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2022 考研 英语 阅读 春季班 资料 免费 分享
2022 考研阅读秋季刷题班孔玮1系统写作班系统写作班第二季第二季20222022 考研英语阅读考研英语阅读春季班春季班主讲人:主讲人:孔玮孔玮老师老师2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮2目目录录一 春季阶段的目标:4 月-7 月.4【单词】.4【阅读真题】.4二 春季阶段行动计划:4 月-7 月.4你必须做的:.4语法基础知识.4翻译.4春季阶段成果:4 月-7 月.4Preparation.4Assistance.5Contents.5【1 难词和容易词的处理方式】.5难词现状.5难词认知.6难词解决方案.6中英思维对比.7容易词现状.8大纲有多重要.8考纲对语言知识的要求(英语一).8【2 长难句的处理办法】.9如何在主从复合句中快速找到主句谓语?.9【3 考研阅读的基本方法】.10两大阅读方法.102005 精读技巧.11精读示范.14文章的构成.24结构式阅读思维.24两大非词汇法宝.242022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮32008 年考研英语(一)真题精讲.24细节题.24细节题的两个关键.24Which of following 下列题.26干扰模式.27段落逻辑结构.28形容词.28【做题步骤】.31词汇-vulnerable.322008 年考研英语(一)Text 2 真题精讲.332008 年考研英语(一)Text 3 真题精讲.40例证题.41主题指导.43The Misery of George Harris.48乔安妮.格兰特:美国黑人斗争史.49阅读总结法.49阅读总结内容.49思维导图总结.50罗列法.50Part 1 题干总结.52主旨题的常见提问方式.52段落定位.52哪个是对的题型.52补全句子的题型.52Part 2 篇章结构总结.53篇章结构.53段落结构.532022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮4一一 春季阶段的目标春季阶段的目标:4 4 月月-7-7 月月【单词】【单词】1.5500 个单词背完两轮。(70%识记程度)2.继续开始第三轮和第四轮背诵,攻克核心词。【阅读真题】【阅读真题】1.每天两篇阅读:2000-20052.逐句精读+长难句分析+阅读方法思路的基本建立。二二 春季阶段行动计划:春季阶段行动计划:4 4 月月-7-7 月月你必须做的:你必须做的:1.单词每天背两小时。2.长难句分析 3-5 句。【当日总结】:难背的单词+搞不懂的语法。语法基础知识语法基础知识1.五大基本句型2.时态、语态3.简单句、复合句翻译翻译考研翻译-每日 3-5 句春季阶段成果:春季阶段成果:4 4 月月-7-7 月月1.单词背完四遍,不再有熟词僻义。特难记的单词记到专门的单词本上。2.真题的阅读:篇章结构,逻辑态度,对为什么对,错为什么错。3.生词本+错题集错题错题1.真的错题(认真得做错了)2.假的对题(胡乱得做对了)PreparationPreparation【基础课程】词汇&语法【拆真题】词汇+长难句+做题讲解2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮5AssistanceAssistance【微博干货】宋智鸣老师(长难句每日一句)孔玮老师(考研阅读每日一题)凸凸不秃(热点词汇+真题词汇)ContentsContents01.难词和容易词的处理方式02.长难句的处理办法03.考研阅读的基本方法【1 1 难词和容易词的处理方式】难词和容易词的处理方式】难词现状难词现状1.看见就扎心。(句)2.一针接一针。(段)3.假装我认识。(选项)But some observers are skeptical,There is a kind of false precision being hawked bypeople claiming they are doing ancestry testing,says Trey Duster,a New YorkUniversity sociologist.He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering inthe hundreds just a few centuries back.Yet most ancestry testing only considers a singlelineage,either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a fathers line ormitochondrial DNA,which a passed down only from mothers.This DNA can revealgenetic information about only one or two ancestors,even though,for example,just threegenerations back people also have six other great-grandparents or,four generationsback,14 other great-great-grandparents.There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers,which helps explain why the standard templates of the newsroom seem alien to manyreaders.In a recent survey,questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle-sizecities around the country,plus one large metropolitan area.Then residents in thesecommunities were phoned at random and asked the same questions.2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮6123难词认知难词认知1.看见就扎心。-看见就放下。2.一针接一针。-刀枪不入。3.假装我认识。-接受“你不认识”。难词解决方案难词解决方案1.重点看实词。(名、动)2.不认识的词符合化。3.形容词看态度。But some observers are skeptical,There is a kind of false precision being hawked bypeople claiming they are doing ancestry testing,says Trey Duster,a New YorkUniversity sociologist.He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering inthe hundreds just a few centuries back.Yet most ancestry testing only considers a singlelineage,either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a fathers line ormitochondrial DNA,which a passed down only from mothers.This DNA can revealgenetic information about only one or two ancestors,even though,for example,just threegenerations back people also have six other great-grandparents or,four generations2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮7back,14 other great-great-grandparents.There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers,which helps explain why the standard templates of the newsroom seem alien to manyreaders.In a recent survey,questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle-sizecities around the country,plus one large metropolitan area.Then residents in thesecommunities were phoned at random and asked the same questions.