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英语学习必备5500词 191021 _184057 英语 学习 必备 5500 10 12 讲义
?72.adapt dpt vt.?vi.?ad-?+-apt-?257.apt pt adj.?aptitude pttjud n.?330.attitude titju:d,-tu:d n.?to,toward,about?90.adopt dpt vt.?ad-?+opt?3335.opt pt vi.?3339.option pn n.?3340.optional pnl adj.?73.add d vt.?&?vi.?to?ad-?+d=-do-?75.addition din n.?76.additional dinl adj.?135.aid eid n.?v.?1468.donate duneit,du-vt.?-do-?+?-n-+?-ate?1632.endow indau vt.?with?en-=in-?+dow=-do-?200.anecdote nikdut n.?an-=no?+ec-=ex?+-do-?+te?1221.data deit n.?datum?-da-=-do-?+ta?1222.database deitbeis n.?databank?1474.dose dus n.?v.?5062.tradition trdin n.?tra-=trans-?+-dit-=-do-?+?-ion?1556.edit edit v.?e-=ex-?+-dit-=-do-?1557.edition idin n.?1558.editor edit n.?1559.editorial,edit:ril n.?adj.?3457.pardon p:dn n.?v.?par-=per-?+-don-=do?E10?address?adhere?77.address dres n.?v.?ad-?+dress?1?business/home address?2?The president gave an address to the people.?formal?3?He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.?4?The letter was correctly addressed,but delivered to the wrong house.?1497.dress dres n.?v.?d-=dis-?+-ress-=-rect-?1?a wedding dress?2?He left very early and had to dress in the dark.?46?1383.direct direkt,dai-adj.&adv.?v.?at,to?di-=dis-?+-rect-?1?He denied that he had any direct involvement in the deal.?2?Does this bus go direct to the airport?3?There was a police officer directing the traffic.?4147.right rait adj.?n.?adv.?1384.direction direkn,dai-n.?1?They drove away in opposite directions.?2?I couldnt understand the directions on the packet.?1385.directly direktli adv.?1386.director direkt n.?1387.directory direktri,dai-n.?Look up their number in the telephone directory.?1683.erect irekt vt.?adj.?e-=ex-?+-rect-?1?The war memorial was erected in 1950.?1950?2?His head was erect and his back was straight.?1103.correct krekt adj.?vt.?cor-=com-?+-rect-?glasses to correct poor vision?3980.rectify rektifai vt.?I am determined to take whatever action is necessary to rectify the situation.?3979.rectangle rektl n.?,?4008.region ri:dn n.?Inner Mongolia is one of Chinas autonomous regions.?4007.regime rii:m n.?The old corrupt,totalitarian regime was overthrown.?3947.realm relm n.?1?Defence of the realm is crucial.?2?the realm of politics?4015.reign rein n.&vi.?n.?-reig-=-rect-?1?Queen Victoria reigned over Britain from 1837 to 1901.?1837?1901?2?The bomb attacks produced a panic which reigned over the city.?3?The Titans were powerful,but their reign was ended by their own sons:Zeus,Poseidon,and Hades.?4561.sovereign svrin adj.?n.?sover-=super-?+reign?1?We must respect the rights of sovereign nations to conduct their own affairs.?2?King George was the sovereign of England.?4011.regular rejul adj.?1?a regular pulse/heartbeat?/?2?Hes a regular customer here.?3?a face with regular features?4?a regular army/soldier?/?4012.regulate rejuleit vt.?1?The activities of credit companies are regulated by law.?2?a planned,state-regulated economy?47?4013.regulation,rejulein n.?safety/health/traffic regulations?/?/?4199.rule ru:l v.?n.?1?Eighty million years ago,dinosaurs ruled the earth.?2?The pursuit of money ruled his life.?3?rules and regulations?4?He makes it a rule never to borrow money.?4200.ruler ru:l n.?4190.royal ril adj.?-roy-=-reg-?+?-al?the royal family?4191.royalty rilti n.?4148.rigid ridid adj.?1?rigid plastic?2?The curriculum is too rigid.?4149.rigorous rirs adj.?rigorous testing?276.arrogant rnt adj.?ar-=ad-?+-rog-=-reg-?+?-ant?I found him arrogant and rude.?3832.proud praud adj.?of?pro-?+-ud=is?3754.pride praid n.?v.?Pride goes before a fall.?3899.rack rk n.?vt.?-reg-?1?a vegetable/luggage rack?2?Cancer racked his body.?3916.rake reik n.?v.?toothed implement?1?The leaves had been raked into a pile.?2?He raked about in the drawer looking for his passport.?3966.reckon rekn v.?1?He quickly reckoned the amount on his fingers.?2?How much do you reckon(that)its going to cost?4808.surge s:d vi.?n.?sur-=sub-?