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翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记英语一 翻译 演练 02 课堂 笔记 英语
NOTE:大板块 小板块课后练习【句子成分】补充知识Notes:本题需注意定语从句的翻译、代词的指代和时态的翻译in effect=effect定语从句翻译方法:1.前置 2.后置Notes:翻译时需主要时态的一致/变化Notes:本题需注意however的翻译【however】adv.然而conj.=no matter how翻译真题演练例7:2013年48题The gardens of the homeless,which are in effect homeless gardens,introduce into an urban environment where it either didnt exist or was not discernible as such.拆分句子The gardens of the homeless,【which are in effect homeless gardens,】introduce into an 主句 【定语从句】主句 urban environment【where it either didnt exist or was not discernible as such.】定语从句(修饰environment)【词汇笔记】1.discernible adj.可辨别的,可识别的2.discern v.认识了解,辨别The gardens of the homeless(which are in effect homeless gardens)无家可归的人的花园事实上是无家之园introduce into an urban environment将形式引入到城市环境中where it either didnt exist or was not discernible as such.(it指代form)这种形式要么不存在,要么像这样不可察觉局部翻译The gardens of the homeless(which are in effect homeless gardens)无家可归的人的花园实际上是无家之园introduce into an urban environment将形式引入到城市环境中where it either didnt exist or was not discernible as such.在过去,这种形式要么不存在,要么像这样不可察觉优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)整合翻译参考答案:无家可归者的花园实际上是无家之园,它将一种形式引入到城市环境中。这种形式以前在城市环境中要么不存在,要么不那么容易辨认。例8:2013年47题A sacred place of peace,however crude it may be,is a distinctly human need,as opposed to shelter,which is a distinctly animal need.拆分句子(找主语)A sacred place of peace,【however crude it may be,】is a distinctly human need,as 主句 【插入语】主句opposed to shelter,【which is a distinctly animal need.】状语 【定语从句】【词汇笔记】1.crude adj.粗糙的2.sacred adj.神圣的3.opposed adj.相反的 as opposed to 与相反4.distinctly adv.明显地,特有地A sacred place of peace,however crude it may be,is a distinctly human need,一个神圣宁静的地方,无论它多么原始,是人类特有的需求局部翻译视频定位0:0013:56视频定位13:5626:22翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语一)的第 1 页有道考神考研Notes:本题需注意代词指代的翻译A sacred place of peace,however crude it may be,is a distinctly human need,一个神圣宁静的地方,无论它多么原始,是人类特有的需求as opposed to shelter,作为不同于庇护所which is a distinctly animal need.这明显是动物的需求局部翻译A sacred place of peace,however crude it may be,is a distinctly human need,一片宁静的圣土,无论它多么粗糙,都是人类特有的需求as opposed to shelter,它不同于栖息之所which is a distinctly animal need.那是动物特有的需求优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)整合翻译参考答案:一片宁静的圣土,无论它多么粗糙,都是人类特有的需求,它不同于栖息之所,那是动物特有的需求。例9:2015年50题The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia in the south.拆分句子The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees was a real treasure-house【which 主干 后置定语 主干 extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia in the south.】【定于从句】【词汇笔记】1.virgin adj.处于原始状态的,处女的,纯洁的2.treasuren.宝藏The virgin forest with its richness and variety of trees这片原始森林中有丰富且种类繁多的树木was a real treasure-house是一座真正的宝库/藏宝屋which extended from Maine all the way down to Georgia in the south.从缅因州一直绵延至南部的佐治亚州局部翻译优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)参考翻译:带有丰富且种类繁多树木的原始森林是一座真正的藏宝屋,它从缅因州一直绵延至南部的佐治亚州。/这片原始森林中有丰富且种类繁多的树木,从缅因州一直绵延至南部的佐治亚州,是一座真正的宝库。例10:2013年46题Yet when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless,it strikes one that,for all their diversity of styles,these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges beyond that of decoration and creative expression.