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义务教育 教科书 英语 三年级 起点 四年级 下册
义 务 教 育 教 科 书义务教育教科书 英语 English 三年级起点 四年级下册 山东教育出版社湖南教育出版社三年级起点 四年级下册定价:5.3 元?批准文号:湘发改价费2017343号2义 务 教 育 教 科 书三年级起点 四年级下册英语 编著 小学英语教科书编委会 主编 秦秀白 Name Class No.湖南教育出版社山东教育出版社 义务教育教科书英语 English YINGYU三年级起点 四年级下册编 著:小学英语教科书编委会主 编:秦秀白 责任编辑:黄永华 张艺琼 王金洲版式设计:任晓庆出版发行:湖南教育出版社(长沙市韶山北路 443 号)电子邮箱:hnjycbs 客 服:电话 0731-85486979出版发行:山东教育出版社(济南市纬一路 321 号)重 印:湖南出版中心 经 销:湖南省新华书店印 刷:湖南天闻新华印务有限公司开 本:787 毫米1092 毫米 1/16 印 张:5版 次:2013 年 7 月第 1 版 书 号:ISBN 978-7-5539-0572-3印 数:180000 册定 价:5.3 元著作权所有,请勿擅用本书制作各类出版物,违者必究。如有质量问题,影响阅读,请与湖南出版中心联系调换。联系电话:0731-88388986 0731-88388987图书在版编目()数据 英语.四年级下册/秦秀白主编.长沙:湖南教育出版社,2013.5 义务教育教科书:三年级起点 ISBN 978-7-5539-0572-3 .英.秦.英语课小学教材 .G624.311 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2013)第 106404 号2(20.1 重印)211 20年 1 月第次印刷(202 春)22119致们 封信 封封的一们们同学同学们,你们好!欢迎来到英语学习的新天地!从现在起你们将在老师的引导下,与 Wang Li、Zhou Lin、Li Xiao、Amy、Andy 及小乌龟 Ted 一道成长,一起学习、歌唱、游戏,逐步学会用英语进行交流、倾诉和分享;学会表演小故事和短剧,演唱简单的英语歌谣,观察和描述美丽的图片,了解国内外文化习俗和风情,阅读和认知更为广阔的世界。本套教科书根据教育部 2011 年颁发的义务教育英语课程标准二级标准进行修订,以三年级为起点,按学期分为 8 册。三、四年级每册分 9 个学习单元和 3 个复习单元,五、六年级每册分 10 个学习单元和 2 个复习单元,建议每个单元用 4 学时学习;根据整体学习需要,各册有选择性地设置了总结学习规律、体验英语文化及拓展国际视野的开放性学习内容。本套教科书根据“话题+功能+词汇+结构+活动”建构体系,按照“听说为先,读写跟上;点面结合,不断复现;循序渐进,螺旋上升”的原则编排内容,从学生熟悉的事物和生活确定单元话题,围绕话题选择素材、设计活动,强调综合语言运用能力,强调英语的工具性和人文性;学习单元分 A、B 两部分,通过活动将情景对话、单词学习、复习巩固和评价融为一体,强调在语境中学习和培养用英语做事情的综合实践能力及开放创新的思维方式;三、四年级的复习单元是总结学习内容,五、六年级的复习单元是先通过活动整理知识,再进行 Fun Reading 与 Culture Tips 阅读,逐步实现人文素养和文化意识的培养。本套教科书力求体现以下特点:一、以学生为中心,强调自主学习,寓学于乐,通过听说、读写、游戏、吟唱、玩演等任务引领学习活动;二、与时俱进,强调学习情境的真实性和语言的自然流畅;三、协作学习,强调探究与创新,设计合作学习、评价和开放思维的空间,培养团结精神和自信心;四、渗透爱国意识教育,强调中华优秀文化传承;五、精选学习内容,强调教学资源的选择性和开放性,设计 Fun Time、Story Time、Game Time 等供选择和体验;六、注重整体学习,强调学习规律的归纳整理,除词汇表外各册还分别设计了 Phonics、日常用语等附录。同学们,要学好英语,用英语做事,就要多听、多说、多读、多写,保持兴趣,充满自信,相信“I can do it!”只要通过反复实践,就能学好英语,用好英语,逐步提高综合语言运用的能力,为面向未来和走向世界打下坚实的基础。同学们,让我们一起踏上英语学习的新航程吧!预祝你们成功!你们的好朋友:小学英语教科书编委会前言.indd 12014/12/1 10:12:26Unit 1 What do we need?.2Unit 2 There are many flowers.8Unit 3 They are playing.14Review 1.20Unit 4 Whats the weather like?.22Unit 5 What do you do on Saturdays?.28Unit 6 Where are you going?.34Review 2.40Unit 7 Does she like toys?.42Unit 8 How much is it?.48Unit 9 What are you going to do this summer?.54Review 3.60Fun Time.62Story Time.64Game Time.66Words and Expressions in Each Unit .68Vocabulary.71Appendices.74C C Contentontentontents s s4下Unit1-3.indd 22014/12/1 10:16:28AmyZhou Lin Ted Ms Li Li XiaoAndyWang Li 4下Unit1-3.indd 32014/12/1 10:16:342 2What do we need?Great!What do we need?Lets go to the park.Unit 1two24下Unit1-3.indd 