+-(re)g-?+-e?1?Flood surged into their homes.?2?The gates opened and the crowd surged forward.?3?a tidal surge?4?There has been a surge in house prices recently.?4556.source s:s n.?The journalist refused to reveal his sources.?4097.resource ris:s;risrs n.?pl.?The long war had drained the resources of both countries.?1690.escort esk:t,isk:t n.?vt.?es-=ex-?+cort=correct?1?Armed escorts are provided for visiting heads of state.?2?The police escorted her to the airport,and made sure that she left the country.?48?78.adequate dikwit adj.?ad-?+-equa-?+?-ate?1?The room was small but adequate.?2?Im sure her knowledge of English is adequate for the job.?1674.equal i:kwl adj.?n.?vt.?1?All men are created equal.?2?As an all-round athlete he has no equal.?3?16 ounces equals one pound.?16?1?1675.equality i:kwlti n.?1676.equation ikwein,-n n.?with?1677.equator ikweit n.?Ecuador?1680.equivalent ikwivlnt adj.?to?n.?equi-?+-val-=value?+?-ent?1?Is$50 equivalent to about 30?50?30?2?There is no English equivalent for bon appetit so we have adopted the French expression.?bon appetit?79.adhere dhi vi.?to?ad-?+-her-?1?Once in the bloodstream,the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.?2?For ten months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet.?2296.here hi adv.?882.coherent kuhirnt adj.?co-?+-her-?+?-ent?1?The presidents policy is perfectly coherent.?2?a coherent narrative/account/explanation?/?/?883.cohesive kuhi:siv adj.?cohesive group/forces?/?2516.inherent nhernt adj.?1?There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport.?2?I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.?2517.inherit inherit vt.?1?Who will inherit the house when he dies?2?She inherited her red hair from her mother.?2282.heir e n.?the heir to the throne?2297.heritage heritid n.?cultural heritage?2304.hesitate heziteit v.?I didnt hesitate for a moment about taking the job.?here?2291.hence hens adv.?His mother was Italian,hence his name-Luca.?2292.henceforth hensf:adv.?2329.hitherto,hitu:adv.?a hitherto unknown species of moth?49?hither and thither?here and there?She ran hither and thither in the field.?4948.there e,?,r adv.?4951.therefore ef:adv.?conj.?4950.thereby,ebai,ebai adv.?4949.thereafter,er:ft,-f-adv.?therefore?thereby?1.thereby=by there?“?”?Regular exercise strengthens the heart,and thereby reduces the risk of heart attack.?2.therefore=for there?“?”?Regular exercise strengthens the heart,and therefore reduces the risk of heart attack.?77.address dres n.?v.?ad-?+dress?1497.dress dres n.?v.?d-=dis-?+-ress-=-rect-?1383.direct direkt,dai-adj.&adv.?v.?at,to?di-=dis-?+-rect-?4147.right rait adj.?n.?adv.?1384.direction direkn,dai-n.?1385.directly direktli adv.?1386.director direkt n.?1387.directory direktri,dai-n.?1683.erect irekt vt.?adj.?e-=ex-?+-rect-?1103.correct krekt adj.?vt.?cor-=com-?+-rect-?3980.rectify rektifai vt.?3979.rectangle rektl n.?,?4008.region ri:dn n.?4007.regime rii:m n.?3947.realm relm n.?4015.reign rein n.&vi.?n.?-reig-=-rect-?4561.sovereign svrin adj.?n.?sover-=super-?+reign?4011.regular rejul adj.?4012.regulate rejuleit vt.?4013.regulation,rejulein n.?4199.rule ru:l v.?n.?4200.ruler ru:l n.?4190.royal ril adj.?-roy-=-reg-?+?-al?4191.royalty rilti n.?4148.rigid ridid adj.?4149.rigorous rirs adj.?276.arrogant rnt adj.?ar-=ad-?+-rog-=-reg-?+?-ant?50?3832.proud praud adj.?of?pro-?+-ud=is?3754.pride praid n.?v.?3899.rack rk n.?vt.?-reg-?3916.rake reik n.?v.?toothed implement?3966.reckon rekn v.?4808.surge s:d vi.?n.?sur-=sub-?+-(re)g-?+-e?4556.source s:s n.?4097.resource ris:s;risrs n.?pl.?1690.escort esk:t,isk:t n.?vt.?es-=ex-?