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英语学习必备5500词 191029 _184354 英语 学习 必备 5500 16 18 讲义
?482.bibliography,biblirfi n.?biblio-?+graphy?481.Bible bab()l n.?3445.paper peip n.?pl?3446.paperback peipbk n.?hardback?490.biography bairfi n.?bio-?+graphy?491.biology baildi n.?bio-?+-logy?763.character krkt n.?charac=carve?+-t-+?-er?765.characterize krktraiz v.?characterise?764.characteristic,krktristik adj.?of?n.?character+?-istic?2078.garbage:bid n.?garb=carve?+?-age?“?”?4194.rubbish rbi n.?rub?+?b?-ish?“?”?2668.junk dk n.?“?”?“?”?“?”jong?“?”?2834.litter lit n.?v.?lit=lie?“?”?“?”?5088.trash tr n.?E16?aggressive?alien?126.aggressive resiv adj.?ag-=ad-?+-gress-=grade?+?-ive?1?Men tend to be more aggressive than women.?2?He is respected as a very aggressive young man.?1011.congress kres n.?con-?convention?1?an international medical congress?2?The United States Congress?3460.parliament p:lmnt n.?parley?3796.progress prures,prres n.?vi.?pro-?1?Im not making much progress with my Spanish.?2?Work on the new offices is now in progress.?3?The course allows students to progress at their own speed.?3797.progressive prresiv adj.?progressive ideas/attitudes?/?2156.grade reid n.?v.?1?All the materials used were of the highest grade.?2?He is the cleverest in his grade.?3?You should tell your parents about your grade.?4?How would you grade the assignment?5200.upgrade preid;preid vt.?n.?You have to upgrade your computer.?2?a hardware upgrade?2157.gradual rdul adj.?There has been a gradual improvement in our sales figures over the last two years.?81?2158.graduate raduet n.?vi.?1?a graduate in history?2?He graduated from York with a degree in Psychology.?1275.degree diri:n.?de-?+-gree-=grade?1?This job demands a high degree of skill.?2?an angle of eighty degrees?80?3?a masters degree?5165.undergraduate,ndrdjut n.?under-?2512.ingredient inri:dint n.?in-?+-gred-?+-i-+-ent?1?He created a wonderful meal from very few ingredients.?2?Trust is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage.?130.agree ri:vi.?a-=ad-?+-gree-?1?They never seem to agree.?2?They agreed not to tell anyone about what had happened.?132.agreement ri:mnt n.?1?They had made a verbal agreement.?2?The two sides failed to reach an agreement.?131.agreeable ri:bl adj.?1?Do you think they will be agreeable to our proposal?2?We spent a very agreeable day together.?2170.grateful reitful adj.?to,for?-grat-?Im so grateful(to you)for all that youve done.?2171.gratitude rtitju:d n.?She sent them a present to show/express her gratitude.?1009.congratulateknrtulet v.?on?con-?+-gratul-?+?-ate?I congratulated them all on their results.?1010.congratulation knrtulen n.?on?pl.?Congratulations on your engagement!?2153.grace reis n.?1?She moves with the natural grace of a ballerina.?2?They accepted their defeat with good grace.?3?She believed that it was through the grace of God that her husband had recovered from his illness.?4?The children always say grace at dinnertime.?5?Theyve given me a months grace to get the money.?2154.graceful reisful adj.?1?He gave a graceful bow to the audience.?2?His father had always taught him to be graceful in defeat.?2155.gracious reis adj.?1?a gracious smile?2?a gracious act of God?1411.disgrace disreis n.?vt.?1?They were sent home in disgrace.?82?2?You have disgraced us all with your behaviour.?143.alarm l:m n.?vt.?all+arm?1?What have you done?Ellie cried in alarm.?“?”?2?The alarm went off when he opened the door.?3?a fire/smoke alarm?