英语学专业 《血与大地》第八章英汉翻译实践报告.doc






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血与大地 英语学专业 血与大地第八章英汉翻译实践报告 英语 专业 大地 第八 英汉翻译 实践 报告
《血与大地》第八章英汉翻译实践报告 摘 要 本文是一篇英汉翻译实践报告。翻译材料选自美国作家凯文·贝尔斯(Kevin Bales)于2013年出版的纪实小说《血与地球》(Blood and Earth)第八章。该书目前尚无中文译本出版。这本书属于纪实文学作品,其最大的特点就是兼备纪实性与文学性于一体,在反应客观历史事实的基础上,又有艺术的手法加工,因此具有很高的翻译价值。 笔者以美国语言学家尤金·奈达的功能对等理论为指导。全文由五个部分组成,第一部分为任务描述,笔者对翻译源文本所选章节的内容和作者以及此次翻译实践的目的和意义进行简要介绍。第二部分为过程描述,阐述了笔者所做的译前准备工作以及翻译过程和译后处理。第三部分的主要内容是译前准备,介绍了功能对等理论的相关知识,译前所准备的翻译工具等。第四部分为案例分析,笔者通过运用增译,词义转换,长难句拆分和重组等翻译策略,从词汇和句法层面对翻译当中遇到的重难点进行分析,以谋求与源文本实现最大程度的“对等”。第五部分,笔者对此次翻译实践报告做了总结。通过此次翻译实践笔者更加深刻地认识到翻译理论对于指导翻译实践中的重要性。 关键词 :《血与大地》;纪实文学;功能对等理论;翻译实践 Abstract This is an English-Chinese translation practice report. The translation material is selected from chapter 8 of the documentary fiction Blood and Earth by the American writer Kevin Bales published in 2013. And there is no Chinese version on the market yet. This book is a documentary literature work whose biggest characteristic is documentary as well as literariness. On the basis of reflecting the objective historical facts, documentary literature is processed with artistic techniques, so it has high translation value. The report is guided by the Functional Equivalence Theory of American linguist Eugene Nida. There are five parts in the report. The first part is task description, in which the author briefly introduces the content and the author of the selected chapter, as well as the purpose and significance of the translation practice. The second part is the process description, which describes the author's pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation processing. The third part is mainly about pre-translation preparation, introducing the relevant knowledge of Functional Equivalence Theory and translation tools prepared before translation. The fourth part is case analysis. Through the application of translation strategies such as amplification, conversion, division and combination, the author analyzes the key and difficult points in translation from the level of words and syntax, to achieve the maximum degree of “equivalence” with the source text. In the fifth part, the author made a summery about the translation practice report. Through this translation practice, the author has come to a deeper understanding of the importance of translation theory in guiding translation practice. Key words Blood and the Earth Documentary literature Functional Equivalence Theory Translation practice Contents Abstract(Chinese) Ⅰ Abstract(English) II Chapter 1 Task Description 1 1.1 Source of the Task 1 1.2 Purpose and Meaning of the Task 1 1.3 Background Information of the Text 2 Chapter 2 Process Description 4 2.1 Preparation before Translation 4 2.2 Draft Translating 4 2.3 Proofreading 4 Chapter 3 Preparations for Translation 6 3.1 Preparations for Tools and Terms 6 3.2 Preparations for Parallel Texts 6 3.3 Preparations for Translation Theory 7 Chapter 4Translation Methods and Case Analysis 8 4.1Lexical Level 8 4.1.1 Amplification 8 4.1.2 Conversion 9 4.1.3 Semantic Extension 10 4.2 Syntactical Level 11 4.2.1 Division 12 4.2.2 Combination 14 Chapter 5 Summery 17 Appendix Ⅰ Source Text 19 Appendix Ⅱ Target Text 33 Acknowledgments 44 Chapter 1 Task Description 1.1 Source of the Task This original translation text is selected from the author's personal practice. The selected task is the E-C translation of Blood and Earth, a book with 10 chapters. The book is about 100,000 words. And there is no Chinese version on the market yet. The original translation text is written in English, and the text type is documentary literature. The author translated four chapters of this book, chapter 7 The Massacre of Memory, chapter 8 As With Trees,So With Men, chapter 9 We've All Got A Part of the Answer, and chapter 10 You Can't Un-Know What You Know respectively, in which the author chose chapter 8 for writing this practice report, about 13,000 words. Through the description of what the author of the selected book has seen and heard, this book shows us that in Brazil today, more than a century after the abolition of slavery, there are still thousands of slave workers, who work day and night, but can't get a clean meal or a clean glass of water. In addition, the existence of slavery is also linked to the ecocide and deforestation in Brazil. Slaves were forced to cut forests, so the area of forest in Brazil decreased year by year. 1.2 Purpose and Meaning of the Task There are two main purposes of project practice: First of all, from the perspective of the translator, this translation practice can enrich the translator's cultural literacy, enhance the translator's understanding of documentary literary texts, and improve the translator's translation skills. By carefully studying the source text and analyzing it, the translator has deepened interest in documentary literature. In the process of analysis, the translator also borrowed a lot of parallel texts, which greatly expanded background knowledge. In addition, the translation task i

