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34 36 讲义
?E34?away?bag?364.away wei adv.?a=on+way?1472.doorway d:wei n.?She stood in the doorway for a moment before going in.?1471.door d:n.?2489.indoor ind:adj.?3375.outdoor atd adj.?5349.way wei n.?adv.?1?I told you we should have done it my way!?2?I dont know how were going to manage the way things are.?3?The price is way above what we can afford.?2312.highway haiwei n.?4408.sideways saidweiz adv.&adj.?1?Crabs walk with a sideways motion.?2?She sat sideways on the chair.?4756.subway sbwei n.?1082.convey knvei vt.?con-?+vey=way?1?His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.?2?The goods are usually conveyed by rail.?5314.voyage viid n.?voy=way?+?-age?5111.trivial trivil adj.?tri-=three?+-via-=way?+?-(a)l?I know it sounds trivial,but Im worried about it.?5269.via vai prep.?1?We flew home via Dubai.?2?The news program came to us via satellite.?5105.trifle traifl n.?v.?1?$1000 is a mere trifle to her.?1000?2?Hes not a person to be trifled with.?5318.wagon wn n.?wag=way?+?-on?5247.vehicle vikl n.?veh=way?+?-icle?1?Road vehicles include cars,buses,and trucks.?2?Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.?1342.deviate diviet vi.?from?de-=dis-?+via=way?+?-ate?1?The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road closure.?2?He never deviated from his original plan.?3750.previous pri:vis adj.?pre-?+-vi-=way?+?-ous?No previous experience is required for the job.?3286.obvious bvis adj.?ob-?+-vi-?+?-ous?Its obvious(that)she doesnt like him.?5249.vein vein n.?1?Many veins are found just under the skin.?191?2?The opening scene is very violent,and the rest of the movie continues in(a)similar vein.?5250.velocity vilsti n.?vel=way?+-ocity?Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the universe.?5369.weigh wei v.?1?She weighs herself every week on the scales in the bathroom.?2?Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to start.?5370.weight weit n.?5361.wedge wed n.?vt.?plowshare?1?Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while were carrying the boxes in.?2?to wedge the door open?365.awe:n.?vt.?fear?1?He speaks of her with awe.?2?You cant help but stand in awe of powerful people.?3?Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.?366.awful:ful adj.?1?The food was awful.?2?Fortunately it wont make an awful lot of difference if I dont pass the test.?awesome sm adj.?You look totally awesome in that dress.?367.awkward:kwd adj.?awk=away?+-ward=-ver-?1?There was an awkward silence.?2?His movements were slow and awkward.?3?Youve put me in an awkward position.?5051.toward tw:d prep.?towards?They were heading towards the German border.?374.backward bkwd adj.?1?She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step.?2?a backward child?372.back bk adj.?adv.?v.?n.?5209.upward pwd adj.?1481.downward daunwd adj.?a(n)upward/downward trend?/?2001.forward f:wd adv.?also forwards?adj.?vt.?1?They ran forward to welcome her.?2?A little forward planning at the outset can save you a lot of expense.?3?We will forward our new catalogue to you next week.?4?He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career.?1970.for?f:,?f prep.?conj.?1?What can I do for you?2?Theres a letter for you.?192?3?The town is famous for its cathedral.?4?Shes too tall for her age.?5?Im going away for a few days.?6?I believed herfor surely she would not lie to me.?2621.inward inwd adj.?adv.?1?Her calm expression hid her inward panic.?2?The door opens inwards.?3388.outward autwd adj.?adv.?1?He showed no outward signs of distress.?2?The door opens outwards.?4701.straightforward,streitf:wd adj.?A straightforward talk is better than a flowery speech.?371.bachelor btl n.?B-?“?”