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英语学习必备5500词 191128 _180445 英语 学习 必备 5500 28 30 讲义
?E28?assess?assign?301.assess ses vt.?as-=ad-?+-sess-=sit?1?They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.?2?Exams are not the only means of assessing a students ability.?assessment sesmnt n.?a detailed assessment of the risks involved?734.census senss n.?cens=assess?+?-us?We have a census in this country every ten years.?10?censor sens(r)n.?vt.?The book was heavily censored when first published.?censorship sensp n.?4335.session sen n.?-sess-=sit?+?-ion?1?The course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions.?12?2?a session of the UN General Assembly?3?He taught 100 lessons during the summer session.?100?3280.obsession bsen n.?1?Fitness has become an obsession with him.?2?Hes always wanted to find his birth mother but recently its become an obsession.?obsess bses v.?ob-?+-sess-?1?Shes completely obsessed with him.?2?She used to obsess about her weight.?obsessive bsesv adj.?n.?1?Hes obsessive about punctuality.?2?I am not an obsessive.?3676.possess pzes vt.?-pos-?+-sess-?1?He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a license.?2?Im afraid he doesnt possess a sense of humor.?3?What on earth had possessed her to marry him?3677.possession pzen n.?pl.?1?He was found in possession of explosives.?2?Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the airplane.?4443.sit sit vi.?vt.?1?The town sits at/in the bottom of a valley.?2?The childs father sat her down on a chair.?4290.seat si:t n.?v.?1?Washington is the seat of the American government.?2?Please wait to be seated.?4444.site sait n.?This is the site of the accident.?151?4445.situated sitjueitid,-tu-adj.?The school is situated near the park.?4446.situation,sitjuein,-tu-n.?4409.siege si:d n.?The castle was under siege for months.?3455.parasite prsait n.?para-?+site?The lazy man was a parasite in his family.?3447.parachute prut n.?v.?para-?+chute=cut?1?Planes dropped supplies by parachute.?2?Supplies were parachuted to the needy area.?3?The pilot was able to parachute to safety.?4336.set set v.?n.?set=sect?1?Could you set the table for dinner?2?Set the alarm for 7 oclock.?7?3?They set high standards of customer service.?4?a complete set of her novels?5?TV set?4338.setting seti n.?1?It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.?2?The play has its setting in a wartime prison camp.?4339.settle setl v.?1?After they got married,they settled in London.?2?Its all settled.?4340.settlement setlmnt n.?4448.size saiz n.?assess?4337.setback setbk n.?There has been a temporary setback in our plans.?5206.upset pset vt.?adj.?“?”?1?It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.?2?Our dog upset the picnic table,spilling food everywhere.?3?She was very upset to hear that the party had been cancelled.?3307.offset fset vt.?off?+set?set off?Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.?3384.outset autset n.?I made it clear from the outset that I disapproved.?4787.sunset snset n.?4749.subsidy sbsidi n.?sub-?+-sid-=sit?+?-y?The company received a substantial government subsidy.?156.allowance launs n.?allocate?1?an allowance of$20 a day?20?2?a trade-in allowance?2164.grant r:nt,rnt v.?n.?-cred-?a student/research grant?/?152?4088.resident rezidnt n.?adj.?re-?+-sid-?+?-ent?1?The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents.?2?the towns resident population(=not tourists or visitors)?4087.residence rezidns n.?1?She took up permanent residence abroad.?2?Please state your occupation and place of residence.?3737.preside prizaid vi.?at,over?pre-?+-sid-?