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2023 unit11 教案 _sectionb_1doc 初中英语
Unit 11 What do you think of game shows (Section B) (北京市双榆树中学) [设计思想] 本课的教学目标就是让学生能够运用目标语询问他人对人或事的看法,并能简单表达自己或听懂同伴对人、事的看法或观点。根据本课教学内容和教学对象年龄和心理特征,我采取了一种学生喜闻乐见的课堂活动形式——采访。采访的话题涵盖面广,如:clothes, movies, TV show, food, music, pop movie star, sport etc.学生可以根据自己的兴趣、爱好自选或自定采访话题,而且学生可以自己决定采访问题,这给了学生极大的活动空间。这样安排不仅将新、旧知识有机的结合起来,而且给每个学生提供了自主选择、自主决定学习内容的时机。 本课以完成采访任务为主线,教学过程中将听、说、读、写有机地结合起来。另外,为了缩小学生之间的知识准备方面的差异,也为了使每个学生在活动过程中有成就感,我在课前预习方面做了较为细致的安排,这在很大方面也加强和提高了学生的自学能力。本课将这四个环节有机地结合在一起,让学生有了足够的语言输入之后,能够自信地参与到语言输出活动中,提高每个学生参与的时机和参与能力。 本课组织形式是以小组活动为主。在活动中每个同学都有自己的任务,在小组结果产出时每个同学都必须把自己所知道的信息提供给大家,同时也要认真聆听别人提供的信息,共同完成最后的报告。 [实施方案] 一、教学目标 n 谈论自己对人、事的态度和看法 n 倾听并转述他人对人、事的态度和看法 n 能运用已有的语言知识简单说明理由 二、教学向导 语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇 n What do you think of …..句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式 n 掌握表示装饰的词汇 n 掌握运用love, like, don't mind, can't stand, don't like恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。 n 小组学习:群体思维、互换信息 n 自主学习 n 参照图表 n wallet, hair clip, belt, sunglasses key ring, scarf, n love, don't mind, can't stand 语言结构 语言功能 跨文化学习 n 以What do you think of …为主的询问他人对人或物的态度的问句及其答语, 并能简单陈述理由。 n 谈论自己对人或 物的看法和态度 n 转述他人对人或 事物的态度及看法 n 直接与委婉:中西文化中在表达自己的观点时存在很大差异--我们比较委婉,而西方人那么更直接一些。 三、主题思维图及任务型活动 四、课前准备 1. 将学生分成七组,每组选定本组的话题,可以从以下话题选择,也可自拟话题:Movie, Music, Food, Sports, Clothes, TV show etc. 2. 准备本组话题的相关图片或其它资料。 3. 自学以下单词: hair clip, belt, key ring, sunglasses, scarf, wallet, watch 并设计表格了解 家人对以上物品的态度。运用句型:What do you think of the watch Do you like …… How about….并将调查结果填入下表中。 loves, likes doesn't like doesn't mind can't stand Thing hair clip wallet scarf belt Mother Father Grandma Grandpa 五、教学过程 Steps Teacher's Activity Students' Activity Preparation Warm up Tell them the news: We'll have a Free Talk Show in class.告诉学生班内将要举办“自由论坛〞活动。大家可以就自己喜欢的话题畅所欲言。在论坛过程中我们将用到哪些句型呢? 提示:What's your favorite color/food/….. Do you like…. My favorite movies are …… What/How about you Listen and think about the task Arouse their interests Reflect what have learned Lead in the new words I have some fashionable things. What do you think of my scarf…… Help them to answer: I don't like it./I love it./I don't mind it/I can't stand it. Look and learn Try to answer the questions and try to understand the meanings of the new words Real Objects Task 1: Make a conversation Aim Get to know how to interview other people and how to make a conversation. 1 Give Ss an example of how to interview other people. Play the recorder and check the answers Ss listen and learn from the example. Listen and finish 2a, 2b. Give the answers of 2a, 2b. Tape recorder P76 2a, 2b 2 Ask Ss to interview 3 classmates, give reasons if possible 提示:What do you think of…. Why do you think so (Why) Ss get to know their classmates' answers Handout (Chart 1) 3 Move around the room and give support as needed Finish the table alone and work in pairs PowerPoint 4 Ask pairs of students to show their works Pairs of students show their works OHP 5 Ask several pairs of students to give reports Ss give their reports Task 2: A survey: What do you think of … Aim Get to know each other's attitude to different objects 1 Show Ss how to interview their classmates in groups. For Example: Movie Group What do you think of thrillers/ comedies/… How about you Listen and understand Get ready to interview Handout (阅读提示) 2 Move around the room and give support as needed Finish the table alone and then work in groups PowerPoint 3 Move around the room and give support as needed Change their groups and work in new groups(学生可以选择采访自己感兴趣的话题小组) Handout (根据Model 完成Chart 2) 4 Check the answers and get to know their answers Give answers Task 3: A report -What's/Who's cool Aim Get to know how to write a report 1 Give Ss an example of how to write a report--Read the passage P77 3a Read and finish the table alone Handout (Chart 3) 2 Check the answers Give answers 3 Ask Ss to finish the Ex on P77 3b Check the answers Finish and give answers P77 3b 4 Move around the room and give support as needed Discuss in groups and try to finish the report(根据附表Chart 2 完成报告) Handout (Write a report) Home- work 1. Finish your group report and write it down 2. Do Ex P78 3 附表 Students' Handout Chart 1 Make a conversation Thing Classmate 1 Classmate 2 Classmate 3 hairclip loves, beautiful can't stand Belt Key ring sunglasses wallet scarf A survey (提示) " What do you think of the……" Topics You may ask: (Key words) Movies Kinds of movies, actor, actress….. why Music Kinds of music, singer, group, CD, music piece…..why Food Kinds of food, fruit, vegetable, drinks,…..why Sports Kinds of sports, football player, basketball player…..why Clothes Kinds of clothes, color, size….why TV show Kinds of

