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涉外 公司 保密 协议 范本
涉外公司保密协议范本(中英) 甲方:信息发展股份有限公司 party a:c., ltd. 乙方: party b: 鉴于: whereas: 甲乙双方正在就进行会谈或合作,需要取得对方的相关业务和技术资料,为此,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商签订本协议。 echanging f relevant business and technlgical infrmatin is required fr the nging business discussins r cperatin between party a and party b with respect t , this agreement is entered int by and between party a and party b thrunsultatins and under the principle f mutual benefit and jint develpment. 第一条保密资料的定义 article ne definitin f cnfidential infrmatin 甲乙双方中任何一方披露给对方的明确标注或指明是“保密资料”的相关业务和技术方面的书面或其它形式的资料和信息(简称:保密资料),但不包括下述资料和信息: cnfidential infrmatin refers t data and infrmatin with respect t relevant businesses and technlgies, whether in written r ther frms, that have been disclsed by either party a r party b t the ther party with clear label r designatin f 'cnfidential infrmatin'(hereinafter referred t as 'cnfidential infrmatin'), ecluding the fllwing data and infrmatin: 1、已经或将公布于众的资料,但不包括甲乙双方或其代表违反本协议规定未经授权所披露的; 1.infrmatin that is already r t be make public available, ecept thse disclsed by either party a r party b r their representatives in vilatin f this agreement and withut authrizatin; 2、在任何一方向接受方披露前已为该方知悉的非保密性资料; 2. nn-cnfidential infrmatin that has cme t the attentin f the receiving party befre the disclsure f the ther party; 3、任何一方提供的非保密资料,接受方在披露这些资料前不知此资料提供者(第三方)已经与本协议下的非保密资料提供方订立过有约束力的保密协议,且接受方有理由认为资料披露者未被禁止向接受方提供该资料。 3. nn-cnfidential infrmatin ffered by either party, befre the disclsure f which the receiving party is nt infrmed f the fact that the prvider f this infrmatin (a third party) has signed a binding cnfidentiality agreement with the party disclsing the nn-cnfidential infrmatin under this agreement, and the receiving party may reasnably presume that the infrmatin disclser is nt frbidden t ffer the infrmatin t the receiving party.第二条双方责任 article tw bligatins and liabilities (一)甲乙双方互为保密资料的提供方和接受方,负有保密义务,承担保密责任。 (1) bth party a and party b represent t the ther party as the prvider and receiver f cnfidential infrmatin, and thus bth undertake cnfidentiality bligatins and liabilities. (二)甲乙双方中任何一方未经对方书面同意不得向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开和披露任何保密资料或以其他方式使用保密资料。双方也须促使各自代表不向第三方(包括新闻界人士)公开或披露任何保密资料或以其它方式使用保密资料。除非披露、公开或利用保密资料是双方从事或开展合作项目工作在通常情况下应承担的义务(包括双方今后依法律或合同应承担的义务)适当所需的。 (2) neither party a nr party b shall disclse r make public any cnfidential infrmatin t a third party (including the press) r therwise make use f the cnfidential infrmatin withut the written apprval f the ther party; bth parties are bliged t urge their representatives nt t disclse r make public any cnfidential infrmatin t a third party (including the press) r therwise make use f the cnfidential infrmatin; unless the disclsure, publicity and applicatin f the cnfidential infrmatin is required by the due perfrmance f the bligatins f the tw parties in assciatin with the undertaking and prceeding f the cperative prgrams under nrmal circumstances (including bligatins t be assumed by bth parties in the future pursuant t the law and the cntracts signed by the tw parties). (三)双方均须把保密资料的接触范围严格限制在因本协议规定目的而需接触保密资料的各自负责任的代表的范围内; (3) bth parties shall strictly limit the access t the cnfidential infrmatin t their respnsible representatives nly fr the purpses specified hereunder. (四)除经过双方书面同意而必要进行披露外,任何一方不得将含有对方或其代表披露的保密资料复印或复制或者有意无意地提供给他人; (4) neither party shall prvide a third party with cpies r duplicates f the cnfidential infrmatin disclsed by the ther party r its representative, whether intentinally r nt, unless the disclsure is allwed by a written agreement signed by the tw parties. (五)如果合作项目不再继续进行或其中一方因故退出此项目,经对方在任何时候提出书面要求,另一方应当、并应促使其代表在五(5)个工作日内销毁或向对方返还其占有的或控制的全部保密资料以及包含或体现了保密资料的全部文件和其它材料并连同全部副本。但是在不违反本协议其它条款的条件下,双方可仅为本协议第四条之目的,保留上述文件或材料的复制件一份;(六)甲乙双方将以并应促使各自的代表以不低于其对自己拥有的类似资料的照料程度来对待对方向其披露的保密资料,但在任何情况下,对保密资料的照料都不能低于合理程度。 第三条知识产权 article three intellectual prperty rights 甲乙双方向对方或对方代表披露保密资料并不构成向对方或对方的代表的转让或授予另一方对其商业秘密、商标、专利、技术秘密或任何其它知识产权拥有的权益,也不构成向对方或对方代表转让或向对方或对方代表授予该方受第三方许可使用的商业秘密、商标、专利、技术秘密或任何其他知识产权的有关权益。 disclsure f the cnfidential infrmatin by either party a r party b t the ther party r its representatives shall nt be cnstrued t cnstitute an assignment r grant t the ther party r its representatives f the rights and interests in relatin t its trade secrets, trademarks, patents, knw-hw r any ther intellectual prperty, nr shall it cnstitute an assignment r grant t the ther party r its representatives the rights and interests in relatin t the trade secrets, trademarks, patents, knw-hw, r any ther intellectual prperty authrized by a third party. 第四条保密资料的保存和使用 article fur preservatin and applicatin f the cnfidential infrmatin (一)甲乙双方中的任何一方有权保存必要的保密资料,以便在履行其在合作项目工作中所承担的法律、规章与义务时使用该等保密资料。 (1) either party a r party b has the right t preserve necessary cnfidential infrmatin, s as t make use f which in implementing binding laws, regulatins, and bligatins under their cperative prgrams. (二)甲乙双方有权使用保密资料对任何对于接受方或其代表的与本协议项目及其事务相关的索赔、诉讼、司法程序及指控进行抗辩,或者对与本协议项目及其事务相关的传唤、传票或其他法律程序做出答复。 (2) ei

