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英语学习必备5500词 191119 _151246 英语 学习 必备 5500 22 24 讲义
?E22?appraisal?arithmetic?249.appraisal preizl n.?1?The newspaper gave an editorial appraisal of the governments achievements of the past year.?2?Many companies operate regular job appraisals,often on an annual basis.?appraise prez vt.?formal?ap-=ad-?+praise=price?1?At the end of each teaching practice,trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance.?2?The ring was appraised at$40,000.?4?3703.praise preiz vt.?n.?1?He should be praised for his honesty.?2?They deserve praise for all their hard work.?3752.price prais n.?vt.?The car is priced at$28,000.?2.8?3771.prize praiz n.?vt.?1?She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.?2?The first prize is a week for two in Miami.?3?In parts of Asia this plant is prized for its medicinal qualities.?3711.precious pres adj.?-preci-=price?+?-ous?Youre wasting precious time!?250.appreciate pri:ieit vt.?ap-=ad-?+-preci-?+?-ate?1?His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.?2?Thanks for coming.I appreciate it.?2588.interpret int:prit v.?inter-?+-pret-=price?1?The data can be interpreted in many different ways.?2?We had to ask our guide to interpret for us.?251.approach prut v.?n.?ap-=ad-?+pro-?+-ach?1?We could see the train approaching in the distance.?2?Hes very active for a man approaching 80.?80?3?The siren signaled the approach of an ambulance.?4?The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.?3015.method med n.?traditional/alternative methods?/?255.approximate prksmt adj.?v.?ap-=ad-?+proxim?+?-ate?1?The trains approximate time of arrival is 10:30.?10?30?2?The newspaper reports of the discussion only roughly approximated to what was actually said.?3?The number of students this year is expected to approximate 5,000.?5000?114?4070.reproach riprut vt.&n.?formal?re-?+-proach?1?His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.?2?The look of reproach on his face made her feel guilty.?504.blame bleim vt.?blaspheme?I dont blame him for getting angry-shes being really annoying.?513.blame bleim n.?If anything goes wrong,Ill take the blame.?4269.scold skuld vt.?s+cold?His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.?252.appropriate pruprit adj.?vt.?ap-=ad-?+-propri-=private?+-ate?1?I didnt think his comments were very appropriate at the time.?2?Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease.?3?He was accused of appropriating club funds.?3814.proper prp adj.?1?Ive had sandwiches but I havent eaten a proper meal.?2?In those days it was considered not quite proper for young ladies to be seen talking to men in public.?3815.property prpti n.?1?This building is government property.?2?He owns a number of properties on the south coast.?3?One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.?3769.private praivit adj.?3768.privacy prvsi n.?3770.privilege privilid n.?vt.?priv-?+-i-+-leg-?+-e?1?Senior management enjoy certain privileges,such as company cars and health insurance.?2?education policies that privilege the children of wealthy parents?1305.deprive dipraiv vt.?de-=dis-?+-priv-?+-e?1?He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.?/?2?You cant function properly when youre deprived of sleep.?253.approval pru:vl n.?1?He showed his approval by smiling broadly.?2?The project has now received approval from the government.?254.approve pru:v v.?of?ap-=ad-?+prove?1?The court approved the sale of the property.?2?I thoroughly approve of what the government is doing.?3833.prove pru:v v.?pro-?+ve=be?1?The dispute over the song rights proved impossible to resolve.?2?The new treatment has proved to be a disaster.?3811.proof pru:f n.?1?Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.?2?I was busy correcting proofs.?115?5345.waterproof wtrpruf adj.?a waterproof camera?5258.verify verifai vt.?ver?+?-ify?1?These numbers are surprisingly high and theyll have to be verified.?2?We have no way of verifying his story.?5264.very veri adv.?adj.?1?The situation is very serious.?2?She always leaves her homework to the very last moment.?3?This is the very book Ive been looking for all month.?3774.probe prub v.?n.?proof?1?They probed in/into the mud with a special drill.?2?The interviewer probed her private life very deeply.?3?an FBI probe into corruption?3773.probable prbbl adj.?provable?The probable cause of death was heart failure.?3772.probability,prbbilti n.?What is the probability of winning?3679.possible psbl adj.?-pos-?Poseidon?3680.possibly psbli adv.?3678.possibility,psbilti n.?2455.impossible impsbl adj.?3690.potential ptenl adj.?n.?-pot-?+-ent+-ial?1?Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.?2?You have the potential to reach the top of your profession.?259.arch rt n.?v.?adj.?1?Passing through the arch,you will enter the building.?2?The boat floated through the arch of the trees towards the bridge.?3?Trees arch over the river.?4?She watched the cat arch its back.?5?Hes always been an arch-opponent of the project.?arcade rked n.?260.architect rktekt n.?arch-?+-i-+tect=text?261.architecture rktektr n.?2307.hierarchy harrki n.?hier=holy?+arch?+?-y?1?Some monkeys have a very complex social hierarchy.?2?Maslows Hierarchy of Needs?3083.monarch mnrk n.?mon?+arch?monk?Dragon used to be the symbol of power and monarch in ancient China.?277.arrow ru n.?ar=arc?+-r-ow?He followed the arrows to the car park.?557.bow bu;ba n.?v.&n.?bend?1?He was armed with a bow and arrow.?2?to tie the shoelaces in a bow?3?He bowed low to the crowd.?4?The audience applauded enthusiastically,and she came back on stage to take another bow.?116?1577.elbow elbu n.?vt.?el=arm?+bow?1?Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.?2?He elbowed his way through the crowd.?3914.rainbow reinbu n.?3913.rain rein n.?vi.?vt.?Bombs rained down on the citys streets.?2625.irrigate irieit v.?ir-=in-?+-rig-=rain?+?-ate?1?They have built canals to irrigate the field.?2?The surgeon irrigated the wound.?263.argue ju:vi.?vt.?1?They were arguing about which film to go and see.?2?He was too tired to argue the point.?3?They argued him into withdrawing his complaint.?264.argument:jumnt n.?3875.quarrel kw:rl vi.?n.?quar=question?+-r-+-el?1?She quarreled with everyone in the village.?2?He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.?1239.debate dibeit v.&n.?de-?+bate?beat?1?They had been debating for several hours without reaching a conclusion.?2?Education is the current focus of public debate.?266.arithmetic rimtik n.?a-=ad-?+-rith-=reason?+-met-=measure?+-ic?2958.maths ms n.?mathematics&math?2957.mathematical,mimtikl adj.?3950.reason ri:zn n.?vt.?1?We humans believe that we are the only animals to have the power of reason.?2?She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.?3951.reasonable ri:znbl adj.?We sell good quality food at reasonable prices.?3928.rate reit n.?v.?1?exchange/interest rates?/?2?We offer special reduced rates for students.?3?They rated him highly as a colleague.?4?The show was rated as a great success.?3930.ratio reiiu,-u n.?The ratio of men to women at the conference was ten to one.?10?1?3931.rational rnl adj.?There must be some rational explanation for what happened.?4157.ritual rtul n.?adj.?rit=reason?+?-ual?1?religious rituals?2?Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.?117?3?I realized that the conventions here required me to make the ritual noises.?2626.irritate iriteit vt.?ir-=in-?+-rit-?+?