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22 语法 长难句 翻译 讲义 英语 考研 资料 免费 分享
22考研英语长难句及翻译讲义 宋逸轩 一 词法(一)长难句翻译 词组必备(a)passion for 对的热爱,热情 be patient with 对耐心 pay for 赔偿,付款,报偿,处罚 payfor 付的钱(be)at peace with 与和睦相处 in peace(=peacefully)安静,平安 peculiar to 特有的,独具的 penalty for 对的处罚,罚金 perform on the piano(=play the piano)演奏钢琴 persist in 坚持,固执 in person 亲自,当面 in place(in right or proper place)放在应放的地方 in place of(=instead of)代替 take(a)pleasure in 喜欢做某事 be on the point of doing sth(=be about to do sth)刚要去做 beside the point 不切正题,无关紧要 come to the point 谈主要问题 there is no point in doing sth 没必要做某事 to the point 中肯,切题 point at(=indicate,direct attention)指着 point out(=indicate,show)指出,指明?1popular with/among 大众所喜爱的,拥戴 in the position of 处在位置上 in practice 实际上(状语);业务熟练(表语)be(get)out of practice 荒疏,不熟练 bring(put)into practice 使成为现实 preferto(choose rather,like better)宁要,更喜欢 prepare for breakfast 准备吃早饭 prepare breakfast 作早饭 in the presence of 在在场的情况下 for the present(=for the time being,for now)暂且,就现在来说 at present 现在,此刻 preside over/at 主持(会议,业务等)prevail over 占优势,压倒,战胜 prevent from 使不,防止做 previous to(=prior to)在之前 take pride in(=pride oneself on)以自豪 pride oneself on/upon 以自豪 in principle(=only in regard to the main idea)原则上 prior to(=before)在之前 in private(=privately)私下,秘密地in public 公开地 proceed from(=arise from,result from)由发出,由引起(产生)proceed with(=begin and continue sth)继续进行 in progress(=in the state of be done)进行中 prohibitfrom(=forbid)禁止,阻止 in proportion to 与成比例 protectfrom 阻止.不受,保护不受 be proud of 为自豪 provide for 为做准备 in public 公开地,当众 on purpose(=by intention,deliberately)故意?2to the purpose(=useful for ones purpose)得要领的,中肯的 be qualified in 在某种科目或学科上合格 be qualified for 在某种职业上合格 restrictto(=keep within limits)把.限制于.result in(=cause)导致 with the result that 其结果是 in return(for)作为报答;以报答(for)in the interests of 符合的利益 be interested in 对感兴趣 interfere in 干涉 interfere with 打搅,干扰 at intervals 每隔一会儿,每隔一段距离 intervene in 干预 invest in 投资 be involved in(=become connected or concerned)卷入,参加 by itself(=alone,without help)单独地,靠自己 in itself 本身 of itself 自发,自然 be jealous of 妒忌 jump at(=to be eager to accept)抢着接受,jump on(=scold,tell of)叱责 junior to sb 年纪较轻,职位较低.(be)keen on 喜爱,渴望 keep a close watch on(=keep a sharp lookout for)密切注视 keepto oneself(=keep secret)不告诉别人 to(the best of)ones knowledge 据所知 at large(=at liberty,free)在逃,逍遥法外 at large(=in general)一般来说,大体上 at large(=at full length;with details)详细地 lean against (背)靠着?3at least 至少 at most 至多(not)in the least 一点(也不),丝毫(也不)at ones leisure 在有空的时候 lend itself/themselves to 适合于(某用途)at length(=after a long time,at last)终于 at length(=in detail,thoroughly)详细地 go to any length 想一切办法,尽一切力量 be liable to(=be subject to)易于的,应受(罚)be liable for 对应负责任的 lie in 在于 in life 一生中 for life 终身 in the light of(=considering;taking into account)考虑到,根据 throw light on(=make clear,explain)使更为清楚,提供线索,阐明 in line with(=in agreement with)符合,一致 long for(=want very much)渴望,希望得到 for long 很久,很长时间(否定句,疑问句中)before long(=soon)不久,过了不久以后.in the long run(=in the end)从长远来说,最后 in the short term 从短期来说(be)at a loss 不知所措 major in 主修(某课程)as a matter of fact 实际上,事实是 by all means(=at all costs)不惜一切=certainly 当然行 by means of 用 by no means 完全不 on memory of 为纪念 on the mend(=in the process of recovering)好转,在康复中 mention sth.to sb.