+-e?They asked if I would preside at the committee meeting.?3738.president prezidnt n.?1?the president of the students union?2?the president of the company?750.chairman temn n.?the chairman of the company?749.chair te n.?vt.?4211.saddle sdl n.?seat for a rider?The bicycle saddle is too high for this child.?4955.thesis i:sis n.?pl.theses?thes=set?+-is?1?a doctoral thesis(=for a PhD)?2?This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.?4852.synthesis sinisis n.?pl.syntheses?syn-=same?+thes=set?+-is?speech synthesis?4853.synthetic sinetik adj.?synthetic diamond?2400.hypothesis haipisis n.?hypo-=sub-?+thesis?a hypothesis about the function of dreams?303.assign sain vt.?as-=ad-?+sign?1?The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.?2?Have you assigned a day for the interviews yet?304.assignment sainmnt n.?I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.?4413.sign sain v.?n.?sig=-sec-?second+?-n?1?He signed his name at the end of the letter.?2?She said the painting was by Picasso,but it wasnt signed.?3?a road/shop sign?/?;sign language?4?The fact that hes eating more is a sign that hes feeling better.?4414.signal sinl n.?v.?1?The signal for a race to start is often the firing of a gun.?2?Flashing lights on a parked car usually signal a warning(to other drivers).?3?She signalled for help.?4415.signature signt n.?Someone had forged her signature on the cheque.?autograph trf n.?153?4418.signify signifai vt.?1?The number 30 on a road sign signifies that the speed limit is 30 miles an hour.?30?30?2?His presence no longer signified.?4416.significance sinifikns n.?The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.?4417.significant signifiknt adj.?Police said there had been a significant development in the case.?1316.design dizain vt.?n.?de-?+sign?1?Who designed this dress?2?Have you seen the designs for the new shopping centre?1317.designate dezineit vt.?design+?-ate?1?She has been designated to organize the meeting.?2?This area of the park has been specially designated for children.?4089.resign rizain v.?re-?+sign?1?He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.?2?She resigned her job.?3?She resigned herself to her fate.?4285.seal si:l n.?vt.?sign?1?The lawyer stamped the certificate with his seal.?2?Seal the package(up)with tape.?4291.second seknd adj.?n.?vt.?-sec-?+-ond?Any proposal must be seconded by two other members of the committee.?4292.secondary sekndri adj.?Experience is what mattersage is of secondary importance.?1020.consecutive knsekjutiv adj.?con-?+-sec-?+?-utive?1?She was absent for nine consecutive days.?2?He is beginning his fourth consecutive term of office.?4328.sequence si:kwns n.?-seq-=-sec-?+?-u-+?-ence?1?The first chapter describes the strange sequence of events that led to his death.?2?Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform these tasks?1023.consequenceknskwns n.?con-?+sequence?1?This decision could have serious consequences for the industry.?2?The money was of little consequence to Tony.?1024.consequently knskwntli adv.?This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain,and consequently to human health.?4748.subsequent sbsikwnt adj.?sub-?+sequent?formal?Subsequent events confirmed our doubts.?1748.execute eksikju:t vt.?ex-?+-(s)ec-?+?-ute?1?The whole play was executed with great precision.?2?The pilot executed a perfect landing.?3?He was executed for murder.?154?1749.executive izekjutiv n.?adj.?1?Chief Executive Officer?CEO?2?Executive power is held by the president.?3543.persecute p:sikju:t vt.?per-?+-sec-?+-ute?His latest film is about the experience of being persecuted for being gay.?3822.prosecute prsikju:t v.?vt.?pro-?+-sec-?+-ute?1?He was prosecuted for fraud.?2?The victim has said that she will not prosecute.?3?The country will prosecute the war to its end.?4513.social sul adj.?-soc-=-sec-?+?-i-+?-al?a busy social life?4512.sociable subl adj.?Shes a sociable child wholl talk to anyone.?4514.socialism sulizm n.?