借款合同范本 英文.docx






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借款合同范本 英文 借款 合同范本
借款合同范本英文 借款合同范本英文一: This Agreement is made in Haidian District,(Placename)n ,,(M,D,Y) amng the fllwing parties: AAA (Passprt N.:); BBB (ID N.:); CCC (ID N.:); DDD (ID N.:); EEE (ID N.:); FFF (ID N.:); and HHH C., Ltd., with fficial address being:(Address)hereinafter HHH). Whereas: A. III entered int a three-year term lan agreement with HHH n ,,(M,D,Y). Pursuant t the said lan Agreement, III has brrwed RMB frm HHH t invest in the establishment f JJJ C., Ltd. (hereinafter JJJ Cmpany). B. BBB entered int a three-year term lan agreement with HHH n ,,(M,D,Y). Pursuant t the said lan agreement, BBB has brrwed RMB frm HHH t invest in the establishment f the JJJ Cmpany. C. The JJJ Cmpany was % wned by III and % wned by BBB right after its establishment. D. III entered int the share transfer agreement n ,,(M,D,Y) with each f AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF. Pursuant t the said share transfer agreements, III has transferred % f the shares f the JJJ Cmpany t AAA and % f the shares f the JJJ Cmpany t each f CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF. E. A debt transfer and assumptin agreement was entered int n ,,(M,D,Y) amng III, AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE, FFF and HHH. Pursuant t the said debt transfer and assumptin agreement, III has transferred his repayment bligatin under the afrementined lan agreement with HHH t AAA, CCC, DDD, EEE, and FFF; AAA has assumed RMB lan bligatin frm III and each f CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF has assumed RMBlan bligatin frm III. F. As f the date f this Agreement, each f AAA and BBB wns % f the shares f the JJJ Cmpany and each f CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF wns % f the shares f the JJJ Cmpany. T maintain their interest in the JJJ Cmpany, each f AAA and BBB wes HHH RMB and each f CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF wes HHH RMB. Therefre, the parties agree t the fllwing regarding the repayment f lan frm each f AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF t HHH: 1. Repayment f Lan 1.1 HHH has the right t request each f AAA, BBB, CCC, DDD, EEE and FFF (each hereinafter the brrwing party) t transfer his/her interest in the JJJ Cmpany t HHH r any persn specified by HHH at any time; prvided that such transfer will nt be in vilatin f PRC laws and regulatins. 1.2 The brrwing party shall eecute all necessary dcuments relating t the transfer f the interest in the JJJ Cmpany within three days fllwing the receipt f the transfer request frm HHH and shall cperate with the designated transferee t cmplete all the prcedures relating t the transfer f the interest in the JJJ Cmpany. 1.3 Shuld the brrwing party transfer part f his/her interest in the JJJ Cmpany t HHH r the persn specified by HHH under HHH request, the brrwing party shall be viewed as having repaid the amunt f the lan as calculated in accrdance with the fllwing frmula: =T(multiplicatin symbl)(A degrees(divisin symbl)B). means the amunt f the lan deemed repaid, T means the ttal amunt f the lan, A means the number f shares f the JJJ Cmpany being transferred t HHH r the persn specified by HHH, and B means the ttal number f the shares f the JJJ Cmpany held by the brrwing party. 1.4 HHH agrees that the brrwing partys fulfillment f the bligatin t transfer his/her full interest in the JJJ Cmpany t HHH r the persn specified by HHH shall be viewed as having repaid all f his/her lan. 1.5 Unless with the written cnsent f the brrwing party, HHH shall nt request the brrwing party t repay his/her lan in any frm ther than the transfer f the interest f the JJJ Cmpany. 1.6 Unless with the written cnsent f the HHH, the brrwing party shall nt transfer any f his/her interest in the JJJ Cmpany t any third party. 1.7 The parties, n the basis f equality, mutual benefit and bth faith and thrugh friendly negtiatins, shall determine the methd f the repayment if the brrwing party, under the PRC laws and regulatins, is nt able t transfer his/her interest in the JJJ Cmpany t HHH r the persn specified by HHH. 2. Effective and Miscellaneus 2.1 This Agreement ges int effect as f the date f signature by the parties. 2.2 Shuld there is any cnflict between this Agreement and any ther prir agreements r arrangements amng the parties, the terms f this Agreement shall prevail. 2.3 This Agreement has seven riginal cpies with equal legal frce and each t be held by ne party. 2.4 Matters uncvered by this Agreement may be separately discussed and decided by the parties. This Agreement is riginally written in Chinese and this is an English translatin. 借款合同范本英文二: 借款人: brrwer: 贷款人: lender: 抵押人: mrtgagr: 保证人: surety : 出质人: pledger: 为明确各方权利和义务,根据《合同法》、《贷款通则》和其他有关法律、法规,订立本合同。 this cntract is made in line with the cntract law f the peples republic f china and the general prvisins f lans f the peples bank f china t specify the rights and bligatins f parties invlved. 借贷条款 lan brrwing clause 第一条借款金额。见36.1 article 1. amunt f lan: refer t 36.1 第二条借款用途。见36.2 article 2. purpse f lan: refer t 36.2 第三条借款期限。 article 3. life f lan 3.1见36.3。 3.1 refer t 36.3 3.2借据或贷款凭证是本合同不可分割的组成部分。借款的实际放款日和还款日以借款 人、贷款人双方办理的借据或凭证上所记载的日期