向某人提起某事?4at the mercy of(=in the power of)任摆布,在支配下 be in a mess 乱七八糟,处境困难 make a mess of 弄乱,打乱 bear(or keep)in mind(=remember)牢记 bring(or call)to mind(=remember)使回想起 by mistake(由于粗心,健忘原因而)错误地 at the moment(=now)此刻,现在 for the moment(=for the time being)暂时 just a moment 稍等片刻 at the last moment 在最后一刻 in the mood for 有情绪去做,有心境做.no more than 和一样都不 for the most part 多半,大多数,一般来说 at(the)most 最多,至多 make the most of 充分利用 be not much of(=not a good)不是很好的 be something of 有点,像 name after 用的名字命名 native to 所产的 by nature 天生的,生来 in mature 本质上(be)in the nature of 属性质 none other that 不是别人,正是 above normal 高于正常(温度)for nothing(=free,without payment)免费 nothing but 只有,不过而已 to say nothing of(=not to mention)更不用说 do sth.at short notice 只给很少时间准备 until further notice 在另行通知前 take notice of (=pay attention)注意?5object to (=be opposed to)反对 objection to(接动名词)反对 on occasion(=now and then)不时地,必要时 by occasion of(=because of)由于 occupy oneself with(in)忙于(某事)it occurs to sb.that 某人想到 once and for all=once and forever 永远地 all at once(=suddenly,now)立即,马上 once in a while(=occasionally)偶尔(just)for once 就这一次(all)by oneself 独自(没有别人帮助)operate on sb.给某人做手术 operation e/go into operation 开始运转 put/bring sth.into operation 使投产,运转 be of the opinion 持有的看法 in ones opinion 按某人的看法 be opposed to 反对 be opposite to 与相反的(be)in order(=acceptable)合适的,恰当的 in order 井井有条,处于良好状态 out of order(=in bad condition)出毛病,发生故障 get rid of 摆脱,去掉,除去 be in the right 正确的 in the wrong 错误的 be within ones rights(to do)有权(做)give rise to(=lead to)引起,导致 at the risk of(=with danger of)冒.的风险 run(take)risk of(=do sth dangerous)的风险 rule out(=exclude,eliminate)排除 in safety 安全地?6for the sake of(=for the good or advantage of)为了起见 be for sale 待售 on sale(=offered to be sold)出售,上市 be satisfied with 满意 on a large scale 大规模地 on schedule(=at the planned or exacted time)按时,准时 ahead of schedule 提前 in advance 预先 behind schedule 落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间 be schedule for 定在某时(进行)scrape through(in)勉强通过 from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始 in search of 寻找 in honor of 为了.表示敬意 in memory of 为纪念.in hopes of 为期待.in pursuit of 为追求.in behalf of 为的利益 in favor of 为赞成 in support of 为支持 in season 旺季 in secret 秘密地;in private 私下 senior to 比年长 junior to 比轻 superior to 比更好 inferior to 比差 in a sense 在某种意义上 sensitive to 对敏感 sensible(of)觉察到的 sensational 耸人听闻的 in sequence 按顺序,按先后次序?7share in(=have a share in)分摊,分担 share sth.with 与分享,分担,分摊,共用 be shocked at/by 对感到震惊 fall short of 达不到 go short of(=be without enough of)缺乏 for short(in a short form)为简便,简称 in short(=in a few words,in brief)简称 in short supply 供应不足 be short of(=lacking enough)缺乏,不够 be shy of 难为情,不好意思 at the side of 与相比 take the side of 站在一边 catch the sight of(=see for a moment)瞥见 at the sight of 一看见(be)in sight(=in view,visible)看得见 out of sight 看不见 know sb.by sight 与只面熟 on the sly(=secretly)偷偷地 smell of 有的气味 be sorry about/for 懊悔的,后悔的,难过的 speak ill of 说的坏话 speak well of 说的好话 specialize in 专门研究,专攻 in spite of(=despite)尽管 on the pot(=at the place of the action)在现场,在出事地点或(=at once)立即 take a stand against 采取某种立场反对 take a stand for 采取某种立场支持 stare at 目不转睛地看,凝视,盯着 in step 步伐一致 out of step 步伐不齐?8stick sth.on 把贴在上 stick to 粘着,坚持 stick at(=continue to work hard at)继续勤奋地致力于 stick ones work 坚持工作;stick at ones books 勤奋读书 stick to(=refuse to leave or change)坚持 stick to ones promise 比喻食言 stick to ones friend 忠于朋友 in stock 有.货 be strict with 对严格要求 be/go on strike 罢工 subjectto(=causeto experience)使受到 subject(adj.)to 易受到的 submitto 提交 substitutefor 以代替 suffer from 患病;受苦痛 be suitable for(=fit)合适的 in sum 大体上,总之 supply sb.with sth 向某人提供某物 superior to 优于比好 (二)代词的理解与翻译(一)人称代词及物主代词的指代【真题例句】Additional social stress may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.?9【解析】从结构来看,该句because of 的后边接两个名词短语the population explosion和problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport来表示原因。其中,第二个名词短语又含有一个短语themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport,来补充说明mass migration movements。因此,这里的代词themselves 指代名词短语mass migration movements【参考译文】由于人口的猛增或大量的人口流动(现代交通工具使这种流通变得相对容易)造成的种种问题也回对社会造成新的压力。(二)不定代词的指代【真题例句】While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians,modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.