+cort=correct?78.adequate dikwit adj.?ad-?+-equa-?+?-ate?1674.equal i:kwl adj.?n.?vt.?1675.equality i:kwlti n.?1676.equation ikwein,-n n.?with?1677.equator ikweit n.?Ecuador?1680.equivalent ikwivlnt adj.?to?n.?equi-?+-val-=value?+?-ent?79.adhere dhi vi.?to?ad-?+-her-?2296.here hi adv.?882.coherent kuhirnt adj.?co-?+-her-?+?-ent?883.cohesive kuhi:siv adj.?2516.inherent nhernt adj.?2517.inherit inherit vt.?2282.heir e n.?2297.heritage heritid n.?2304.hesitate heziteit v.?here?2291.hence hens adv.?2292.henceforth hensf:adv.?2329.hitherto,hitu:adv.?hither and thither?here and there?4948.there e,?,r adv.?4951.therefore ef:adv.?conj.?4950.thereby,ebai,ebai adv.?4949.thereafter,er:ft,-f-adv.?E11?adjacent?admire?51?80.adjacent deisnt adj.?to?ad-?+-jac-=cast?+?-ent?The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.?81.adjective diktiv n.?adj.?ad-?+-ject-?+-ent?2522.inject indekt vt.?in-?1?Hes a diabetic and has to inject himself with insulin every day.?2?I tried to inject a little humour into the meeting.?1573.eject idekt v.?e-?1?The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.?2?A number of fans had been ejected from the bar for causing trouble.?4018.reject ridekt v.?n.?re-?1?The appeal was rejected by the court.?2?His body rejected the kidney he received in the transplant operation.?3?Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.?3799.project prdekt,prdekt n.?v.?pro-?1?a research project?2?Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.?3?The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March.?3800.projector prudekt n.?2644.jet det n.?v.?4741.subject sbdikt,sbdekt n.?adj.?v.?sub-?1?This documentary is on the subject of family relationships.?2?My favourite subjects at school were history and English.?3?Bob is the subject of the sentence Bob threw the ball.”?Bob?Bob threw the ball?4?subject peoples/states?5?The invaders quickly subjected the local tribes.?4742.subjective sbdektiv adj.?a highly subjective point of view?5039.topic tpik n.?The environment is a popular topic these days.?4942.theme i:m n.?1?The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art.?2?theme music?3272.object bdikt;bdekt n.?v.?to?ob-?+-ject-?1?UFO?Unidentified Flying Object?2?The object of their expedition was to discover the source of the River Nile.?3?In the sentence I like ice cream,ice cream is the object of the verb“like.?I like ice cream?ice cream?like?4?If nobody objects,well postpone the meeting till next week.?reject?=?object?=?3274.objective bdektiv n.?adj.?object?1?Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.?2?I cant really be objective when Im judging my daughters work.?52?“?”?objective,goal,target,aim?3274.objective bdektiv n.?adj.?2135.goal ul n.?go?1?Do you think Ill be able to achieve my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?5?2?goals and objectives?3?goalkeeper?136.aim eim n.?vi.?at?vt.?estimate?1?Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.?2?The government is aiming at a 50%reduction in unemployment.?50%?3?aim the target?4876.target t:it n.?Any major airport or station is potentially a terrorist target.?3273.objection bdekn,b-n.?to?Her objection to/against the plan is based on incorrect facts.?83.adjust dst vt.?vi.?to?ad?+just?1?If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you.?2?Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.?2670.just dst adv.?adj.?1?Hed just got into the bath when the phone rang.?2?Who was that at the door just now?3?The judges sentence was perfectly just in the circumstances.?2671.justice dstis n.?laws based on the principles of justice?2672.justify dstifai v.?Well always justify our actions with noble sounding theories.?2657.judge dd n.?vt.?-ju-=just?+-dg-=-dict-?1?a court/football judge?/?2?You shouldnt judge a person only by his appearance.?2658.judgement ddmnt n.?judgment?2659.judicial du:dil adj.?