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*第一部分:Greetings 问候语 1.Hello.你好!2.Good morning.早晨好!3.Im John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。4.Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?5.Yes,I am.是的,我是。6.How are you?你好吗?7.Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。8.How is Helen?海伦好吗?9.Shes very well,thank you.她很好,谢谢您。10.Good afternoon,Mr.Green.午安,格林先生。11.Good evening,Mrs.Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。12.How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?13.Good night,John.晚安,约翰。14.Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。15.See you tomorrow.明天见。Classroom expressions 课堂用语 16.Come in,please.请进!17.Sit down.坐下!18.Stand up,please.请站起来。19.Open your book,please.请把书打开。20.Close your book,please.请把书合上。21.Dont open your book.别打开书。22.Do you understand?你明白了吗?23.Yes,I understand.是的,我明白了。24.No,I dont understand.不,我不明白。25.Listen and repeat.先听,然后再重复一遍。26.Now read,please.现在请大家读。27.Thats fine.好得很。28.Its time to begin.到开始的时候了。29.Lets begin now.现在让我们开始。30.This is Lesson One.这是第一课。Identifying objects.辨别物品 31.Whats this?这是什么?32.Thats a book.那是一本书。33.Is this your book?这是你的书吗?34.No,thats not my book.不,那不是我的书。35.Whose book is this?这是谁的书?36.Thats your book.那是你的书。37.And whats that?还有那是什么?38.Is that a book?那是一本书吗?让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。39.No,it isnt.不,不是。40.Its a pencil.那是一枝铅笔。41.Is it yours?它是你的吗?42.Yes,its mine.是,是我的。43.Wheres the door?门在哪儿?44.There it is.门在那儿。45.Is this book his?这本书是他的吗?46.What are these?这些是什么?47.Those are books.那些是书。48.Where are the books?那些书在哪儿?49.There they are.在那儿。50.These are my pencils.这些是我的铅笔。51.Where are your pens?你的那些钢笔在哪儿?52.Theyre over there.在那里。53.Are these your pens?这些是你的钢笔吗?54.Yes,they are.是我的。55.Those are mine.那些是我的。56.These are your books,arent they?这些书是你的,对不对?57.No,they arent.不,不是。58.Theyre not mine.不是我的。59.These are mine,and those are yours.这些是我的,而那些是你的。60.Those arent your pens,are they?那些钢笔不是你的,对吧?Identifying people by occupation 辨别身份 61.Who are you?你是谁?62.Im a student.我是学生。63.Who is that over there?那边那个人是谁?64.Hes a student,too.他也是学生。65.Is that lady a student?那位女士是学生吗?66.No,she isnt.不,她不是。67.Those men arent students,either.那些人也不是学生。68.Am I your teacher?我是你们的教员吗?69.Yes,you are.是的,你是。70.That man is a teacher,isnt he?那个人是位教员,对不对?71.Yes,he is.是的,他是。72.Who are those people?那些人是谁?73.Maybe theyre farmers.他们可能是农民。74.Arent they students?他们不是学生吗?75.I really dont know.我真的不知道。Introductions and courtesies 介绍和礼节 76.Whats your name?你叫什么名字?77.My name is Jones.我姓琼斯。78.Whats your first name?你的名字叫什么?让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。79.My first name is Bill.我的名字叫比尔。80.How do you spell your last name?你的姓怎么拼法?81.Jones.J-O-N-E-S.琼斯,JONES。82.Whats your friends name?你的朋友叫什么名字?83.His name is John Smith.他叫约翰、史密斯。84.John and I are old friends.我和约翰是老朋友了。85.Are you Johns brother?你是约翰的兄弟吗?86.No,Im not.不,我不是。87.This is Mr.Jones.这是琼斯先生。88.How do you do?你好!89.Mrs.Jones,this is Mr.John Smith.琼斯夫人,这是约翰、史密斯先生。90.Very please to meet you.见到您很高兴。Days and months of the calendar 年历的周日和月份 91.What day is today?