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2023 疫情 作文 800 致敬 逆行
疫情作文800字,致敬疫情逆行者作文2 【办公室优秀编辑员王师按】   路上,行人寥寥无几。他们脸上的表情被大大的口罩一分为二,眼神充满着焦虑,步履匆匆,整个世界好似只剩口罩下沉闷的呼吸声。疫…初心优秀优秀办公室小编为您整理了疫情的作文800字 致敬疫情逆行者作文优秀优秀范文2,给您在日常工作学习中借鉴。   路上,行人寥寥无几。他们脸上的表情被大大的口罩一分为二,眼神充满着焦虑,步履匆匆,整个世界好似只剩口罩下沉闷的呼吸声。疫情数据在不断刷新:温州市新型冠状病毒感染人数58例,114例,172例……   On the road, there were few pedestrians. The expression on their face was divided into two parts by the big mask. Their eyes were full of anxiety and they walked in a hurry. The whole world seemed to have only the dull breath under the mask. The novel coronavirus infection in Wenzhou has been reported in 58 cases, 114 cases and 172 cases.   我突然想起妈妈给我看过的视频:穿着厚重防护服,带着口罩与防护镜,汗流浃背的医生正在照顾病人,因为“全副武装〞的原因,彼此之间都认不出来。于是他们在衣服后面写上各自的名字。他们换防护服的时候,稍有不慎,便会被感染。这些白衣天使们永恒都勇敢地站在抵抗疫情第一线,为我们挡住可怕的病毒,筑起一道道防护墙。我们在吃着年夜饭,看着春节晚会的时候,他们却在抢救一个个被肺炎病毒侵害的生命。   I suddenly remembered the video that my mother had shown me: the sweaty doctors were taking care of the patients in heavy protective clothing, masks and goggles, and they could not recognize each other because they were "fully armed". So they wrote their names on the back of the clothes. When they change their protective clothing, if they are a little careless, they will be infected. These angels in white are always brave to stand in the front line of the epidemic, to block the terrible virus and build a protective wall for us. We are eating Chinese New Year"s Eve dinner and watching the Spring Festival party, but they are saving lives that have been damaged by pneumonia virus.   新年的红包不知何时变成了一包口罩。对于病毒的恐怖将我们牢牢地关在家中。想起那一位位不求回报,不怕凶险的白衣天使们,我真替他们担忧。许多位医生被感染,仍然有无数位医生前赴后继赶赴疫情一线。八十多岁的钟南山爷爷带着着他的团队正在夜以继日地钻研病毒,期望尽快研制出特效药。这位可敬的老者,虽然已是耄耋之年,但是他依然与其他人一起为疫情的操纵做出了的奉献。我佩服他们的勇敢和坚持。在这新的一年里,他们给我们正确面对疫情的勇气和方法。是那些白衣天使们给了人们恢复健康的期望。从年底到新年至今,他们始终坚持不懈,尽自己的努力来抗击病毒。 zuowenla   I don"t know when the new year"s red envelope turned into a pack of masks. The fear of the virus keeps us at home. I think of the angel in white who doesn"t ask for return and is not afraid of danger. I"m really worried for them. Many doctors have been infected, and there are still many doctors rushing to the front line of the epidemic. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, in his 80s, led his team to study the virus day and night, hoping to develop a specific medicine as soon as possible. Although the venerable old man is an octogenarian, he still contributes to the control of the epidemic together with others. I admire their bravery and persistence. In this new year, they give us the courage and the method to face the epidemic correctly. It"s the angels in white who give people hope to recover. From the end of the year to the new year, they have been unremitting in their efforts to fight against the virus.   一个个白色的身影,一个个汗流浃背的身影,一个个尽职尽责的身影。医生们的防护服下,背负着多少重任,但仍含笑面对。   One white figure, one sweaty figure, one dutiful figure. Under the protective clothing of the doctors, how many heavy tasks are they shouldering, but they still face it with a smile.   感谢,白衣天使们的努力;感谢,医药科研人员的刻苦钻研。感谢各行各业抗击疫情的人们。正是他们的努力,帮我们筑起了一道道安全的防护之墙,正是他们的辛劳,帮我们迎来了幸福安康。这病毒,虽强盛,虽可怕,可在他们的帮助下,我们必将最终战胜所有艰难。   Thank you, angels in white for your efforts; thank you, medical researchers for their hard work. Thank you to people from all walks of life for fighting the epidemic. It is their efforts that have helped us build a safe protective wall. It is their hard work that has helped us usher in happiness and well-being. Although the virus is powerful and terrible, with their help, we will eventually overcome all difficulties.