-social+?-ism?4515.society ssaiti n.?4516.sociology,susildi,-i-n.?309.associate suieit vt.?n.?adj.?as-=ad-?1?Most people associate this brand with good quality.?2?a business associate?3?associate director/producer?/?310.association sien n.?1?National Basketball Association?2?This event was organized in association with a local school.?3?The beach has positive associations for me as I used to spend my holidays there.?4774.suit sju:t,su:t vt.?n.?-sec-?1?Short skirts dont really suit me-I dont have the legs for them.?2?She wore a dark blue suit.?;swimsuit?;spacesuit?3?a divorce suit?4775.suitable sju:tbl adj.?for?The film is not suitable for children.?4776.suite swi:t n.?1?The singer was interviewed in his hotel suite.?2?a three-piece suite with two armchairs and a sofa?4766.sue sju:,su:v.?1?She is suing her husband for divorce.?2?He was so furious about the accusations in the letter that he threatened to sue.?3862.pursue psju:,-su:vt.?pur-=pro?1?The car was pursued by helicopters.?2?He decided to pursue a career in television.?3863.pursuit psju:t n.?1?The robbers fled the scene of the crime,with the police in pursuit.?2?the pursuit of happiness?4295.section sekn n.?-sec-=cut?+?-t-+?-ion?1?the sports section of the newspaper?155?2?Hes the director of the finance section.?3?The architect drew the house in section.?4296.sector sekt n.?1?the manufacturing sector?2?sector of the war zone?3?one sector of a pie chart?2535.insect insekt n.?in-?+-sect-?2590.intersection,intsekn n.?inter-?+-sect-?+-ion?1?the intersection of the lines on the graph?2?Turn right at the next intersection.?4304.segment semnt,sement n.?-seg-=-sec-?+?-ment?1?She cleaned a small segment of the painting.?2?The salad was decorated with segments of orange.?4345.sex seks n.?4246.saw s:n.?v.?see“?”?1?a power/chain saw?/?2?He sawed the door in half.?3?The workmen sawed and hammered all day.?4215.sail seil n.?v.?4216.sailor seil n.?4458.skin skin n.?vt.?sk=-sec-?The hunters skinned the deer they had killed.?156?301.assess ses vt.?as-=ad-?+-sess-=sit?assessment sesmnt n.?734.census senss n.?cens=assess?+?-us?censor sens(r)n.?vt.?censorship sensp n.?4335.session sen n.?-sess-=sit?+?-ion?3280.obsession bsen n.?obsess bses v.?ob-?+-sess-?obsessive bsesv adj.?n.?3676.possess pzes vt.?-pos-?+-sess-?3677.possession pzen n.?pl.?4443.sit sit vi.?vt.?4290.seat si:t n.?v.?4444.site sait n.?4445.situated sitjueitid,-tu-adj.?4446.situation,sitjuein,-tu-n.?4409.siege si:d n.?3455.parasite prsait n.?para-?+site?3447.parachute prut n.?v.?para-?+chute=cut?4336.set set v.?n.?set=sect?4338.setting seti n.?4339.settle setl v.?4340.settlement setlmnt n.?4448.size saiz n.?assess?4337.setback setbk n.?5206.upset pset vt.?adj.?“?”?3307.offset fset vt.?off?+set?set off?3384.outset autset n.?4787.sunset snset n.?4749.subsidy sbsidi n.?sub-?+-sid-=sit?+?-y?156.allowance launs n.?allocate?2164.grant r:nt,rnt v.?n.?-cred-?4088.resident rezidnt n.?adj.?re-?+-sid-?+?-ent?4087.residence rezidns n.?3737.preside prizaid vi.?at,over?pre-?+-sid-?+-e?3738.president prezidnt n.?750.chairman temn n.?749.chair te n.?vt.?4211.saddle sdl n.?seat for a rider?4955.thesis i:sis n.?pl.theses?thes=set?+-is?4852.synthesis sinisis n.?pl.syntheses?syn-=same?+thes=set?+-is?4853.synthetic sinetik adj.?157?2400.hypothesis haipisis n.?hypo-=sub-?+thesis?303.assign sain vt.?as-=ad-?+sign?304.assignment sainmnt n.?4413.sign sain v.?n.?sig=-sec-?second+?-n?4414.signal sinl n.?v.?4415.signature signt n.?autograph trf n.?4418.signify signifai vt.?4416.significance sinifikns n.?4417.significant signifiknt adj.?1316.design dizain vt.?n.?de-?+sign?1317.designate dezineit vt.?design+?-ate?4089.resign rizain v.?re-?+sign?4285.seal si:l n.?vt.?sign?4291.second seknd adj.?n.?vt.?-sec-?