?2951.master m:st,mstr n.?v.?adj.?2952.masterpiece m:stpi:s,ms-n.?3061.mistress mistris n.?2265.headmaster hedm:st n.?1456.doctor dkt n.?vt.?He was accused of doctoring the figures.?1457.doctorate dktrt n.?Shes studying for her doctorate.?1458.document dkjumnt n.?“?”?1459.documentary,dkjumentri adj.?n.?3364.orthodox:dks adj.?orth=-rect-?+-o-+dox=doc?orthodox treatment/methods?3450.paradox prdks n.?para-?+dox?It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.?377.bad bd adj.?379.badly bdli adv.?He needs the money badly.?381.bag b n.?vt.?1?Shall I bag(up)those tomatoes for you?2?Quick,bag that table over there!?382.baggage bid n.?2884.luggage lid n.?lug?2713.lag l v.&n.?vt.?1?Hes lagging behind-I think wed better wait for him to catch us up.?2?jetlag?3?to lag pipes?612.budget bdit n.?v.?1?an advertising budget?2?If we budget carefully,well be able to afford the trip.?193?447.beg be vt.?vi.?They begged(him)for mercy.?3420.pack pk v.?n.?&?fasten?bag?1?She packed a small suitcase for the weekend.?2?Thousands of fans are packing into the stadium.?3?a pack of cigarettes/gum?4?a wolf pack?3421.package pkid n.?1?A large package has arrived for you.?2?The computer comes with a software package.?3422.packet pkit n.?a packet of biscuits/cigarettes?/?3635.pocket pkit n.?adj.?vt.?1?He took some coins from/out of his pocket.?2?a pocket dictionary?3?He carefully pocketed his change.?3456.parcel p:sl n.?v.?portion?1?The parcel was wrapped in plain brown paper.?2?She parceled up the books to send.?4207.sack sk n.?vt.?large bag?1?The corn was stored in large sacks.?2?They sacked her for being late.?3423.pact pkt n.?fasten?They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.?pact kmpkt;kmpkt adj.?v.?com-=?1?The kitchen was compact but well equipped.?2?Cars had compacted the snow until it was like ice.?2440.impact impkt,impkt n.?v.?im-=in-?1?The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.?2?Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.?3?Her fathers death impacted greatly on her childhood years.?3812.propaganda,prpnd n.?pro-?+-pag-=pact?+-anga?political/wartime propaganda?/?3499.peace pi:s n.?pea=pact?3500.peaceful pi:sful adj.?194?364.away wei adv.?a=on+way?1472.doorway d:wei n.?1471.door d:n.?2489.indoor ind:adj.?3375.outdoor atd adj.?5349.way wei n.?adv.?2312.highway haiwei n.?4408.sideways saidweiz adv.&adj.?4756.subway sbwei n.?1082.convey knvei vt.?con-?+vey=way?5314.voyage viid n.?voy=way?+?-age?5111.trivial trivil adj.?tri-=three?+-via-=way?+?-(a)l?5269.via vai prep.?5105.trifle traifl n.?v.?5318.wagon wn n.?wag=way?+?-on?5247.vehicle vikl n.?veh=way?+?-icle?1342.deviate diviet vi.?from?de-=dis-?+via=way?+?-ate?3750.previous pri:vis adj.?pre-?+-vi-=way?+?-ous?3286.obvious bvis adj.?ob-?+-vi-?+?-ous?5249.vein vein n.?5250.velocity vilsti n.?vel=way?+-ocity?5369.weigh wei v.?5370.weight weit n.?5361.wedge wed n.?vt.?plowshare?365.awe:n.?vt.?fear?366.awful:ful adj.?awesome sm adj.?367.awkward:kwd adj.?awk=away?+-ward=-ver-?5051.toward tw:d prep.?towards?374.backward bkwd adj.?372.back bk adj.?adv.?v.?n.?5209.upward pwd adj.?1481.downward daunwd adj.?2001.forward f:wd adv.?also forwards?adj.?vt.?1970.for?f:,?f prep.?conj.?2621.inward inwd adj.?adv.?3388.outward autwd adj.?adv.?4701.straightforward,streitf:wd adj.?195?371.bachelor btl n.?B-?“?”?2951.master m:st,mstr n.?v.?adj.?2952.masterpiece m:stpi:s,ms-n.?3061.mistress mistris n.?2265.headmaster hedm:st n.?1456.doctor dkt n.?vt.?1457.doctorate dktrt n.?1458.document dkjumnt n.?“?”?1459.documentary,dkjumentri adj.?n.?3364.orthodox:dks adj.?orth=-rect-?+-o-+dox=doc?3450.paradox prdks n.?para-?+dox?377.bad bd adj.?379.badly bdli adv.?381.bag b n.?vt.?382.baggage bid n.?2884.luggage lid n.?lug?2713.lag l v.