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2023 短小精悍 优美 散文
短小精悍的优美散文3篇 篇一:短小精悍美文集锦 短小精悍美文集锦 Describe dapper highlights 简单是一种方法 橄榄树嘲笑无花果树说:“你的叶子到冬天时就落光了,光秃秃的树枝可真难看,哪像我终年翠绿,漂亮无比。〞不久,一场大雪降临了,橄榄树身上都是翠绿的叶子,雪堆积在上面,最后由于重量太大把树枝压断了,橄榄树的漂亮也遭到了破坏。而无花果树由于叶子已经落尽了,全身简单,雪穿过树枝落在地上,结果无花果树安稳无恙。外表的漂亮不一定习惯环境有时是一种负担,而且往往会由于生存带来烦恼或灾难。相反,平平常常倒能活得自由自由。因而,不如放下你外表虚荣的漂亮,或者是不实的身份和地位,踏踏实实地去体会真实 简单的生活,相信如此你将获得更多的乐趣。(摘自最伟大的治理思想) A method is simple (翻译)Olive ridicule the FIG tree say: you of the leaves to the winter when it falls bare branches, which can really ugly like green, round my beauty. Soon, a heavy snow falls, olive green leaves were all above, snow accumulation in the final result of weight is too big, the olive branches broke, the beauty is damaged. But the FIG tree leaves have lost due to the body, simple, snow fell on the ground, through the branches of the FIG tree unscathed. The beautiful appearance, sometimes not adapt to the environment is a kind of burden, and often because of trouble or disaster survival. Instead, often can live in freedom. So, let your appearance is beautiful, or the vanity is not real identity and status, builders to feel real simple life, believe that you will get more fun. The greatest ( management idea 许多人不明白的粗浅道理 1930年,德国出了一本批判相对论的书,书名叫一百位教授出面证明爱因斯坦错了。爱因斯坦明白后,耸耸肩说:“一百位?干吗要这麽多人?只要能证明我确实错了,哪怕一 个人出面也足够了。〞 绵羊再多,对狮子却毫无威胁。一千只母鸡的翅膀也不如老鹰一双翅膀有力。这是粗浅 的道理,无奈许多人不明白。 Many people do not understand the plain truth In 1930, the German critique of relativity published a book called the book, professor of 100 to prove Einstein wrong. Einstein know, shrugged said: why the 100th multiplayer Just to prove I really wrong, even a person to also enough. The sheep to the lion, but no threat. A hens wings are as powerful wings hawks. This is the simple truth, but many people do not understand. 一根火柴棒 一根火柴棒价值不到一毛钱,一栋房子价值数百万元。但是一根火柴棒能够摧毁一栋房子, 可见微缺乏道的潜在破坏力,一旦发作起来,其攻坚灭顶的力量,无物能御。 要叠100万张骨牌,需费时一个月,但推倒骨牌只要几秒钟。要运营成功的实业,需耗时数 十载,但要倒闭只需一个错误决策。 要修养被尊敬的人格,需通过长时间的被信任,但要人格破产只需要做一件事。 一根火柴棒,是什么东西呢?它确实是以下四项:1、无法自我操纵的情绪;2、不经理智推断 的决策;3、顽固不化的个性;4、狭窄无情的心胸。 检查看看,我们随身携带了几根火柴棒?(摘自成功文摘) A match A match and great value less than a dime, house worth millions of dollars. But a match can destroy the house is small, potentially devastating effects, once the attack, its fortification, nothing can power of drowning royal. 100 million to fold the dominoes, it takes a month, but only a few seconds over domino. Business success to the industrial, need to take several years, but only a wrong decision to collapse. Culture is to respect personality, after a long time, but the trusted bankruptcy only need to do a personality. A match, is what It is the following four: 1, unable to control the emotions, 2, the reason of judgment policymaking. 3 and stubborn character, 4 and narrow minded ruthless. To check, we carry a few matches (success digest). 深思熟虑 篮球巨星乔丹上中学时,有一次在竞赛时做出了一个完满的扣篮动作,震惊了全场。事后有人咨询他:“往常也没如何看你练过扣篮呀,如何做得那么好呢?〞乔丹说:“尽管我没如何练过,但是我每天都在内心想着扣篮的全部动作,每个细节都能想到,就如此在内心一遍遍地练着,因而在球场上才会表现的特别好。〞人们更是吃惊,难道只是在内心想也能练好篮球? 美国人曾做过一次实验:把一个班的男生分成三组,第一组在20天内每天练习实际投篮20分钟,并把第一天和最后一天的成绩记录下来。第二组学生记录下第一天和最后一天的成绩,但在此期间不做任何练习。第三组学生记下第一天的的成绩,然后每天花20分钟做想象中 的投篮。假设投篮不中时便在想象中作出相应的纠正。 实验结果如下:第一组学生进球增加了24%;第二组学生毫无进步;第三组进球增加了26% 这确实是著名的“心理意象〞实验。 假设内心有了一个愿望或一个既定目的,同时你有强烈的制造想象欲望,从各个角度缜密地考虑它,开动制造性机器,那么这个目的就一定能够在不知不觉中离你特别近。所以不能只是想象,行动是必不可少的,想象只是努力的一局部。只有你在深思熟虑之后,走向心中的目 标,画在墙上的饼干才会冒出缕缕香气! Deliberate The basketball star Jordan in high school, once in a perfect dunk, shocked. Later someone ask him: do not see you before dunk ah, how did do so well Jordan said: although I didnt practice every day, but I thought in my heart, all the moves dunk every detail can think, so in the heart, so would practice in the field will be played very well. People also surprised, but in my heart to also can practice of basketball Americans have done a test: a class of boys into three groups, the first group in 20 days every practice shooting, and the first 20 minutes a day, and on the last day of the record. A second group of students and the last day of the day record of achievements, but during this did not do any exercise. The third group of students remember a day, and then spent 20 minutes of imaginary shots. If when shooting in the imagination of the correct. Experimental results are as follows: the first group of students score increased 24%, A second group of students no progress. The third group goal a 26% increase this is the famous mental imagery experiment. If you have a desire or a goal, and you have a strong desire to create imagination, from every Angle and started to consider it carefully, then the goals of creative machines will be in imperceptible in very close to you. Of course not just imagine, the action is indispensable, imagination is the hard part. Only you after careful consideration, toward the goal in mind, the cookie will be emitted continuously smell! 篇二:一是散文的篇幅一般都比较短小 一是散文的篇幅一般都比较短小,题材却特别广泛 广为流传的散文,篇幅都特别短小,如柳宗元的“永州八记〞和范仲淹的“岳楼记〞等都只有几百字。由于语言的开展和社会的变化,现代散文比起古代散文来相对的说要长一些,但也不宜过长,更不能以长为贵。象鲁迅先生的朝花