+-ond?4292.secondary sekndri adj.?1020.consecutive knsekjutiv adj.?con-?+-sec-?+?-utive?4328.sequence si:kwns n.?-seq-=-sec-?+?-u-+?-ence?1023.consequenceknskwns n.?con-?+sequence?1024.consequently knskwntli adv.?4748.subsequent sbsikwnt adj.?sub-?+sequent?formal?1748.execute eksikju:t vt.?ex-?+-(s)ec-?+?-ute?1749.executive izekjutiv n.?adj.?3543.persecute p:sikju:t vt.?per-?+-sec-?+-ute?3822.prosecute prsikju:t v.?vt.?pro-?+-sec-?+-ute?4513.social sul adj.?-soc-=-sec-?+?-i-+?-al?4512.sociable subl adj.?4514.socialism sulizm n.?-social+?-ism?4515.society ssaiti n.?4516.sociology,susildi,-i-n.?309.associate suieit vt.?n.?adj.?as-=ad-?310.association sien n.?4774.suit sju:t,su:t vt.?n.?-sec-?4775.suitable sju:tbl adj.?for?4776.suite swi:t n.?4766.sue sju:,su:v.?3862.pursue psju:,-su:vt.?pur-=pro?3863.pursuit psju:t n.?4295.section sekn n.?-sec-=cut?+?-t-+?-ion?4296.sector sekt n.?2535.insect insekt n.?in-?+-sect-?2590.intersection,intsekn n.?inter-?+-sect-?+-ion?158?4304.segment semnt,sement n.?-seg-=-sec-?+?-ment?4345.sex seks n.?4246.saw s:n.?v.?see“?”?4215.sail seil n.?v.?4216.sailor seil n.?4458.skin skin n.?vt.?sk=-sec-?159?E29?assume?atmosphere?311.assume sju:m,su:m vt.?as-=ad-?+-sum-=sub-?+-um-?+-e?to take up?1?Lets assume(that)theyre coming and make plans on that basis.?2?After moving to a different town,he assumed a false name.?3?In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle.?4?Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital.?312.assumption smpn n.?1?His actions were based on a false assumption.?2?The revolutionaries assumption of power took the army by surprise.?1728.example zmpl n.?ex-?+-amp-?+?-le?1?Hes a very good example to the rest of the class.?2?The judge made an example of him and gave him the maximum possible sentence.?4227.sample s:mpl,s-n.?vt.?1?blood sample?;a sample survey?2?12%of the children sampled said they prefer cats to dogs.?12%?1750.exemplify izemplifai v.?His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best.?1751.exempt izempt vt.?adj.?ex-?+-empt-?1?Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase.?2?Some students are exempt from certain exams.?1622.empty empti adj.?v.?1?an empty house/street?/?2?Theyre just empty promises.?3?He emptied his glass and asked for a refill.?4?The streets soon emptied when the rain started.?1046.consume knsju:m vt.?with?con-?1?The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fuels.?2?Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.?3?The hotel was quickly consumed by fire.?1047.consumption knsmpn n.?3743.presume prizju:m,-zu:m v.?pre-?1?In British law,you are presumed innocent until you are proved guilty.?2?I wouldnt presume to tell you how to do your job,but shouldnt this piece go there?3742.presumably przjumbli adv.?I couldnt concentrate,presumably because I was so tired.?4113.resume rzum;rezme n.?rsum?v.?re-?1?He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.?2?She sent her rsum to 50 companies,but didnt even get an interview.?50?160?3727.premium pri:mim n.?adj.?pre-?+-(e)m-?+?-ium?1?Car insurance premiums have increased this year.?2?Were willing to pay a premium for the best location.?3?premium prices/products?/?3806.prompt prmpt adj.?vt.?pro-?+-(e)mpt-?1?Prompt action was required as the fire spread.?2?Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated.?3?Recent worries over the presidents health have prompted speculation over his political future.?5010.tip tip n.?v.?top?to insure promptness?1?If I stand on the tips of my toes,I can just reach the top shelf.?2?a 15 percent tip?15%?3?The boat tipped to one side.?4?They tipped the waiter 5.?5?5038.top tp n.?adj.?313.assurance urns n.?1?Unemployment seems to be rising,despite repeated assurances to the contrary.?2?He spoke with calm assuran

