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英语学习必备5500词 200206 _184901 英语 学习 必备 5500 52 54 讲义
?E52?conscience?console?1017.conscience knns n.?con-?+science?1?a clear/guilty conscience?2?My conscience would really bother me if I wore a fur coat.?4265.science sains n.?-sci-=cut?+?-ence?4266.scientific,saintifik adj.?4267.scientist saintist n.?4268.scissors sizz n.?excisus?s-+-cis-?+?s?-or+s?1018.conscientious,kniens adj.?a conscientious student/teacher/worker?1019.conscious kns adj.?of?con-+-sci-=cut?+?-i-+?-ous?1?Shes very conscious of the problems involved.?2?Hes still conscious but hes very badly injured.?3?My tooth doesnt exactly hurt,but Im conscious of it(=I can feel it)all the time.?1021.consensus knsenss n.?con-?+-sens-?+?-us?1?The general consensus in the office is that he cant do his job.?2?There is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue.?4321.sense sens n.?vt.?1?Dogs have a keen(=strong)sense of smell.?2?Theres a lot of sense in what Mary says.?3?Although she said nothing,I could sense her anger.?1022.consent knsent vi.&n.?to?1?He reluctantly consented to his daughters marriage.?2?They cant publish your name without your consent.?3?The written consent of a parent is required.?4322.sensible sensbl adj.?-sens-+?-ible?1?Shes a sensible sort of person.?2?He did not appear to be sensible of the difficulties that lay ahead.?4323.sensitive sensitiv adj.?to?-sens-+?-itive?1?Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism.?2?Sex education and birth control are sensitive issues.?4320.sensation sensein n.?-sens-+?-ation?1?I had no sensation of pain whatsoever.?2?Their affair caused a sensation.?3222.nonsense nnsns n.?non(e)?+sense?This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.?4325.sentiment sentimnt n.?1?I dont think she shares my sentiments.?2?There is no room for sentiment in business.?4083.resent rizent vt.?re-?295?1?I deeply resented her criticism.?2?She bitterly resented her fathers new wife.?4259.scent sent n.?v.?sense?1?the scent of roses?2?The dog scented a rabbit.?4324.sentence sentns n.?vt.?-sent-=sense?1?a light/heavy sentence?2?He was sentenced to life imprisonment.?1025.conservation,knsvein n.?1?wildlife conservation?;a conservation area?2?Energy conservation reduces your fuel bills and helps the environment.?conservekns:v vt.?con-?+-serv(e)=guard?1?The nationalists are very eager to conserve their customs and language.?2?To conserve electricity,we are cutting down on our heating.?1026.conservative kns:vtiv adj.?n.?Older people tend to be more conservative and a bit suspicious of anything new.?3736.preserve priz:v vt.?pre-?+-serv(e)?1?We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.?2?The fossil was well preserved.?4085.reserve riz:v n.?vt.?re-?1?She keeps a little money in reserve(=for use if and when needed).?2?I can recommend him to you without reserve.?3?These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies.?4?I reserved a double room at the Hotel.?5?All rights reserved(=nobody else can publish or copy this).?4084.reservation,rezvein n.?1?He accepted my advice without reservation.?2?Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.?3?The family lives on a Native American reservation.?4086.reservoir rezvw:n.?The reservoir is under construction.?3279.observe bz:v vt.?ob-?+-serv(e)-?1?Children learn by observing adults.?2?They observed him entering the bank.?3?I felt he was observing everything I did.?4?The old people in the village still observe the local traditions.?5?Ive always found German cars very reliable,he observed.?“?”?3278.observation,bz:vein n.?1?Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals behavior.?2?The police are keeping the suspect under observation.?3?She has remarkable powers of observation(=is very good at noticing things).?4?The book is full of interesting observations on/about nature.?4333.serve s:v v.?guardian?1?He served in the army for 22 years.?22?296?2?Do they serve meals in the bar?3?The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people.?4334.service s:vis n.?v.?4332.servant s:vnt n.?1315.deserve diz:v vt.?de-?1?After all that hard work,you deserve a holiday.?2?I hope they get the punishment they deserve.?1327.dessert diz:t n.?des-=dis-?+-sert-=serve?If you make the main course,Ill make a dessert.?1033.console knsul;knsl vt.?n.?con-?+sole=silly?con-?+sole=solid?1?Nothing could console him when his wife died.?2?a gaming console?4527.solid slid adj.?n.?-sol-=whole?1?Freeze the mixture for about three hours until solid.?3?2?These chains seem fairly solid.?3?They have no solid evidence yet.?4?liquids and solids?4528.solidarity,slidriti n.?The purpose of the speech was to show solidarity with the countrys leaders.?1034.consolidate knslideit v.?con-?+solid?+?-ate?1?The success of their major product consolidated the firms position in the market.?2?The two firms consolidated to form a single company.?4524.soldier suld n.?solid?5267.veteran vetrn n.?vet=old?+-er+-an?a Vietnam veteran?4526.solemn slm adj.?-sol-=whole?+-emn-=-ann-?1?a solemn oath?;a solemn ritual?2?Her face grew solemn.?4224.saluteslut v.&n.?-sal-=whole?+?-ute?1?The soldiers saluted the colonel.?2?We salute you for your courage and determination.?3?The soldier gave a salute and the officer returned it.?4?He raised his hat as a friendly salute.?4225.salvation slvein n.?-sal-?+-v-+?-ation?“?”?save?a marriage beyond salvation?4244.save seiv v.?4212.safe seif adj.?n.?4245.saving sev n.?pl.?4214.safety seifti n.?4079.rescue reskju:v.&n.?re-?+scue?secure?The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.?297?2335.holiday hldi n.?-hol-=whole?+?-y+day?2337.holy huli adj.?holy ground?4096.resort riz:t n.?vi.?re-?+sort=source?1?a popular holiday resort?2?There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence.?3?We may have to resort to using untrained staff.?5403.whole hul n.?adj.?5404.wholesome hulsm adj.?fresh,wholesome food?5405.wholly huli adv.?I wasnt wholly convinced by her explanation.?2267.heal hi:l v.?whole?1?This will help to heal your cuts and scratches.?2?A broken heart takes a long time to heal.?2268.health hel n.?2269.healthy heli adj.?2216.hail heil v.?n.?cold?1?The conference was hailed as a great success.?2?Its hailing!?3?We drove through hail and snow.?4?a hail of arrows/bullets?/?4525.sole sul adj.?n.?single?soil?1?My sole reason for coming here was to see you.?2?The hot sand burned the soles of their feet.?4530.solo sulu n.?adj.&adv.?1?a trumpet solo?2?a solo flight;to fly solo?/?4529.solitary slitri adj.?1?He was a solitary child(=he enjoyed being alone).?2?In the distance was a solitary building.?1321.desolate deslt,desleit adj.?v.?de-?+-sol-?+?-ate?1?The house stood in a desolate landscape.?2?He was desolate without her.?3?She had been desolated by the death of her friend.?298?1017.conscience knns n.?con-?+science?4265.science sains n.?-sci-=cut?+?-ence?4266.scientific,saintifik adj.?4267.scientist saintist n.?4268.scissors sizz n.?excisus?s-+-cis-?+?s?-or+s?1018.conscientious,kniens adj.?1019.conscious kns adj.?of?con-+-sci-=cut?+?-i-+?-ous?1021.consensus knsenss n.?con-?+-sens-?+?-us?4321.sense sens n.?vt.?1022.consent knsent vi.&n.?to?4322.sensible sensbl adj.?-sens-+?-ible?4323.sensitive sensitiv adj.?to?-sens-+?-itive?4320.sensation sensein n.?-sens-+?-ation?3222.nonsense nnsns n.?non(e)?+sense?4325.sentiment sentimnt n.?4083.resent rizent vt.?re-?4259.scent sent n.?v.?sense?4324.sentence sentns n.?vt.?-sent-=sense?1025.conservation,knsvein n.?conservekns:v vt.?con-?