中英思维对比中英思维对比中:含蓄好戏在后英:直接开门见山中国人只愿相信自己的心灵。Why China Has No Science冯友兰蛋糕2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮8中文界定:面粉加鸡蛋兑水调匀,经烘烤得到的甜食。英文界定:a kind of food baked with flour,eggs and water.容易词现状容易词现状1.一看就认识-有自信了。2.一露脸就兴奋-被带跑了。背单词:一定要透彻了解考研大纲!大纲有多重要大纲有多重要1.大纲的来源:教育部考试中心。2.大纲的权威性:命题的唯一依据。考纲对语言知识的要求(英语一)考纲对语言知识的要求(英语一)1.语法知识考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识。重点语法:简单句名词性从句定语从句状语从句非谓语动词考研词汇的四个考察维度:1.【词义识别】2.【词汇生成】3.【词汇搭配】4.【词义关系】2.词汇1)词汇的基本含义。2)词汇之间的词义关系。3)词汇之间的搭配关系。4)词汇生成的基本知识。考生应能掌握 5500 左右的词汇以及相关词组。1)词汇的基本含义,2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮92)词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;3)词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;4)掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。1.identify1.identify:识别,发现:识别,发现【词义识别】20042004 TextText 4 4Hofstadter says our countrys educational system is in the grips of people who“joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness toidentify with children who show the least intellectual promise.”20172017 TextText 3 331.Robert F.Kennedy is cited because he_A praised the UK for its GDP.B identified GDP with happiness.C misinterpreted the role of GDP.D had a low opinion of GD【搭配 1】identify with:认同,与有同感Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.人类很容易对黑猩猩的情感表达【搭配 2】identify A with B 把 A 等同You should not identify wealth with happiness.你不应该认为财富就等于幸福。词汇英语一和英语二相比,英语一难度稍大,会考到核心词汇的近义词、反义词。英语一和英语二都提到了结合上下文理解语境理解单词,所以在做各个题型时都要秉承“语境理解词汇”的原则去理解词汇。【2 2 长难句的处理办法】长难句的处理办法】如何在主从复合句中快速找到主句谓语?如何在主从复合句中快速找到主句谓语?第一步:划出所有引导词。第二步:引导词之后的第一个动词为从句谓语动词。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮10第三步:所有从句谓语动词找到之后,最后剩下的即为主语谓语动词。The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work intrade-sensitive businesses,especially those that produce commoditiesfor which global demand sets the price-agricultural,goods,mining,metals,oil.The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work intrade-sensitive businesses,especially those that produce commoditiesfor which global demand sets the price-agricultural,goods,mining,metals,oil.The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work intrade-sensitive businesses,especially those that produce commoditiesfor which global demand sets the price-agricultural,goods,mining,metals,oil.The rising tide of trade is also good news for people who work intrade-sensitive businesses,especially those that produce commoditiesfor which global demand sets the price-agricultural,goods,mining,metals,oil.【3 3 考研阅读的基本方法】考研阅读的基本方法】两大阅读方法两大阅读方法词汇翻译法逐字逐句一定要在脑海里翻出来意思。翻不出来就产生做不对的潜意识。遇到不认识的生词句子就内心崩溃。假装自己理解了文章去淡定地选择。建议学霸使用。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮11结构式阅读法面对真实的自己面对真实的自己读来读去常常读了个寂寞。思来想去最后选了自己觉得有道理的选项。阅读训练分阶段走:阅读训练分阶段走:4-6 月:文章的结构大意词句搭配+基本做题思路。7-9 月:真题大量训练+系统方法+对错原因。10-12 月:巩固正确做题思维+总结错题思维模式。考研阅读:考研阅读:目标:做对题目。行动:先题干后文章(有针对性)边文章边选项(防止自嗨)总结:每篇复盘题干=提炼+干货(关键词)文章=文有章法(逻辑)选项=选择方向(正反态度)20052005 精读技巧精读技巧2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮121.Of all the components of a good nights sleep,dreams seem to be least within ourcontrol.【总结】Of all the components 表范围,做状语。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮13Of=among,Of all the countries,China will be the best.Of all my students,you will top the best.2.Sth seem to be least within our control.似乎是最难控制的。3.Suspend v.使中止,暂停Talks between the two countries have now been suspended.两国间的对话现已中止。Most people suspend their judgement will somebody else has expressed his own andthen they repeat it.4.formulateto create or prepare sth carefully,giving particular attention to the details 制订;规划;构想;准备:formulateformulate a a policypolicy 制订政策制订政策formulateformulate theorytheory 创立理论创立理论formulateformulate planplan 构想计划构想计划formulateformulate proposalproposal 准备建议准备建议5.regulate 约束,控制,管理,调整You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat.你可以透过调节恒温器来控制室温。Her mother strictly regulate show much TV she can watch.她妈妈严格控制她看电视的时间。