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2023 MBA 英语 作文 模板
MBA英语作文模板 篇一:英语作文模板 A节作文 一、 命题原那么 A节作文考查的信函书写,共10分。 要求考生根据所给情景写出约100个词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,主要包括私人和公务信函。短文应中心明确,切中题意,结构清晰,用词恰当,无明显语言错误。 2023年考题为感谢信;2023年考题为祝贺信;2023年考题为投诉信;2023年考题为通知;2023年为建议信;2023年是通知。 二、 评分标准 A节作文评分的重点在于信息表达的全面、准确、适当。主要包括信息点的覆盖是否全面,语篇结构和格式是否正确,语言表达是否准确,语域是否恰当,语法结构和词汇是否多样等方面。 1. 评分时,要根据文章的内容和语言来确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求给分。 2. A节作文的字数要求是100个词左右或80到100个词,文章长度不符合要求的酌情扣分。 3. 拼写与标点符号是反映语言准确新的一个方面。评分时要视其对交流的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响理解,那么将分数降低一个档次。 三、 信函写作标准 A. 信函的组成局部 A节作文主要考查信函写作,本节的信函主要分为商务信函和私人信函。无论是商务信函或私人信函原那么上都应包含以下六个组成局部:1)写信人姓名、地址和日期;2)收信人姓名、地址和日期;3)称呼;4)正文;5)客套语;6)落款。 但是在考试当中,只需要按照相关信函类别完成称呼、正文、客套语及落款即可。 以下表格将根据信函的正式程度(即语域)给出相应的称呼和客套语: B. 信函布局方式: 信函的布局方式主要有三种:平齐式、半平齐式和缩进式。考虑到实际考试的可操作性,我们推荐使用缩进式。 缩进式要求客套语和署名右对齐,正文每段缩进五个字符,段与段之间不空行。如以下图: (三)缩进式 Salutation _____________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________ Complimentary Close Signature 四、 信函分类 A. 公务信函 a) 公务信函是出于公务目的而书写的信函,文体正式。其类别如下: 1)求职信;2)请求信;3)邀请信;4)致歉信;5)推荐信;6)投诉信;7)询价/销售信;8)证明信或表扬信 b) 公务信函的称呼 当不清楚对方性别时:〞Dear Sir or Dear Madam〞, “ Dear Sir or Madam〞, “Dear Sir/Madam〞 写给与自己的同行人时:〞Dear Colleague(s)〞 写证明信或表扬信时:〞To whom it may concern〞 c) 商务信函的5C原那么 1)清楚明白(clarity);2)简要明了(conciseness);3)文明礼貌(courtesy);4)correctness(准确无误);5)结构完整(completeness) B. 私人信函 a) 私人信函是出于私人目的写给朋友、父母、同学或亲戚的信函。其文体不正式。 b) 私人信函的客套语: 写给亲人或好朋友:Yours, With love, With best wishes, Yours affectionately, Yours sincerely等 写给一般朋友:Your sincerely, Always truthfully yours, With best wishes, As ever yours等 写给上级或领导:Yours respectfully, Obediently yours, Very respectfully yours等 写给陌生人:Faithfully yours, Very sincerely yours等。 五、 信函常用句型 A. 首段 I am writing the letter in purpose of subscribing to … 我写此信是为了订购。 I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for … 我写此信是为了申请。 I am writing the letter in purpose of resigning from the present position of … 我写此信是为了辞去职务。 I am writing the letter in purpose of inquiring about … 我写此信是为了询问。 I am writing the letter in purpose of notifying you of … 我写此信是为了通知你。 I am writing the letter in purpose of expressing my appreciate to your … 我写此信是为了感谢你的。 I am writing the letter in purpose of making apology to you for my … 我写此信是为了因为我的向你致歉。 I am writing the letter in purpose of expressing my opinion on … 我写此信是为了表达我对的看法(意见)。 I am writing the letter in purpose of inviting you to … 我写此信是为了邀请你(参加)。 I am writing the letter in purpose of making a complaint about … 我写此信是为了投诉。 I am writing the letter in purpose of congratulating you for your … 我写此信是为了祝贺你。 I am writing the letter in purpose of showing my sympathy for your … 我写此信是为了向你表达我对你的同情。 B. 中段 本段内容因写信目的不同而不同,此处无法给出统一语句。考试时注意给出的写作要求。 C. 尾段 I will be very grateful if you take my resignation seriously and finally approve it. 如果您能认真考虑并最终批准我的辞呈,我会不胜感谢。 I will be very grateful if you spend your time telling me something about … 如果您能抽时间告知我一些关于的事项,我会非常感谢。 I will be very grateful if you take my invitation seriously and finally accept it. 如果您能认真考虑并接受我的邀请,我会非常感谢。 I will be very grateful if you take my application seriously and offer me an interview. 如果您认真考虑我的申请并给我面试的时机,我会非常感谢。 I will be very grateful if you forgive my carelessness and ignorance. 如果您能原谅我的粗心,我会非常感谢。 I will be very grateful if you have the goods I ordered delivered presently. 如果您能尽快发货给我,我会非常感谢。 I will be very grateful if you can deal with my complaint in the shortest time. 如果 您能尽快解决我的投诉,我会非常感谢。 I’m looking forward to your reply presently. 我期待很快收到你的回信。 A节作文范文 1、请求信: Dear Sir or Madam,find a child in a remote area to whom I want to offer financial aid. For my part, I will send him a certain sum of money each semester until he finishes his higher educationh Yours sincerely, Li Ming 2、申请信:(推荐信、介绍信、求职信) 例一: Dear Sir or Madam, . previous working experience (as an enthusiastic participant in various sports) has helped lay a solid foundation for this job. Finally, I am a good team player, self- motivated and eager to learn. Yours sincerely, Li Ming. 例二: Dear Sir or Madam, an undergraduate from Sichuan University. in the past 4 academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight-A student, and reach the requirements set by a foreign company like yours. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 例三: Dear Sir or Madam, Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei 3、辞职信(假设A节作文未给出辞职理由,可全文套用): 篇二:MBA联考英语作文模板 MBA联考英语作文万能模板 1.社会现象类(利弊) This phenomenon has received immediate attention from our society. Relevant concern and discussion can be frequently found in media of every kind(这种现象立刻引起了社会关注,相关的话题和讨论在各种媒体上频繁出现). Just as every coin has two sides, this phenomenon is no exception. People vary greatly in their viewpoint(凡事都有正反面,这种现象也不例外。人们对此观点不一。). Some argue that it’s understandable(有人认为…是理所当然的) .They even add that . Of course, other people have radically different view(其他人不这样认为). For them(他们持截然相反的态度,他们认为) (况且) It seems there is no ground for these two groups of people to reach an agreement on this phenomenon(看样子在这个问题上双方很难达成一致). As for me(对我来说), it’s not bad to(我认为…也不错) that there is no need to make a big fuss over the phenomenon(因此我认为没必要在这个问题上小题大做). After all,