/?4?The captain knew there was an engine fault but didnt want to alarm the passengers.?150.all:l adj.?adv.?pron.?267.arm:m n.?v.?n.?159.almost:lmust adv.?all+most?160.alone lun adj.?adv.?all+one?1?I dont like the man and Im not alone in that(=other people agree).?2?He lives alone.?2857.lonely lunli adj.?1?She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.?2?a lonely beach?3220.none nn pron.?adv.?no+one?172.altogether,:lte adv.?all+together?The food was good and we loved the music.Altogether it was a great evening.?174.always:lweiz,-wiz adv.?all+ways?268.army:mi n.?She brought an army of supporters with her.?2244.harm h:m n.&v.?2245.harmony h:mni n.?harm?+on=no?+?-y?1?I like the harmony of color in this painting.?2?racial/domestic harmony?/?2246.harness h:nis v.?n.?armor for horse?1?There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power.?2?a safety/parachute harness?/?146.alert l:t adj.?vt.?al=on?+ert?erect?1?Parents should be alert to sudden changes in childrens behaviour.?2?Im not feeling very alert today-not enough sleep last night!?3?An anonymous letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport.?4441.siren sairn n.?an ambulance/air-raid siren?/?144.album lbm n.?alb?Alps?1?the bands latest album?2?a stamp/photograph album?/?83?147.alien eiljn n.?adj.?-al-?+?-ien?1?illegal alien?2?When I first went to New York,it all felt very alien to me.?1598.else els adv.?or?1599.elsewhere,elswe adv.?167.alter:lt v.?-al-?+?-ter?1?Weve had to alter some of our plans.?2?I took the coat back to the shop to have it altered.?168.alternate:ltneit,:lt:nt adj.?v.?1?He has to work on alternate Sundays.?2?He alternated working in the office with long tours overseas.?169.alternative:lt:ntiv n.?adj.?1?You have no alternative but to accept it.?2?Do you have an alternative solution?3365.other adj.?n.&pron.?3366.otherwise waiz adv.?conj.?other+wise?1?The police believe he is the thief,but all the evidence suggests otherwise(=that he is not).?2?Marion Morrison,otherwise known as the film star John Wayne,was born in 1907.?1907?3?Shut the window,otherwise itll get too cold in here.?213.another n adj.?pron.?5156.ultimate ltimt adj.?ult-=al-?+-im?+?-ate?1?This race will be the ultimate test of your skill.?2?the ultimate luxury cruiser?3452.parallel prlel adj.?n.?para-?+-al-?+-l-+?-el?1?Draw a pair of parallel lines.?2?a parallel example?3?Im trying to see if there are any obvious parallels between the two cases.?3453.paralyze prlaiz v.?paralyse?para-?+=lyze=loose?1?The drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs.?2?A sudden snowstorm paralysed the city.?126.aggressive resiv adj.?ag-=ad-?+-gress-=grade?+?-ive?1011.congress kres n.?con-?convention?3460.parliament p:lmnt n.?parley?3796.progress prures,prres n.?vi.?pro-?3797.progressive prresiv adj.?84?2156.grade reid n.?v.?5200.upgrade preid;preid vt.?n.?2157.gradual rdul adj.?2158.graduate raduet n.?vi.?1275.degree diri:n.?de-?+-gree-=grade?5165.undergraduate,ndrdjut n.?under-?2512.ingredient inri:dint n.?in-?+-gred-?+-i-+-ent?130.agree ri:vi.?a-=ad-?+-gree-?132.agreement ri:mnt n.?131.agreeable ri:bl adj.?2170.grateful reitful adj.?to,for?-grat-?2171.gratitude rtitju:d n.?1009.congratulateknrtulet v.?on?con-?+-gratul-?+?-ate?1010.congratulation knrtulen n.?on?pl.?2153.grace reis n.?2154.graceful reisful adj.?2155.gracious reis adj.?1411.disgrace disreis n.?vt.?1?They were sent home in disgrace.?2?You have disgraced us all with your behaviour.?143.alarm l:m n.?vt.?all+arm?150.all:l adj.?adv.?pron.?267.arm:m n.?v.?n.?159.almost:lmust adv.?all+most?160.alone lun adj.?adv.?all+one?2857.lonely lunli adj.?3220.none nn pron.?adv.?no+one?172.altogether,:lte adv.?all+together?174.always:lweiz,-wiz adv.?all+ways?268.army:mi n.?2244.harm h:m n.&v.?2245.harmony h:mni n.?harm?+on=no?+?-y?2246.harness h:nis v.?n.?armor for horse?146.alert l:t adj.?vt.?al=on?+ert?erect?4441.siren sairn n.?144.album lbm n.?alb?Alps?147.alien eiljn n.?adj.?-al-?+?-ien?1598.else els adv.?or?85?1599.elsewhere,elswe adv.?167.alter:lt v.?-al-?+?