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2022 考研 英语 写作 作文 资料 免费 分享
小作文小作文应用文应用文A节考生根据所给情景写出约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等。共10分。2一一、常见应用文类型、常见应用文类型(下划线者为考过类型)(下划线者为考过类型)1.自我介绍2.感谢信3.约见信4.邀请信及回复5.请求信6.建议信7.通知8.祝贺信9.投诉信及回复10.道歉信11.慰问信12.备忘录3二、二、历年历年应用文类型应用文类型一览表一览表4年份年份应用文类型应用文类型2010感谢信+邀请函2011祝贺信+请求信2012投诉信2013通知+请求信2014介绍+请求信2015通知2016感谢信+建议信2017回复邀请函+介绍信2018道歉信+建议信2019建议信三、书信格式:三、书信格式:缩进式:缩进式:日期(右上角)Jan.22,2019 Feb.22,2019 Mar.22,2019 Apr.22,2019 May 22,2019 Jun.22,2019Jul.22,2019 Aug.22,2019 Sept.22,2019 Oct.22,2019 Nov.22,2019 Dec.22,2019 称呼(左上角)Dear Jack,/Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Prof.Smith,/Dear fellow students,/Dear Sir or Madam,正文(段首句缩进四个字母)结尾客套语(右下角)Yours truly,/Best regards,/Love,署名(右下角)Li Ming5三、书信格式:三、书信格式:齐头式(更容易掌握):齐头式(更容易掌握):日期(左上角)Jan.22,2019 Feb.22,2019 Mar.22,2019 Apr.22,2019 May 22,2019 Jun.22,2019Jul.22,2019 Aug.22,2019 Sept.22,2019 Oct.22,2019 Nov.22,2019 Dec.22,2019 称呼(左上角)Dear Jack,/Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Prof.Smith,/Dear fellow students,/Dear Sir or Madam,正文(段首句无缩进)结尾客套语(左下角)Yours truly,/Best regards,/Love,署名(左下角)Li Ming6四、正文写法四、正文写法写前准备:1.判断类型2.确定时态整体结构三段论1、背景(从题干中获取信息)2、目的(紧扣题目要求,一般为两个)3、希望、祝愿、感谢(可以叠用)注意:可以适当添加信息,但不能涉及自己的真实信息。7自我介绍自我介绍 Please allow me to take the liberty of introducing myself.I am.(姓名),.(身份)from/of.(单位)/who.(身份/定语从句)I have obtained your name and address from.(人名),who suggested that you could offer me some advice/suggestion on.(主题)/provide me with some information about.(主题)82014Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John,a local student,write him an email to1)tell him about your living habits,and 2)ask for advice about living thereYou should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Dont use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.Dont write your address.(10 points)自我介绍范文:Please allow me to take the liberty of introducing myself.I am Li Ming,who will soon be your roommate.I have obtained your name and address from a friend,who suggested that you could offer me some advice on living in the university.9感谢信感谢信1、背景事件及对方的帮助 How time flies!.(数字)days/months/years has passed/elapsed since we bid farewell to/say good by to each other in.(地点)I can still remember clearly your selfless help/valuable advice/great hospitality I received when.(事件/状语从句)I cant imagine what would have become of me but for your timely and generous assistance.2、目的感谢及回报 Thank you for your.(原因)Therefore,on behalf of.(组织)and in my own name,I would like to extend my sincere gratitude/thanks/appreciation to you for your.(原因)10感谢信感谢信 Therefore,I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude/thanks/appreciation to you for your.(原因)It will be my great honour if you can accept my small gift as the token of my appreciation.I wonder if/whether you can accept my invitation to.(目的/不定式)so that I can reciprocate/return your favour.3、希望、祝愿、感谢 Please accept my hearty thanks.Look forward to seeing you soon and wish you good health/a complete success/a bright future.112010You have just come back from the U.S.as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program.Write a letter to your American colleague to1)express your thanks for his/her warm reception;2)welcome him/her to visit China in due course.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)12感谢信范文:December 28Dear John,How time flies!Almost a month has elapsed since we bid farewell to each other in New York.I can still remember clearly your warm reception I received when I first arrived.I cant imagine what would have become of me but for your timely and generous assistance.Therefore,I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to you for your kindness.It will be my great honour if you can accept my small gift as the token of my appreciation.Besides,I wonder if you can accept my invitation to visit China so that I can reciprocate your favour.Look forward to seeing you soon and wish you good health.Best regards,Zhang Wei13约见信约见信1、背景事件及重要性 You cant imagine how excited/nervous/worried I was when.(事件/状语从句)You cant imagine how excited/nervous/worried I was when I got to know that.(事件/宾语从句),which would prove to be of vital importance to my.(主题)2、目的约见及要求 I will really appreciate it if you can spare me some time for the discussion of this matter in.(地点)on/at.(日期/时间)If the arrangement is in conflict with your schedule,please feel free to let me know so that I can make necessary change.If possible,please bring/prepare.(事项/祈使句)3、希望、祝愿、感谢 Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to seeing you.Wish you all the best.14模拟:Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic.Write him an email to1)tell him that you have finished the plan;and 2)suggest an appointment to discuss the matter.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Dont use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.