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25 单元 73 75 讲义
?E73?leaf?maid?2757.leaf li:f n.?2758.leaflet li:flit n.?a leaflet on local places of interest?2835.little litl adj.?adv.&n.?2797.library laibrri n.?liber“?”?leaf?2796.librarian laibrerin n.?5022.toilet tilit n.?toilet table?WC?Have you flushed the toilet?2786.let let vt.?1?She wanted to go but her parents wouldnt let her.?2?Let it rain-it wont spoil our afternoon.?3?Hes let his flat to a young couple.?2766.lease li:s vt.?n.?to let?1?The building is currently leased to students of the university.?2?He has the house on a long lease.?3?car leasing/a leasing company?3379.outlet autlet n.?let out?“?”?socket?1?a waste water outlet?2?Writing poetry was his only form of emotional outlet.?3?The business has 34 retail outlets in this state alone.?34?2527.inlet nlet n.?let in?a fuel inlet?2780.lend lend v.?1?Ive lent the car to a friend.?2?The bank refuses to lend to students.?2843.loan lun n.?v.?1?Shes trying to get a$50,000 loan to start her own business.?5?2?This library loans books and CDs.?4054.rent rent vt.?n.?render?1?My Dad has a villa that he rents(out)to tourists.?2?The landlord has put the rent up again.?4051.render rend vt.?re(n)-?+-der=-do-?1?His rudeness rendered me speechless.?2?The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation.?3?The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns.?4?Its a concept that is difficult to render into English.?4815.surrender srend vi.?vt.?n.?sur-?+render?1?They would rather die than surrender.?2?I finally surrendered to temptation,and ate the last piece of chocolate.?3?The police demanded that the gang surrender their weapons.?420?4?The rebels are on the point of surrender.?5482.yield ji:ld vt.?to?n.?gold?“?”?1?The investigation yielded some unexpected results.?2?Favourable weather yielded a good crop.?3?They were forced to yield(up)their land to the occupying forces.?4?Crop yields have risen steadily.?2205.guilt ilt n.?yield?1?Both suspects admitted their guilt to the police.?2?He suffered such feelings of guilt over leaving his children.?2206.guilty ilti adj.?of?2772.leg le n.?The last leg of the race was Paris to London.?2811.limb lim n.?1?The accident victims mostly had injuries to their lower limbs(=legs).?2?an artificial limb?2815.limp limp adj.?v.&n.?lame?1?His hand went limp and the knife dropped to the ground.?2?The hat had become limp and shapeless.?3?She had twisted her ankle and was limping.?2716.lame leim adj.?weak-limbed?a lame excuse?2861.loom lu:m n.?v.?move slowly?lame?Her final exams are looming.?2778.leisure le n.?license?Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time.?2798.license laisns n.?licence?vt.?The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US.?2791.liability,laibilti n.?pl.?1?He denied any liability for the damage caused.?2?The business has liabilities of 2 million euros.?200?2792.liable laibl adj.?-li-=-ly-=-lig-?+?-able?1?The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.?2?The areas of town near the river are liable to flooding(=are often flooded).?4037.rely rilai v.?on?re-?+-ly-=-lig-?These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.?4029.reliable rilaibl adj.?Our information comes from a reliable source.?4030.reliance rilains n.?421?Heavy reliance on one client is risky when you are building up a business.?2816.line lain n.?vt.?1?a line of trees?2?I had to wait/stand in line for three hours to get tickets.?3?3?The police couldnt arrest him because hed fled across the state line.?4?Crowds of people lined the streets to watch the race.?5?Line the pan with greaseproof paper.?2817.linear lini adj.?1?a linear diagram?2?linear measurement(=for example metres,feet,etc.)