今天是星期几?92.Today is Monday.今天是星期一。93.What day was yesterday?昨天是星期几?94.Yesterday was Sunday.昨天是星期日。95.What day is tomorrow?明天是星期几?96.What month is this?现在是几月份?97.This is January.现在是一月份。98.Last month was December,wasnt it?上个月是十二月,对不对?99.Yes,it was.是,是十二月份。100.What month is next month?下个月是几月份?101.I was in the hospital for several weeks.我在医院里住了几个星期了。102.Where were you on Tuesday?星期二你在哪里?103.You were here in February,werent you?二月份你曾在这里,对不对?104.No,I wasnt.不,我没有在这里。105.Your friend was here a week ago,wasnt he?一个星期前,你的朋友曾在这里,是不是?*第二部分:Talking about objects 谈论事物 106.Do you have a book?你有一本书吗?107.Yes,I do.是的,我有。108.You have a radio,dont you?你有一台收音机,对吗?109.No,I dont.不,我没有。110.I dont have a phonograph,either.我也没有留声机。111.Dees this radio belong to you?这台收音机是你的吗?112.Yes,I think it does.是的,我认为它是我的。113.How many sisters and brothers do you have?你有几个姊妹和兄弟?114.Dont you have my hat?你没拿我的帽子吧?115.Yes,I have both your hat and your coat.不,你的帽子和大衣都在我这里。116.Does John have a yellow pencil?约翰有一支黄铅笔吗?117.Yes,he does.是的,他有。让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。118.He has a radio,doesnt he?他有一台收音机,对不对?119.No,he doesnt have one.不,他没有。120.He already has a phonograph,but he doesnt have a radio yet.他已经有一架留声机,但是他还没有收音机。Telling time 述说时间 121.What time is it?几点钟了?122.Its two oclock.两点钟。123.Its a few minutes after two.两点过几分。124.My watch is fast and your watch Is slow.我的表快,而你的表慢。125.Excuse me.Can you tell me the correct time?对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗?126.No,I cant.不,我不能。127.I dont know what time it is.我不知道现在几点钟。128.I dont think its four oclock yet.我认为现在还不到四点。129.It must be about three thirty.现在想必是三点三十分左右。130.I get up before six oclock every day.每天我六点前起床。131.The restaurant doesnt open until seven forty-five.饭馆要到七点四十五分才开门。132.Will you be here at ten oclock tomorrow?请你明天十点到这里,行吗?133.Yes,I will.行。134.Well be on time,wont we?我们将按时到,是吗?135.I hope so.我希望如此。Talking about dates 谈论日期 136.Whats the date today?今天是几号?137.Today is November first,nineteen sixty-three.今天是一九六三年十一月一号。138.When were you born?你是什么时候出生的?139.I was born on November first,nineteen thirty-five.我是一九三五年十一月一日出生.140.Today is my birthday.今天是我的生日。141.My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.我的妹妹是一九三八年出生的。142.I dont know the exact date.我不知道确切的日子。143.Where were you born?你出生在什么地方?144.I was born in a little town not far from here.我出生在离这儿不远的小城市里。145.What do you know about the tenth century?有关十世纪的事你知道些什么?146.I dont know anything about that.关于那个我什么都不知道。147.Lets talk about something else.让我们谈点别的什么吧。148.Where were you during the month of April last year?去年四月份你在哪里?149.I dont remember where I was then.我不记得那时我在哪里。150.Where will you be nest year at this time?明年这个时候你将在哪里?About Visits 关于拜访 151.Hello.Can I see Mr.Green?你好,我能见格林先生吗?152.Do you have an appointment?你有预约吗?让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。153.Sorry,I dont.对不起,我没有。154.Yes.At 3 pm.是的,约的是下午 3 点。155.Sorry,Mr.Green cant see you now.对不起,格林先生现在不能见您。156.Hes on the phone.他在打电话。157.Would you wait here for a minute?