30天突破英语核心语法讲义(Day1-Day17)(1)[途鸟吧论坛 www.tnbzs.com].pdf






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途鸟吧论坛 www.tnbzs.com 30天突破英语核心语法讲义Day1-Day171途鸟吧论坛 www.tnbzs.com 30 天突 英语 核心 语法 讲义 Day1 Day17 途鸟吧
30 天突破英语核心语法12222 考研英语考研英语3030 天突破英语核心语法天突破英语核心语法一、一、简单句简单句讲解(结合思维导图)讲解(结合思维导图)一一.五大基本句型五大基本句型英语五种简单句英语五种简单句(一)(一)S+V:主:主+谓(不及物动词谓(不及物动词-Vi)最基本最基本-eg:I do.扩展扩展1)主+谓+副词(副词作状语)eg.He runs slowly.2)主+谓+介词短语(介词短语作状语)eg.Thomas left on holiday.3)主+谓+不定式(不定式作状语)eg.We stopped to have a rest.英语五种简单句英语五种简单句(二)(二)S+V+O:主:主+谓(及物动词谓(及物动词-Vt)+宾宾1)I like music./I like her.2)I want to help him.常用于这个句型的动词有:attempt,dare,decide,desire,expect,hope,wish,intend,learn,need,offer,pretend,promise,propose,refuse,want,manage,plan,fail,try,agree 等。3)I dont know what to do.4)I stopped weighing myself everyday.英语五种简单句英语五种简单句(三)(三)主主+系系+表表1)表感官感官的动词:feel,smell,taste,sound,look,等30 天突破英语核心语法22)表变化变化的动词:become,get,grow,turn,go,fall,run,come 等3)表延续延续的动词:remain,keep,stay,stand,continue,lie 等4)表表象表象的动词:seem,appear,look 等5)表终止终止的动词:prove,turn out 等Eg:The need is increasingly urgent.To lose weight for me is impossible.Its impossible to lose weight for me.Weighing myself is a wonderful way.英语五种简单句英语五种简单句(四)(四)主主+谓谓+双宾双宾1)Forests give us shade.主+谓+宾 1+to/for+宾 2I write this letter to you.I buy this ticket for you.英语五种简单句英语五种简单句(五)(五)主主+谓谓+宾宾+宾补宾补Eg.最基本:I paint the wall white.扩展:扩展:Honestly speaking,I paint the wall white.(状语)The proposed plans make them work.(前置定语)The plans proposed by me make them work.(后置定语)The proposed plans,he said,make them work.(插入语)30 天突破英语核心语法3The proposed plans,ABBY plan,make them work.(同位语)补充:可以做主语的词性:名词、动名词、代词、数词、名词性形容词可以作宾语的词性:名词,代词,数词,动名词,不定式练习练习:分析下列句子成分并翻译:1.They work hard.2.Children of every age prefer patient parents.3.Parents get exhausted.4.Its important to control weight.5.This,he thought,is true.6.The company,a major energy supplier in America,develops well.7.In fact,reforming the system is necessary.8.The environment is obviously important.9.This is a subtle form of peer pressure.10.Losing a job is hurting.30 天突破英语核心语法4二:二:简单句的变化简单句的变化讲解:见思维导图讲解:见思维导图练习:练习:1.Im writing this letter to express my thanks.2.Reforming the system would help lawyers.3.Bosses have finally solved the problems.4.This,he thought,could not be true.5.Undoubtedly,this change will bring benefits.6.Todays CEO,in my opinion,must have many skills.7.My father smokes a lot.My father does smoke a lot.8.I called you in the morning.I did call you in the morning.9.I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass.二、二、并列句并列句最简单:并列主语、并列谓语最简单:并列主语、并列谓语1)Horse-riding and shooting are some of the more unusual events.2)Pop music makes people feel easy and forget about the real world.30 天突破英语核心语法5并列句的省略情况并列句的省略情况练习+讲解:1、主谓、主谓(系)(系)相同,相同,可可省略省略,如:1)She was poor but she was honest.?_His suggestions made David happy,but his suggestions made Mary angry.?_Your behavior made me happy,but your behavior made David angry.?_The highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates,but the highest CEO salaries are not paid to the insiderstaff.?_2、主语相同,、主语相同,可省略可省略My father gave up smoking,but he soon smoked again.?_3、谓语、谓语部分相同部分相同,可省略可省略,如:John has been playing basketball,but Mary has been doing her homework.?_Tom will sing at the party,but John wont sing at the party.?_30 天突破英语核心语法6三:三:复合句复合句(一)主语从句讲解:见思维导图练习:1.误:They like each other is natural.正:That they like each other is natural.练习:改为 It 作形式主语的句子。_2.政府采取措施是很有必要的_3._well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.A.IfB.WhetherC.ThatD.Where4.It is said that in England death is pressing,in Canada inevitable and in California optional._主从中省略了什么?注意:与前面知识点相联系。_5.It is obvious that the strength of a countrys economy is connected with the efficiency of the agriculture andindustry.6.将这 2 个简单句写为主语从句1)The government should take measures.2)This is necessary.7.It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA Cars has a big advantage.(二)宾语从句讲解:见思维导图练习:1.No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation.(1997,Text Four)这个句子对还是错?2.It remains to be seen how weather conditions affect the air flows.(分析下句子成分?并翻译)30 天突破英语核心语法73.Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified;another twenty-seven were told only that somewere electrified.4.She made it clear to them that they must arrive at the meeting before 9 oclock tomorrow morning.5.This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells.(三)表语从句表语从句:系动词+从句系动词:1)表感官感官的动词:feel,smell,taste,sound,look,等2)表变化变化的动词:become,get,grow,turn,go,fall,run,come 等3)表延续延续的动词:remain,keep,stay,stand,continue,lie 等4)表表象表象的动词:seem,appear,look 等6)表终止终止的动词:prove,turn out 等练习:1.These lessons are very important,theyre how we grow,and how we keep from making that same mistakeagain.2.The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.3.Perhaps the most commonly voiced objection to volunteer participation during the undergraduate years is thatit consumes time and energy.