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新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:2022 考研英语翻译基础班讲义考研英语翻译基础班讲义(主讲人:吴扶剑)(主讲人:吴扶剑)新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:吴扶剑简介:吴扶剑,研究生毕业于西安外国语大学,外国语言学与应用语言学专业,主吴扶剑简介:吴扶剑,研究生毕业于西安外国语大学,外国语言学与应用语言学专业,主修同声传译。原新东方考研英语金牌培训师,现为修同声传译。原新东方考研英语金牌培训师,现为新文道新文道考研独家英语名师。新锐测试专考研独家英语名师。新锐测试专家,资深考研四六级辅导专家。独创家,资深考研四六级辅导专家。独创“形合寻读法形合寻读法”,斩获高分无数。同声传译员,曾陪同,斩获高分无数。同声传译员,曾陪同前国家副主席荣毅仁侄女荣海兰女士,现荣氏家族掌门人荣宗信先生以及中文化交流促进前国家副主席荣毅仁侄女荣海兰女士,现荣氏家族掌门人荣宗信先生以及中文化交流促进协会会长孔太和先生进行丝绸之路文化项目考察,担任协会会长孔太和先生进行丝绸之路文化项目考察,担任“陪同口译陪同口译”。微信公众平台:吴扶剑考研英语微信公众平台:吴扶剑考研英语新浪微博:吴扶剑考研英语新浪微博:吴扶剑考研英语新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:基础翻译基础翻译一、翻译的基础知识一、翻译的基础知识翻译=读懂+按照目标与组织语言二、成分与翻译二、成分与翻译1.英语的五大基本句型与汉语语序一致。主谓 I smile.主谓宾 I eat an apple.主谓宾宾 I give you a book.主谓宾宾补 I can make you happy主系表2.定语:(1)前置定语:(2)后置定语:翻译时应该放在被修饰词之前3.状语:(1)定义:新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:(2)形式:4.主语补语5.同位语:从句就是一个做成分的句子翻译步骤:1.翻译前先分析句子结构:先找谓语动词,然后确定前后的主干成分,最后切分句子(标点之后或者链接词之前);再分析其中包含的枝叶成分。2.根据前面讲的翻译基础知识进行翻译。三、三、主语从句识别与翻译主语从句识别与翻译a)That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.b)Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain,for now.c)What researchers such as Ransom Myers and Boris Worm have shown is just how fastthings are changing.d)Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expenses oftechnology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.(考研真题)e)However,whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans,or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago,is,as yet,an unanswered question.(考研真题)形式主语的处理:形式主语的处理:新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:AIt is a little known fact that there were already half a million Germans in Americaat the time of the American Revolution.BThat there were already half a million Germans in America at the time of the AmericanRevolution is a little known fact.CIt is a strange thought,but I believe a correct one,that twenty or thirty pages of ideas andinformation would be capable of turning the present-day upside down,or even destroying it.D.Fortunately,the White House is starting to pay attention,but its obvious that a majority of thepresidents advisers still dont take global warming seriously.(考研真题)It+be+adj./n.+to doa)It is essential for modern men to master one or two foreign languages.b)In dealing with a challenge on such a scale,it is no exaggeration to say“united we stand,divided we fall.”(考研真题)c)It is extremely wasteful to give years of training at public expense only to have the qualifiedteacher or nurse marry after a year or two and be lost forever to her profession.a)It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlargingand improving experience.b)In those far-off days,it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write indetail and at length about the events they covered.c)It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac carswhen customers thumb through their phone directories.新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:a)When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me that I might become apart of a new international trend.当我打算放弃我的全职工作是,我从来都没有想到,我可能成为国际新趋势的一部分。b)it turns out that结果是It turns out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way(as if)our muscles do,and theright mental workout can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.四、宾四、宾语从句识别与翻译语从句识别与翻译1.宾语从句的翻译方法:从前往后直接翻译,然后进行润色。宾语从句的翻译方法:从前往后直接翻译,然后进行润色。例如:This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells.Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract,as part of an exchange ofduties and entitlements.(考研真题)2.宾语后置宾语后置/形式宾语形式宾语主语主语+宾补动词宾补动词+it+宾补宾补+that 从句:先将从句:先将 that 从句翻译出来放到句首,然后再翻译从句翻译出来放到句首,然后再翻译“主主语语+宾补动词宾补动词+it+宾补宾补”。There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects willaccount for an improvement in the standard of living or,do much to protect our diminishingresources.(考研真题)I think it difficult to finish the work on time.五、五、表语从句识别与翻译表语从句识别与翻译表语从句的翻译方法:从前往后直接翻译。a)Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs.b)Open-source spying does have its risks,of course,since it can be difficult to tell goodinformation from bad.Thats where Straitford earns its keep.c)For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors,which America had inventedand which sat at the heart of the new computer age,was going to be the next casualty.新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:六、六、同位语从句识别与翻译同位语从句识别与翻译同位语从句的翻译方法:短的同位语从句,翻译到被解释的名词之前做定语;长的同位语从句另起一句翻译,并且在从句开头增译“即,也就是(说)”。最后进行润色。a)However,the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest prioritiesfor promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong.(2009)b)He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterialcause were actually infections,which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.(2008 Use of English)c)There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historicalwork in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches ofhistorical inquiry.(1999 PartC)d)On the other hand,he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his criticsthat,while he was a good observer,he had no power of reasoning.(2008 Part C)七七、定语从句识别与翻译、定语从句识别与翻译定语从句是英语中一种最常见的句型,它可以分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,即定语从句的关系词在文中修饰哪个词、短语或句子。在主句中不可缺少的定语从句称限定性定语从句。对主句起附加说明作用的定语从句称非限定性定语从句。此外,定语从句和主句之间还存在着状语关系,说明原因、目的、让步、假设等。定语从句的翻译方法:前置法:短的定语从句译到先行词之前做定语。后置法:长的定语从句另起一句,译到句末。a)It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty toimagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.b)In dreams,a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak.