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2023 工程 专业 大学生 英文简历 模板
工程专业大学生英文简历模板   有质量的英文简历无疑是每一位想到外企求职的求职和都希望创作出来的,以下是工程专业大学生英文简历模板,欢送阅读!   工程专业大学生英文简历模板(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxxXXX@ EDUCATIONBrown UniversityBachelor of Science in EngineeringProvidence, RI Expected graduation May 2023•Courses include Intro To Engineering, Intermediate Calculus, Computers and Music, Dynamics and Vibrations, Methods of Applied Mathematics,Introduction to Discrete Structures and Probability, Neural Modeling Laboratory , Intermediate Swedish and Crossing the Consumer Chasm by DesignInglemoor High SchoolKenmore, WA 2023 - 2023•National Merit Finalist, Member of National Honors Society, International BaccalaureateAWARDS AND HONORS•Eagle Scout Award•World Championship Qualifier in F.I.R.S.T (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics CompetitionCOMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EXPERIENCEHunt the Wumpus (Microsoft Corporation ®)May 2023, 2023, 2023•Remade the classic video game Hunt The Wumpus in one month in C# and XNA•Worked with file input/output, class hierarchy and data flow (25+ classes), particle systems, keyboard and gamepad input, collision detection, and screensStanford University Summer Institutes (Artificial Intelligence)June and July 2023•Learned Common LISP, the basics of AI, heuristic search techniques (breadth-first, depth-first, genetic, ax, greedy, CSP, etc), constraint satisfaction problems, and game AI from Stanford graduate student Jesse Alama•Programmed LISP final project that created mazes of user-specified dimensions and then solved themXBOT Robotics December 2023 - June 2023•Competed in the F.I.R.S.T (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition•Worked closely with professional engineers from Microsoft Corporation ® and The Boeing Company•Designed and machined robotic components, AI algorithms, user interfaces and controlsInternational Baccalaureate Computer ScienceApril 2023, 2023•Completed an independent Java programming and research project investigating recursively drawn fractals, file input/output and user-defined objects and methods. Project draws 14 types of fractals and includes 9,370 word documentation•Completed an independent Java programming and research project investigating recursive functions to approximate functions with a MacLaurin series of appropriate length and includes 8,750 word documentationLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCEEagle Project at Rhododendron ParkSeptember 2023 - November 2023•Planned and led project with consent from the City of Kenmore Public Works Operation Manager, the Kenmore Senior Society, and the American Rhododendron Society, and the Rhododendron Park manager•Recruited and coordinated 25+ volunteers, who contributed 127.49 man hours of work transplanting approximately 176 old and rare azaleas and rhododendrons at Rhododendron Park in Kenmore, WashingtonUnited States Military Academy Summer Leadership SeminarJune 2023•Learned leadership skills under the instruction of West Point cadets and officers through military training, physical training, and intramural athletics at the United States Miltary Academy in West Point, New York•Led squadron of eight through the Leadership Reaction Courses, a set of team obstacle coursesNational Youth Leadership TrainingJuly 2023•Learned leadership skills, goal setting, conflict resolution, team development, ethical decision-making, and effective communication through lectures and team activities at Camp Shephard in WashingtonSKILLS AND KNOWLEDGEDigital•Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Visual Studio C#, Netbeans Java IDE, Maple, MATLAB, Bunkspeed Shot, Steinberg Cubase, Apple Logic Studio•Languages: C#, Java, J#, LISPMathematical •Statistics, Probability, Multivariable and Vector Calculus, Properties of infinite seriesLanguages•Intermediate German, Intermediate Swedish  求职面试礼仪需要注意的3点   求职面试礼仪,从每个细节改变打造自己的形象,不过窃以为这些不容易速成,很多都需要长期的修养磨练,甚至和自身所处的环境密切相关。   面试礼仪一、时间观念是第一道题   守时是职业道德的一个根本要求,提前10-15分钟到达面试地点效果最正确,可熟悉一下环境,稳定一下心神。提前半小时以上到达会被视为没有时间 观念,但在面试时迟到或是匆匆忙忙赶到却是致命的,如果你面试迟到,那么不管你有什么理由,也会被视为缺乏自我管理和约束能力,即缺乏职业能力,给面试者留下非常不好的印象。不管什么理由,迟到会影响自身的形象,这是一个对人、对自己尊重的问题。而且大公司的面试往往一次要安排很多人,迟到了几分钟,就很可能永远与这家公司失之交臂了,因为这是面试的第一道题,你的分值就被扣掉,后面的你也会因状态不佳而搞砸。   如果路程较远,宁可早到30分钟,甚至一个小时。城市很大,路上堵车的情形很普遍,对于不熟悉的地方也难免迷路。但早到后不宜提早进入办公室,最好不要提前10分钟以上出现在面谈地点,否那么聘用者很可能因为手头的事情没处理完而觉得很不方便。外企的老板往往是说几点就是几点,一般绝不提前。当然,如果事先通知了许多人来面试,早到者可提早面试或是在空闲的会议室等候,那就另当别论。对面试地点比拟远,地理位置也比拟复杂的,不妨先跑一趟,熟悉交通线路、地形、甚至事先搞清洗手间的位置,这样你就知道面试的具体地点,同时也了解路上所需的时间。   但招聘人员是允许迟到的,这一点一定要清楚,对招聘人员迟到千万不要太介意,也不要太介意面试人员的礼仪、素养。如果他们有不妥之处,你应尽量表现得大度开朗一些,这样往往能使坏事变好事。否那么,招聘人员一迟到,你的不满情绪就流于言表,面露愠色,招聘人员对你的第一印象就大打折扣,甚至导致满盘皆输。因为面试也是一种人际磨合能力的考查,你得体、周到的表现,自然是有百利而无一害的。   面试礼仪二、进入面试单位的第一形象   到了办公区,最好径直走到面试单位,而不要四处张望,甚至被保安盯上;走进公司之前,口香糖和香烟都收起来,因为大多数的面试官都无法忍受你在公司嚼口香糖或吸烟; 坚决不要开,防止面试时造成为难局面,同时也分散你的精力,影响你的成绩。一进面试单位,假设有前台,那么开门见山说明来意,经指导到指定区域落座,假设无前台,那么找工作人员求助。这时要注意用语文明,开始的〞;你好〞;和被指导后的〞;谢谢〞;是必说的,这代表你的教养;一些小企业没有等候室,就在面试办公室的门外等候;当办公室门翻开时应有礼貌