+-serv(e)=guard?1026.conservative kns:vtiv adj.?n.?3736.preserve priz:v vt.?pre-?+-serv(e)?4085.reserve riz:v n.?vt.?re-?4084.reservation,rezvein n.?4086.reservoir rezvw:n.?3279.observe bz:v vt.?ob-?+-serv(e)-?3278.observation,bz:vein n.?4333.serve s:v v.?guardian?4334.service s:vis n.?v.?4332.servant s:vnt n.?1315.deserve diz:v vt.?de-?1327.dessert diz:t n.?des-=dis-?+-sert-=serve?1033.console knsul;knsl vt.?n.?con-?+sole=silly?con-?+sole=solid?4527.solid slid adj.?n.?-sol-=whole?4528.solidarity,slidriti n.?299?1034.consolidate knslideit v.?con-?+solid?+?-ate?4524.soldier suld n.?solid?5267.veteran vetrn n.?vet=old?+-er+-an?4526.solemn slm adj.?-sol-=whole?+-emn-=-ann-?4224.saluteslut v.&n.?-sal-=whole?+?-ute?4225.salvation slvein n.?-sal-?+-v-+?-ation?“?”?save?4244.save seiv v.?4212.safe seif adj.?n.?4245.saving sev n.?pl.?4214.safety seifti n.?4079.rescue reskju:v.&n.?re-?+scue?secure?2335.holiday hldi n.?-hol-=whole?+?-y+day?2337.holy huli adj.?4096.resort riz:t n.?vi.?re-?+sort=source?5403.whole hul n.?adj.?5404.wholesome hulsm adj.?5405.wholly huli adv.?2267.heal hi:l v.?whole?2268.health hel n.?2269.healthy heli adj.?2216.hail heil v.?n.?cold?4525.sole sul adj.?n.?single?soil?4530.solo sulu n.?adj.&adv.?4529.solitary slitri adj.?1321.desolate deslt,desleit adj.?v.?de-?+-sol-?+?-ate?300?E53?constrain?contest?1041.constrain knstrein vt.?formal?con-?+strain?1?Research has been constrained by a lack of funds.?2?The evidence was so compelling that he felt constrained to accept it.?4702.strain strein v.?n.?1?The dog was straining at the leash,eager to get to the park.?2?His constant complaints were straining our patience.?3?to strain a muscle?4?I strained my ears(=listened very hard)to catch what they were saying.?5?Their marriage is under great strain at the moment.?6?The rope broke under the strain.?4717.strict strikt adj.?with?1?A strict curfew has been imposed from dusk till dawn.?2?a strict translation of the text?4108.restrain ristrein vt.?from?re-?1?When he started fighting,it took four police officers to restrain him.?4?2?She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.?4109.restraint ristreint n.?1?government spending restraints?2?Lack of space is the main restraint on the firms expansion plans.?4110.restrict ristrikt vt.?1?Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.?30?2?We restrict the number of students per class to 10.?10?3?Having small children tends to restrict your freedom.?1440.district distrikt n.?dis-?Central Business District?CBD?1438.distress distres n.?vt.?dis-?1?The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress.?2?a distress signal(=a message asking for help)?3?It was clear that the letter had deeply distressed her.?4715.stress stres n.?vt.?distress?1?the stresses and strains of the job?2?During his speech,he laid particular stress on the freedom of the press.?3?The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation.?4?Id just like to stress the importance of neatness and politeness in this job.?5?In the word engine you should stress the first syllable.?engine?1042.construct knstrkt vt.?con-?+-struct-?1?The walls are constructed of concrete.?2?a well-constructed novel?1043.construction knstrkn n.?I dont want them to put the wrong construction on my actions.?301?4711.street stri:t n.?1330.destroy distri vt.?de-?+-stroy-=-struct-?Theyve destroyed all the evidence.?1331.destruction distrkn n.?weapons of mass destruction?1332.destructive distrktiv adj.?Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.?4729.structure strkt n.?vt.?1?the grammatical structure of a sentence?2?We must carefully structure and rehearse each scene.?2510.infrastructure nfrstrkt(r)n.?infra-=under?The war has badly damaged the countrys infrastructure.?2502.inferior infiri adj.?n.?infer-?