(2005,Reading Comprehension,PartA,Text3)c)The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-like ownership structure of the新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:business.(2014,Reading Comprehension,Part AText 2)d)Are humans actually aware of the world(that/which)they live in?(2009,Use of English)e)But the regular time(that/which)it takes to get a doctoral degree in the humanities is nine years.(2011,Reading Comprehension,Part B)f)The definition also excludes the majority of teachers,despite the fact that teaching hastraditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living.(2006,Translation)g)Tylor defined culture as“that complex whole which includes belief,art,morals,law,custom,and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”h)The government promised to give preferential taxation policies and loans of low interest rate tothose enterprises that could improve their structure of production and were willing to take in over50 laid-off workers yearly.i)The environmental protection should be given priority which means the economic developmentwould be lowered to some extent in a developing country.j)In Europe,where forestry is ecologically more advanced,the noncommercial tree species arerecognized as members of native forest community,to be preserved as such.k)A tailor named John Dane,who emigrated in the late 1630s,left an account of his reasons forleaving England that is filled with signs.(2009,Reading Comprehension,Part AText 4)八、八、状语从句识别与翻译状语从句识别与翻译状语从句的翻译方法状语从句的翻译方法:除了方式和结果状语从句之外除了方式和结果状语从句之外,其余的状语从句一般都会译到句首其余的状语从句一般都会译到句首。例句识别例句识别a)As the brain fades,we refer to these occurrences as“senior moments.”(2014,Use of English)b)Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire,Allen concluded:“We do not attract what we want,but what we are.”(2011,Translation)c)Now that you have developed a topic into a tentative thesis,you can assemble your notes andbegin to flesh out whatever outline you have made.(2008,Reading Comprehension,Part B)新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:d)Indeed,homelessness has reached such proportions that local governments cant possiblycope.(2006,Use of English)e)Once a discovery claim becomes public,the discoverer receives intellectual credit.(2012,Reading Comprehension,Part AText 3)f)This is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction.(2013,ReadingComprehension,Part B)g)While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly,there is an undue reliance amongst manyjournalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers.(2007,Translation)h)A sacred place of peace,however crude it may be,is a distinctly human need,as opposed toshelter,which is a distinctly animal need.(2013,Translation)i)Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were,.(2002,ReadingComprehension,Part AText 3)j)Beethovens music tends to move from chaos to order as if order were an imperative of humanexistence.(2014,Translation)真题练习:真题练习:It is speculated that gardens arise from a basic need in the individuals who made them:theneed for creative expression.There is no doubt that gardens evidence an impossible urge to create,express,fashion,and beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge;(46)Yet when onelooks at the photographs of the garden created by the homeless,it strikes one that,for all theirdiversity of styles,these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges,beyond that ofdecoration and creative expression.One of these urges had to do with creating a state of peace in the midst of turbulence,a“stillpoint of the turning world,”to borrow a phrase from T.S.Eliot.(47)Asacred place of peace,however crude it may be,is a distinctly human need,as opposed to shelter,which is a distinctlyanimal need.This distinction is so much so that where the latter is lacking,as it is for theseunlikely gardens,the former becomes all the more urgent.Composure is a state of mind madepossible by the structuring of ones relation to ones environment.(48)The gardens of thehomeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it新文道教育科技集团北京市海淀区知春路 1 号学院国际大厦 8 层 808邮编:100086电话:400 008 6996网址:邮箱:either didnt exist or was not discernible as such.In so doing they give composure to a segment ofthe inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to,or to arise from is so intrinsicthat we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us.When we are deprived of green,ofplants,of trees,(49)most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame onsome psychological conditions,until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the expressionvanish as if by magic.In most of the homeless gardens of New York City the actual cultivation ofplants is unfeasible,yet even so the compositions often seem to represent attempts to callarrangement of materials,an institution of colors,small pool of water,and a frequent presence ofpetals or leaves as well as of stuffed animals.On display here are various fantasy elements whosereference,at some basic level,seems to be the natural world.(50)It is this implicit or explicitreference to nature that fully justifies the use of word garden though in a“liberated”sense,todescribe these synthetic constructions.In them we can see biophilia-a yearning for contact withnonhuman lifeassuming uncanny representational forms.答案答案46.然而当人们观看那些由无家可归的人创建的花园的照片时,人们能会深深的震撼。因为这些花园不仅风格各异,在它的装饰和创造性之外,也透露出了其他其他基本的诉求。47.然而,一块神圣的和平之地,或许可能是粗糙的,但它都是一种人类本能的需求,和庇护所相反,那只是动物的本能需求。48 无家可归的人的花园,事实上是无家可归的花园。它城市环境引入了一种形式。这些城市要么没有,要么没有如此显眼的花园49.我们当中大多数人都屈服于精神上的败坏,我们经常把这种精神上的败坏推卸到心理环境上,直到有一天我们发现自己处于一个花园当中,并感受到这种压迫感不可思议的消失了。50.正是这种隐含或外露的对自然的提及充分地证实了对花园这个单词的使用,尽管是从一种解放的意义上来说,描述了这些综合建设。

