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2022 考研 英语 强化 翻译 讲义 资料 免费 分享
刘哲作 者考研英语(一)/(二)强 化 翻 译 课 程1考研英语(一)考研英语(一)/(二)(二)强化翻译课程强化翻译课程主讲老师主讲老师:刘哲刘哲新浪微博:新浪微博:NathanNathan 的英语圈的英语圈课程大纲课程大纲1.考研英语(一)/(二)翻译综述与训练方法2.重点真题精讲(生词/语法/翻译提示)翻译综述与训练方法翻译综述与训练方法英语一1 篇文章/5 句划线句/无需读全文,但需要靠未划线句子判断代词所指第 4 大题/第 4 项完成/20 分钟/10 分英语二若干段落全部翻译,第 4 大题/第 4 项完成/20 分钟/15 分必须掌握的语法知识必须掌握的语法知识1)谓语和非谓语动词的划分(含分词结构作状语)2)被动语态3)各类从句划分4)本该在一起的成分,被隔开了5)倒装结构6)并列结构7)IT 作形式主语8)指代问题*地道表达,尽力积累考点一:非谓语动词(没有当上谓语的 动词)*地道表达,尽力积累考点一:非谓语动词(没有当上谓语的 动词)to+do 目的done(完成/被动)ving(进行/主动)be+done,如:was driven by 作谓语没有 be,只有 done,作非谓语的1.This movement,(driven by powerful and diverse motivations),built a nationout of a wilderness and,by its nature,shaped the character and destiny of anuncharted continent.201511.This movement,(driven by powerful and diverse motivations),built a nationout of a wilderness and,by its nature,shaped the character and destiny of anuncharted continent.2015*你只需要看懂主句/从句主句和从句各自的谓语和非谓语,主谓宾其它成分重在看懂意思,而不要纠结其语法功能!1.This movement,(driven by powerful and diverse motivations),built a nationout of a wilderness and,by its nature,shaped the character and destiny of anuncharted continent.2015这场移民运动由各种(diverse)强大的动机所推动,在一片荒地中创立了一个国家,就其本质而言,该运动也塑造了一个未知大陆的性格并(决定)了它的命运。考点一:非谓语动词考点一:非谓语动词分词结构(只是个结构,不是主句/从句,所以没有谓语)*Ving/V 过去分词直接开头*分词结构和主干之间有一个逗号*分词结构的主语和这句话的主语一致,所以分词结构里没有写主语。2.Being interested in the relationship of language and thought,Whorf developedthe idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thoughtin a society.2004Whorf 对语言与思维的关系很感兴趣,并提出了这样的观点:在一个社会中,语言的结构决定习惯思维的结构。考点一:非谓语动词考点一:非谓语动词3.He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantageof forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence,and thus enablinghim to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observationsreasoning 推理deduce v.推理推导observation 观察 n.(observev.)intention 意图 n.intently 有意图地 adv.23.He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantageof forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence,and thus enabling(现在分词作结果状语)him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations说明原因的句子,thus+Ving 引出结果他相信,正是这种困难或许有些补偿优势:使他长时间专注地思考每一个句子;因此,使他能在推理和观察中发现自己的缺点。考点二:被动语态考点二:被动语态1.I have excluded him because,while his accomplishments may contribute to thesolution of moral problems,he has not been charged with the task of approachingany but the factual aspects of those problems.2006moral 道德的 a.approach 方法 v.1.主句 I have excluded him because 原因状从,(while 让步状语从句 hisaccomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems),he has not beencharged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.2006完成时态的被动 has/have+been+done我之所以把他(普通科学家)排除在外,是因为尽管他的成就可能会有助于解决道德问题,但他承担的任务只不过是研究与这些问题相关的事实而已。not any but 仅仅考点二:被动语态考点二:被动语态2.Our mental health doesnt go anywhere;like the sun behind a cloud,it can betemporarily hidden from view,but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.2016temporarily 暂时地 adv.restore 恢复 v.2.主句 1 Our mental health doesnt go anywhere;主句 2 like the sun behind a cloud,it can be temporarily hidden from view,主句 3 but it is fully capable of beingrestored in an instant.20163情态动词与被动语态:can be done分号连接 2 个句子,but 也连接 2 个句子我们的心理健康并没有真正离开,如同云后面的太阳,它可能会暂时离开我们的视线,但完全可以瞬间恢复如初。考点三:各类从句划分考点三:各类从句划分1.The Greeks 希腊人 assumed that the structure of language had some connection纽带/联系 with the process of thought,which took root in 扎根 Europe long beforepeople realized how diverse languages could be.2004对于从句很多的句子,一定要先找谓语动词们,然后一一判断哪个谓语属于哪个从句。1.The Greeks assumed that(宾从)the structure of language had some connection withthe process of thought,which(非限定从)took root in Europe long before(时间状语从句)people realized how(宾从)diverse languages could be(从句谓语).20041.The Greeks assumed(that 宾从 the structure of language had some connection withthe process of thought),(which 非限定从 took root in Europe)(long before 时间状语从句 people realized)(how 宾从 diverse languages could be).2004希腊人认为,语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。