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途鸟吧论坛 www.tnbzs.com 2022考研英语时文精析一刘哲途鸟吧论坛 www.tnbzs.com 2022 考研 英语 时文 刘哲 途鸟吧 论坛 www tnbzs com
2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)2022 考研英语考研英语时文精析时文精析目录目录Text 1:Be Consistent Is Set For Top Parenting.1Text 2:Three Theories:Slow Parenting V.S.Helicopter Parenting V.S.Tiger Mum.2Text 3:Bursting the bubble:how gum lost its cool.4Text 4:Animal crisis in Africa when it comes to COVID-19 Pandemic.6Text 5:石油开采现状.7Text 6:Welcome to the Anthropocene Era.9Text 7:Lightning Does Good To Climate Change.11Text 8:Electric Vehicles era is coming up.12Text 9:High price of the GREEN.132022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)1Text 1:Be Consistent Is Set For Top Parenting优秀父母应有的定力优秀父母应有的定力【重点词汇重点词汇】misdeed/msdi:d/n.恶行、不义之举、不端行为、错误pivotal/pvtl/adj.关键性的、核心的be pivotal to.discipline/dspln/n.纪律、规矩、大学学科科目v.discipline sb for sth.惩罚、管教、训导display/dsple/v.展示、展出、陈列、显示 n.陈列、展览parameter/prmt(r)/n.决定因素、范围、参数、参量consistent/knsstnt/adj.一致的、一贯的、连续的 be consistent with.【文章正文文章正文】A consistent approach is pivotal to successfully teaching a son or daughter right from wrongwhen punishing them.It prevents small misdeeds and poor conduct from turning into greatermisdeeds.A consistent approach shows your son or daughter there are express effects formisdeeds and improper or unsatisfactory deeds or manners.Displaying a lack of consistency whenpunishing makes you directly accountable for your childrens misdeeds and will not teach themhow to be liable for their exploits.当子、女做错事应接受惩戒时,父母保有定力是教育成功的关键所在,其可以防止小的错误和不良行为变成更大的错误。但是父母(你)一定要保持定力,坚定地向子、女表明态度,即父母对于孩子的不适当举止或令人不满的行为举止会做出相应的反应。如果在教育孩子时缺乏应有的定力,父母(你)要为孩子的错误行为承担责任,同时也无法教会他们如何对自己的行为负责。Its also necessary that each partner is consistent with the discipline.If one parent is firm andthe other is too forgiving,the son or daughter will key into that and attempt to manipulate theposition to his or her advantage.Parents must be in agreement on disciplinary code beforehandand make a commitment to each other to be consistent in carrying out the discipline.This can beespecially difficult if the childs parents are divorced or separated.Though you are not livingtogether,its crucial that both parents have a united ground.Openly and honestly agree theseparameters with your former spouse and your son or daughter in advance.父母对规矩的态度保持一致也是十分必要的。如果父母中的一位很有定力,而另一位对2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)2于孩子过于宽容,子女会钻此空子并试图操纵对其有利的地位。父母必须事先对规矩达成一致,并相互承诺在实际施行惩戒过程中也步调一致。这实施起来对于离异的父母而言尤其困难。尽管离异后的父母不住在一起,但是父母间口径一致仍十分关键。事先开诚布公地与前任配偶、子女达成沟通一致。【重点句子分析】【重点句子分析】If one parent is firm and the other is too forgiving,the son or daughter will key into that andattempt to manipulate the position to his or her advantage.如果父母中的一位很有定力,而另一位对于孩子过于宽容,子、女会钻此空子并试图操纵对其有利的地位。句型结构:条件状语从句+主句,复合句分析:主句:the son or daughter will key into that and attempt to manipulate the position to his or heradvantage.the son or daughter 作主语,will key into 和 attempt to manipulate 作谓语,时态遵从“主将从现”原则,其中 key into.意为“嵌入、插入”,attempt to do sth 意为试图、尝试做某事。the position to his or her advantage 构成宾语部分,the position to sbs advantage.