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翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记英语二 翻译 演练 02 课堂 笔记 英语
NOTE:大板块 小板块注释补充知识句子翻译课后练习Notes:vast是修饰centre的,表示“大型数据中心。”大数据是big data。powerful computer是表示大功率的计算机。Notes:英语二是整体印象给分:global scoringNotes:well air-conditioned 良好的空调环境翻译真题演练2011年真题讲解【句子3】A Google search can leak between 0.2 and 7.0 grams of CO2 depending on how many attempts are needed to get the“right”answer.重要单词:leak vt.使泄露 take a leak 泄露 attempt n.试图,尝试翻译:一次谷歌搜索就可以释放0.2-7.0克的二氧化碳,释放量的多少取决于使用者需要搜索多少次才能找到“正确”答案。【句子4】To deliver results to its users quickly,then,Google has to maintain vast data centresround the world,packed with powerful computers.重要单词:deliver v.传递 maintain v.保持,维护 be packed with 挤满,塞满 翻译:为了将搜索结果快速传递给用户,谷歌不得不在全世界建设巨型数据中心,并配备大功率计算机。【句子5】While producing large quantities of CO2,these computers emit a great deal of heat,so the centres need to be well air-conditioned,which uses even more energy.翻译:除了排放大量的二氧化碳/当排放大量的二氧化碳时,这些计算机还释放大量热量,因此这些数据中心需要良好的空调环境,而这又会消耗更多的能量。【句子6】However,Google and other big tech providers monitor their efficiency closely and make improvements.重点词汇:monitor n.搜索,记录;测定;监督 翻译:但是,谷歌和其他大型技术供应商密切监控着自己的能效,并做出改进。【句子7】Monitoring is the first step on the road to reduction,but there is much to be done,and not just by big companies.翻译:监控只是通往减排之路的第一步,但是需要做的还有很多,并不单单是大公司的事情。2012年真题讲解【全文预览】When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usuallyconcerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in developed world.These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain,Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are 视频定位1:0008:26视频定位24:1534:37视频定位43:0451:30视频定位08:2624:15视频定位34:3743:04翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语二)的第 1 页有道考神考研like Britain,Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particularly likely to emigrate.A big survey of Indian households in 2004 found that nearly 40%of emigrants had more than a high-school education,compared with around 3.3%of all Indians over the age 25.This“brain drain”has long bothered policymakers in poor countries.They fear that it hurts their economies,depriving them of much-needed skilled workers who could have taught at their universities,worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factories to make.词汇辨析:migrate v.迁徙,迁移 migrant n.移民(migrant worker)migration n.迁移immigrate v.移民(里)immigrant n.移民 immigration n.迁移emigrate v.移民(外)emigrant n.移民 emigration n.迁移【句子1】When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usually concerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valsey or to hospitals and universities in the developed world.重点词汇:migration n.迁移 prospect n.前景 departure n.离开,启程 翻译:当发展中国家的人们担心移民时,他们通常忧虑的是自己国家最优秀和最聪明的人才移民到硅谷或者发达国家的医院和大学这样的地方。【句子2】These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain,Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.重点词汇:privilege n.特权;v.给特权 翻译:版本:这些是那种诸如英国、加拿大和澳大利亚等国试图通过给与大学毕业生特权的移民规则来吸引的人才。版本:这些工人就是诸如英国、加拿大和澳大利亚等国试图吸引的人才,这些国家通过赋予大学毕业生特权的移民政策来吸引人才。【句子3】Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particularly likely to emigrate.重点词汇:emigrate v.移居外国翻译:大量研究发现,发展中国家受过良好教育的人更可能会移民。【句子4】A big survey of Indian households in 2004 found that nearly 40%of emigrants had morn than a high-school education,compared with around 3.3%of all Indian over the age of 25.重点词汇:household n.家庭;adj.家喻户晓的 视频定位51:301:03:54视频定位1:14:311:26:44视频定位1:03:541:14:31分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语二)的第 2 页有道考神考研重点词汇:household n.家庭;adj.家喻户晓的 翻译:2004年的一份印度家庭大调查发现,将近40%的移民接受过高中以上的教育,相比之下,全印度25岁以上的人中受过高中以上教育的只有3.3%。【句子5】This brain drain has long bothered policymakers in poor counties.重点词汇:drain v.排水;流干;耗尽 n.下水管 翻译:这种“人才流失”长期以来困扰着贫困国家的政策制定者。【句子6】They fear that it hurts their economies,depriving them of much-needed skilled workers who could have taught(虚拟语气)at their universities,worked in their hospital and come up with(设计出)clever new product for their factories to make.重点词汇:deprive v.剥夺(of)翻译:他们担心,这会损害本国经济发展,致使他们损失大量急需技术人才,而这些人才本可以在自己国内的大学任教,在国内的医院工作,或研发出灵巧的新产品供本国工厂生产。2013年真题讲解【全文预览】I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was,what happened in the news and even the day of the week.Ive been able to do this since I was four.I never feel overwhelmed with the amount of information my brain absorbs.My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly.When I think of a sad memory,I do what everyone does try to put it to one side.I dont think its harder for me just because my memory is clearer.Powerful memory doesnt make my emotions any more acute or vivid.I can recall the day my grandfather died and the sadness I felt when we went to the hospital the day before.I also remember that the musical play Hair opened on the Broadway on the same day they both just pop into my mind in the same way.【句子1】I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was,what happened in the news and even the day of the week.重点词汇:instantly adv.立即,马上 翻译:我可以从过去的53年里任选一天,并立马回想起当时我身在何处,有什么新闻,甚至那天星期几。【句子2】2.I ve been able to do this since I was four.翻译:自从四岁起,我就能这么做。课后练习:视频定位1:36:351:41:27视频定位1:26:441:36:35分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语二)的第 3 页有道考神考研翻译:自从四岁起,我就能这么做。课后练习:1.整理课堂笔记,复习课上内容。2.翻译2013年真题第二段以及2014年真题课后总结一、翻译技巧被动语态的翻译:有被则被;无被找主;无被替换(得以,遭受,受到)二、知识点词汇辨析:migrate v.迁徙,迁移 migrant n.移民(migrant worker)migration n.迁移immigrate v.移民(里)immigrant n.移民 immigration n.迁移emigrate v.移民(外)emigrant n.移民 emigration n.迁移分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语二)的第 4 页有道考神考研