-ter?168.alternate:ltneit,:lt:nt adj.?v.?169.alternative:lt:ntiv n.?adj.?3365.other adj.?n.&pron.?3366.otherwise waiz adv.?conj.?other+wise?213.another n adj.?pron.?5156.ultimate ltimt adj.?ult-=al-?+-im?+?-ate?3452.parallel prlel adj.?n.?para-?+-al-?+-l-+?-el?3453.paralyze prlaiz v.?paralyse?para-?+=lyze=loose?E17?allege?151.allege led v.?al-=ad-?+-leg-=-lect-?+-e?1?The man alleged that the police forced him to make false confessions.?2?It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.?“?”?894.collect klekt v.?com-?+-lect-?895.collection klekn n.?896.collective klektiv adj.?n.?1?collective decision/memory?/?2?the strength of the collective?884.coil kil v.?n.?collect?1?The snake coiled itself tightly around the deer.?2?A coil of rope?3970.recollect,reklekt v.?re-?She suddenly recollected that she had left her jacket in the restaurant.?3182.neglect nilekt v.&n.?neg-?+-lect-?1?Shes been neglecting her studies this semester.?2?She denies neglecting her baby.?3183.negligible nelidbl adj.?The cost was negligible.?1580.elect lekt v.?e-=ex-?+-lect-?1?We elected him as our representative.?2?She elected to take early retirement instead of moving to the new location.?1596.elite eili:t,ili:t n.?a member of the elite?86?1594.eligible elidbl adj.?1?You might be eligible for a grant.?2?I can think of several eligible bachelors of my acquaintance.?4308.select silekt v.?adj.?se-?+-lect-?1?Select the one you like best.?2?How do you select people for promotion?3?Only a select few have been invited to the wedding.?4309.selection silekn n.?the random selection of numbers?1587.elegant elint adj.?e-?+-leg-=-lect-?+?-ent?graceful?1?She was tall and elegant.?2?an elegant room/restaurant?/?3?She wore elegant clothes and moved in a graceful manner.?1373.diligent dilidnt adj.?di-=dis-?+-lig-=-lect-?+?-ent?He is a very diligent student.?1277.delegate deliet n.?v.?de-=dis-?+-leg-?+-ate?1?Each union elects several delegates to the annual conference.?2?As a boss you have to delegate(responsibilities to your staff).?delegation delen n.?1?a delegation of teachers?2?Delegation of responsibility is a key part of a managers job.?2566.intelligence intelidns n.?intel-?+-lig-=-lect-?+?-ence?1?an intelligence test?;IQ?intelligence quotient?2?the Central Intelligence Agency?CIA?2567.intelligent intelident adj.?1?a highly intelligent young man?2?inteligent system?2565.intellectual ntlektul adj.?n.?1?I like romantic stories-nothing too intellectual.?2?She was too much of an intellectual to find popular movies interesting.?2568.intelligible intelidbl adj.?He has the ability to make complex concepts intelligible to the average reader.?2759.league li:n.?1?Only the brave can survive in this league.?2?Who do you think will win the league championship this year?893.colleague kli:n.?com-?We have been friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.?20?897.college klid n.?2774.legal li:l adj.?-leg-?+?-al?It was perfectly legal.?2421.illegal lig()l adj.?il-?87?He is an illegal immigrant.?2879.loyal lil adj.?to?-loy-=-leg-?+?-al?a loyal friend/supporter?/?2880.loyalty lilti n.?2776.legislation,ledislein n.?New legislations on the sale of drugs will be introduced next year.?2777.legitimate liditimt adj.?vt.?1?the legitimate government of the country?2?It seemed a perfectly legitimate question.?3?We want to legitimate this process by passing a law.?“?”?2770.lecture lekt n.&v.?-lect-?+-?ure?“?”?Whos giving the lecture this afternoon?2784.lesson lesn n.?pl.?-less-=-lect-?+?-on?2775.legend lednd n.?-leg-=-lect-?+?-end?This match will go into basketball legend.?2773.legacy lesi n.?-leg-?1?Her father had left her a small legacy.?2?The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature.?1352.dialog dail n.?dialogue?dia-?+-log-?1351.dialect dailekt n.?1597.eloquent elkwnt adj.?e-?