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国际 专利 许可 合同 英文
国际专利许可合同英文版 patent license cntract (国际专利许可合同) cnclusin date: cnclusin place: inde article 1 defininitins article 9 guarantees and claims article 2 scpe f the cntract article 10cnfidentiality article 3 price f the cntract article 11infringements article 4 cnditins f payment article 12 taes andduties articfe 5 technical service and training article 13 frcemajeure article 6 technical dcumentatin article 14 arbitratin article 7 verificatin and acceptance article 15 app1icable law article 8 technical imprvement article 16 duratin appendis 1 name, cntent f patent dcuments and applicatin f the patents appendi 2 mdels, specificatins and technical lndices f the cntract prduct appendi 3 the starting date and cunting methds f ryalty appendi 4 the cntent and methd f licensrs auditing appendi 5 training f party as persnnel appendi 6 technical service r specialist send by party b appendi 7 verificatin and acceptance f the cntract prduct this cntract made n day f,by and be-tween ,rganized and eisting under the laws f the peples republic f china. with rehistered ffice at (hereinafter referred t as party a) f the first part and ,rganized and eisting under the laws f ,with its principal ffice at. whereas the patent right which said in the cntract s wned by party b. whereas party b has the right and agreed t grant paryt a the rights t use, manufac-ture and sell the cntract prducts f the ppatented technlgy; whereas party a hpe t use the patented technlgy f party b t manufacture and sell bth parties authrized representatives, thrugh friendly negtiatin, have agree t en-ter int this cntract under the ertms as stipulated belw; artide 1 definitins fr the purpse f this cntract, the fllwing terms have the fllwing meanings; 1.1.patented technlgymeans thse letters patent, and applicatins therefr presently wned r hereafter acquired by party b and/r which party bhas r may have the rigt t cntrl r grant license theref during the term heref in any r all cuntries f the wrld and which are applicable t r may be used in the manufacture ntract prductsmians the prducts described in appendis2 anneed heret, t-gether with all imprvements and mdificatins theref r develpments with respect 1.3. patty ameans. r his legal representative, agent and inhetitr t theprperty f the cmpany. 1.4. party b means,r his legal representative,agent and inheritr, t the prperty f the cmpany. 1.5. the cntraet factry means the place which party party a manufactures the cntract prducts. that is. 1.6.spare p`menas replacement parts fr cntract prducts r fr any part there-f. 1.7. cmpnentsmeans thse cmpnents and parts f cntruct prduets which par-ty b has agreed r may frm time t time agree in writing t permit party a t manufacture 1.8. technical dcumentsmeane engineering, manufacturing and riginating 1.9 net selling price menans remaining amunt f invice value f the 1.l0 the date f cming int effect f the cntractmeans the date f raificatin article2 scpe f the cntract 2.1. party a agrees t acquire frm party b and party b agrees t transfer t party a 2.2 party b grants party a the nn-eclusive right t design and manufacture 2.3 party b shall be respnsible t prvide party a with dcuments relevant t the 2.4 the cntract des nt cver the patented technlgy fr the parts frm ther 2.5 party b shall be respnsible fr the training f party as technicl persnnel 2.6 party b is bliged t send at its wn epense technical persnnel t party as fact-ry fr technical service (details as per appendi 6 t the cntract). 2.7 if it is required by party a. pafrty b shall be under an bligatin t prvide party aat the mst favurable price wity parts, accessries, raw materials, fittings, 2.8 party b grants party a the rignt t use party bs trade mark, and use the 3.1 price f the cntract shall be calculated n ryalty in accrdance with the 3.2 ryalty under the cntract shall be pnths after the the date 3.3 ryalty at the rate f%(percent ) shall be calcuated in 3.4 the reprt f the selling quantity, net selling amunt f the cntract prducts 3.5 the cntract prducts sld by party a pursuant t the patent license herein granted shall be deemed t have been sld when paid fr. 3.6 if the cntract prducts are returned r allwances made theren after the ryalty 3.7 if party b demand t audit the accunts f party a,it shall ntice party a within 3.4 f the cntract.the speeific cntent and prcedure f auditing accunts are 4.1 ryalty stipulated in sectin 3 t the cntract shall be effected by party a t 4.2 party b shall immediately issue the related dcuments fter receiving the written a. fur cpies f the statement n calculatin f the ryalty; b. fur cpies f the cmmercial invice; c. tw cpies f the sight draft. 4.3 party a shall have the right t deduct frm any f the abve mentined payment the ppenalties and/r cmpensatins which party b shall pay in accrdance with the stipulatins fthe cntract. articie 5 technical service and training 5.1 technicgl service 5.1. l during the validity perid f