(voiced 说出来的;Objection to.反对;volunteer 志愿者;undergraduate 大学生;consume 消耗,消费)4.What we should like to know is whether life originated as the result of some amazing accident or succession ofcoincidences.(originate 起源;as the result of.作为的结果;amazing 令人惊奇的;accident事故,事件succession 连续;coincidence 偶然事件)30 天突破英语核心语法8(四)同位语从句讲解:结合思维导图一、常见的跟同位语从句的词多为抽象名词,包括:news,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,word(消息),possibility 等。Ive come from Mr.Wang with a message that he wont be able to see you this afternoon我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。You have no idea how worried I was!你不知道我多着急!The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.明天我们放假的消息不实。There is no possibility that he will finish the work on time.他不可能按时完成工作。二、有时同位语从句可以不紧跟在说明的名词后面,而被别的词隔开。例如:The story goes that he beats his wife.传说他打老婆。The rumor spread that a new school would be built here.谣传这里要盖一所新学校。The order soon came that all citizens should evacuate the village.不久命令下来,所有居民都必须撤出村子。练习:练习:注意:1.同位语从句的前面一般是表示抽象意义的名词(通常有:news,view,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,possibility,order,truth,proposal,belief)例如:However,the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapideconomic development in poor countries is wrong.(2009 年 Text 3)【同位语从句】2.同位语从句对名词加以补充说明,是名词全部内容的体现,且名词和同位语从句的引导词均不在从句中作成分。The news that our team has won the game was true.我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的。(同位语从句,补充说明 news 到底是一个什么消息。)30 天突破英语核心语法9例 1:Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will beadmitted into universities.A.whileB.thatC.whenD.as答案为 B。more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities 是 Information 的内容,且Information 不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。例 2:I cant stand the terrible noise _ she is crying loudly.A.it B.which C.this D.that析:答案为 D。she is crying loudly 是 the terrible noise 的内容,且 the terrible noise 不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。(五)限制性定语从句讲解:1.For now,the world is treating the outbreak of covid-19 that is now responsible for more than 2,000 deaths.眼下,世界正在应对已经造成 2000 多人死亡的新冠肺疫情。2.The tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 disrupted production for many big firms.2011 年的日本海啸导致许多大公司的生产中断。例 1:It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities,this isthe information _ has been put forward.A.where B.that C.when D.as答案为 B。that has been put forward 为 information 的修饰性定语,且 information 在从句中作主语,所以该句为定语从句。例 2:She heard a terrible noise _ brought her heart into her mouth.A.it B.which/that C.this D.what答案为 B。分析语境含义、句子结构和句子成分可知,该句为限制性定语从句,先行词为 a terrible noise,且它在从句中作主语。应将该句区别于:30 天突破英语核心语法10区分定从和同位语从句区分定从和同位语从句1.被修饰的词不同:同位语从句的前面一般是表示抽象意义的名词(通常有:news,view,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,possibility,order,truth,proposal,belief);而定语从句的先行词一般指人或指物。例如:2.同位语从句和定语从句相似,都放在某一名词或代词后面,但同位语从句不同于定语从句。同位语从句对名词加以补充说明,是名词全部内容的体现,且名词和同位语从句的引导词均不在从句中作成分;定语从句说明先行词的性质与特征,与先行词是修饰与被修饰的关系,且名词和定语从句的引导词均在从句中作成分。第一组:第一组:1.However,the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapideconomic development in poor countries is wrong.(2009 年 Text 3)【同位语从句】2.Homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep atnight.(2006 年完形)【定语从句】第二组:第二组:1.The news that our team has won the game was true.我们队赢了那场比赛的消息是真的。(同位语从句,补充说明 news 到底是一个什么消息。)2.The news that he told me yesterday was true.昨天他告诉我的那个消息是真的。(定语从句,news 在从句中作 told 的宾语。)(六)非限制性定语从句讲解+练习:(结合思维导图)非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句的区别:限定性定语从句与被修饰对象之间联系密切,作者认为很重要或者去掉之后会影响表意;非限定性定语从句可以修饰前面的先行词,也可以修饰前面整个主句,与修饰对象 之间联系不密切,去掉之后不影响表意。1.Over 40%of this years deforestation occurred in land vulnerable to land grabbers,much of which will likelyend up being(最终会)used to raise cattle.译文:今年,40%以上的森林砍伐发生在容易遭到侵占的地块上,这些土地最终大部分都被用来养牛。2.Ahead of the two-week conference,which concluded on December 15th,many observers feared that the30 天突破英语核心语法11meeting would instead highlight the unresolved contradictions.译文:在这场 12 月 15 日结束的为期两周的会议召开之前,许多人担心会议反而会凸显那些尚未解决的矛盾。3.The concern is not about the virus,which seems less lethal than SARS,but about the potential duration ofChinas efforts to bring the outbreak under control.译文:人们的主要担忧并不是这种病毒的严重程度(其致命性似乎低于 SARS),而是中国控制疫情的行动的特性以及它可能持续多久。4.The fairy tale could have been written by a supporter of the construction industry,which strongly favours(偏爱)brick,concrete and steel.译文:这则童话的作者可能是个建筑行业的支持者,这个行业十分偏爱砖、混凝土和钢材这些建材。5.Steel,half of which goes into buildings,accounts for 8%of the worlds carbon emissions.译文:钢材占了全球碳排放的 8%,其中有一半钢材用于建筑业。

