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2023 民间艺术 语言 动画 表现 中的 艺术 魅力
:// sdxtht / :// tahte / :// sdtoy / :// yashige / 民间艺术语言在动画表现中的艺术魅力 民间艺术作为传统艺术的一个重要组成局部,以其独特的魅力和顽强的生命力,始终在散发着熠熠的光芒。许多民间艺术杰作,成为“华夏一绝〞被传承和保存下来,它是中华民族千百年来民众创造并享受的文化,是民众智慧的创造。民间艺术的很多艺术形式,都形成了自身的特点,比方皮影和剪纸,其造型简约而不呆板,夸张但不怪异,统一中富有变化、形象夸张大胆、情趣诙谐幽默而不拘泥于现实情景,这些艺术的表现手法,都值得当今的艺术创作者们深入研究和探讨。这当中,又可以发现很多与现代动画渊源颇深的艺术形式。民间流传的走马灯、木偶戏、皮影戏,就是现代动画艺术的前身。 Folk art, as an important part of traditional art, with its unique charm and tenacious vitality, always sending out yi yi. Many folk art masterpiece, "Chinese art" was inherited and retained, it is the Chinese nation one thousand years people create and enjoy the culture, is the creation of the people wisdom. Many art forms of the folk art, has formed its own characteristics, such as shadow play and paper cutting, its modelling is simple but not dull, exaggerated but not weird, unified, rich changes in image bold, witty humor appeal and not constrained by the reality, the artistic technique of expression, is worth in today's art creators in-depth study and discussion. Of these, and can find a lot of quite deep origin and modern animation art form. Folk wisdom of regimes, puppet show, shadow play, is the forerunner of the modern art of animation. 从外乡文化中寻找动画形象,是我们今天动画创作的有效手段。中国外乡艺术造型语言非常丰富,但如何能成为动画造型形象,使之把传统的外乡文化符号转化为一种倍受当代人所喜爱的艺术形象,尤其是结合当代人的审美需求创新的动画语言,应该深入的研究。20世纪60年代以来借鉴水墨画、剪纸、木偶、皮影等外乡艺术造型语言的塑造创作动画片都比拟优秀,我们曾经有过十分优秀的动画片,在国内外享有较高的声誉,例如大闹天宫、哪吒闹海、骄傲的将军等大型动画片在形象设计方面毫不逊色于同一时代的迪斯尼动画片。因为它既不同于迪斯尼的造型风格,又不同于日本动画的传统风格,是一种带有中国特色和民族个性风格、承载着中国文化的动画形象。这些优秀动画片都是从民间艺术中吸取了大量有益的成分,使作品具有极强的形式感和民族特色,至今仍是我国动画乃至世界动画艺术的经典范例。 Looking for animation image from the native culture, is an effective method for our animation production today. Chinese art language is very rich, but how can you become animation modelling image, make the traditional Chinese culture symbols into a highly modern people favorite art image, especially in combination with contemporary aesthetic demand innovation of animation language, should be studied in-depth. Drawing ink paintings since 1960 s, the paper-cut, puppet, shadow play, etc. Local art modelling language creation animation is good, we had very good cartoon, enjoy high reputation both at home and abroad, such as the great heaven, nezha conquers make the sea ", "proud generals" large animation image design in such aspects as the same time Disney cartoons. Because it is different from the Disney style, and different from traditional Japanese animation style, is a with Chinese characteristics and national individual character style, carrying the animated image of the Chinese culture. All these outstanding animation absorb a large amount of beneficial elements from folk art, to work with a strong sense of form and national characteristics, is still a classic example of animation art, animation in China even all over the world. 动画借鉴传统造型形象有利条件较多,因为几千年形成的中国外乡艺术语言比拟恒定,有着深厚的受众群体。从文化传承的血脉上是无法割断的,尤其是艺术造型元素突出,有较强的包容性,承传着文化脉络的基因,具有物质文化和精神文化的多重因素。外乡艺术具有较强的审美意义,其造型形象有待开发的潜力是巨大的。如何把这些无形的资源开发利用好,适用于动画(角色)形象造型之中,应该说是创作当代中国动画产业的核心任务。动画(角色)形象在整个动画片中占有极为重要的地位。一部好的动画片必定有好的造型形象才能充分传达出故事情节和人物性格。好的动画(角色)形象不仅具有艺术性,而且具有的商业性,它已经成为商业运作的媒介和形象代言。时下具有重要影响的动画(角色)形象大都出自于国外,如米老鼠和唐老鸭、史诺比、凯蒂猫、狮子王、超人、圣斗士等,这些动画形象影响了中国的新一代人。近年来,中国的动画片产量逐年增大,技术力量也逐渐增强,也产生出了许多着名的动画(角色)形象。从中我们也可以看出,要创造令人喜爱的中国动画形象,必须从民族民间艺术中汲取营养,从中寻找审美语言、造型风格和艺术符号,走民族化的中国动画造型之路。 Reference to traditional animation modelling image more favorable conditions, formed for thousands of years of Chinese local artistic language is more constant, profound audience. Cannot be cut off from the cultural heritage of the veins, particularly distinctive artistic modelling element, has the strong inclusiveness, inheritance of the cultural context of genes, and have the multiple aspects of material culture and spiritual culture. Local art with strong aesthetic significance, its modelling image remains to be development potential is enormous. How to put these intangible resources development and utilization, suitable for animation (roles) image modelling, it should be said that the central task of contemporary Chinese animation industry. Animation image (role) in the cartoon plays an extremely important position. A good animated film must have good modelling image can fully convey the plot and characters. Good animation (roles) image not only artistic, but also the commercial, it has become a media and business image. Nowadays has the important influence of the animation (roles) image mostly come from foreign countries, such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, snow than, hello Kitty, lion king, superman, Crusades, etc, these animated characters influenced the new generation of China. In recent years, China's animation production increased year by year, also gradually enhanced technical strength, also has produced many famous animation image (role). From which we can see, in order to create a favorite Chinese animation image, must draw nutrition from folk art, looking for aesthetic language, style and artistic symbo