6.harnessto control and use the force or strength of sth to produce power or to achieve sth 控制,利用:attempts to harness the suns rays as a source of energy利用日光作为能源的尝试We must harness the skill and creativity of our workforce.我们必须尽量发挥全体职工的技能和创造力。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮141 Of all the components of a good nights sleep,dreams seem to be least within ourcontrol.In dreams,a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and deadpeople speak.A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreamswere the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears;by the late 1970s,neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just“mental noise”-the randombyproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep.Now researchers suspectthat dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat,regulating moods while thebrain is“off-line.”And one leading authority says that these intensely powerfulmental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control,tohelp us sleep and feel better,“Its your dream,”says Rosalind Cartwright,chair ofpsychology at Chicagos Medical Center.“If you dont like it,change it.”精读示范精读示范1.掌握观点(段落+全文)Para 1 四个观点:1.Freud:梦和欲望恐惧有关。2.神经学家:梦和神经有关。3.研究者:梦可以调节情绪。4.权威 RC:人可以有意识地改变梦境。2.掌握词汇:基本含义+搭配suspendformulateregulateharness2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮153.语法点+长难句Of 在句首表示范围Where 引导的定语从句长难句分析【长难句分析】31.Researchers have come to believe that dreams _.A can be modified in their coursesB are susceptible to emotional changes(主客颠倒)C reflect our innermost desires and fears(Freud)D are a random outcome of neural repairs(neurologist)3 The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients inCartwrights clinic.Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night,progressing toward happier ones before awakening,suggesting that they are workingthrough negative feelings generated during the day.Because our conscious mind isoccupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of thedays events-until,it appears,we begin to dream.4 And this process need not be left to the unconscious.Cartwright believes one canexercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.As soon as you awaken,identifywhat is upsetting about the dream.Visualize how you would like it to end instead;thenext time it occurs,try to wake up just enough to control its course.With much practicepeople can learn to,literally,do it in their sleep.2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮165 At the end of the day,theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams atall unless they keep us from sleeping or“we wake up in a panic,”Cartwright says.Terrorism,economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increasedpeoples anxiety.Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from atherapist.For the rest of us,the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings.Sleep-or rather dream-on it and youll feel better in the morning.2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮172022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮182022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮19work through克服,解决,依靠They will need time to work through their problems.We must work through the difficulties until we find an answer.我们必须克服种种困难找到解决办法。aggravateto make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse使严重;使恶化Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮20压力和睡眠不足会使情况恶化。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮21ridto be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want 摆脱:She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority.她想摆脱父母及其权威的束缚。rid yourself of sb/sthto make yourself free from sb/sth that is annoying you or causing you a problem 摆脱;从中解脱:to rid yourself of guilt 摆脱内疚He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.他想把秘密说出来,让自己得到解脱。