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2023 unit15we retryingtosavethemanatees 教案 新目标 九年级 doc 初中英语
学科:英语 教学内容:We are trying to save the manatees! 直击课标要求 1. 语言目标 Debate an issue 2. 重点词汇 save gentle furry enormous playful aggressive gray spotted African strong mangrove swamp habitat aquatic feed underwater vegetation foot weigh pound against suitable tiny cage educate public urge recycle stuff material pull bottle glue roof discard tile fence can inspiration spare politely environment care for pull down be made from 3. 关键句型 We’re trying to save the manatees! I am like this animal… They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1, 000 pounds. I don’t think so. I disagree with you. Recycling paper is easy. But it’s hard to stop riding in cars. 4. 语法 复习现在进行时,一般现在时,一般过去时及used to的用法,被动语态和现在完成时。 课前学习提示 一、词汇 1. save [seiv]vt. &vi. 抢救, 节省, 储蓄, 顾全。 【例】 (1)The doctors tried their best to save the patient’s life. 大夫们尽力抢救这个病人。 (2)Your kind help saved me a lot of trouble. 你好心的帮助省了我很多麻烦。 (3)Every month they have been trying to save 10 percent out of their monthly pay, so that in time they’ll be able to buy a computer. 他们每月把百分之十的工资储蓄起来,准备买一台。 (4)He said that just to save his face. 他这么说只是为了保全面子。 2. feed [fi: d] n. 饲料,牧草。作动词用表示“喂食物,供给〞等意思。 【例】(1)There is enough feed for the animals. 动物的饲料足够。 (2)He feeds his horse on beans. 他用豆子喂马。 (3)The lake is fed by four big rivers. 有四条大河流入这个湖。 (4)The bird refuses to feed. 这只鸟不肯吃食。 (5)The stream feeds into a pond. 这条小溪流入一个池塘。 3. foot [fut]n. 英尺,脚,脚步,底部,它的复数是feet。它可作动词用。 【例】 (1)She has never set foot on American soil. 她从来没有到过美国。 (2)He has a light foot. 他脚步轻快。 (3)The village lies at the foot of a green hill. 村庄坐落在青葱的小山脚下。 (4)The road is twenty feet long. 这条路有二十英尺长。 (5)We missed the last bus and had to foot it. 我们误了最后一班车,只好步行。 (6)They told me to foot up the account. 他们叫我结账。 (7)He footed the bill for us all. 他替我们大家付了账。 (8)The expenses footed up to four hundred Canadian dollars. 全部费用共计四百加拿大元。 4. weigh [wei]vt. & vi. 称……重量,考虑,重压,有影响等。它的名词是weight。 【例】 (1)She weighed two apples in her hand and gave me the bigger one. 她用手掂量两个苹果,把大一点的给了我。 (2)Young people sometimes do things before weighing the consequences. 青年人办事有时不考虑后果。 (3)The branches of the apple tree were weighed down by the fruit. 苹果树的枝子被果实压弯了。 (4)The airplane weighs five tons unloaded. 这架飞机不载货时重五吨。 (5)Your eloquence will not weigh with us. 你的雄辩不会对我们起什么作用。 (6)Her illness weighed on her husband’s mind. 她的病使他丈夫心情沉重。 (7)Vegetables are sold by weight. 蔬菜是按重量卖的。 (8)Her success in the examination was a great weight off her father’s mind. 她考试及格,使父亲心头如释重负。 (9)It has some weight with me. 此事对我有一点影响。 5. pull[pul]vt. &vi. 拉, 牵, 拔, 吸引。可作名词用,它的反义词是push。 【例】(1)She pulled the door open. 她拉开了门。 (2)I pulled at the handle but the door didn’t open. 我拉了一下把手,但没有把门拉开。 (3)They vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves. 他们相互争着为自己多拉选票。 (4)He took a pull at the bottle. 他从瓶里喝了一大口酒。 (5)It was a long pull along the Great Wall to the beacon tower on the peak. 还要沿着长城爬很长一段路,才能爬到顶峰的烽火台。 (6)A good education gives a man a great pull. 良好的教育能给人带来莫大的好处。 (7)Why do you push against me 你为什么推我? (8)The strikers pushed for higher wages. 罢工者争取提高工资。 6. discard [dis′ka: d] vt. 丢弃,放弃。 【例】 (1)He discarded the old dictionary for a new one. 他丢弃了旧字典,换上新的。 (2)Such die-hards will be discard by history. 这种顽固分子会被历史所抛弃。 (3)We should discard the dross and select the essential. 我们应该去粗取精。 7. can[kn]n. 罐头。作动词用表示“装罐头〞,此外它可作情态动词用,后跟动词原形。 【例】(1)He bought two cans for his daughter. 他给女儿买了二听罐头。 (2)Turtle meat is canned and sold as a delicacy. 甲鱼肉被制成罐头作为美食出售。 (3)He can sing and play the piano at the same time. 他能边弹钢琴边唱歌。 (4)What he said can be true. 他说的可能是真的。 (5)You can’t say such things to a friend. 你不可以对朋友说这种话。 8. environment [in′vairnmnt]n. 环境 【例】 (1) They live in a quiet environment. 他们住在安静的环境里。 (2)We must protect our environment. 我们必须保护环境。 (3)This is a true story of man’s struggle with his environment. 这是个人类与环境作斗争的真实的故事。 二、交际用语 1. 形容事物的大小、长宽等 How big are manatees They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1, 000 pounds. 2. 表示赞同或不赞同 I don’t think so. I disagree with you. I agree with you. 3. 表示像似或喜欢 I’m like the animal… You’re like an elephant. You’re like a manatee. I like to eat vegetables. 三、语法 本单元主要是复习几种时态和被动语态,这几种时态和语态在前面已分别作了说明,这里不再重述,仅举几例加以稳固。 1. 现在进行时 【例】(1)We’re waiting for you. 我们在等你。 【例】(2)Are you feeling better now 你现在好点了吗? 2. 一般现在时 【例】 (1)He goes to school every day except Sunday. 除星期天他每天都上学。 (2)Marx is a great man. 马克思是个伟人。 (3)The old man said the sun rises in the east. 那老人说太阳从东方升起。 3. 一般过去时及used to 的用法 【例】 (1)I stayed there for two days. 我在那儿住了两天。 (2)Tom joined the army in 1994. 汤姆1994年参了军。 (3)We used to swim every day. 我们曾每天游泳。 (4)They used to have four meals a day. 他们过去每天吃四餐。 4. 被动语态的用法 【例】 (1)A thief has been caught by them. 一个小偷被他们抓住了。 (2)His homework was being done. 他在做作业。 (3)A