-ate?The way she puts on that accent really irritates me.?3937.read ri:d v.?1?I read about the accident in the local paper.?2?The poem reads like a translation.?3?My computer cant read the file you sent.?4?Do you read me?3938.reader ri:d n.?3940.reading ri:di n.?4142.riddle ridl n.?rid=read?+-d-+?-le?118?249.appraisal preizl n.?appraise prez vt.?formal?ap-=ad-?+praise=price?3703.praise preiz vt.?n.?3752.price prais n.?vt.?3771.prize praiz n.?vt.?3711.precious pres adj.?-preci-=price?+?-ous?250.appreciate pri:ieit vt.?ap-=ad-?+-preci-?+?-ate?2588.interpret int:prit v.?inter-?+-pret-=price?251.approach prut v.?n.?ap-=ad-?+pro-?+-ach?3015.method med n.?255.approximate prksmt adj.?v.?ap-=ad-?+proxim?+?-ate?4070.reproach riprut vt.&n.?formal?re-?+-proach?504.blame bleim vt.?blaspheme?513.blame bleim n.?4269.scold skuld vt.?s+cold?252.appropriate pruprit adj.?vt.?ap-=ad-?+-propri-=private?+-ate?3814.proper prp adj.?3815.property prpti n.?3769.private praivit adj.?3768.privacy prvsi n.?3770.privilege privilid n.?vt.?priv-?+-i-+-leg-?+-e?1305.deprive dipraiv vt.?de-=dis-?+-priv-?+-e?253.approval pru:vl n.?254.approve pru:v v.?of?ap-=ad-?+prove?3833.prove pru:v v.?pro-?+ve=be?3811.proof pru:f n.?5345.waterproof wtrpruf adj.?5258.verify verifai vt.?ver?+?-ify?5264.very veri adv.?adj.?3774.probe prub v.?n.?proof?3773.probable prbbl adj.?provable?3772.probability,prbbilti n.?3679.possible psbl adj.?-pos-?Poseidon?3680.possibly psbli adv.?3678.possibility,psbilti n.?2455.impossible impsbl adj.?119?3690.potential ptenl adj.?n.?-pot-?+-ent+-ial?259.arch rt n.?v.?adj.?arcade rked n.?260.architect rktekt n.?arch-?+-i-+tect=text?261.architecture rktektr n.?2307.hierarchy harrki n.?hier=holy?+arch?+?-y?3083.monarch mnrk n.?mon?+arch?monk?277.arrow ru n.?ar=arc?+-r-ow?557.bow bu;ba n.?v.&n.?bend?1577.elbow elbu n.?vt.?el=arm?+bow?3914.rainbow reinbu n.?3913.rain rein n.?vi.?vt.?2625.irrigate irieit v.?ir-=in-?+-rig-=rain?+?-ate?263.argue ju:vi.?vt.?264.argument:jumnt n.?3875.quarrel kw:rl vi.?n.?quar=question?+-r-+-el?1239.debate dibeit v.&n.?de-?+bate?beat?266.arithmetic rimtik n.?a-=ad-?+-rith-=reason?+-met-=measure?+-ic?2958.maths ms n.?mathematics&math?2957.mathematical,mimtikl adj.?3950.reason ri:zn n.?vt.?3951.reasonable ri:znbl adj.?3928.rate reit n.?v.?3930.ratio reiiu,-u n.?3931.rational rnl adj.?4157.ritual rtul n.?adj.?rit=reason?+?-ual?2626.irritate iriteit vt.?ir-=in-?+-rit-?+?-ate?3937.read ri:d v.?3938.reader ri:d n.?3940.reading ri:di n.?4142.riddle ridl n.?rid=read?+-d-+?-le?120?E23?arrange?arrest?271.arrange reind v.?ar-=ad-?+range?1?The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.?2?Im trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week.?3?His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order.?3919.range reind n.?vi.?.?rang=ring+-e?1?The price range is from$100 to$500.?100?500?2?I offered her a range of options.?3?mountain range?4?Dress sizes range from small to extra large.?.?4144.ridge rid n.?1?walk along the ridge?2?the ridge of the roof?3?The ridges on the soles of my boots stopped me from slipping.?3920.rank rk n.?v.?1?He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.?2?She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.?3?a painter of the first rank?4?The front rank of the riot squad raised their shields.?5?In my opinion,he ranks among the theatres greatest actors.?6?She ranked the bottles in order of size along the shelf.?4189.row ru n.?v.?river?1?a row of houses/plants/people?/?/?2?We had seats in the front/back row of the theatre.?/?3?The man had been stabbed to death in a family row.?4?The wind dropped,so we had to row(the boat)back home.?3886.queue kju:n.?v.?up?Q?1?Are you in the queue for tickets?2?Dozens of people were queueing up to get tickets.?1183.cue kju:n.?vt.?queue?1?They started washing up,so that was our cue to leave the party.?2?With a nod of his head,the drummer cued the lead singer in.?4151.ring ri n.?v.?4138.ribbon ribn n.?ring band?He tied up the present with ribbon.?4177.rope rup n.?4400.shrink rik v.?ring?1?My skirt shrank in the wash.?2?The companys profits have shrunk.?3?The child shrank behind the sofa as his father shouted at him.?4401.shrug r vt.