有利于某人从句:If one parent is firm and the other is too forgiving.if 条件状语从句标志词,one parent 和 the other 作主语,is firm 和 isforgiving 为系表结构,too 为副词,表程度。Text 2:Three Theories:Slow Parenting V.S.Helicopter Parenting V.S.Tiger Mum“放养式放养式”养育养育、“直升机式直升机式”养育与养育与“虎妈式虎妈式”养育养育【重点词汇重点词汇】exert zt vt.行使、运用、施加、努力、竭力Psychological sakldkl adj.心理上的、精神上的Bereavement brivmnt vt.使丧失亲友、失去至亲Identify adentfa vt.确认、鉴别Extracurricular ekstrkrkjl(r)adj.课外的、业余的laid back led bk adj.懒散的、无忧无虑的2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)3【文章正文文章正文】Parents who exert too much control over their children could be causing them lifelongpsychological damage.The negative impact on well-being was comparable in scale to thatobserved in people who have suffered a bereavement.Examples of psychologically controllingbehaviour identified by the study included invasions of childrens privacy and an unwillingness tolet children make their own decisions,and fostering dependence upon one or both parents.父母对孩子管束过多可能会对孩子造成永久的心理伤害。家长控制欲过强对幸福感造成的负面影响与痛失至亲对人们产生的负面影响程度相近。研究表明心理控制行为包括侵犯孩子隐私、不愿意让孩子自己做决定以及助长孩子对父母的依赖。Parenting styles go below:Slow parenting:allows children to go at their own pace,with littlecontrol over what they take an interest in or when they do it.Helicopter parenting:named for theconstantly hovering quality of certain mums and dads,the opposite of slow parenting ischaracterized by close involvement in a childs interests and hobbies.Tiger Mum:originated in a2011 book by Chinese-American author Amy Chua about a traditional,strict approach tomotherhood that gets results in terms of grades and extracurricular achievement.It also spawned anew term for another breed of parentthe cat dad,who is laid back,stand-offish and slow toanger.以下三种养育模式:“放养式”养育:(父母)任孩子以自己的节奏自由发展,几乎不干涉他们什么时间对什么事情感兴趣。“直升机式”养育:因某些家长像直升机一样时刻盘旋在孩子身边而得名。与“放养式”父母完全不同,“直升机式”父母的一大特点就是过度介入孩子的兴趣爱好。“虎妈式”养育:最早出自华裔美国作家蔡美儿(Amy Chua)2011年出版的一本书。书中写到母亲采用一种严苛的传统教育方法,令孩子在学业上以及课业外都有所成。“虎妈”还衍生出另一个新词猫爸,形容随和、矜持而不易动怒的父亲。【重点句子分析】【重点句子分析】The negative impact on well-being was comparable in scale to that observed in people whohave suffered a bereavement.家长控制欲过强对幸福感造成的负面影响与痛失至亲对人们产生的负面影响程度相近。The negative 形容词作定语用以修饰 impact,on well-being 为介宾短语作后置定语同修饰impact,即“对幸福感造成的负面影响”。was comparable to 为“系动词+介词”构成谓语in scale 作状语,“规模相当”that 代词作宾语,代指“impact”,observed 作介词的后置定语,其 v-ed 形式表“被动”,2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)4即“被观察到的、被看到的”who 引导定语从句,作定语从句的主语,have suffered 为定语从句谓语,a bereavement 为定语从句的宾语。Text 3:Bursting the bubble:how gum lost its cool泡泡的破灭:嚼口香糖不再酷泡泡的破灭:嚼口香糖不再酷【重点词汇重点词汇】rebellion rbeljn n.叛乱、反抗、(对权威)的反抗、不服从、叛逆synonymous snnms adj.同义的、意思相近的、等同于masticate mstket vt.击碎、粉碎、捏碎、咀嚼consolidate knsldet vt.巩固、加强、强化、合并、统一【文章正文文章正文】For decades,chewing gum was a symbol of rebellion,synonymous with youthful angst,bestowing the chewer with an aura of boldness and bravado.Rockstars masticated on stage.Characters in teen movies chewed with attitude:high-schoolers in The Breakfast Club(1985)popped gum with defiance;in Grease(1978)Frenchy blows big pink balloons(the castreportedly got through 100,000 pieces of gum on set).数十年来,嚼口香糖一直被视为叛逆、青春焦虑的象征,时刻散发着英勇无畏的迷人魅力。