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2021 年中 英文 合同
2021年中英文合同(4篇) 合同编号: cntract n: 签订日期: date: 签订地点: signed at : 电话: tel: 传真: fa: 电报: cable: 电传: tele: 电话: tel: 传真: fa: 电报: cable: 电传: tele: 经买双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同: the undersigned sellers and buyers have cnfirmed this cntract in accrdance with the terms and cnditins stipulated belw : 1.货号 art n.名称及规格 descriptins 单位 unit 数量 quantity 单价 unit price 金额 amunt 合计: ttally: 总值(大写): ttal value:(in wrds) 允许溢短% % mre r less in quantity and value allwed. 2.成交价格术语:□ fb □ cfr □ cif □ ddu □ terms: 3.包装: packing: 4.装运唛头: shipping marks: 5.运输起讫:由经到 shipmentfrmt 6.转运:□允许□不允许;分批装运:□允许□不允许 tran shipment:□ allwed □ nt allwed partial shipments:□allwed □ nt allwed 7.装运期: shipment date: 8.保险:由按发票金额%投保险,另加保险至为止。 insurance : t be cvered by the fr % f the ivering additinal frm t 9.付款条件: terms f payment: □买方不迟于年月日前将%的货款用即期汇票/电汇送抵卖方。 the buyers shall pay % f the sales prceeds thrugh sight(demand)draft/by t/t remittance t the sellers nt later than □买方须于年月日前通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销天期信用证,并注明在上述装运日期后天在中国议讨有效,信用证须注明合同编号。 the buyers shall issue an irrevcable l/c at sight thrugh in favur f the sellers prir t indicating l/c shall be valid in china thrugh negtiatin within day after the shipment effected , the l/c must mentin the cntract number. □付款交单:买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后天付款跟单汇票,付款时交单。 dcuments against payment:(d/p) the buyers shall duly make the payment against dcumentary draft made ut t the buyers at sight by the sellers. □承兑交单:买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后天承兑跟单汇票,承兑时交单。 dcuments against acceptance(d/a) the buyers shall duly accept the dcumentary draft made ut t the buyers at days by the sells. □ 10.单据:卖给方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收。 dcuments require:the sellers shall present the fllwing dcuments required fr negtiatin/cllectin t the banks. □整套正本清洁提单。 full set f clean n bard cean bills f lading. □商业发票一式份。 signed cmmercial invice incpies. □装箱单或重量单一式份。 packing list/weight mem in cpies. □由签发的质量与数量证明书一式份。 certificate f quantity and quality in cpies issued by □保险单一式份。 □insurance plicy in cpies. □由签发的产地证一式份。 certificate f rigin in cpies issued by □ 11.装运通知:一俟装运完毕,卖方应即电告买方合同号、品名、已装载数量,发票总金额,毛重,运输工具名称及启运日期等。 shipping advice : the sellers shall immediately , upn the cmpletin f the lading f the gds , advise the buyers f the cntract n , names f cmmdity , laded quantity , invice values , grss weight , names f vessel and shipment date by tl/fa. 12.检验与索赔: inspectin and claims: ①卖方在发货前由检验机构对货物的品质、规格和数量进行检验,并出具检验证明书。 the buyers shall have the qualities , specificatins , quantities f the gds carefully inspected by the inspectin authrity , which shall issue inspectin certificate befre shipment. ②货物到达目的口岸后,买方可委托当地的商品检验机构对货物进行复检。如果发现货物有损坏、残缺或规格、数量与合同规定不符,买方须于货到目的口岸的天内凭检验机构出具的检验证明书向卖方索赔。 the buyers have right t have the gds inspected dity inspectin authrity after the arrival f the gds at the prt f destinatin. if the gds are fund damaged / shrt / their specificatins and quantities nt in cmpliance with that specified in the cntract, the buyers shall ldge claims against the sellers based n the inspectin certificate issued by the cmmdity inspectin authrity within days after the gds arrival at the destinatin. ③如买方提供索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起天提出;凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起天提出。对所装货物所提任何异议应由保险公司、运输公司或邮递机构负责的,卖方不负任何责任。 the claims , if any regarding t the quality f the gds shall be ldged within days after arrival f the gds at the destinatin , if any regarding t the quantities f the gds , shall be ldged within days after arrival f the gds at the destinatin . the sellers shall nt take any respnsibility if any claims cncerning the shipping gds is up t the respnsibility f insurance cmpany / transprtatin cmpany /pst ffice. 13.人力不可抗拒:如因人力不可抗拒的原因造成本合同全部或部分不能履约,卖方概不负责,但卖方应将上述发生的情况立马通知买方。 frce majeure : the sellers shall nt hld any respnsibility fr partial r ttal nn-perfrmance f this cntract due t frce majeure . but the sellers shall advise the buyers n times f such ccurrence. 14.争议之解决方式: disputes settlement : □任何因本合同而发生或与本合同有关的争议,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁地点在中国深圳。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 all disputes arising ut f the cntract r in cnnectin with the cntract , shall be submitted t the china internatinal ecnmic and trade arbitratin cmmissin fr arbitratin in accrdance with its rules f arbitratin in shenzhen , china . the arbitral award is final and binding upn bth parties. □ 15.法律适用 law applicatin : 本合同之签订地、或发生争议时货物所在地在中华人民共和国境内或被诉人为中国法人的,适用中华人民共和国法律,除此规定外,适用《联合国国际货物销售公约》。 it will be gverned by the law f the peple’s republic f china under the circumstances that the cntract is singed r the gds while the disputes arising are in the peple’s republic f china r the deffendant is chinese legal persn , therwise it is gverned by united natins cnventin n cntract fr the internatinal sale f gds . 本合同使用的fb、cfr、cif、ddu 术语系根据国际商会《incterms 1990》 16.文:本合同中、英两种文具有同等法律效力,在文解释上,若有异议,以中文解释为准。 versins : this cntract is made ut in bth chinese and english f which versin is equally effective .cnflicts between these tw language arising therefrm . if any ,