(10 points)15约见信范文:December 28Dear Prof.Smith,You cant imagine how excited I was when I finished the plan about the debate.I will really appreciate it if you can spare me some time for the discussion of this matter in your office on this weekend.If the arrangement is in conflict with your schedule,please feel free to let me know so that I can make necessary change.If possible,please bring some materials with which I can improve my plan.Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to seeing you.Wish you all the best.Best regards,Li Ming16邀请信邀请信1、背景事件 It is my great pleasure to inform you that we will hold/host.(活动)in.(地点)on/at.(日期/时间)in order to.(目的/不定式).(活动)will be held/hosted in.(地点)on.(日期/时间)and last for.(数量)days.2、目的邀请及要求 On behalf of.(组织)and in my own name,I would like to extend my sincere invitation to you to attend this special event.I will really appreciate it if you can.(请求/状语从句)as you enjoy a high reputation in this field.Please confirm your attendance by e-mail before.(日期)If the arrangement is in conflict with your schedule,please feel free to let me know.If possible,please bring/prepare.(事项/祈使句)3、希望、祝愿、感谢 Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to seeing you.Wish you all the best.17模拟Suppose you would like Professor Williams to give a presentation about English culture to a group of Chinese students.Write a letter to1)invite him,and2)introduce the key points of his presentation.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)18邀请信范文:December 28Dear Prof.William,It is my great pleasure to inform you that we will hold the English Culture Festival from Jan.1 to Jan.7 in order to enhance the students understanding of the English culture.On behalf of our school and in my own name,I would like to extend my sincere invitation to you to attend this special event.I will really appreciate it if you can deliver a speech on the English culture on Jan.2 as you enjoy a high reputation in this field.Please confirm your attendance by e-mail before Dec.31.If possible,please send us the outline of your presentation.Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to seeing you.Best regards,Li Ming19邀请回复邀请回复接受1、背景事件 You cant imagine how excited/delighted I was when I received your letter/email which invites me to attend such a special event.2、目的接受及要求 Its my great honour to inform you that I accept your kind invitation to attend.(活动)and make a presentation/deliver a speech,which involves the following key points:.(要点)I will really appreciate it if you can.(要求/状语从句)because.(原因/状语从句)Enclosed,please find the outline/PPT for my presentation/speech.3、希望、祝愿、感谢 Thank you for your invitation.Look forward to seeing you.Wish.(活动)a complete success.202017Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students.Write a reply to1)accept the invitation,and2)introduce the key points of your presentation.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)21邀请信回复(接受)范文:December 28Dear Prof.Williams,You cant imagine how delighted I was when I received your letter which invites me to attend such a special event.Its my great honour to inform you that I accept your kind invitation to deliver a speech about the Chinese culture,which involves the following key points:1.The origins of the Chinese culture2.The features of the Chinese culture3.The significance of the Chinese cultureI will really appreciate it if you can have a lap top prepared.Enclosed,please find the outline for my presentation.Thank you for your invitation.Look forward to seeing you.Best regards,Li Ming22拒绝1、背景事件 You cant imagine how excited/delighted I was when I received your letter/email which invites me to attend such a special event.2、目的拒绝、原因及补救 Much as Id like to attend this special event,its my great pity to inform you that owing to my previous arrangement,I have to decline your kind invitation.If you dont mind,I would like to recommend.(人名),who enjoys a high reputation for.(领域),to replace me.I am confident that he/she will make an excellent speaker.3、希望、祝愿、感谢 Thank you for your invitation all the same.Wish.(活动)a complete success.23模拟:Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students.Write a reply to1)Decline the invitation,and2)recommend Prof.Zhang to replace you.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)24邀请信回复(拒绝)范文:December 28Dear Prof.Williams,You cant imagine how delighted I was when I received your letter which invites me to attend such a special event.Much as Id like to attend this special event,its my great pity to inform you that owing to my previous arrangement,I have to decline your kind invitation.If you dont mind,I would like to recommend Prof.Zhang,who enjoys a high reputation in this field,to replace me.I am confident that he will make an excellent speaker.Thank you for your invitation all the same.Look forward to seeing you.Wish your event a complete success.Best regards,Li Ming25请求信请求信1、背景事件 You cant imagine how excited/delighted/sad/sorry I was when I got to know that.