问:trans是什么意思?form是什么意思?er又是什么意思?然后我在黑板上写出了两组单词:transplant(移植), transport(运输), transfusion(输血)。uniform〔制服〕,reform〔改革〕,reformer〔改革者〕。指着黑板上的词依次再问,再扩展,如:为什么uniform是制服?uni-是单一的意思,form是形式的意思,制服是不是统一的?之后我写出:unify(统一),union(联盟),unique(独一无二),unite(团结),unit(单元)。在讨论automan的时候,他写出:ATM, automated teller machine (自动柜机),automobile(汽车,自己移动),autobiography(自传)并加以说明,学生马上就反响过来:奥特曼就是自动人。 这之后我通过巧设情景,精心设问使构词进一步深入学生的内心。最后拿出我学习期间所经历的一次奇特天气现象而写的英文日记给他们阅读,并对文中16个划线单词展开讨论,分析这些词的构成特点。这节课设计安排明确告诉学生英文单词也有“偏旁部首〞,那就是词根和前后缀。碰到一个单词,先把它拆开来看看,找找这词的构词法。平时多注意总结,时间长了,单词量自然会成倍增加。 这节课借助多媒体,效果理想。课堂气氛活泼,学生活动积极,师生配合默契,自主学习与合作学习相结合,突出体现了以学生自主,探究学习为主,以老师的引导帮助为辅的教学模式。课堂上无闲人,无差生,更没有无从下手,不知怎样去做的学生。所以课上得活泼有序,忙碌充实。上完这样一节课后,我有以下感悟。 1.要突破教材的限制,扩大课堂容量,对教材要敢于取舍,使得内容更加符合实际教学的需要,更加贴近学生的生活。 2.单从课堂形式来看教师讲得少,学生活动量大,看似很轻松,但教师并不省心省力,教师作用匿藏在课前的备课过程中,体现在教师平时学习,不断提高的个人职业素养中。 3.要完全在教学中贯彻新课程改革的理念,要做到“用教材教〞而不是“教教材〞,你必须有自己的东西,并且在课堂中随时能拿得出手,只有这样,你才能驾驭这套教材,对这套教材的整合才能做到游刃有余。 4.学法指导是新课程改革要求教师予以更多关注的一个方面。教师要在教学中引导学生用最正确的学习策略,在课外的时间自主有效地学习,把新的教学思路延伸到课外,培养他们形成良好的课外学习习惯,为具有终生学习的能力打下根底。 当然,不能指望学生在一天或一节课中学到多少东西,也不能指望一节课能教会他们多少知识。重在长期一贯地教给、教会他们学习的方法与巧。 以 以下是这节课的教学设计。 Step 1 Lead in Play a small part of the American movie Transformers to draw their attention and arouse their curiosity why such a film is being played. Ask them to remember what they have seen from the movie. Step 2. Presentation Then, show them some pictures of the main robots of Transformers and ask them what the name of the movie is and how many parts this word can be divided into. trans-form-er. What does “trans-〞 mean What does “form〞 mean Then more words related to “trans〞 and “form: are introduced: transport, transplant, transfusion, translation reform, reformer, uniform. What does uniform mean Let them guess the meaning of “uni-〞 . Then, unify, unique unite, unit, ICU, CPU are introduced. Two of the transformers in the movie are called “autobot〞 and “automan〞, how are they formed and what do they mean Where can we see “ATM〞 and what does it stand for What does “automobile〞 mean Why Tell students: As we have seen, if we know how a word is formed and use our association, it will be much easier to remember it and know the meaning of it and easily associate it with many other related words, so vocabulary expands. Situation 1. Suppose now it is the year 2210 and an astronaut who has finished his mission(任务) on the Mars returns to the earth. Much to his surprise, he finds everything changed, for there was a war between man and evil robots and the city where he once lived was the battlefield. Though man has won the war, everything was destroyed , no one in the city survived, How did he feel when he got the terrible news that the whole city had turned into a graveyard, and that all the other members of his family died, they rested in peace forever Pair work: Let students ask and answer the following questions shown on the screen. A 1.Could he accept the fact that the whole city had turned into a graveyard No. He couldn’t. 2.Could he believe what he had been told No. He couldn’t. 3.Could he imagine what had happened there No. He couldn’t 4.Could he think of how terrible the city looked No. He couldn’t 5.Could he bear the hit that all the other members rested in peace No. He couldn’t 6.Could the loss caused by the terrible war be reparable No. He couldn’t B 1.Was the fact acceptable No. It was unacceptable. 2.Was the fact believable No. It was unbelievable 3.Was the fact imaginable No. It was unimaginable. 4.Was the fact thinkable No. It was unthinkable. 5.Was the hit bearable No. It was unbearable. 6.Was the loss reparable No. It was irreparable. 7.Was the war destructive Yes. It was. 8.Was the destruction No. It was recoverable. irrecoverable The construction will be quick when people live in peace 9..Is the life that is lost replaceable No. It was irreplaceable. C 1.Can words describe the great pain he suffered No. They can’t. The pain is beyond the description. 2. Can words describe the terrible scene after the disaster Yes. It is much easier for us to give a very descriptive report of what we have seen. 3. Can we predict our future Yes. We can if we are clever enough to use our powe