&n.?vt.?612.budget bdit n.?v.?447.beg be vt.?vi.?3420.pack pk v.?n.?&?fasten?bag?3421.package pkid n.?3422.packet pkit n.?3635.pocket pkit n.?adj.?vt.?3456.parcel p:sl n.?v.?portion?4207.sack sk n.?vt.?large bag?3423.pact pkt n.?fasten?pact kmpkt;kmpkt adj.?v.?com-=?2440.impact impkt,impkt n.?v.?im-=in-?3812.propaganda,prpnd n.?pro-?+-pag-=pact?+-anga?3499.peace pi:s n.?pea=pact?3500.peaceful pi:sful adj.?196?E35?bait?bar?383.bait beit n.?vt.?1?The fish took the bait.?2?Free holidays were offered as a bait to customers.?3?He baited the trap with a piece of meat.?4?Ignore him-hes just baiting you.?497.bite bait v.&n.?n.?496.bit bit n.?498.bitter bit adj.?1?a bitter taste?2?Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.?3?a bitter fight/argument?/?4555.sour sau adj.?1?Their relationship soon went sour.?2?She gave me a sour look.?4836.sweet swi:t adj.?n.?pl.?3551.persuade psweid vt.?per-?+suade=sweet?We tried to persuade her not to do it but failed.?3552.persuasion pswein n.?Her powers of persuasion worked greatly.?4595.spicy spaisi adj.?spice?+y?Do you like spicy food?472.bet bet v.?n.?bait?1?She bet 500,000 on the horse that came in second.?50?2?I bet(that)he wont come.?3?My bet is(that)their baby will be a girl.?3559.petty peti adj.?pet=bit?1?petty tasks?2?How could you be so petty?3555.pet pet n.?adj.?petty?“?”?3579.piece pi:s n.?vt.?together?1?a piece of furniture/clothing/equipment?/?/?2?Police are trying to piece together the last hours of her life.?3482.patch pt n.?v.?1?I sewed patches on the knees of my jeans.?2?to patch a hole in the roof?1323.dispatch dispt n.&v.?despatch?n.?dis-?+patch=food?1?Two loads of cloth were dispatched to the factory on 12 December.?12?12?2?More food supplies are ready for immediate dispatch.?3?dispatches from the war zone?197?384.bake beik v.?1?Im baking a birthday cake for him.?2?Its baking outside.?421.batch bt n.?1?The cook brought in a fresh batch of homemade cupcakes.?2?We deliver the goods in batches.?422.bath b:;b n.?v.?1?have a bath(vs.take a shower)?2?Its your turn to bath the baby.?423.bathe bei v.?1?I bathe every day.?2?I bathed my feet in salt water.?424.bathroom b:rum n.?385.balance blns v.?n.?ba-=bi-?+lance=pans?1?How long can you balance on one leg?2?to balance work and family?2?She had to hold onto the railings to keep her balance.?387.bald b:ld adj.?bal=ball?+-d?388.ball b:l n.?vt.?His hands balled into fists.?390.balloon blu:n n.?adj.?v.?ball?+?-oon?Her skirt ballooned out in the wind.?389.ballet blei,blei n.?ball?+(l)et?391.ballot blt n.?v.?1?Everyone casts his or her ballot(=votes)in secret.?2?The workers balloted for a strike.?620.bullet bulit n.?bull=ball?+(l)et?619.bull bul n.?622.bully buli n.?vt.?1?Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.?2?Dont let anyone bully you into doing something you dont want to do.?458.belly beli n.?bell=ball?+?-y?457.bell bel n.?462.belt belt n.?bel=ball?+-t?486.bill bil n.?1?When a bill is passed in Parliament it becomes law.?2?an electricity/gas/phone bill?/?/?3?There were lots of big names(=famous people)on the bill?4?a one-dollar bill?1?3585.pill pil n.?sleeping pill?621.bulletin bulitin n.?bull=bill?+-(l)et?+-in?The company publishes a weekly bulletin for its employees.?198?559.bowl bul n.?532.boil bil v.?1?The water was bubbling and boiling away.?2?Ill boil an egg for you.?533.bold buld adj.?bol=ball?+-d?1?The wine made him bold enough to approach her.?2?Highlight the important words in bold type.?572.brave breiv adj.?v.?barbarian?1?a brave soldier?2?She braved the wrath of her parents by refusing to marry the man they had chosen.?1217.dare de vi.?vt.?1?Do you dare(to)tell him the news?2?I dare you to ask him to dance.?618.bulk blk n.?1?The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs.?2?Despite its bulk and weight,the car is extremely fast.?515.block blk n.?vt.?block=bulk?1?a block of wood/stone?