这一观点/在人们认识到各种语言大不一样/以前/就/在欧洲扎根了。考点三:各类从句划分考点三:各类从句划分2.No boy who went a grammar school 文法学校 could be ignorant 无知的 that the dramawas a form of literature which gave glory 荣耀 to Greece 希腊 and Rome and mightyet bring honor to England.2018*双重否定变肯定!No boy/could be ignorant没有小孩会不知道=都知道*yet 甚至,仍然2.No boy(who 定语从句 1went a grammar school)could be ignorant(that 宾从 thedrama was a form 宾从谓语 of literature)(which 定从 2 gave glory 荣耀 to Greece 希腊 and Rome and might yet bring honor to England).20184*双重否定变肯定!No boy/could be ignorant没有小孩会不知道=都知道*yet 甚至,仍然上过文法学校的男孩都知道戏剧是一种艺术形式,它给希腊和罗马带去了辉煌,也可能为英国带来荣耀。考点三:各类从句划分考点三:各类从句划分3.His analysis should therefore end any self-contentedness 自满 among those whomay believe that the global position 全球地位 of English is so stable that the younggeneration of the United Kingdom do not need additional language capabilities 能力.20173.His analysis should therefore end any self-contentedness 自满 among those(who定从may believe)(that 宾从 the global position 全球地位 of English is so stable)(that 结果状从 the young generation of the United Kingdom do not need additionallanguage capabilities 能力).2017对于那些可能会认为英语的国际地位十分稳固,甚至觉得英国的年轻一代人不需要掌握其它言语的人来说,他的分析可能会结束他们的自满。考点四:本该在一起的成分,被隔开了考点四:本该在一起的成分,被隔开了1.It tends to ignore,and thus eventually to eliminate 消除,many elements in theland community/that lack commercial value,but that are essential to 至关重要its healthy functioning 健康运行.1.It tends to ignore,and thus eventually to eliminate,many elements in the landcommunity that lack commercial value,but that are essential to its healthyfunctioning.这种保护系统常常忽视/陆地群落中/诸多缺乏商业价值/但对其健康运行/有关键作用的物种/,并最终导致它们的灭绝。考点五:倒装结构考点五:倒装结构1.Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed-and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and5nations as in the recent events in Europe.2005部分倒装:Only in this way can we succeed.正语序 We can succeed only in this way.完全倒装:There is a book.正语序 A book is there.1.句 1 Television is one of the means(by which 定从 these feelings are created andconveyed)句 2 and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect differentpeoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.2005还原倒装:It has never served so much before1.句 1 Television is one of the means(by which 定从 these feelings are created andconveyed)句 2 and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect differentpeoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.2005电视是创造和传递感情的手段之一。也许在此之前,在加强不同的民族和国家之间的联系这一方面,电视还从来没有像在最近的欧洲事件中那样,起过如此大的作用。考点五:倒装结构考点五:倒装结构2.Only gradually was the by-product 副产品 of the institution noted,and only moregradually 渐渐地 still was this effect considered as a directive 指导 factor in theconduct 做,运营 of the institution.*翻译题中遇见倒装,请还原成正语序2.Only gradually was the by-product 副产品 of the institution noted,and only moregradually 渐渐地 still was this effect considered as a directive 指导 factor in theconduct 做,运营 of the institution.the by-product 主 of the institution was only gradually notedthis effect/was only more gradually considered 被看作是/as a directive factor/inthe conduct of the institution人们只是逐渐地才注意到机构的这一副产品,而人们把这种作用看作是机构运作的指导因素(的过程)则更为缓慢。考点六:并列结构考点六:并列结构61.The United States is the product of two principal 主要的 forces-the immigrationof European peoples with their varied ideas,customs,and national characteristicsand the impact of a new country which modified these traits.20151.The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration ofEuropean peoples with their varied ideas,customs,and national characteristics andthe impact of a new country which modified these traits.2015美国是两股主要力量(融合)的产物,一股力量是思想,习俗和民族特征各异的欧洲移民,另一股力量是新国家对于改变上述特征(所带来的)影响。