&n.?1?He shrugged his shoulders as if to say that there was nothing he could do about it.?121?2?Im afraid theres nothing I can do about your problem,she said with a shrug.?“?”?272.array rei n.?v.?ar-=ad-?+ray=ready?1?There was a splendid array of food on the table.?2?Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.?3941.ready redi adj.?for?4143.ride raid v.&n.?3939.readily redili adv.?1?I asked her if she would allow me to interview her,and she readily agreed.?2?I dont readily make friends.?3910.raid reid n.&v.?1?They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases.?2?They were arrested during a dawn raid.?3?Villages along the border are regularly raided.?4?Many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century.?4160.road rud n.?3912.railroad reilrud n.?railway?3911.rail reil n.?pl.?-rect-?handrail?4187.route ru:t,raut n.?road?I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work.?4188.routine ru:ti:n n.?adj.?1?Theres no set/fixed routine at work-every day is different.?2?My job is so routine and boring-I hate it.?273.arrest rest n.?vt.?ar-=ad-?+rest?1?She was stopped outside the shop and put under arrest.?2?The police arrested her for drinking and driving.?3?The treatment has so far done little to arrest the spread of the cancer.?4?A photo of a small boy arrested my attention.?4104.rest rest n.?v.?re-?+-st-=stand?4106.restless restlis adj.?1?Hes a restless type-he never stays in one country for long.?2?He felt restless after making the mistake.?4644.stand stnd vi.?n.?1?Fighting broke out in the stands five minutes before the end of the match.?5?2?a clothes stand?3?a hot dog stand?4?Whats her stand on sexual equality?4645.standard stndd n.?adj.?stand hard?1?We have very high safety standards in this laboratory.?2?White is the standard colour for this model of refrigerator.?3387.outstanding,autstndi adj.?122?He is an outstanding player in the football team.?5172.understand,ndstnd v.?5173.understanding,ndstndi n.?adj.?3062.misunderstand,misndstnd v.?mis-?5437.withstand wistnd,wi-vt.?with-?wide?Our toys are designed to withstand the rough treatment of the average five-year-old.?5?3244.notwithstanding,ntwistndi prep.&adv.&conj.?formal?Injuries notwithstanding,the team won the final.?4653.state steit n.?v.?-stat-=stand?+-e?1?The building was in a state of disrepair.?2?Give me the keys-youre not in a state to drive.?3?state-owned industries?4?Union members stated(that)they were unhappy with the proposal.?4654.statement steitmnt n.?He produced a signed statement from the prisoner.?4655.statesman steitsmn n.?4661.statue sttu:n.?-stat-=stand?+?-ue?They planned to put up/erect a statue to the president.?4662.status steits,st-n.?-stat-?+-us?1?She achieved celebrity status overnight.?2?What is your current financial status?4663.statute sttut n.?-stat-?+?-ute?1?Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987.?1987?2?Under the statutes of the university they had no power to dismiss him.?4657.station stein n.?v.?1?railway station?2?radio/television station?/?3?petrol/gas/fire/police station?/?/?4?a biological research station?4658.stationary steinri adj.?station+?-ary?The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.?4659.stationery steinri n.?station+?-er+?-y?stationer?That mini market sells all kinds of stationery.?statistics sttstks n.?-stat-?+-?-istic+?-s?Statistics show/suggest that women live longer than men.?4660.statistical sttistikl adj.?statistical errors/evidence?/?