拆分句子Yet【when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless,】it 【时间状语从句】后置定语修饰gardensstrikes one that,for all their diversity of styles,these gardens speak of various other 主句 主语从句视频定位26:2238:15视频定位38:151:04:24分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语一)的第 2 页有道考神考研Notes:morale=spirit 士气,精神de-moral-ization 道德败坏 de-moral(e)-ization 意志消沉,堕落Yet【when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless,】it 【时间状语从句】后置定语修饰gardensstrikes one that,for all their diversity of styles,these gardens speak of various other 主句 主语从句fundamental urges beyond that of decoration and creative expression.介词短语做状语【词汇笔记】1.urgen.强烈的欲望;vt.催促2.speak of 谈及3.diversityn.多样性4.strikev.击打,撞击(On strike 罢工)延伸突然想到,一下子想起,猛然意识到5.for all 尽管,虽然Yet when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless,然而,当看到无家可归者所创造出来的花园照片时(one指“我们/人们”)it strikes one that,它突然让人意识到(it是形式主语=that;one指)for all their diversity of styles,these gardens speak of various other fundamentalurges尽管有各种各样的风格,这些花园显示出各种其它的基本需求beyond that of decoration and creative expression.除展示出装饰和创造性表达的需求,(that指urge)局部翻译优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)参考翻译:然而,当看到无家可归人所建造的花园照片时,人们会突然意识到,尽管有各种各样的风格,这些花园除展示出装饰和创造性表达的需求,还显示出各种其他的基本需求。例11:2013年49题Most of us give in to a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on somepsychological conditions,until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the oppression vanish as if by magic.拆分句子Most of us give in to a demoralization of spirit【which we usually blame on some主句 【定语从句】psychological conditions,】until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the 时间状语从句oppression vanish as if by magic.【词汇笔记】1.demoralizationn.堕落;道德败坏2.give in 屈服于3.blameon 将归咎于4.oppressionn.压迫感,苦闷Most of us give in to a demoralization of spirit大部分人变得精神萎靡which we usually blame on some psychological conditions,我们往往将其归咎于一些心理状况until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the oppression vanish as if bymagic.直到有一天我们发现自己置身于花园中,并感到那些苦闷神奇地消失了局部翻译优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)参考翻译:大部分人变得精神萎靡,我们往往将其归咎于一些心理状况。直到有一天我们发现自己置身于花园中,并感到那些苦闷神奇地消失了。视频定位1:04:241:21:03分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语一)的第 3 页有道考神考研优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)参考翻译:大部分人变得精神萎靡,我们往往将其归咎于一些心理状况。直到有一天我们发现自己置身于花园中,并感到那些苦闷神奇地消失了。例12:2013年50题It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature that fully justifies the use of word garden,though in a liberated sense,to describe these synthetic constructions.拆分句子It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature that fully justifies the use of word garden,主句(强调句型)【though in a liberated sense,】to describe these synthetic constructions.【让步状语】目的状语【词汇笔记】1.synthetic adj.合成的,人造的2.implicit adj.含蓄的,暗示的3.explicit adj.明确的,清晰的4.justifyv.证明正确5.liberated adj.无拘束的It is this implicit or explicit reference to nature 正是这个对于自然界或明或暗的参照,that fully justifies the use of word garden,充分证明了“花园”though in a liberated sense,一词用来描绘这些人造建筑的合理性to describe these synthetic constructions.虽然以一种“广义”的方式使用局部翻译优化翻译(准确、完整、通顺)参考答案:正是这个对于自然界或明或暗的参考,充分证明了“花园”一词用来描绘这些人造建筑的合理性,虽然以一种“广义”的方式使用。课后练习:1.复习英语一2013-2015年翻译题目;2.练习2016年46-50题,2017年46、47题(时间充裕可继续做48-50题)课后总结一、翻译技巧1.定语从句翻译方法:1.前置 2.后置二、语法知识1.however adv.然而;conj.=no matter how2.for all 尽管,虽然3.morale=spirit 士气,精神de-moral-ization 道德败坏;de-moral(e)-ization 意志消沉,堕落视频定位1:21:031:47:12分区 翻译真题演练02 课堂笔记(英语一)的第 4 页有道考神考研