考点六:并列结构考点六:并列结构2.This seems a justification 合理依据 for/neglect 忽略 of those in need,and arationalization合理依据 of1 exploitation剥削,ofthe superiority优越感 of thoseat the top 顶层 and the inferiority 卑微 of those at the bottom 底层的.2.This seems a justification 合理依据 for/neglect 忽略 of those in need,and arationalization 合理依据 of1 exploitation 剥削,(a rationalization 被省略)of2the superiority 优越感 of those at the top 顶层 and the inferiority 卑微 of thoseat the bottom 底层的.*看到光秃秃的 of2 的时候,马上想 of2 前肯定省略了东西!请去前文找到 of1,of1 前面有什么,就说明 of2 的前面省略了什么2.This seems a justification 合理依据 for/neglect 忽略 of those in need,and arationalization 合理依据 of1 exploitation 剥削,(a rationalization 被省略)of2the superiority 优越感 of those at the top 顶层 and the inferiority 卑微 of thoseat the bottom 底层的.这似乎在为忽视贫困者提供合理依据,为剥削、为社会上层人群的优越及社会底层人群的卑微找理由。考点七:IT 作形式主语考点七:IT 作形式主语1.In fact,it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear graspof 理解 the basic features of the Canadian Constitution 宪法 can do a competent jobon political stories.7IT 是形式主语,真正的主语太长了1.In fact,it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear graspof the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on politicalstories.事实上,人们很难想象那些对加拿大宪法的基本特点都没有理解的新闻工作者如何能够胜任报道政治新闻的工作。考点八:指代问题考点八:指代问题1.His function is analogous to 相似于 that of a judge 法官,who must accept theobligation 责任 of revealing 揭露 in as obvious 明显的 a manner as possible thecourse of reasoning 推理 which led him to his decision.2006代词 that/this/those/these 所指往上文找。1.His function is analogous to that of a judge,who must accept the obligation ofrevealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led himto his decision.2006他的职责与法官相似,必须接受(承担)这样的义务(责任):用尽可能明了的方式来展示自己做出决定的推理过程。练习练习1.Allens contribution 贡献 was to take an assumption 假设 we all share 认同that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts and(to)reveal揭露 its erroneous 奇怪的古怪的 nature.20111.Allens contribution was to take an assumption we all share that because weare not robots we therefore control our thoughts and(to)reveal its erroneousnature.2011*明知这里是从句谓语,却没有看见从句的引导词,联想省略了 that,考虑 that 在主语的前面。81.Allens contribution was to take an assumption(that)定从 we all share (that同位语从句 because 原因状语从句 we are not robotswe therefore control ourthoughts)and(to)reveal its erroneous nature.2011艾伦的贡献是,他提出“我们并非机器人,因此能掌控自己的思想”这一我们都认可的假设,并揭示了其错误的本质。练习练习2.The upside 积极的一面 is the possibilities contained 有 in knowing thateverything is up to us 取决于我们自己;where before we were experts in the arrayof 各种各样 limitations 缺陷,now we become authorities 权威/深知 of what ispossible.20112.句 1 The upside 积极的一面 is the possibilities contained 有 in knowing(that宾从 everything is up to us 取决于我们自己);句 2(where 状从 before we were expertsin the array of 各种各样 limitations 缺陷),now we become authorities 权威/深知 ofwhat is possible.2011其积极意义在于,了解一切都取决于我们自己,这就有了诸多可能;以前我们是了解各种局限的专家,现在我们成了驾驭各种可能性的权威。5291.“Sustainability”has become a popular word these days,but to Ted Ning,the concept概念 will always have personal meaning.Having endured 经历 a painful period ofunsustainability in his own life made it clear to him that sustainability-oriented以为导向 values 价值观 must be expressed through everyday action and choice.英语二,2010主题词可以考虑读完全篇后再判断意思。名字尽量音译。“Sustainability”has become a popular word these days,but to Ted Ning,the conceptwill always have personal meaning.Having endured a painful period ofunsustainability in his own life made it clear to him that sustainability-orientedvalues must be expressed through everyday action and choice.最近,“承受力”已成为一个流行词,但对泰德宁(Ted Ning)来说,对这一概念有切身体会。他曾经历了一段无法承受的痛苦生活,这使得他清楚地认识到,旨在提高承受力的价值观只有通过日常的行为和抉择才能得到体现。