摇滚明星在舞台上嚼口香糖。而在青春题材的电影里时刻张扬着个性,早餐俱乐部(1985 年)中的高中生嚼着口香糖玩世不恭,油腻(1978 年)中吹着粉红色泡泡的弗兰奇(据说剧组在片场消耗了 10 万块口香糖)。Now the bubble has burst.Gum has had a bad pandemic:with mouths cloistered by masks,dates delayed and clubbing canceled,sales of gum fell by 14%worldwide in 2020 over theprevious year.Yet sales had been in decline even before COVID struck.Why has gum comeunstuck?现如今泡泡破灭了。新冠疫情下,口香糖(行业)也迎来了寒冬:口罩遮挡着嘴巴,约会推迟、夜店取消,造成 2020 年口香糖的全球销量同比下降了 14%。然则,在新冠疫情暴发前,口香糖销量已滑坡。口香糖为何是失去了(客户)粘性?The real success of gum was that chewing it became a challenge to authority.Chewing was a2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)5subtle way to undermine your elders:young women were told that gum was unladylike;chewingin school became a symbol of defiance.By the 1940s Hollywood stars were making gum hip theworld over.Youths in wartime Britain copied the chewing of American gis,hoping to emulatetheir swagger and carefree attitude.Pop culture,including on-screen stars of the 1970s,consolidated that image.Celebrities chewed with pride.口香糖成功的秘诀儿在于:嚼着口香糖(的感觉)是在挑战权威。嚼着口香糖(的样子)是一种削弱长辈威力的巧妙方式:长辈告诉年轻的女孩儿嚼口香糖(的形象)不淑女;在学校里嚼口香糖代表着反抗。20 世纪 40 年代,好莱坞影星让口香糖风靡全球。二战时,英国年轻人模仿美国大兵嚼着口香糖,渴望效仿着他们玩世不恭和满不在乎的态度。流行文化,包括 20 世纪 70 年代的影星,更加固化了这一形象。社会名流不再顾忌地嚼着口香糖。Things got sticky after the millennium,and sales started declining a decade ago and havekept on falling.Some reckon smartphones are responsible:people had something else to distractthem at the supermarket checkout(many people buy gum on impulse).A surge in online shoppingwas also a factor.Others blamed the rise of alternative breath fresheners,such as mints.千禧年之后,口香糖热度下滑,可以说销量早在十年前就开始下滑了,且持续至今。有人认为,智能手机的出现可解释这一现象出现的原因:人们在超市排队结账的时候开始看手机,注意力不在是口香糖(很多人买口香糖只是结账时看到一时冲动)。网购的时兴也是一个影响因素。还有人认为,其它口气清新剂的出现(比如薄荷)导致口香糖销量的下滑。Cultural representations of gum grew less prominent too:the pop culture of the 1990s,embodied by rebellious chewers,gave way to a trend for healthy eating and organic foods.In anage when veganism was on the rise and sustainability became a selling point,gum seemedanachronistic and retro.Chewing on plastic,or popping it all over your face,simply doesntappeal to youngsters who scrutinise product labels for artificial ingredients.It used to be cool notto care.Now the opposite is true.口香糖文化象征的意义也不再那么强烈,20 世纪 90 年代追赶潮流,以嚼口香糖为代表的叛逆文化不得不开始给健康饮食和有机食物让路。素食主义时兴,可持续发展成为新的卖点,口香糖看起来既不合时宜,又迂腐守旧。嚼着塑胶,把泡泡吹得满脸都是,已不再吸引年轻人了,现在的年轻人更加注重食品配料和安全。以前,满不在乎的样子看起来很酷,但如今,时风已易。2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)6Text 4:Animal crisis inAfrica when it comes to COVID-19 Pandemic新冠疫情背景下非洲动物危机新冠疫情背景下非洲动物危机【重点词汇】【重点词汇】safari sfri n.狩猎远征、游猎、长途旅行、旅游期间、外出期间be/go on safari 去狩猎maintenance mentnns n.维护、维持、(依法应负担的)生活费、抚养费lucrative lukrtv adj.获利多的、赚大钱的、有利可图的、利润丰厚的temptation tempten n.引诱、诱惑、诱人的东西lurch lt n.突然倾斜、失败、挫折、蹒跚 vi.