-ju-?+-dic-?+?-ial?the judicial system?2669.jury duri n.?3723.prejudice predudis n.?v.?pre-?+-judic=judge?+-e?1?The root cause of this prejudice is ignorance.?2?His comments may have prejudiced the voters against his opponent.?480.bias bais n.&v.?dis?1?Reporters must be independent and not show political bias.?2?The course has a strong practical bias.?2523.injure ind v.?in-=un-?+-jur-?+-e?A bomb exploded at the embassy,injuring several people.?53?2524.injury indri n.?2244.harm h:m n.&v.?1?Missing a meal once in a while never did anyone any harm.?2?Thankfully no one was harmed in the accident.?2395.hurt h:t n.?v.?“?”?1?It hurts!?2?She criticized my writing quite severely and that hurt.?5461.wound waund n.?v.?1?flesh wound?2?Flying glass wounded her in the face and neck.?5316.vulnerable vlnrbl adj.?vulner=wound+-able?She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.?84.administer dminist v.?ad-?+minister?to administer medicine/punishment?/?2?The economy has been badly administered by the present government.?3041.minister minist n.?-mini-?+-(e)st?+-er?Prime Minister?3042.ministry ministri n.?minister?1?the Ministry of Defence/Agriculture?/?2?He practiced a preaching and teaching ministry there for over 40 years.?40?85.administration d,ministrein n.?ad-?+ministr?+?-ation?1?Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.?2?The decision to cancel the trip was made by the school administration.?3043.minor main adj.?n.?v.?in?-min-?+?-or?1?a minor operation?2?It is illegal to serve alcohol to minors.?3?I minored in Spanish in college.?3044.minority mainrti,mi-n.?1?Its only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.?2?minority languages?2912.major meid adj.?n.?v.?in?1?Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay.?2?What is your major,English or French?3?She majored in philosophy at Harvard.?2913.majority mdriti n.?1?The majority of the employees have university degrees.?2?the age of majority?2965.mayor me n.?may-=-maj-?+-or?2911.majesty mdisti n.?-maj-?+?-est+?-y?1?This music has majesty,power,and passion.?2?Your Majesty?54?2902.magnify mnifai vt.?-magn-=maj-?+?-ify?Although our skin looks smooth,when magnified it is full of bumps and holes.?2901.magnificent mnifisnt adj.?-magn-?+-fic-?+?-ent?1?a magnificent view?2?The palace was absolutely magnificent.?3?The Magnificent Seven?2015?2903.magnitude mnitju:d n.?-magn-?+?-itude?They did not recognize the magnitude of the problem.?2898.magistrate mdistreit n.?magistr=magister=master?+-ate?3039.minimize minimaiz v.?-mini-?+?-m+?-ize?Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection.?3040.minimum minimm n.?adj.?1?The class needs a minimum of six students to continue.?2?a minimum charge/price?/?2961.maximum mksimm n.?adj.?1?The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.?2?the maximum speed/volume?/?3045.minus mains adj.?prep.?n.?1?a minus figure/number?2?Seven minus three is four.?1377.diminish dimini v.?di-=de-?+-mini-?+?-ish?These memories will not be diminished by time.?3046.minute minit n.?pl.?adj.?3038.miniature minit n.?adj.?-mini-?+?-ature?Through play,children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.?2?I bought some miniature furniture for my nieces doll house.?3000.menu menju:n.?86.admire dmai vt.?ad-?+-mir-?+-e?I admired him for his determination.?3047.miracle mirkl n.?-mir-?+?-acle?Its a miracle(that)nobody was killed in the crash.?3048.mirror mir n.?v.?-mir-?+?r?-or?2944.marvelous mrvls adj.?marvellous?-mar-=-mir-?+r=v+el+ous?He was a truly marvellous storyteller.?4490.smile smail n.?vi.?-mil-=-mir-?“?”?2186.grin rin n.&vi.?2115.giggle il vi.&n.?vt.?55?80.adjacent deisnt adj.?to?ad-?+-jac-=cast?+?-ent?81.adjective diktiv n.?adj.?ad-?+-ject-?+-ent?2522.injec