2.Ning recalls spending a confusing 令人困惑的 year in the late 1990s sellinginsurance 保险.Hed been through 经历了 the dot-com boom 膨胀 and burst 破灭 and,desperate for 渴望 a job,signed on 签约 with a Boulder agency.Ning recalls spending a confusing year in the late 1990s selling insurance.Hed been through the dot-com boom and burst and,desperate for a job,signed on witha Boulder agency.宁(Ning)回忆起 90 年代后期销售保险并令人困惑的一年。他经历了网络泡沫的膨胀和破灭后,由于急需找到一份工作,因此就与博尔德(Boulder)代理公司签了约。3.It didnt go well.“It was a really bad move because thats not my passion所热爱的,”says Ning,whose dilemma 困境 about the job translated,predictably,into a lack of sales.“I was miserable.I had so much anxiety that I would wakeup in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling 天花板.I had no money andneeded the job.Everyone said,Just wait,youll turn the corner 会有转机的,giveit some time.”10It didnt go well.“It was a really bad move because thats not my passion,”says Ning,whose dilemma about the job translated,predictably,into a lack of sales.“I was miserable.I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of thenight and stare at the ceiling.I had no money and needed the job.Everyone said,Just wait,youll turn the corner,give it some time.”但情况并不顺利。“这的确是糟糕的一步,因为并没有激起我的工作热情。”宁(Ning)说道。正如所料,在工作上的困境导致他销售业绩不佳。“我很痛苦。也很焦虑,以至于常常会在半夜醒来盯着天花板发呆。我身无分文,需要这份工作。大家都说:等等吧,会有转机的,过段时间看吧。”4.Who would have thought that,globally,the IT industry produces about the samevolume 量 of greenhouse gases 温室气体 as the worlds airlines 航空业 do-roughly2 percent of all CO2 emissions 排放?Who would have thought that,globally,the IT industry produces about the same volume量 of greenhouse gases 温室气体 as the worlds airlines 航空业 do-roughly 2percent of all CO2 emissions 排放?谁会想得到在全球范围内,信息技术行业所产生的温室气体与航空业所产生的量不相上下,约占二氧化碳排放总量的 2%呢?5.Many everyday tasks take a surprising toll 代价 on the environment.A Google searchcan leak 泄露 between 0.2 and 7.0 grams of CO2,depending on how many attemptsare needed to get the“right”answer.To deliver 传达,运送 results to its usersquickly,then,Google has to maintain vast data centres around the world,packedwith powerful computers.While producing large quantities 量 of CO2,these computersemit a great deal of heat,so the centres need to be well air-conditioned,whichuses even more energy.2011 英语二Many everyday tasks take a surprising toll 代价 on the environment.A Google searchcan leak 泄露 between 0.2 and 7.0 grams of CO2,depending on how many attemptsare needed to get the“right”answer.To deliver 传达,运送 results to its usersquickly,then,Google has to maintain vast data centres around the world,packedwith powerful computers.While producing large quantities 量 of CO2,these computersemit a great deal of heat,so the centres need to be well air-conditioned,whichuses even more energy.2011 英语二11很多日常工作会对环境造成意想不到的危害。每在谷歌上搜索一次便能释放 0.2-7 克二氧化碳,释放的总体数量取决于得到“正确”答案所需的搜索次数。为了将搜索结果快速传输给用户,谷歌不得不在全世界范围内建造巨大的数据中心,并配备许多大功率计算机。在产生大量二氧化碳的同时,这些计算机也释放出大量的热量,因此这些数据中心还需要配备良好的空调系统,而这会消耗更多的能量。6.However,Google and other big tech providers monitor 监控 their efficiency closelyand make improvements.Monitoring is the first step on the road to reduction,butthere is much more to be done,and not just by big companies.然而,谷歌和其他大型技术供应商已经在密切监控其数据中心的工作效率并做出改进。监控只是减排道路上的第一步,需要做的工作还要更多,而且这不单单是大公司的事情。7.When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usuallyconcerned at 担忧,关注 the prospect 前景 of their best and brightest departure toSilicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in the developed world.These arethe kind of workers that countries like Britain,Canada and Australia try to attract/by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates.2012When people in developing countries worry about migration,they are usuallyconcerned at the prospect of their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valleyor to hospitals and universities in the developed world.These are the kind of workersthat count