+-loq-=-log-?+-u-+?-ent?After listening to the professors eloquent speech,people applauded.?4033.religion rilidn n.?re-?+-lig-?+-ion?re-?+-lig-?+-ion?4034.religious rilids adj.?231.apology pldi n.?apo-=ab-?+-log-?I owe you an apology-Im afraid I forgot to send that report.?230.apologise pldaiz v.?apologize?to?for?We apologize for the late departure of this flight.?191.analogue nl n.?analog?adj.?ana-=on?+-log-?+-ue?1?No model can ever be a perfect analogue of nature itself.?2?analog watch?digital watch?192.analogy nldi n.?1?The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.?2?learning by analogy?714.catalog ktl n.?catalogue?v.?cata-?+-log-?1?Where can I get the catalog of your products?2?Many plants become extinct before they have even been cataloged.?2411.ideology adildi n.?ideo=idea?socialist/capitalist ideology?/?88?2854.log l,l:n.?1?logs for the fire?2?The captain keeps a log.?“?”?3276.oblige blaid v.?ob-?+-lig-?+-e?1?The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.?2?Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.?3?Call me if you need any helpId be happy to oblige.?3275.obligation,bliein n.?1?You are under no obligation to buy anything.?2?We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.?4037.rely rilai v.?on?re-?+-ly-=-lig-?These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.?158.ally lai,lai n.?vt.?al-=ad-?1?During the First World War,Turkey and Germany were allies.?2?He allied himself with a wealthy family by marriage.?153.alliance lains n.?to form/make an alliance?/?157.alloy li,li n.?vt.?-loy-=-lig-?1?The company produces titanium alloy.?2?My pleasure in receiving the letter was alloyed by its contents.?3917.rally rli v.?n.?r-=re-?+ally?1?The team played badly in the first half of the game but rallied in the second.?2?The general rallied his forces to defend the town.?3?5,000 people held an anti-nuclear rally.?5000?4?The French driver has taken the lead in the Paris-Dakar rally.?151.allege led v.?al-=ad-?+-leg-=-lect-?+-e?“?”?894.collect klekt v.?com-?+-lect-?895.collection klekn n.?896.collective klektiv adj.?n.?884.coil kil v.?n.?collect?3970.recollect,reklekt v.?re-?3182.neglect nilekt v.&n.?neg-?+-lect-?3183.negligible nelidbl adj.?1580.elect lekt v.?e-=ex-?+-lect-?1596.elite eili:t,ili:t n.?1594.eligible elidbl adj.?4308.select silekt v.?adj.?se-?+-lect-?4309.selection silekn n.?89?1587.elegant elint adj.?e-?+-leg-=-lect-?+?-ent?graceful?1373.diligent dilidnt adj.?di-=dis-?+-lig-=-lect-?+?-ent?1277.delegate deliet n.?v.?de-=dis-?+-leg-?+-ate?delegation delen n.?2566.intelligence intelidns n.?intel-?+-lig-=-lect-?+?-ence?2567.intelligent intelident adj.?2565.intellectual ntlektul adj.?n.?2568.intelligible intelidbl adj.?2759.league li:n.?893.colleague kli:n.?com-?897.college klid n.?2774.legal li:l adj.?-leg-?+?-al?2421.illegal lig()l adj.?il-?2879.loyal lil adj.?to?-loy-=-leg-?+?-al?2880.loyalty lilti n.?2776.legislation,ledislein n.?2777.legitimate liditimt adj.?vt.?“?”?2770.lecture lekt n.&v.?-lect-?+-?ure?“?”?2784.lesson lesn n.?pl.?-less-=-lect-?+?-on?2775.legend lednd n.?-leg-=-lect-?+?-end?2773.legacy lesi n.?-leg-?1352.dialog dail n.?dialogue?dia-?+-log-?1351.dialect dailekt n.?1597.eloquent elkwnt adj.?e-?+-loq-=-log-?+-u-+?-ent?4033.religion rilidn n.?re-?+-lig-?+-ion?re-?+-lig-?+-ion?4034.religious rilids adj.?231.apology pldi n.?apo-=ab-?+-log-?230.apologise pldaiz v.?apologize?to?for?191.analogue nl n.?analog?adj.?ana-=on?+-log-?+-ue?192.analogy nldi n.?714.catalog ktl n.?catalogue?v.?cata-?+-log-?2411.ideology adildi n.?ideo=idea?2854.log l,l:n.?“?”?3276.oblige blaid v.?ob-?+-lig-?+-e?3275.obligation,bliein n.?4037.rely rilai v.?on?re-?+-ly-=-lig-?158.ally lai,lai n.?vt.?al-=ad-?153.alliance lains n.?157.alloy li,li n