突然倾斜【文章正文】【文章正文】South Africas game parks risk is going under.So do their animals.The elephants,rhinos,buffalo,lions and leopards that make up the classic safari Big Five checklist may be wildanimals,but in South Africas private game reserves,at least,the illusion of wilderness is builtupon a scaffold of costly maintenance.Private reserves here spend hundreds of thousands ofdollars a year to buy,feed,breed,care for and protect their animals,money that is recoupedthrough safari drives and luxury accommodations.It is a privatized form of conservation that notonly keeps endangered species alive but also guards vast tracts of biodiverse wilderness fromdevelopment.The collapse in tourism during the coronavirus pandemic has brought many ofSouth Africas 500 or so private game parks to their knees,according to a survey by a tourismagency in the Kruger Lowveld district.南非的狩猎公园正面临危机,那里的动物也是如此。大象、犀牛、水牛、狮子和豹子组成了经典的“五大野生动物”狩猎清单,但至少在南非的私人禁猎区,所谓的野生假象是建立在昂贵的维护基础之上的。这里的私人狩猎区每年要花费数十万美元用以购买、喂养、繁殖、照料和保护那里的动物,这些钱会通过私人狩猎活动和奢华食宿来收回。这是一种私有化的保护形式,这样不仅能够使得濒危物种得以存活,同时还保护了大片野生环境中的生物多样性,减少人为开发。克鲁格洛维尔德地区一家旅游机构的调查显示,南非大约有 500家私人狩猎公园因新冠疫情背景下旅游业衰落而陷入经营困境。Africas great national parks are also at risk.Animals always live off the land in SouthAfricas giant Kruger park,and the even wilder Masai Mara of Kenya and Tanzanias Serengeti.African governments have long resisted pressure to otherwise exploit such areas because2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)7conservation and tourism promised to be even more long-lasting and lucrative,worthapproximately$71 billion a year,according to the World Travel and Tourism Council.Now,withsafaris at a standstill,funding for both private and public reserves is drying up,even as they facethe ongoing expense of keeping their animals alive.非洲大型国家公园也同样面临危机。动物们常活动在南非最大的克鲁格公园、肯尼亚更野生的马赛马拉(公园区域)和坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂(公园区域)。长久以来,非洲各国政府一直禁止对上述地区进行其它开发活动,因为靠保护和旅游业所获利润有望更持久且更丰厚,据世界旅游和旅游理事会称,旅游业每年的利润高达 710 亿美元。如今,由于狩猎活动停滞,他们面临的不仅仅是维持动物生存的持续性开支,整个私人和公共保护区的资金都在枯竭。Industry analysts predict that it could be a year or more before numbers rebound topre-pandemic levels,leaving many reserves in the lurch.If tourism numbers dont pick up quickly,the temptation will be to convert some of Africas 8,400 protected areas into more immediatelylucrative enterprises,such as oil extraction,logging or mining.The welfare of some of Africasmost threatened species will be at risk.但据业内分析人士预测,游客数量可能需要一年或更长时间才能回归新冠疫情前水平,狩猎保护区只能暂且面对当前困境。如果游客量无法迅速回升,那么将非洲 8400 个保护区中部分转化为可以迅速获利的公司(比如石油开采、伐木或采矿)将变得极具诱惑,如此一来,非洲地区亟待保护的野生物种将面临危机。Text 5:石油开采现状石油开采现状【重点词汇】【重点词汇】materialise mtrlaz vi.vt 使物质化、实现、出现bonanza bnnz n.发财(成功)的机遇、机会、renewable rnjubl adj.可再生的、可延期的、可持续的、可更新的ratification rtfken n.批准、认可relinquish rlkw vt.放弃、放手、过渡、废除【文章正文】【文章正文】It was not meant to be this way.Ghana made its first big oil discovery only in 2007,ageneration after its corruption-addled and environmentally damaged regional peers.But the2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)8expected bonanza 兴盛 of investment and revenue has failed to materialise.这并不符合当初的预设。加纳的这一代人在经历国内政界腐败缠身,自然资源环境受损后直到 2007 年才发现了国内第一座大型油田。但预期的投资和收入丰厚却没有兑现。On August 6th Parliament voted to support plans by Matthew Prempeh,the energy minister,to pay up to$1.1bn to acquire large stakes in Deepwater Tano-Cape Three Points(DWT-CTP)andSouth Deepwater Tano(SDWT).The two oil blocks are more than 100km offshore and in deepwater.Both have discoveries of oil,but neither is in development,still less production.8 月 6 日,议会投票支持能源部长马修普雷姆佩(Matthew Prempeh)的计划,即支付高达 11 亿美元收购 Deepwater Tano-Cape Three Points(DWT-CTP)油田和 South DeepwaterTano(SDWT)油田的大量股份。