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关于 借款 合同 英文
关于借款合同英文 贷款方(lender) 身份证件号码(id number.) 地址(address) 电话(tel) 借款方(brrwer) 法定代表人(representative) 职务(title) 地址(address) 电话(tel) 借款方是一家从事生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(砂石品业务)的公司: the brrwer perates manufacture and sale f the spray-stne (the stne business); 借款方因生产经营需要,向贷款方借款。双方本着互惠互利的目的,友好协商,特制订本合同。 fr its prductin and peratin, the brrwer intends t brrw mney frm the lender. fr the mutual benefits, bth parties agree t cnclude this cntract. 第一条借款金额 article 1 amunt f lan 借款金额280,000美元(大写:贰拾捌万美元) us$280,000(capital letter: tw hundred eighty thusand us dllars) 贷款方在签订本书面合同之前,已向借款方提供280,000美元贷款。借款方在此确认已经收到贷款方通过银行转账方式提供的280,000美元贷款。 the lender agrees t advance the lan us$280,000 t the brrwer prir t the signing f this cntract. the brrwer hereby cnfirms that it has received the lan us$280,000 advanced by the lender thrugh bank transfer. 第二条借款用途article 2 scpe fr use 本合同所约定的贷款仅用于借款方生产销售砂石品业务,不得挪作它用。 the lan heref is nly fr brrwers stne business and shall nt be apprpriated fr ther use. 第三条利率及还款期article 3 interest and term repayment 1.如果借款方在合同约定的还期限内还清借款,贷款方则不收取借款利息。 the lender agrees that n interest will be payable n the lan fr the term f the lan while the brrwer is nt in default f repayment. 2.借款方应按照以下还款期向贷款方偿还借款: the brrwer agrees t repay the lan t the lender in accrdance with the fllwing repayment schedule: 在本合同签订之日起十二个月内偿还借款美元; repayment due n r befre the date 12 mnths frm the date f this agreement. 在本合同签订之日起二十四个月内偿还借款美元; repayment due n r befre the date 24 mnths frm the date f this agreement. 在合同签订之日起三十六个月内偿还借款美元。 repayment due n r befre the date 36 mnths frm the date f this agreement. 3.借款方应根据贷款方合理要求的时间、场所和方式还款。 all repayments shall be made at the time and place and in the manner reasnably required by the lender. 第四条管理费用article 4 management fee 1.借款方同意在借款期内,向贷款方支付管理费用,管理费用的金额为借款方砂石品业务销售总额.%. the brrwer agrees t pay t the lender a sum equivalent t .% f the ttal incme received by the brrwer, frm the sales turnver f the stne business, during the term f the lan. 2.借款方同意按第4.3条约定自每一财务季度结束之日起三十日内向贷款方支付管理费用,付款时间表如下: subject t clause 4.3 the brrwer agrees t pay the management fee t the lender in arrears n r befre the date 30 days fllwing the end f the previus financial quarter in accrdance with the fllwing payment schedule: 每年一月一日至三月三十一日期间的管理费用; management fee calculated fr the perid 1 january ndash;31 march each year. 每年四月一日至六月三十日期间的管理费用; management fee calculated fr the perid 1 april ndash;30 june each year. 每年七月一日至九月三十日期间的管理费用; management fee calculated fr the perid 1 july ndash;30 september each year. 每年十月一日至十二月三十一日期间的管理费用。 management fee calculated fr the perid 1 ctber ndash;31 december each year. 3.本合同签订之日起的首个季度管理费用自某年某月某日起正式开始计算。 management fee due in respect f the financial quarter within which the date f this agreement falls will nly becme due n the date f . 4.如果借款方在本合同签订之日起两年内提前还清借款280,000美元,借款方支付管理费用的义务自合同签订之日起两年后终止。 in case the brrwer repays the lan us$280,000 within 2 years frm the date f this agreement then the bligatin t pay the management fee will cease at the end f the 2 year perid. 第五条浮动抵押 article 5 flating mrtgage 1.借款方以其现有的和将来拥有的生产设备、原材料、成品和半成品向贷款方提供抵押。 the brrwer agrees t mrtgage t the lender all equipments, raw materials, finished and unfinished gds wned nw and in the future by the brrwer. 2.《抵押物清单》对抵押物价值的约定,并不作为贷款方依本合同对抵押物进行处分的估价依据,也不构成贷款方行使抵押权的任何限制。 the value f the mrtgaged prperties stipulated in the shall neither be deemed as the price f sale nr as any limit n the mrtgagees right, while the lender eercises its right. 3.抵押物的相关有效证明和资料由当事人确认封存后,由借款方交与贷款方保管,但法律法规另有规定的除外。 subject t any the laws and regulatins, any infrmatin and certificatins in respect f the mrtgaged prperties shall be handed ver by the brrwer t the lender after sealed. 4.浮动抵押担保的范围为本金、利息、管理费、违约金、赔偿金以及实现债权所发生的一切费用,包括但不限于诉讼费、公证费、仲裁费、律师费、财产保全费、差旅费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费等。 the flating mrtgage heref secures the principal, interests, management fees, cmpensatin, and any ther cst arising frm the enfrcement f the lenders right pursuant t this cntract, including but withut limitatin curt fee, cst fr ntarizatin, arbitratin fee, attrney fee, fee fr custdy, traveling epense, cmpulsry eecutin fee, assessment fee and auctin fee. 5.借款方应自本合同签订之日起三十日内向有关部门办理本合同的审批、备案和登记等事宜,所产生的费用由借款方承担。 the brrwer shall apply fr administrative apprval, recrd-keeping and registratin n its wn fee in thirty days frm the signing f this cntract. 6.借款方应当合理使用和妥善保管抵押物,如抵押物的价值比本合同签订时的评估价减少%以上的,借款方应当在三日内通知贷款方。贷款方有权要求借款方继续提供相应担保或者提前还款。 the brrwer shall use and keep the mrtgaged prperties in a reasnable manner, in case the value f the mrtgaged prperties have been reduced by % frm the agreed value at the date f signing this cntract, the brrwer shall infrm the lender. the lender is entitled t require the brrwer fr apprpriate securities r fr repayment immediately. 7.贷款方在借款方发生以下情形之一时,可以行使抵押权: the lender is entitled t eercise its mrtgagees right, in the fllwing cases: (1)借款方违反本合同所约定的义务; the brrwer is in default f its bligatin heref; (2)经营情况严重恶化、减少