22014/12/1 10:16:353 3 Why not take an umbrella?We need coats.three34下Unit1-3.indd 32014/12/1 10:16:3742 Listen,circle and sayfourcoatkite1 Look and listenSection AumbrellaLets go to the park.Great!What do we need?Why not take an umbrella?We need coats.Lets make a list.Good idea.What about a kite?No,its cloudy.cloudy5five3 Look,listen and tryWhat does she need?She needs an umbrella.5 Look and talk4 Listen,tick and matchWhat are they doing?What do they need?()making a card()reading()playing basketball()camping()writing()playing footballMr Yuumbrella basketball football tentscissors water pen book Andy()playing basketballLets play football.We need socks and shoes.Lets go to the library.Its cloudy and cold.We need coats and umbrellas.OK.What do we need?OK.What do we need?4下Unit1-3.indd 52014/12/1 10:16:496six6 Look,listen and talk7 Talk and writeSection BWork in groups.You go camping with your parents.Make a list of what you need.What do we need?Work with your partner.Look at the pictures.Take turns to ask each other questions.He needs a football.What does he need?football shoes socks scissorspaper book crayons rulerListWhy not take a cap?4下Unit1-3.indd 62014/12/1 10:16:55744seven8 Listen and sing9 Things I can docoat umbrella kite cloudyWhat does she need?1=F1 1 1 1 3 5 3 1 2 2 2 2 7 2 7 5 Its cloud-y.Its cold.I need an um -brel-la.Its cloud-y.Its cold.I need a warm coat.What does she need?What does she need?She needs an um-brel-la!What does she need?What does she need?She needs a warm coat!1 1 1 1 3 5 5 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 6 7 1-I can write and say:I can say:What do we need?We need.What does he/she need?He/She needs.Why not take?What about?8 8There are many flowers.There are many flowers,too.Unit 2This is a sunflower.eight84下Unit1-3.indd 82014/12/1 10:16:589 9There are many flowers.Please tell us about this plant,Uncle Wang.It is big and yellow.nine94下Unit1-3.indd 92014/12/1 10:17:0010ten2 Listen,circle and say1 Look and listenSection AHaha!No,there arent.There are no snakes.There are many flowers,too.This is a sunflower.This is my garden.Its beautiful!The grass is so green!There is an orange tree in my garden.grasstreeflowerplantPlease tell us about this plant,Uncle Wang.Are there any snakes in your garden?It is big and yellow.11eleven3 Look,listen and try5 Draw and talkWork with your partner.Draw a garden with fl owers and trees.Take turns to ask each other questions.Is there any bamboo?Yes,there is.This is Uncle Wangs garden.There are many plants.Are there any potatoes and tomatoes?4 L

