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外贸 加工 合同
外贸加工合同 This Cntract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree t buy and the Sellers agree t sell the under mentined cmmdity accrding t the terms and cnditins stipulated belw: 买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议: 1. CMMDITY: Item N. Descriptin 名称及规格 Unit 单位 Qty 数量 Unit Price (FB Chngqing) ($)单价 Amunt (FB Chngqing) ($)总价 1 Muld f Plugh VD0 and VD00 Sets 14847.364847.36 2 Muld f Furrwer AE0 and AE1 Sets 12371.942371.94 Muld TTAL VALUE:US $7219.3(Say U.S. Dllars Seven Thusand Tw Hundred And Nineteen Pint Three nly) 3 Plugh VD0 Sets accrding t rder 37.36 accrding t rder 4 Plugh VD00 Sets accrding t rder 35.36 accrding t rder 5 Furrwer AE0 withut SGC93 Sets accrding t rder 6.90 accrding t rder 6 SGC93 Sets accrding t rder 3.67 accrding t rder 7 Furrwer AE1 Sets accrding t rder 11.50 accrding t rder TTAL VALUE:US $ accrding t rder(Say U.S. Dllars accrding t rder nly) ther terms 1: In the future, if the steel flating price will change n mre than ±5%, the qutatin is n change; if the steel flating pricre than ±5%, the price be fied by thrugh negtiatin by bth sides. The table belw list the steel price nw. 附1:如果卖方国内市场钢材价格浮动小于或等于±5%,以上产品价格不作变动;如果钢材价格浮动大于±5%,由买卖双方协商价格变动幅度。以下列出所用主要钢材现行价格: Q2350.56δ3δ10 65MN 0.85δ4δ15 450.74δ5φ14 δ20.64δ6φ22 ther terms 2: In the future, if the current RMB price f the US dllar will change between 7.5~7.7, the qutatin is n change; if the current RMB price f the US dllar will change eceed 7.5~7.7, the price be fied by thrugh negtiatin by bth sides. 附2:如果人民币与美圆汇率在7.5~7.7区间浮动,以上产品价格不作变动;如果汇率浮动超过此区间,由买卖双方协商价格变动幅度。 2. CUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS: 原产国及制造商: China Chngqing Sania Machinery Factry 重庆市北碚三峡机械厂 3. PACKING: VD0 and VD00: In steel shelf 钢架包装 AE0 and AE1:In cartns with Ribas’s brand.带Ribas商标的纸板箱包装 4. SHIPPING MARK: At Buyer’s ptin 买方选定 5. TIME F SHIPMENT(装运期): pen mulds and deliver samples: within 80 days after receipt f T/T 开模具及送样:卖方收到外汇现金80天内送样 Frmal rder: After buyers cnfirm sample and then cnfirm rder, within sme days after receipt f T/T, t cnfirm times accrding t rder. 正式定单:在买方确认样品及正式定单后,卖方收到外汇现金一定时间内装运,具体时间根据订单确定。 6. PRT F SHIPMENT(装运港): Chngqing ,China 7. PRT F DESTINATIN(目的港):Barcelna , Spain 8. INSURANCE(保险):T be cvered by buyers fr % invice value against All Risks. 9. PAYMENT(付款方式): T/T % 外汇现金结算付款,买方给卖方开出%外汇现金T/T。 Sellers’s Bank infrmatin: 卖方银行资料: 10. SHIPMENT: The Sellers shall ship the gds within the shipment time frm the prt f shipment t the destinatin. Transshipment is allwed. Partial shipment is nt allwed.运输:卖方应于交货期内将合同货物从装货港运到目的港,不许分批,允许转运。 11. SHIPPING ADVICE: The sellers shall, immediately upn the cmpletin f the lading f the gds, advise by fa the buyers f the Cntract N., cmmdity, quantity, inviced value, grss weight, name f vessel and date f delivery etc. In case due t the sellers nt having faed in time, all lsses caused shall be brne by the sellers. 装运通知:卖方应于装货后,立即用传真将有关合同号、货物、数量、发票价值、毛重、运输工具名称、交货日期、货物预计抵达日等资料通知买方。如果由于卖方未能通知买方而造成的所有损失均由卖方承担。 12. GUARANTEE F QUALITY: The Sellers guarantee that the Cmmdity heref is made f the best materials with first class wrkmanship, brand new and unused, and cmplies in all respects with the quality and specificatin stipulated in this Cntract. 质量保证:卖方保证合同货物采用比较好的材料、精湛的做工、全新、未使用过、质量和技术规格均符合合同的要求。 13. CLAIMS: Damages ccur in the curse f peratin by reasn f inferir quality, bad wrkmanship r the use f inferir materials, the Buyers shall immediately ntify the Sellers in writing and put frward a claim supprted by Inspectin Certificate issued by the State Administratin fr Entry-Eit Inspectin and Quarantine f P.R.C..The Certificate s issued shall be accepted as the base f a claim. The Sellers, in accrdance with the Buyers' claim shall be respnsible fr the immediate eliminatin f the defect(s), cmplete r partial replacement f the cmmdity r shall devaluate the cmmdity accrding t the state f defect(s),. If the Sellers fail t answer the Buyers within ne mnth after receipt f the afresaid claim, the claim shall be reckned as having been accepted by the Sellers. 索赔:由于货物内在某个单位的质量、差的做工、选材不当而造成操作中的货物损坏,买方应立即书面通知卖方,并同时随附中国商检局出具的检验报告作为索赔依据。卖方在接到买方的索赔后,有责任立即解决相应的质量问题、全部或部分地替换货物或根据货物损坏的程度进行折价;如果卖方在收到买方的上述索赔后一个月内未能作出答复,则视为索赔已为卖方所接受。 14. FRCE MAJEURE: The Sellers shall nt be held respnsible fr the delay in shipment r nn-delivery f the gds due t Frce Majeure, which might ccur during the prcess f manufacturing r in the curse f lading r transit. The Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately f the ccurrence mentined abve and within furteen days thereafter, the Sellers shall send by airmail t the Buyers fr their acceptance a certificate f the accident issued by the Cmpetent Gvernment Authrities where the accident ccurs as evidence theref. Under such circumstances the Sellers, hwever, are still under the bligatin t take all necessary measures t hasten the delivery f the gds. 不可抗力:对于制造或装船运输过程中可能产生的不可抗力而造成的迟交货或不能交货,卖方可以不承担责任。卖方应立即在不可抗力产生的十四日内将有关情况通知买方,并且卖方应用航空邮件将有关政府当局部门出具的证明不可抗力产生的文件寄送给买方。在此情况下,卖方仍