?3?The movie has a non-linear plot.?2818.linen linin n.?2819.liner lain n.?a luxury cruise liner?3380.outline autlain n.?vt.?1?She drew the outline of the boat and then colored it in.?2?Some novelists start by writing an outline.?3?The area were interested in is outlined in red on the map.?4?At the interview she outlined what I would be doing.?5168.underline ndrlan vt.?1?All the technical words have been underlined in red.?2?The report underlines the importance of pre-school education.?2264.headline hedlain n.?The scandal was in the headlines for several days.?2204.guideline aidlain n.?The figures are a useful guideline when buying a house.?140.airline elain n.?1231.deadline dedlain n.?Theres no way I can meet that deadline.?4710.streamline stri:mlain vt.?1?Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency.?2?Streamlining management could save at least 15 percent in costs.?15%?4709.stream stri:m n.?v.?1?mountain streams?2?I had a constant stream of visitors while I was ill.?3?There were tears streaming down his face.?4?We were all very excited as we streamed out of our final exam.?2822.link lik v.?n.?line?1?The explosions are not thought to be linked in any way.?2?Theres a direct link between diet and heart disease.?2869.lot lt n.?“?”?“?”?1?We drew lots to decide who would go.?2?a parking lot?2870.lottery ltri n.?422?Some people think that marriage is a lottery.?2899.magnet mnit n.?stone from Magnesia?The United States has always acted as a magnet for people seeking fame and fortune.?2900.magnetic mnetik adj.?a magnetic personality?2904.maid meid n.?maiden?There is a maid to do the housework.?2905.maiden meidn n.?adj.?a maiden flight/voyage?mermaid mrmed n.?mer=sea?submarine?423?2757.leaf li:f n.?2758.leaflet li:flit n.?2835.little litl adj.?adv.&n.?2797.library laibrri n.?liber“?”?leaf?2796.librarian laibrerin n.?5022.toilet tilit n.?toilet table?WC?2786.let let vt.?2766.lease li:s vt.?n.?to let?3379.outlet autlet n.?let out?“?”?socket?2527.inlet nlet n.?let in?2780.lend lend v.?2843.loan lun n.?v.?4054.rent rent vt.?n.?render?4051.render rend vt.?re(n)-?+-der=-do-?4815.surrender srend vi.?vt.?n.?sur-?+render?5482.yield ji:ld vt.?to?n.?gold?“?”?2205.guilt ilt n.?yield?2206.guilty ilti adj.?of?2772.leg le n.?2811.limb lim n.?2815.limp limp adj.?v.&n.?lame?2716.lame leim adj.?weak-limbed?2861.loom lu:m n.?v.?move slowly?lame?2778.leisure le n.?license?2798.license laisns n.?licence?vt.?2791.liability,laibilti n.?pl.?2792.liable laibl adj.?-li-=-ly-=-lig-?+?-able?4037.rely rilai v.?on?re-?+-ly-=-lig-?4029.reliable rilaibl adj.?4030.reliance rilains n.?2816.line lain n.?vt.?2817.linear lini adj.?2818.linen linin n.?2819.liner lain n.?424?3380.outline autlain n.?vt.?5168.underline ndrlan vt.?2264.headline hedlain n.?2204.guideline aidlain n.?140.airline elain n.?1231.deadline dedlain n.?4710.streamline stri:mlain vt.?4709.stream stri:m n.?v.?2822.link lik v.?n.?line?2869.lot lt n.?“?”?“?”?2870.lottery ltri n.?2899.magnet mnit n.?stone from Magnesia?2900.magnetic mnetik adj.?2904.maid meid n.?maiden?2905.maiden meidn n.?adj.?mermaid mrmed n.?mer=sea?submarine?425?E74?map?night?2931.map mp n.?vt.?“?”?an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped?3156.napkin npkin n.?“?”?I put my napkin on my lap.?2943.marry mri v.?2942.married mrid adj.?to?2941.marriage mrid n.?2938.marital mritl adj.?formal?Theyve been having marital problems,apparently.?1130.couple kpl n.?vt.?co-?+-up-=apt?+?-le?1?The doctor said my leg should be better in a couple of days.?2?The two train cars had been coupled together.?2948.mass ms n.?pl.?adj.?make?1?The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.?2?There were masses of people in the shops yesterday.?3?weapons of mass destruction?massage ms n.?vt.?1?She gave me a massage.?2?Would you massage my shoulders?2950.massive msiv adj.?1?the massive walls of the castle?2?She died after taking a massive overdose of drugs.?2949.massacre msk vt.?n.?mass?