您能在这里等一下吗?158.Would you like something to drink?您想喝点什么吗?159.Tea,please.我喝点茶吧。160.Mr.Green,Mr.Smith is here.格林先生,史密斯先生在这里。161.You may go in now.您可以进去了。162.Nice to see you,my old friend.真高兴见到你,我的老朋友。163.How have you been these years?这些年你怎么样?164.Youve changed little.你一点也没变。165.Do you still remember that Christmas?你仍记得那个圣诞节吗?About Language 关于语言 166.Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?167.Yes,a little.会讲一点。168.How long have you studied English?你学英语多久了?169.He speaks English fluently.他讲英语很流利。170.Your English is very good.你的英语很好。171.You speak English pretty well.你的英语讲的很好。172.Are you a native speaker of English?你的母语是英语吗?173.My native language is Chinese.我的母语是汉语。174.He speaks with London accent.他带点伦敦口音。175.He has a strong accent.他口音很重。176.I have some difficulty in expressing myself.我表达起来有点困难。177.Im always confused with s and th.我常把 s 和 th 搞混。178.Can you write in English?你能用英文写文章吗?179.Your pronunciation is excellent.你的发音很好。180.How can I improve my spoken English?我该怎样才能提高口语水平?Talking About Activities 谈论活动 181.What are you doing?你在干什么?182.Im reading a book.我在看书。183.Im cooking.我在做饭。184.Are you watching TV now?你在看电视吗?185.Yes,Im watching Channel 5.是的,我在看 5 频道。186.No,Im listening to the radio.没有,我在听收音机。187.Where are you going?你去哪儿?188.Im going to work.我去上班。189.Who are you writing to?你在给谁写信?190.Im writing to an old friend.给一个老朋友。191.What will you do this weekend?这周末你将干什么?192.Ill go to a concert.我要去听音乐会。让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。193.Ill go on an outing with some friends.我与朋友去郊游。194.Do you like traveling?你喜欢郊游吗?195.Yes,I like it a great deal/it very much.是的,我很喜欢。About Age 关于年龄 196.How old are you?你多大了?197.Im twenty-two(years old).我二十二了。198.Mr.Smith is still in his forties.史密斯先生才四十几岁。199.Im two years younger than my sister.我比我姐小两岁。200.My elder sister is one year older than her husband.我姐比他丈夫大一岁。201.Hes the youngest in the family.他是一家中最小的。202.He looks much younger than he is.他看起来比他实际上年轻得多。203.I came here when I was 20.我二十岁来这儿。204.I started school at the age of 6.我六岁开始上学。205.My father is over 60 years old.我父亲已年过六十了。206.Most of them are less than 30.他们中大多数不到 30 岁。207.I guess hes about 30.我猜他大概 30 岁。208.Shes going to be 15 next month.下个月她就满 15 了。209.Theyll have a party for their 10th wedding anniversary.他们将为结婚十周年开个晚会。210.Hes still a boy after all.他毕竟还只是个孩子。Talking about daily activities 谈论日常活动 211.When do you get up everyday?每天你几点起床?212.I usually get up at 8 oclock.我通常 8 点起床。213.Where do you have your lunch?你在哪儿吃午饭?214.I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby.我在附近一家快餐店吃午饭。215.What did you have for lunch?你中午吃些什么?216.I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg?我吃一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。217.What time do you start work?你什么时候开始工作?218.I start work at 8 oclock.我八点开始工作。219.What do you do at work?你上班干些什么?220.I answer telephones and do some typing.我接电话和打字。221.What time do you finish your work?你什么时候下班?222.At 6 oclock sharp.6 点。223.What do you do in your spare time?闲暇时,你干些什么?224.I like listening to pop music.我喜欢听流行音乐。