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮221 Of all the components of a good nights sleep,dreams seem to be least within ourcontrol.In dreams,a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and deadpeople speak.A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreamswere the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears;by the late 1970s,neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just“mental noise”-the randombyproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep.Now researchers suspectthat dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat,regulating moods while thebrain is“off-line.”And one leading authority says that these intensely powerfulmental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control,tohelp us sleep and feel better,“Its your dream,”says Rosalind Cartwright,chair of2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮23psychology at Chicagos Medical Center.“If you dont like it,change it.”梦是可以控制和改变的。2 Evidence from brain imaging supports this view.The brain is as active during REM(rapid eye movement)sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fullyawake,says Dr,Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.But not all parts of thebrain are equally involved;the limbic system(the“emotional brain”)is especiallyactive,while the prefrontal cortex(the center of intellect and reasoning)is relativelyquiet.“We wake up from dreams happy or depressed,and those feelings can stay withus all day.”says Stanford sleep researcher Dr.William Dement.大脑和梦之间的关系。3 The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwrightsclinic.Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night,progressing towardhappier ones before awakening,suggesting that they are working through negativefeelings generated during the day.Because our conscious mind is occupied with dailylife we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events-until,it appears,we begin to dream.梦是白天没时间处理的情绪的体现。4 And this process need not be left to the unconscious.Cartwright believes one canexercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.As soon as you awaken,identifywhat is upsetting about the dream.Visualize how you would like it to end instead;thenext time it occurs,try to wake up just enough to control its course.With much practicepeople can learn to,literally,do it in their sleep.梦可以被有意识地控制。5 At the end of the day,theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams atall unless they keep us from sleeping or“we wake up in a panic,”Cartwright says.Terrorism,economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increasedpeoples anxiety.Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from atherapist.For the rest of us,the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings.Sleep-or rather dream-on it and youll feel better in the morning.严重的噩梦感染寻求专业治疗,一般的情况不用在意。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮24文章的构成文章的构成明线:词汇和句子。隐线:逻辑和结构。结构式阅读思维结构式阅读思维读逻辑读结构读主旨读态度读主语两大非词汇法宝两大非词汇法宝逻辑:判断重点态度:清晰方向20082008 年考研英语(一)真题精讲年考研英语(一)真题精讲细节题细节题忠于原文在原文“找答案”不能自己“想答案”细节题的两个关键细节题的两个关键关键词(题干)-方向意识专有名词普通名词普通名词:主语 n 宾语 n 表语 n时间数字 n关键句(原文)-范围意识包含关键词的句子2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮252022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮26WhichWhich of of followingfollowing 下列题下列题两段题先看逻辑关系顺 or 反顺:重点看前面的段落反:重点看后面的段落选项实词对应法2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮27干扰模式干扰模式因果倒置常识干扰去掉:“我觉得”,调整为“原文怎么说”2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮28段落逻辑结构段落逻辑结构PointIllustrationexample形容词形容词形容词主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。2022 考研英语阅读春季班孔玮291While still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life,women appear to beway ahead in at least one undesirable category.“Women are particularly susceptible todeveloping depression and anxiety disorders in response to stress compared to men,”according to Dr.Yehuda,chief psychiatrist at New Yorks Veterans AdministrationHospital.开篇模式:引用他人观点。压力给女性带来负面影响。2 Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect thestress response,causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicalsthan do males under the same conditions.In several of the stud