+acre?1?Hundreds of civilians were massacred in the raid.?2?the bloody massacre of innocent civilians?4467.slaughter sl:t n.?vt.?1?The geese are being fattened for slaughter.?2?the slaughter of innocent people?3?The animals are slaughtered in spring.?4?Thousands of people were slaughtered in the civil war.?slay sle vt.?1?St George slew the dragon.?2?Two passengers were slain by the hijackers.?slit slt vt.?n.?1?She killed herself by slitting her wrists.?2?Make a small slit in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic.?2954.match mt n.?vt.?make,fit?1?a box of matches?426?2?We won/lost the match.?/?3?The curtains are a perfect match for the sofa.?4?The doors were painted blue to match the walls.?2988.melody meldi n.?He played a few well-known melodies.?4136.rhythm rm n.?1?Ive got no sense of rhythm,so Im a terrible dancer.?2?Rhythm of the Rain?rhyme ram n.?v.?1?A lot of modern poetry is not written in rhyme.?2?There was without rhyme or reason for his sudden departure.?3?Can you think of a rhyme for beauty?beauty?4?Blue and flew rhyme.?blue?flew?3035.mine main pron.?I?n.?v.?vein?1?My grandfather used to work in the mines.?2?He was killed when his tank ran over a mine.?3?They mine a lot of copper around these parts.?3036.mineral minrl n.?adj.?1?A healthy diet should supply all necessary vitamins and minerals.?2?The country possesses rich mineral resources.?5170.undermine,ndmain vt.?1?Our confidence in the team has been seriously undermined by their recent defeats.?2?This crisis has undermined his position.?3050.miserable mizrbl adj.?1?The play was a miserable failure.?2?How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?3051.misery mizri n.?mis-?+?-ery?Fame brought her nothing but misery.?miser maz(r)n.?She discovered she had married a miser.?3059.mist mist n.?The early-morning mist soon lifted/cleared.?3078.moist mist adj.?Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist.?2?Her eyes were moist(=with tears).?3079.moisture mist n.?the skins natural moisture?3106.moss ms n.?The rocks near the river were covered with moss.?427?3136.mushroom mru:m,-rum n.?v.?The number of computers in schools has mushroomed in recent years.?3063.mix miks v.?1?If you mix blue and yellow,you get green.?2?Oil and water do not mix.?3?I dont like to mix business with pleasure.?3064.mixture mikst n.?Their latest CD is a mixture of new and old songs.?3037.mingle mil v.?among?1?The two flavors mingle well.?2?The sounds of laughter and singing mingled in the evening air.?blend blend n.?v.?1?Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.?2?Their music is a blend of jazz and African rhythms.?3085.monetary mnitri adj.?monetary policy?3086.money mni n.?885.coin kin n.?vt.?Jaron Lanier coined the term“virtual reality”and pioneered its early development.?“?”?3203.nickel nikl n.?3089.monopoly mnpli n.?mono-?+-pol-=-pel-?+?-y?1?The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.?2?A good education should not be the monopoly of the rich.?monologue mnl n.?monolingual mnlwl adj.?3090.monotonous mntns adj.?mono-?+-ton-=tone?+?-ous?a monotonous voice/job?/?3125.mud md n.?v.?3126.mug m n.?3141.mute mju:t adj.?n.?vt.?“?”?1?The child sat mute in the corner of the room.?2?He was watching TV with the mute button on.?3?Heavy curtains muted the noise of the traffic.?3148.mystery mistri n.?-myst-=mute?+?-ery?428?1?The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon.?2?a mystery writer?3147.mysterious mistiris adj.?A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals.?3149.myth mi n.?1?Most societies have their own creation myths.?2?Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men.?3206.night nait n.?3207.nightmare naitme n.?mare?murder?3400.overnight vnat adj.?adv.?1?an overnight stop in Paris?2?You can stay overnight if you want to.?5034.tonight tnait adv.?n.?1996.fortnight f:tnait n.?fourteen nights?a fortnights holiday?2009.fourteen f:ti:n num.?-teen=more than ten?4907.ten ten num.?pron.&adj.?4893.teenager tined n.?13-19?2008.four f:num.?pron.&adj.?.?3876.quart kw:t n.?gallon?3877.quarter kw:t n.?pl.?quarters?“?”?We were moved to more comfortable living quarters.?3878.quarterly kw:tli adj.?adv.?n.?a quarterly magazine?2266.headquarters,hedkw:tz n.?“?”?The companys headquarters is/are in Amsterdam.?4625.square skwe n.?adj.?s-=ex-?+quare=four?The square of 7 is 49.?7?49?1181.cube kju:b n.?429?2931.map mp n.?vt.?“?”?3156.napkin npkin n.?“?”?2943.marry mri v.?2942.married mrid adj.?to?2941.marriage mrid n.?2938.marital mritl adj.?formal?1130.couple kpl n.?vt.?co-?+-up-=apt?+?-le?2948.mass ms n.?pl.?adj.?make?massage ms n.?vt.?2950.massive msiv adj.?2949.massacre msk vt.?n.?mass?+acre?4467.slaughter sl:t n.?vt.?slay sle vt.?slit slt vt.?n.?2954.match mt n.?vt.?make,fit?2988.melody meldi n.?4136.rhythm rm n.?rhyme ram n.?v.?3035.mine main pron.?I?n.?v.?vein?3036.mineral minrl n.?adj.?5170.undermine,ndmain vt.?3050.miserable mizrbl adj.?3051.misery mizri n.?mis-?+?-ery?miser maz(r)n.?3059.mist mist n.?3078.moist mist adj.?3079.moisture mist n.?3106.moss ms n.?3136.mushroom mru:m,-rum n.?v.?3063.mix miks v.?3064.mixture mikst n.?430?3037.mingle mil v.?among?blend blend n.?v.?3085.monetary mnitri adj.?3086.money mni n.?885.coin kin n.?vt.?3203.nickel nikl n.?3089.monopoly mnpli n.?mono-?+-pol-=-pel-?+?-y?monologue mnl n.?monolingual mnlwl adj.?3090.monotonous mntns adj.?mono-?+-ton-=tone?+?-ous?3125.mud md n.?v.?3126.mug m n.?3141.mute mju:t adj.?n.?vt.?“?”?3148.mystery mistri n.?-myst-=mute?+?-ery?3147.mysterious mistiris adj.?3149.myth mi n.?3206.night nait n.?3207.nightmare naitme n.?mare?murder?3400.overnight vnat adj.?adv.?5034.tonight tnait adv.?n.?1996.fortnight f:tnait n.?fourteen nights?2009.fourteen f:ti:n num.?-teen=more than ten?4907.ten ten num.?pron.&adj.?4893.teenager tined n.?13-19?2008.four f:num.?pron.&adj.?.?3876.quart kw:t n.?gallon?3877.quarter kw:t n.?pl.?quarters?“?”?3878.quarterly kw:tli adj.?adv.?n.?2266.headquarters,hedkw:tz n.?“?”?4625.square skwe n.?adj.?s-=ex-?+quare=four?1181.cube kju:b n.?431?E75?not?pay?3234.not nt adv.?3166.naughty n:ti adj.?naught=not?+?-y?a naughty boy/girl?/?3260.nurse n:s n.?vt.?“?”?1?He gave up his job so that he could nurse his mother at home.?2?to nurse tender young plants?3261.nursery n:sri n.?Her youngest child is at nursery now.?3262.nurture n:t n.&vt.?1?Which do you believe has the strongest influence on how children develop-nature or nurture?2?She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.?3246.nourish nri,n:-vt.?1?Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them.?2?This cream is supposed to help nourish your skin.?3264.nutrition nju:trin n.?advice on diet and nutrition?3263.nut nt n.?3254.nucleus nju:klis n.?pl.nuclei?“?”?the nucleus of a cell?3253.nuclear nju:kli,nu:-adj.?nuclear power plant?3316.one wn num.?pron.?3315.once wns adv.?conj.?n.?3368.ounce auns n.?1/16?28?5186.unit ju:nit n.?-uni-=one?+?-t-?the central processing unit of a computer?5187.unite ju:nait vi.?vt.?We will unite in fighting crime.?5183.unify ju:nifai v.?The new leader hopes to unify the country.?5188.unity ju:niti n.?a call for national unity?5184.union ju:nin n.?-uni-?+?-on?students union?5185.unique ju:ni:k adj.?-uni-?+?-que?Everyones fingerprints are unique.?432?5182.uniform ju:nif:m n.?adj.?-uni-?+form?Growth has not been uniform across the country.?5190.universe ju:niv:s n.?-uni-?+-vers(e)-?5189.universal,ju:niv:sl adj.?a universal truth?519

