合同解除及解除后赔偿问题研究分析 合同管理专业.doc






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合同解除及解除后赔偿问题研究分析 合同管理专业 合同 解除 赔偿 问题 研究 分析 管理 专业
合同解除及解除后赔偿问题研究 Study on Compensation after Contract Cancellation and Cancellation 摘 要 本文主要对合同解除及解除后赔偿问题进行研究,所谓合同解除,是指签订合同的双方当事人,由于在合同履行过程中出现意外情况或者产生对合同履行不利的其他因素,从而达到了合同解除的条件而不得不解除合同的过程,而合同解除制度正是基于双方当事人中的其中一方,或者通过双方的协调,达到合同解除的条件而不得不中止合同履行的制度。损害赔偿则是合同双方中的一方侵害另一方的合法权益,并造成另一方受到经济等各方面的损失,另一方有权要求侵害方对其进行赔偿,我国的《民法通则》中也将合同解除制度与赔偿请求权并列在一起,这也就意味着合同双方当事人其中一方受到侵害时,被侵害方不仅可以要求解除合同,同时还可以进行对应的赔偿诉求。在本文的研究过程中,考虑到不同合同类型的具体解除和赔偿的差异,按照物形合同和服务性合同进行区分,并且在服务性合同中,又按照一时性和继续性合同进行研究,研究具体合同类型的解除制度与赔偿制度存在的不足,并且通过对比研究的方法,对比国外法典合同解除制度与赔偿制度的实践经验,针对性的提出完善不同类型解除制度与赔偿制度的建议和对策。 在本文的研究过程中,按照“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”的研究思路,首先在提出问题阶段,详细的提出了不同类型合同在解除和赔偿方面的特点和不同,在分析问题阶段,首先针对合同的解除和赔偿问题制度的不足进行分析,然后利用对比分析的方法,对比分析了国外在合同的解除和赔偿制度方面的经验,在解决问题阶段,针对上文概括的当前我国合同解除和赔偿制度的不足,论述了完善合同的解除和赔偿制度的对策和建议,进而验证本文提出的研究问题。 本文的研究就是针对当前研究的不足,对合同解除及解除后赔偿问题进行了研究,同时还按照合同类型,分别讨论了物形合同、一时性服务合同和继续性服务合同在解除和赔偿方面的差异,针对不同的合同类型探讨了合同解除及解除后赔偿问题完善建议。因此,本文的研究在选题方面和研究视角方面都具有一定的创新性。 关键词:物形合同;赔偿;大陆法系;英美法系;最小容忍原则 Abstract This paper mainly studies the issue of study on compensation after contract cancellation and cancellation. The so-called termination of a contract refers to the process in which both parties to a contract have to cancel the contract because of unforeseen circumstances or other factors that are unfavorable to the performance of the contract during the performance of the contract, thus meeting the conditions for the termination of the contract. The system of rescission of contract is based on one of the two parties, or through the coordination of both parties, it has to suspend the performance of the contract. The compensation for damages is that one of the parties to the contract infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the other party and causes the other party to suffer economic losses, and the other party has the right to demand compensation from the aggrieved party. Then the system of rescission of the contract and the right of claim for compensation are juxtaposed in,which means that one of the parties to the contract is infringed, the aggrieved party can not only demand the rescission of the contract, but also make the corresponding claim for compensation. In the course of this paper, taking into account the difference of specific lifting and compensation of different contract types, it is divided according to the contract of goods and service contract, and in accordance with the temporary and continuing contracts to study the specific types of contracts unfair contract cancellation system and the existence of compensation system, and through comparative research methods, comparative foreign law contract cancellation system and compensation system of practical experience. Targeted to improve the different types of lifting system and compensation system recommendations and countermeasures. In the course of this study, according to the problem of problem-analysis problem-solving problem, first we analyze the characteristics and differences of different types of contracts in the process of solving the problem, and in the analysis of the problem stage. The paper analyzes the shortcomings of the unfair contract and the compensation system. At the stage of solving the problem, the author analyzes the current situation of the unfair contract including cancellation and compensation system, discusses the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the system of lifting and compensation of unfair contracts, and then validates the research questions proposed in this paper. This paper studies the shortcomings of the current research, not only for the unfair contract relief and compensation system were studied, but also in accordance with the type of contract, respectively, discussed the material contract, temporary service contracts and continuing service contracts in the lifting and compensation The difference between the different types of contracts to discuss the unfair contract relief and compensation system to improve the proposal. Therefore, the research of this paper has some innovation in terms of topic and research perspective. Key words: Material contract;Compensation;Civil law system;Anglo-American law System;Minimum tolerance principle 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 问题的提出 1 1.2 研究背景 2 1.3 研究意义 2 1.4 国内外研究现状 3 1.5 研究方法及主要内容 6 1.5.1研究方法 6 1.5.1主要内容 7 第2章 不同类型合同的特点 8 2.1 物形合同与服务性合同的特点和差异 8 2.2 一时性合同与继续性合同的特点和差异 8 2.3 不同类型合同解除与赔偿的特点和差异 10 第3章 不同类型合同解除与赔偿制度的不足 13 3.1 物形合同解除与赔偿制度的不足 13 3.2 一时性服务合同解除与赔偿制度的不足 14 3.3 继续性服务合同解除与赔偿制度的不足 15 第4章 国外合同解除损害赔偿制度及对我国立法的借鉴 18 4.1 大陆法系中合同解除损害赔偿制度 18 4.2 英美法系中合同解除损害赔偿制度 19 4.3 两大法系合同解除损害赔偿制度的竞争与妥协 21 4.4 启示与借鉴 22 第5章 完善各类合同解除损害赔偿制度的建议 24 5.1 针对物形合同解除与赔偿制度的建议 24 5.2 针对一时性服务合同解除与赔偿制度的建议 26 5.4 利用最小容忍原则处理主观恶意的建议 31 结 论 33 致 谢 34 参考文献 35 作者简介 37 攻读硕士学位期间研究成果 38 第1章 绪论 1.1 问题的提出 法律的初衷就是为了维护当事人的合法权益,它与社会上其他非法律规范一样,其作用都在于规范,引导,更正当事人的错误行为。在合同法中合同解除与赔偿法律制度作为其中重要一环,因此合同解除与赔偿成为笔者选择该课题研究主要原因。 我国的《民法通则》中已经对损害赔偿的进行了明确的划分,除了对损害方所作的强制处罚规定外,还要求对被损害方的

