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服务 国家 总体 外交 _ 提升 国际事务 参与 王雯
2022年,重庆深度对接国家战略,积极服务国家总体外交,找准外事工作定位,立足外事资源禀赋,深入推进中西部国际交往中心建设,持续推动深化地区多双边合作,加快构建立足中西部、面向东盟、联通世界的对外交往格局。更深融入国家发展战略Integrating into National Development Strategies 重庆外事始终坚持从全局谋划一域,以一域服务全局,紧密对接国家重大发展战略和全市中心工作,积极提升国际事务参与度和影响力。9月,在习近平主席访问乌兹别克斯坦前夕,完成重庆与乌兹别克斯坦塔什干州正式签署建立友好市州关系协议,纳入元首外交活动成果框架。9月,中白发布中华人民共和国和白俄罗斯共和国关于建立全天候全面战略伙伴关系的联合声明第九条明确,双方欢迎白俄罗斯同中国重庆、青岛、天津等地深入开展经贸合作。服务国家总体外交 提升国际事务参与度Serving the Countrys Overall Diplomacy and Engaging in International Affairs1In 2022,Chongqing kept in line with national strategies,actively served the Countrys Overall Diplomacy,and effectively identified the positioning of foreign affairs work.Based on the roadmap of foreign affairs resources,Chongqing further promoted the construction of the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China,constantly deepened regional multi/bi-lateral cooperation,and accelerated the construction of a pattern of foreign exchanges based in central and western China,facing ASEAN and the world.Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office always insists on planning regional development with big-picture thinking,serving the overall development with local contribution,closely connecting with the countrys major subnational development strategies and the key tasks of Chongqing,actively promoting Chongqings engagement and influence over international affairs.In September 2022,ahead of President Xi Jinpings visit to Uzbekistan,Chongqing officially signed an agreement with Tashkent Province,Uzbekistan to establish sister city/province relations,including it into the results framework of Chinas Head-of-state diplomacy.In September 2022,China and Belarus issued the Joint Statement on Establishing All-weather Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.According to article 9 of the statement,the two sides welcome deepened economic and trade cooperation between Belarus and Chinese cities,such as Chongqing,Qingdao,and Tianjin.14 The World and Chongqing 服务国家总体外交 提升国际事务参与度Serving the Countrys Overall Diplomacy and Engaging in International Affairs 11月,中新双边合作联委会第18次会议举行,双方同意继续深化中新互联互通项目合作,协同推进西部陆海新通道建设。11月,中越发布关于进一步加强和深化中越全面战略合作伙伴关系的联合声明第七条明确,中方支持越方在重庆、杭州设立的贸易促进办公室为两国经贸合作发挥积极作用。重庆医疗队援巴布亚新几内亚20周年纪念画册被作为国礼赠送给来华出席北京2022年冬奥会开幕式的巴布亚新几内亚总理。2022年11月,国务院副总理韩正同新加坡副总理王瑞杰共同主持中新双边合作联委会第18次会议、苏州工业园区联合协调理事会第23次会议、天津生态城联合协调理事会第14次会议和中新(重庆)战略性互联互通示范项目联合协调理事会第6次会议。纪念援巴布亚新几内亚中国医疗队派遣20周年纪念画册。In November 2022,the 18th China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation Meeting was held,and the two sides agreed to further deepen cooperation of the China-Singapore(Chongqing)Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity and join hands to build International Land-Sea Trade Corridor in Western China.In November 2022,China and Vietnam issued the Joint Statement on Further Strengthening and Deepening the China-Vietnam Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership.According to article 7 of the statement,China supports Vietnam to play a positive role in China-Vietnam economic and trade cooperation by setting up offices of the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agencies in Chongqing and Hangzhou.The 20th Anniversary Album commemorating Chongqings medical teams to Papua New Guinea(PNG)was given to the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea(PNG)as a national gift,who attended the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.The World and Chongqing 15 积极参与全球合作治理Actively Participating in Global Cooperative Governance2022年7月,市政府外办、市乡村振兴局和彭水县三方签署共建重庆市乡村振兴国际合作示范点合作协议。2022年6月,上合组织国家减贫与发展重庆研修班(第一期)开班仪式。2022年12月,南亚国家减贫与发展研修班(第二期)开班仪式。We have advanced the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and constantly engaged ourselves in international poverty reduction cooperation.The phase II workshops on“China-South Asian Countries Poverty Alleviation and Developmert”and phase I workshop on“SCO Countries Poverty Alleviation and Developmert”(Chongqing)were held.The Rural Revitalization International Cooperation Demonstration Site in Pengshui County has been established to carry out extensive international poverty reduction experience sharing and project cooperation.助力打造人类命运共同体,持续参与国际减贫合作。举办南亚国家减贫与发展研修班(第二期)、上合组织国家减贫与发展重庆研修班(第一期)。打造彭水县乡村振兴国际合作示范点,广泛开展国际减贫经验分享和项目对接合作。16 The World and Chongqing 围绕构建人类健康命运共同体,积极参与国际抗疫合作,精准开展对外医疗援助,全市统筹向尼泊尔等多个国家和国际组织捐赠防疫物资。积极参与国际减灾行动,紧急筹集救灾物资,全力支援巴基斯坦抗击洪涝灾情,助推发展中巴全天候战略合作伙伴关系。2022年9月,援助“巴铁”中国民间在行动援助巴基斯坦抗洪赈灾捐赠仪式。2022年9月,重庆市援助巴基斯坦救灾物资启动仪式。2022年2月,重庆市人民对外友好协会和重庆市工商业联合会(重庆市总商会)组织全市有关商会企业向尼泊尔捐赠40万只医用口罩,支援尼泊尔防疫抗疫工作。Focusing on building a community with a shared future for health,we have actively engaged ourselves in the promotion of international pandemic control cooperation.We have provided targeted foreign medical assistance and made well-coordinated efforts to donate coronavirus prevention materials to Nepal and other countries as well as international organizations.We have actively participated in international disaster relief operations,raising emergency relief supplies to fully support Pakistans fight against floods and promote the development of the 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