这两个油田距离海岸 100 多公里,位于深水区,虽有大量石油发现,但尚未开采,更别提产量了。Mr.Prempeh says the fields could produce 200,000 barrels per day within four years,morethan double Ghanas output.Oil majors are shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy,hecomplains.Without new foreign investment,Ghana had two choices.It could leave the oil and gasin the ground or get involved in the production game.The deal will create jobs,he says,and returna handsome profit.普雷姆佩(Prempeh)说到,这些油田原本可以未来四年内每天量产 20 万桶原油,是当前加纳量产的两倍之多。石油巨头正在从化石燃料转向可再生能源,他抱怨说道。如果没有新的外国投资,加纳仅有两种选择,要么将石油和天然气留在地下(不开采),要么就参与开采游戏。他说,这笔交易将创造就业机会,并带来可观的利润。It is also a great deal for Norwegian shipping billionaire Kjell Inge Rkke,who controls AkerEnergy and AGM,two oil firms with stakes in the blocks.Mr Rkkes firms acquired a 50%stakein DWT-CTP in 2018 for just$100m.A year later,he persuaded the government to relinquish a14%stake in SDWT,arguing it would make the licences more attractive to the potential partners.Last September,Mr Rkke himself said it was time to move focus to renewables,and in Mayhinted at withdrawing from Ghana.这对于挪威航运业亿万富翁克杰尔英格勒克(Kjell Inge Rkke)来说也是一笔大买卖,他控制着阿克能源(Aker Energy,挪威石油天然气公司)和 AGM(能源公司),这两家石油公司在这片油田拥有股份。勒克先生的公司在 2018 年仅以 1 亿美元的价格收购了DWT-CTP)油田 50%的股份。一年后,他说服政府放弃 SDWT 油田 14%的股份,他认为这么做可以让许可制度对潜在合作伙伴更具吸引力。去年 9 月,勒克先生本人表示是时候将“重2022 考研英语时文精析(一)(刘哲)9点”转移到可再生能源上,并在 5 月暗示要撤股加纳。Bright Simons,an activist,says the government has overvalued the blocks and is buyinglicences that might otherwise have been relinquished anyhow.Industry sources say the biggestbeneficiaries may be the well-connected local firms that will expect to win contracts if explorationtakes off.The Energy Committee took just a day to consider the ministers request,and Parliamentbarely two hours to rubber stamp the ministers request to negotiate the purchase.Perhaps it oughtto take more time when the deal comes back for ratification.维权人士布莱特西蒙斯(Bright Simons)表示,政府高估了这块油田的价值,正在制定原本被取消的许可证制度。业内消息人士称,最大的受益者可能是与政府关系密切的当地公司,如果勘探开始,这些公司有望签署合同。能源委员会仅用了一天时间来考虑部长的请求,而议会仅用了两个小时就批准了部长的谈判购买请求。也许,当该交易重新获得批准时,会需要更多时间。Text 6:Welcome to theAnthropocene Era欢迎来到人类纪(人类自工业革命以来的活动对环境的影响可成立一个新地质欢迎来到人类纪(人类自工业革命以来的活动对环境的影响可成立一个新地质时代的理论)时代的理论)【重点词汇】【重点词汇】Anthropocenen.人类世、人类纪inhabitant nhbtnt n.居民、栖息物、某地的生活者scamper skmp(r)vi.蹦蹦跳跳、蹦跶、快乐生活replenish rplen vt.vi.补充、填充、装满、填满hammer away at sth/doing sth 致力于做.;潜心于做;努力做.Holocene hlsin adj.全新世的、全新的【文章正文】Humans have changed the way the world works.Now they have to change the way they thinkabout it,too.The Earth is a big thing.If you divided it up evenly among its 8 billion inhabitants,they would get almost 1 trillion tones each.To think that the workings of so vast an entity could belastingly changed by a species that has been scampering across its surface for less than 1%of 1%of its history seems absurd.But it is not.Humans have become a force of nature reshaping theplanet on a geological scalebut