/?2?My friend and I live on the same block.?3?A fallen tree is blocking the road.?617.bulb blb n.?light bulb?1965.fool fu:l n.?vt.?vi.?1966.foolish fu:li adj.?Shes just a vain,foolish woman.?4423.silly sili adj.?Dont do that,you silly boy!?3658.pool pu:l n.?v.?ball?pullet?poultry?1?We looked for crabs in the rock pools along the seashore.?2?a pool of cars used by the firms salesmen?3?Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.?3656.pond pnd n.?a duck pond?611.bud bd n.?v.?1?It was springtime and the fruit trees were in bud.?2?The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year.?610.bucket bkit n.?kick the bucket?529.boast bust v.?of?about?n.?1?Parents enjoy boasting about their childrens achievements.?2?They boasted that they had never lost a single game.?199?3?Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant,neither of them went to college.?401.bar b:n.?vt.?1?a chocolate bar?2?They noticed him going into the bar.?3?We barred the door to stop anyone getting into the room.?4?The centre of the town was barred to football supporters.?402.barbecue b:bikju:n.?vt.?411.barrier bri n.?1?Barriers have been erected all along the route the Pope will take.?2?Despite the language barrier,they soon became good friends.?409.barrel brl n.?They drank a whole barrel of beer at the party.?410.barren brn adj.?1?We drove through a barren,rocky landscape.?2?He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child.?1602.embarrass imbrs vt.?em-=in-?+bar?+-r-+-ass?1?Youre embarrassing him with your compliments!?2?I didnt want to embarrass her in front of her friends.?200?383.bait beit n.?vt.?497.bite bait v.&n.?n.?496.bit bit n.?498.bitter bit adj.?4555.sour sau adj.?4836.sweet swi:t adj.?n.?pl.?3551.persuade psweid vt.?per-?+suade=sweet?3552.persuasion pswein n.?4595.spicy spaisi adj.?spice?+y?472.bet bet v.?n.?bait?3559.petty peti adj.?pet=bit?3555.pet pet n.?adj.?petty?“?”?3579.piece pi:s n.?vt.?together?3482.patch pt n.?v.?1323.dispatch dispt n.&v.?despatch?n.?dis-?+patch=food?384.bake beik v.?421.batch bt n.?422.bath b:;b n.?v.?423.bathe bei v.?424.bathroom b:rum n.?385.balance blns v.?n.?ba-=bi-?+lance=pans?387.bald b:ld adj.?bal=ball?+-d?388.ball b:l n.?vt.?390.balloon blu:n n.?adj.?v.?ball?+?-oon?389.ballet blei,blei n.?ball?+(l)et?391.ballot blt n.?v.?620.bullet bulit n.?bull=ball?+(l)et?619.bull bul n.?622.bully buli n.?vt.?458.belly beli n.?bell=ball?+?-y?457.bell bel n.?462.belt belt n.?bel=ball?+-t?486.bill bil n.?3585.pill pil n.?621.bulletin bulitin n.?bull=bill?+-(l)et?+-in?201?559.bowl bul n.?532.boil bil v.?533.bold buld adj.?bol=ball?+-d?572.brave breiv adj.?v.?barbarian?1217.dare de vi.?vt.?618.bulk blk n.?515.block blk n.?vt.?block=bulk?617.bulb blb n.?1965.fool fu:l n.?vt.?vi.?1966.foolish fu:li adj.?4423.silly sili adj.?3658.pool pu:l n.?v.?ball?pullet?poultry?3656.pond pnd n.?611.bud bd n.?v.?610.bucket bkit n.?529.boast bust v.?of?about?n.?401.bar b:n.?vt.?402.barbecue b:bikju:n.?vt.?411.barrier bri n.?409.barrel brl n.?410.barren brn adj.?1602.embarrass imbrs vt.?em-=in-?+bar?+-r-+-ass?202?E36?barber?beer?403.barber b:b n.?barb=beard?+-er?433.beard bid n.?404.bare be adj.?vt.?1?bare hand/foot?/?2?There isnt much time,so Ill just give you the bare facts.?3?She eats only the bare minimum to stay alive.?4?The men bared their heads(=took their hats off as a sign of respect)as they entered the church.?405.barely beli adv.?1?They have barely enough money to pay the rent this month.?2?She was barely able to stand.?3152.naked neikid adj.?He was naked to the waist.?2213.gymnasium dimneizim n.?gym?418.basket