225.I like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。Talking about yesterdays activities 谈论昨天的活动 226.When did you get up yesterday morning?你昨天早上几点起床?227.At about seven.七点左右。228.I heard the clock,but I didnt get up until 9.我听见闹钟了,但我捱到九点才起。229.I woke up seven and got up right away.我七点醒了,然后马上起床了。让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。230.I hurried to my office.我匆忙赶到办公室。231.I had my breakfast on the way.我在路上吃的早饭。232.I was just on time.我刚好赶上。233.I was 10 minutes late.我迟到了五分钟。234.I had lunch with a friend of mine.我和我的一个朋友一块吃了午饭。235.I finished my work at 6 p.m.下午 6 点我下班了。236.I stayed and did some extra work.我留下加了一会儿班。237.The TV programs were really boring,so I went to bed very early.电视节目很无聊,所以我早早睡了。238.I read a magazine in bed.我躺在床上看杂志。239.I didnt sleep well.我没睡好。240.I slept soundly all night.我整夜睡的很熟。*第三部分:Asking For Others Opinions 询问别人的意见 436.What do you think about it?你对此怎么看?437.Is that right?那样对吗?438.Absolutely right.绝对正确。439.I think youre mistaken about that.我想你那样不对。440.Is that ok?这样行吗?441.Thats ok/fine.挺好的。442.Thats excellent.那太棒了。443.He was absent yesterday.Do you know why?昨天他没到,你知道为什么吗?444.Do you have any idea?你怎么想?445.I suppose he was sick.我猜他大概是病了。446.Will it rain tomorrow?明天会下雨吗?447.No,I dont think so.不,我想不会。448.Do you really want to know what I think?你真想知道我怎么想吗?449.Please give me your advice.请给我提些建议。450.I want to hear your opinion.我想听听你们想法。Making Plans 订计划 451.What do you plan to do this Friday?明天你打算干什么?452.What are you doing next week?下周你干什么?453.I plan to go to the concert.我打算去听音乐会。454.Im thinking of going to my grandmas.我想去外婆家。455.Ill go skiing of the weather permits.天气允许的话,我会去滑雪。456.I suppose I can finish the project next year.我想我明年完成此工程。457.I have no idea.我不知道。458.Its up to you.由你决定。459.Im considering buying a house.我想买套房子。460.Hi,Jack,what lessons will you take this semester?你好,杰克,这学期你选什么课?461.Hi,Lucy.Ill take French and Economics.你好,露西,我想选法语和经济。让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。462.Im taking Chinese and History.我将选中文和历史。463.Do you plan to do some odd jobs?你打算打工吗?464.Yes,Im applying to work at the library.是的,我在申请图书馆管理员的工作。465.Good luck!祝你好运。About Decisions 关于决定 466.Its up to you.由你决定。467.You have the final say.你说了算。468.She insists that it doesnt matter.她坚持说那没关系。469.Hes made up his mind to quit his job.他已决定辞去他的工作。470.Ive decided not to sell the house.我决定不卖房子了。471.Im determined to leave.我决意要走了。472.Have you decided?你决定了吗?473.No,I havent decided yet.不,还没有。474.Ive changed my mind.我改注意了。475.Its still undecided.还没决定。476.Dont hesitate any more.别在犹豫了。477.Give me a definite answer,please.请给个明确的答复。478.Its really hard to make a decision.挺难做决定的。479.Im always making resolutions,like giving up smoking.我总在做出决定,比如戒烟。480.Dont shilly-shally.别犹豫不决。Traveling 旅游 481.Do you like traveling?你喜欢旅游吗?482.Yes,Ive just come back from Scotland.是的,我刚从苏格兰回来。483.How did you get there?你怎么去的?484.I got there by plane.我坐飞机去的。485.Where did you visit?你去参观了哪些地方?486.I only had time to visit Edinburgh.我只有时间去爱丁堡。487.How did you like it?你喜欢那儿吗?488.Its fantastic.那儿棒极了。489.Why did you go there?你为什么去那儿?490.I went there on business.