+-ior?1?an inferior officer?2?Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.?3?These products are inferior to those we bought last year.?2509.infrared,infrred adj.&n.?infra-?+red?3283.obstruct bstrkt vt.?ob-?1?After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.?2?to obstruct a police investigation?3284.obstruction bstrkn,b-n.?2553.instruct instrkt vt.?inform?1?All our staff have been instructed in sign language.?2?The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.?2554.instruction instrkn n.?pl.?1?The video provides instruction on how to operate the computer.?2?You obviously didnt read the instructions properly.?3?The police who broke into the house were only acting under instructions.?2555.instrument instrumnt n.?musical instrument?1?surgical instruments?2?Which instrument do you play?2556.instrumental,instrumentl adj.?He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict.?2494.industry indstri n.?1?the tourist industry?2?I must say that Im very impressed by her industry.?2492.industrial indstril adj.?2493.industrialize indtrilaiz v.?industrialise?4706.strategy strtidi n.?strat=street?+-eg-=act?+?-y?Their marketing strategy for the product involves obtaining as much free publicity as possible.?4707.straw str:n.?4708.strawberry str:bri n.?302?1053.contemporary kntemprri adj.?n.?con-?+-temp=time?+?-or+?-ary?1?contemporary literature/art?/?2?Almost all of the contemporary accounts of the event have been lost.?3?She didnt mix with her contemporaries,preferring the company of older people.?5005.time taim n.?4904.temporary temprri adj.?1?The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.?2?More than half the staff are temporary.?4903.tempo tempu n.?1?Were going to have to up the tempo(=work faster)if we want to finish on time.?2?a change in tempo?4899.temper temp n.?vt.?1?Hes got a really bad temper.?2?Come back when youre in a better temper.?3?I learned to temper my criticism.?4900.temperament temprmnt n.?1?to have an artistic temperament?2?His only weakness is his temperament.?4901.temperature temprit n.?temper?+?-ature?1?to take sbs temperature?2?Hes in bed with a temperature of 40.?40?4902.temple templ n.?-tem-=cut?tend?1052.contemplate kntmplet vt.?com-?+templ(e)+?-ate?+?1?Im contemplating going abroad for a year.?2?She contemplated him in silence.?5006.timely taimli adj.?This has been a timely reminder to us all.?2803.lifetime laiftaim n.?2802.life laif n.?2972.meantime mi:ntaim n.?-mean-=middle?2973.meanwhile mi:nwail adv.?2969.mean mi:n vt.?adj.?n.?mind?common?middle?1?What does this word mean?2?Hes too mean to buy her a ring.?3?Stop being so mean to me!?4?Their mean weight is 76.4 kilos.?76.4?2970.meaning mi:ni n.?2971.means mi:nz n.?They had no means of communication.?3405.overtime uvtaim adj.?adv.?n.?1?He earns a lot of overtime pay each month.?2?Theyre working overtime to get the job done on time.?303?3?You can earn some overtime by working after 6.00 p.m.?3479.pastime p:staim;pstam n.?Playing games on mobile devices is a fun pastime.?4539.sometime smtaim adv.?adj.?1?We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.?2?I saw him sometime last summer.?3?a sometime contributor to this magazine?4540.sometimes smtaimz adv.?Sometimes its best not to say anything.?4996.tide taid n.?time?1?The body was washed up on the beach by the tide.?2?It takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion.?4997.tidy taidi adj.?v.?1?a tidy desk?2?I spent all morning cleaning and tidying.?1545.ebb eb vi.?n.?off?1?He could feel his strength ebbing(away).?2?the ebb and flow of the seasons?3300.off:f,f prep.?adv.?adj.?1?Keep off the grass.?2?We live off the Main Street.?3?You need to take the top off the bottl

