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2023 新概念 一册 自学 导读 习题 答案
新概念第一册自学导读,习题答案 篇一:新概念英语第一册自学导读:Lesson 87-88的自学笔记含课后练习答案 自学新概念英语第一册87-88课自学笔记,包括87-88课的课文重难点详解、语法知识点、重点单词学习和88课的课后练习答案。 新概念英语第一册87-88课课文知识点 Further notes on the text 1.When did you bring it to us 您什么时候送来的? bring表示“送来〞、“带来〞和“拿来〞的意思,在方位上多指朝说话人而来。 2.…they're still working on it. ……他们还在修呢。 work on 表示“从事〞、“干〞〔某事〕。 still是“仍然〞、“还在〞的意思,此处在句中对 working on it起了强调的作用。 3.have a look at it, 看一下。 这里的 it指 car,以防止重复。这里的 look是名词,have a look at与 look at意思是一样的。 4.Isn't that your car 这难道不是您的车吗? Didn't you have a crash 难道您没有出车祸吗? 在英文中可以用一般疑问句的否认形式来表示期待、请求或希望得到肯定的答复。 新概念英语第一册87-88课语法知识点 Grammar in use 现在完成时的疑问式及否认式 现在完成时的构成是 have/has+ 过去分词,因此其疑问式是将have/has提到主语之前,否认式那么在have/has后加上not即可。 新概念英语第一册87-88课词汇学习 Word study 1.repair v. 〔1〕修理;修复;修补: I'll have to get the bicycle repaired. 我得请人把自行车修理一下。 She looked into the mirror and began to repair her face. 她向镜中望去,开始往脸上重敷脂粉。 〔2〕弥补;修复;赔偿: How can I repair the mistake I have made 我如何才能弥补我所犯的错误呢? It will take a while to repair the confidence of the general public. 要恢复公众的信心尚需要一些时间。 2.try v. 〔1〕试图;设法,努力: They tried hard to repair the damaged car. 他们竭尽全力修理那辆被损坏了的汽车。 He is trying to move the book shelf. 他正试图搬动那个书架。 〔2〕尝试,试用;试验: She's trying her new car. 她正在试她的新车。 I'll try that Italian restaurant next time. 下次我要到那家意大利餐馆去尝尝他们的菜。 新概念英语第一册88课课后练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 88 A 1 Did he find his pen a minute ago He didn't find his pen a minute ago. 2 Did he get a new television last week He didn't get a new television last week. 3 Did you hear the news on the radio We didn't hear the news on the radio. 4 Did they leave this morning They didn't leave this morning. 5 Did he lose his umbrella yesterday He didn't lose his umbrella yesterday. 6 Did you sweep the floor this morning I didn't sweep the floor this morning. B 1 Has he met Mrs. Jones yet Yes, he has already met Mrs. Jones. When did he meet Mrs. Jones He met her two weeks ago. 2 Has the boss left yet Yes, the boss has already left. When did the boss leave He left ten minutes ago. 3 Has he had breakfast yet Yes, he has already had breakfast. When did he have breakfast He had breakfast at half past seven. 4 Has she found her pen yet Yes, she has already found her pen. When did she find her pen She found her pen an hour ago. 5 Has he got a television yet Yes, he has already got a television. When did he get a television He got a television two weeks ago. 6 Has she heard the news yet Yes, she has already heard the news. When did she hear the news She heard the news yesterday. 7 Has she made the bed yet Yes, she has already made the bed. When did she make the bed She made the bed this morning. 8 Has he sent the letter yet Yes, he has already sent the letter. When did he send the letter He sent the letter the day before yesterday 9 Has she swept the floor yet Yes, she has already swept the floor. When did she sweep the floor She swept the floor yesterday morning. 10 Has she told him the truth yet Yes, she has already told him the truth. When did she tell him the truth She told him the truth last night. 篇二:新概念第一册自学导读 新概念第一册自学导读 (含答案) --不完整,遗漏局部内容 Lessons1-2 Lessons1-2 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.Excuse me 对不起。 这是常用于表示抱歉的客套话,相当于汉语中的“劳驾〞、“对不起〞。当我们要引起别人的注意、要打搅别人或打断别人的话时,通常都可使用这一表达方式。在课文中,男士为了吸引女士的注意而使用了这句客套话。它也可用在以下场合:向陌生人问路,借用他人的 ,从别人身边挤过,在宴席或会议中途要离开一会儿等等。 2.Yes?什么事? 课文中的 Yes?应用升调朗读,意为:“什么事?〞Yes?以升调表示某种不肯定或询问之意,也含有请对方说下去的意思。 3.Pardon?对不起,请再说一遍。 当我们没听清或没理解对方的话并希望对方能重复一遍时,就可以使用这一表达方式。较为正式的说法是: I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon Pardon me. 它们在汉语中的意思相当于“对不起,请再说一遍〞或者“对不起,请再说一遍好吗?〞 4.Thank you very much.非常感谢! 这是一句表示感谢的用语,意为“非常感谢〔你〕〞。请看以下类似的表达式,并注意其语气上的差异: Thank you. 谢谢〔你〕。 Thanks! 谢谢! 5.数字1~10的英文写法 1—one 2—two 3—three 4—four 5—five 6—six 7—seven 8—eight 9—nine 10—ten 语法 Grammar in use 一般疑问句 一般疑问句根据其结构又分为假设干种。通过主谓倒装可将带有be的陈述句变为一般疑问句。即将be的适当形式移到主语之前,如: 陈述句:This is your watch. 这是你的手表。 疑问句:Is this your watch 这是你的手表吗? 〔可参见 Lessons 15~16语法局部有关 be的一般现在时形式的说明。〕 词汇学习 Word study 1.coat n. 上衣,外套: Is this your coat 这是你的外套吗? coat and skirt<英>〔上衣、裙子匹配的〕西式女套装 2.dress n. 〔1〕连衣裙;套裙: Is this your dress 这是你的连衣裙吗? 〔2〕服装;衣服: casual dress 便服 evening dress晚礼服 ||| ||||||| Lessons3-4 Lessons3-4 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.My coat and my umbrella please. 请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。 这是一个省略形式的祈使句,完整的句子应为: Give me my coat and my umbrella, please. 口语中,在语境明确的情况下通常可省略动词和间接宾语,如: (Show me your) Ticket, please 请出示你的票。 (Show me your)Passport, please. 请出示您的护照。 2.Here's your umbrella and your coat. 这是您的伞和大衣。 Here's 是 Here is的缩略形式。全句原为:Here is your umbrella and your coat.缩略形式和非缩略形式在英语的书面用语和口语中均有,但非缩略形式常用于比拟正式的场合。Here's…是一种习惯用法,句中采用了倒装句式,即系动词提到了主语之前。又如 Here is my ticket 这句话用正常的语序时为 My ticket is here。 3.Sorry = I'm sorry。 这是口语中的缩略形式,通常在社交场合中用于表示对他人的歉意或某种程度的遗憾。 Sorry 和 Excuse me 虽在汉语中都可作“对不起〞讲,但 sorry 常用于对自己所犯过失表示抱歉,而 Excuse me 那么多为表示轻微歉意的客套语。 4.Sir,