我出差到那儿。491.And do you have friends there?你在那儿有朋友吗?492.Yes,a lot of friends.是的,很多。493.You must have enjoyed yourself.你一定玩的很开心。494.Yes,and I took many pictures.是的,我还照了好多照片。495.Please let me see them.让我看看。About Shopping 关于购物 496.Will you go shopping with me?你跟我去买东西吗?497.Heres your change.这是找你的钱。498.Ill go to pick up some odds and ends at the store.我要到商店买些零碎的东西。让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。499.Excuse me,would you tell me where I can get some butter?打扰一下,您能告诉我黄油在哪儿卖吗?500.May I have a look at the watch?我能看看这块表吗?501.May I try it on?我能试试吗?502.This is too small for me.Do you have a bigger one?这个太小了,有大点的吗?503.Do you have any more colors?有别的颜色吗?504.Whats your size?你穿多大号?505.It suits you to a T.特别适合你。506.Its too expensive for me.对于我来说太贵了。507.Can you came down a bit?可以再便宜点吗?508.Ill take it.我买了。509.How much is it?这卖多少钱?510.How much do I owe you?我该付多少钱?In The Restaurant 餐馆进餐 511.What would you like to eat?你想吃点什么?512.Are you ready to order?你要点菜了吗?513.Id like some steak and bread.我要牛排和面包。514.What would you like for dessert?你要什么甜点?515.Ill have some ice cream.我要冰淇淋。516.Do you want some fruit?你要水果吗?517.Yes,please.I want an apple.是的,我要一个苹果。518.Anything to drink?喝点什么?519.A small glass of whisky,please.请来一小杯威士忌。520.Here is your food.你的菜来了。521.Bring me the bill please.请买单。522.Can I pay by check or credit card?我能用支票或信用卡吗?523.Sorry,we only take cash.对不起,我们只收现金。524.Here you are.给。525.Here is your change.找您的钱。About Evening Entertainment 关于夜生活 526.Im free tonight.我今晚有空。527.Shall we go to the cinema?我们去看电影好吗?528.Do you know whats on tonight?你知道今天上演什么?529.May I ask you for a dance?可以请你跳支舞吗?530.With pleasure.很荣幸。531.Sorry,Im engaged.对不起,我有约在先了。532.What about another dance?再跳一曲好吗?533.Youre a good dancer.你舞跳的真好。534.Whats on Channel 8 now?现在 8 频道播什么节目?535.I dont know.You may look in the TV Guide.我不知道,你可以看看电视报。536.Lets see what else is on.咱们看看有没有别的节目。537.Did you see the special last night?昨晚你看特别节目了吗?538.I dont want to see any more of this TV show.我不想再看这个电视节目了。让学生在各学科的课前预习、高效听讲、课后复习、考前复习中做的游刃有余。让上班族和管理者的计划、策划、企划、演讲、培训、会议、沟通、谈判、头脑风暴、采购更轻松。539.Can we change the channel?能换个频道吗?540.I want to see the weather.我想看天气预报.Appointments 约会 541.Id like to make an appointment with Mrs.Green.我想约个时间见格林女士。542.Shes free on Friday and Saturday.她周五和周六有空。543.Sorry,can I see her before Friday?对不起,我能周五之前见她吗?544.Let me see.She has 30 minutes Tuesday afternoon.让我查查,她周二下午有 30分钟。545.At what time?什么时间?546.From 4 to 4:30.四点到四点半。547.All right.好吧。548.So youll come then.Please phone in if you cant make it.那么你就那时来,如果来不了,请打电话给我。549.I have an interview this afternoon.我今天下午有面试。550.I can come any time except Sunday.除星期天外我都能来。551.You can reach me at 6609823.你打电话 6609823 就能找到我。552.He phoned to cancel the meeting.他打电话来取消会议。553.Please call me before you come.你来之前请打电话。554.Please make an appointment with my secretary.请跟我秘书定个见面时间。555.I have to change my appointment from Monday to Thursday.我不得不把约会从周一改到周四。Seeing A Doctor 看医生 556.Whats your trouble?你有什么不舒服?557.How long have you had it?你得这病多久了?558.I should say youve caught a cold.我看你感

