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2023 年小升初 英语 作文 数学 八字 方针
小升初英语作文:学数学,我有“十八字方针〞 好似在幼儿园里我就开始偏爱数学了,原因很简单,那时年龄小,觉得写数字比写语文容易。起因可能是“偷懒〞,但后来不知不觉地养成对数学的爱好,上一年级,我学习数学的热情更加高涨了,由于数学题目做得又快又好,经常受到老师的表扬,所以每天不仅主动预习课本,而且还自觉地看同步辅导书。 It seems that I began to prefer mathematics in kindergarten. The reason is very simple. At that time, I was young and felt that it was easier to write numbers than Chinese. The cause may be "laziness", but later I unconsciously developed a love for mathematics. In the first grade, my enthusiasm for learning mathematics became even higher. Because the math problems were done fast and well, I was often praised by the teacher. So I not only took the initiative to preview the textbooks every day, but also consciously read synchronous tutoring books. 二年级起就开始接触奥数,上西城区的奥数班啊,等等。 Since the second grade, I have been in contact with the Olympic mathematics class in Xicheng District, etc. 三年级没被两城奥数刷下来,我感到很万幸。 I feel very lucky that the third grade was not brushed down by the Olympic Mathematics of two cities. 在妈妈的帮助下,我写下六年级学习数学的“十八字方针〞:靠自己,请家教,抓根底,讲方法,多练习,病况总结。 With my mother"s help, I wrote down the "Eighteen character policy" for sixth grade mathematics learning: relying on myself, asking for tutors, grasping the foundation, speaking methods, practicing more, summarizing the illness. 首先,必须真正弄懂华校课本上概念、公式的深刻含义。概念、公式都是最根本的知识,如果连最根本的都不很清楚,记不熟,那么解题时就不能灵活运用,深入学习时就会遇到越来越多的“拦路虎〞,头脑也会变得越来越混乱,最终成为一团糨糊。我有过这方面的教训,曾经有一堂课没认真听,回家后也没好好消化,遇到相关题目了,就似懂非懂,感到难点特别多。 First of all, we must really understand the profound meaning of concepts and formulas in Chinese school textbooks. Concepts and formulas are the most fundamental knowledge. If you don"t even know the most fundamental knowledge clearly and remember it well, you can"t use them flexibly when solving problems. When you study deeply, you will encounter more and more obstacles. Your mind will become more and more confused, and eventually become a paste. I"ve learned a lesson in this field. I didn"t listen to one lesson carefully, and I didn"t digest it well after I went home. When I met some related problems, I felt like I knew nothing, and I felt that there were many difficulties. 其次,要善于独立思考,融会贯穿地掌握灵活、敏捷的解题思路。奥数的很多题目不是照套课本上的例题就能解答得了的,需要认真审题、开动脑筋、发挥创造力,寻求解决问题的巧妙途径。如果“死〞算的话,一道简单的题可能要花一个甚至几个小时才能做()完。但“巧〞算的话,没准五分钟就做完了呢! Secondly, we should be good at independent thinking and master flexible and agile solutions. Many problems of Olympic mathematics can"t be solved according to the examples in the textbook. We need to carefully examine the problems, use our brains, give full play to our creativity, and seek the ingenious ways to solve the problems. A simple question may take an hour or even a few hours to complete if it is "dead". But "Qiao" calculation, may be finished in five minutes! 第三,多做一些难题练习非常重要。五,六年级奥数入学成绩大滑坡,主要是我以往做题不多造成的,没有一定的“量〞,必须没有一定的“质〞,我还相信妈妈“念叨〞过的话,学生的品德教育主要是在学习过程中进行与完成的,多做一些难题练习,可以磨练意志,培养坚忍不拔、锲而不舍的毅力和认真钻研、刻苦学习的精神,第四,关于总结归纳是获得学习的“真经〞的有效途径。毫无疑问,各种各样的奥数题,拓展了少年数学爱好者的思路,培养和激发了青少年的创造能力,但如果一味地浸泡在茫茫题海里,我们将失去少年獐的游戏时间,推动学习其它知识的时间,必将失衡开展,得不偿失。书上说,事物都有它自身固有的内在规律,我想,数学也有它的规律性,难就难在学习的人会不会、能不能关于总结、归纳,做到举一反三,一通百通。 Third, it is very important to do more difficult exercises. 5、 The decline of sixth grade Olympiad Mathematics enrollment results is mainly caused by my lack of problems in the past. There is no certain "quantity" and there must be no certain "quality". I also believe that if my mother "recited", the moral education of students is mainly carried out and completed in the learning process. Doing more difficult exercises can hone their will and cultivate perseverance And the spirit of serious research and hard study. Fourth, the conclusion and induction is an effective way to obtain the "real classics" of learning. There is no doubt that all kinds of Olympic mathematics problems expand the thinking of young mathematics lovers, cultivate and stimulate the creativity of young people. But if we immerse ourselves in the sea of problems, we will lose the game time of young Chinese deer, and promote the time of learning other knowledge. We will lose the balance of development and gain. The book says that all things have their own inherent internal laws. I think mathematics also has its own laws. It"s hard to find out whether or not the learners can sum up and sum up, draw inferences from one instance, draw inferences from another, and make a hundred connections. 现在,我每天晚上都抽出时间学习数学,每星期请家教老师“点拨〞两个小时,实践“十八字方针〞两个月以来,我对数学越来越疾迷了,学起来经常“刹不住车〞,总要妈妈叫“停〞。最近几次上家教课,我不再是单纯的“听众〞了,已经能提出一些独特的想法,并和老师一起探讨、总结一些规律性的问题了,老师夸我“数学的感觉特别好〞,“很有潜力〞,“提高很快〞。 Now, I spare time to study mathematics every night. Every week, I ask my tutor to "order" for two hours. Since practicing the "Eighteen character policy" for two months, I have become more and more crazy about mathematics. When I learn, I often "can"t stop the car" and always ask my mother to "stop". In my recent tutoring classes, I am no longer a simple "listener", but I have been able to put forward some unique ideas and discuss and summarize some regular problems with my teacher. The te