(事件/宾语从句)2、目的请求 I am writing you this letter/email to ask for a(special)favour.I will really appreciate it if you can kindly provide me with some necessary information/advice regarding.(主题)/send me.(要求)I am sorry for any inconvenience thus incurred and will be very pleased if I can reciprocate your help in the near future.3、希望、祝愿、感谢 Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to your favourable reply.Wish you all the best.262014Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John,a local student,write him an email to1)tell him about your living habits,and 2)ask for advice about living thereYou should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Dont use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.Dont write your address.(10 points)27请求信范文:December 28Dear John,Please allow me to take the liberty of introducing myself.I am Li Ming,who will soon be your roommate.I have obtained your name and address from a friend,who suggested that you could help me.Generally,I get up early and go to bed early.Besides,I prefer a clean and quiet living environment.So I will really appreciate it if you can kindly provide me with some necessary advice regarding living in a university apartment.Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to your favourable reply.Wish you all the best.Sincerely yours,Li Ming28建议信建议信1、背景事件 I have received your letter/email in which you asked me for some necessary information/advice regarding.(主题)/to send.(请求)2、目的建议 I am writing you this letter/email to tell you that it is my great honour/I am very pleased to help you with this matter.It is a truth universally acknowledged that.(主题)has always been a significant issue in.(领域)From my perspective,you would be wise to.(建议/不定式)/it would be wise for you to.(建议/不定式)Furthermore,I firmly act upon the assumption that.(建议/同位语从句)Were I you,I would.(建议/主句)3、希望、祝愿、感谢 I sincerely hope that my information/advice will prove useful to you.If you have further questions,please feel free to contact me.Look forward to your favourable reply.Wish you all the best.292016Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend,Jack,wrote an e-mail to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation.Write him a reply to 1)thank him,and 2)give your advice.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Dont use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.Dont write your address.(10 points)30建议信范文:December 28Dear Jack,I have received you email in which you congratulated me and asked me for some necessary advice regarding translation.First of all,thank you for your hearty congratulations on my success in the contest.Besides,I am writing you this letter to tell you that it is my great honour to help you with this matter.From my perspective,you would be wise to read good translation versions and learn from them.Furthermore,I firmly act upon the assumption that practice makes perfect.I sincerely hope that my advice will prove useful to you.Sincerely yours,Li Ming31*20192019Directions:Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic.Write him an email to1)suggest a specific topic with your reasons,and2)tell him about your arrangements.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Dont use your own name.Use“Li Ming”instead.(10 points)32建议信范文:December 28Dear Prof.Smith,I have received you email in which you asked me to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic.From my perspective,it would be wise for us to select“how to improve the public transportation system in the city”as our topic of debate for there are serious traffic jams with so many private cars.If the topic is acceptable,I will tell the class to get prepared for the debate on this Friday.I sincerely hope that my suggestion will prove useful to you.If you have further questions,please feel free to contact me.Look forward to your favourable reply.Sincerely yours,Li Ming33通知通知1、背景事件 You cant imagine how excited/delighted/sad/sorry I was when I got to know that.(事件/宾语从句)2、目的通知及要求.(单位)will host.(活动)at/in.(地点)on.(日期)at.(时间)I will really appreciate it if you can kindly join us as.(身份),who will.(要求/定语从句)If you have the intention to join us/take part in this special activity,please fill in the application form attached to the mail and send it back to me.3、希望、祝愿、感谢 If you have further questions,please feel free to contact me.Thank you for your time and consideration.Look forward to your favourable reply.Wish you all the best.342015Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students.Write a notice to1)briefly introduce the camp activities,and2)call for volunteers.You should write about 100words on the ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not use your name or the name of your university.Do not write your address.(10 points)35通知范文:December 28Dear students,You cant imagine how excited I was when I got