【解析】不定代词one 指代名词短语definition of history。在这里one 和物主代词及人称代词在指代名词方面有所不同,one 指代上文出现的名词的同类名词,其中,one 表示单数,ones表示复数;而物主代词及人称代词必须指代上文中出现的名词本身,所以单复数必须一致比如这里若要用人称代词,则必须用they/them来指代上文中复数形式的definitions of history?10【参考译文】几乎每个历史学家对史学都有自己的界定,但现代史学家的实践最趋向于认为历史学是试图重现过去的重大史实并对其作出解释。(三)指示代词的指代【真题例句】Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through this to mankind.【解析】这里的this指代前面的a responsibility to the society,如果只是译成“这个”,则会造成语义不明。在to mankind之前省去了Everybody has a responsibility(to)。【参考译文】每个人都对他所属的社会负有责任,并且通过对社会负责任,而对人类负有责任。(三)长难句中词性转换的理解与翻译技法 一、转译成动词 例如:I admire your decision to fight for the difficulties in preparing the examination.译文:你决定战胜复习考试中的困难,这一点我很羡慕。(一)名词转译成动词 1.由动词派生的名词转译成动词。?11Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。In China,there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.在中国,人们非常注重讲礼貌。2.含有动作意味的名词往往可以转译成动词。A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation.仔细研究原文,你会翻译得更好。The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。3.英语(论坛)中有些加后缀-er的名词,He is a good singer.他唱歌唱得好。Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials.那些小工厂还在极大的消耗和浪费原材料。4.有些短语中作为中心主体词的名词往往可转译成动词,如To have a rest 和To have a good look at 里的rest 和look.You must be tired.Why dont you take a rest?你一定很累了,为什么不休息一会呢?The car braked sharply,coming to rest on the edge of the cliff.汽车猛的刹住,停在悬崖边上。(二)形容词转译成动词 I am anxious about his health.?12我担心他的身体健康。Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible.科学家们都深信,所有的物质都是不灭的。常见的有:与思维和知觉相关的形容词:aware,conscious,certain,sure,mindful,ignorant,alert等;与情感相关的形容词:glad,pleased,cautious,careful,angry,happy,exhilarated,excited,confident,thankful,grateful,concerned,eager,afraid,doubtful,sorry等;与欲望相关的形容词:desirous,hopeful,anxious,keen,enthusiastic,zealous等。(三)副词转译成动词 She opened the window to let fresh air in.她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。After careful investigation they found the design behind.经过仔细研究之后,他们发现这个设计落后了。二.句法 1.三大从句的理解与翻译?13(1)定语从句 A.什么是定语从句?定语从句是指该从句在复合句中做定语作用,该从句用来修饰主句中某一名词或代词,其中被修饰的名词或代词为先行词。B.定语从句的结构 先行词+关系词(分为关系副词和关系代词)+从句 关系代词(who,whom,whose,that,which,as)关系副词(when,where,why,how)C.在定语从句的翻译中,需要注意两个关键问题,一是从句本身翻译后在中文中的位置,二是定语从句的先行词需要进行合适的指代带入。对于定语从句翻译后在中文中的位置而言,当定语从句较短时,可以把从句翻译成带“的”的前置定语,翻译在定语从句的前面去修饰先行词;若定语从句较长时,由于定语从句的先行词通常在定语从句中充当成分,可以重复先行词再带入从句进行翻译。而对于定语中的定语从句,可将其分为两个部分,即:限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句。因此,对于定语从句的翻译方法可以大致分为两种情况:对于限制性定语从句的翻译,通常采取先行词带入从句,将定语前置的方式进行翻译;对于非限制性定语从句,将先行词带入从句,以原句语序直译后,略作调整即可。非限制性定语从句【2004年真题】(61)The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought,which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse language could be.【译文】希腊人认为语言的结构和思维过程有某种联系,这种观点早在人们意识到语言的千差万别之前就已经在欧洲根深蒂固了。?14【解析】首先,根据该句后半句逗号后出现which引导的定语从句,从句前出现逗号,可初步判断为非限制性定语从句。而在本句中,根据句义内容,我们可以推断which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰的对象为“the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought”一个完整的观点而非句中的某个词汇,因此我们可以将先行词“这种观点”带入后直译即可。限制性定语从句【2013年真题】The gardens of the homeless,which are in effect homeless gardens,introduce form into an urban environment where it either didnt exist or was not discernible as such.【译文】无家可归真的花园实际上就是无家之园(没有住所作为依托的临时花园),它将其形式引入都市环境中,而这种形式以前在都市中要么不存在,要么被当成无家之园看待。【解析】本句中存在两处谓语动词。一处为which引导的非限制性定语从句,对主语the garden of homeless进行补充说明;一处为where引导的限制性定语从句,修饰an urban environment。句子主干结构为:the gardens of the homelessintroduce form into an urban environment.(2)名词性从句的翻译 名词性从句包含主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句四个部分。在主从复合句中,从句可以充当主句的主语、表语、宾语或同位语。由于在多数情况下,主语、表语、宾语或同位语这四种句子成分由名词性词类充当,所以,我们把这些作用相当于名词的从句统称为名词性从句,把充当主语、表语、宾语或同位语的从句分别称为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句或同位语从句。也就是说,充当什么成分就叫什么从句。名词性从句由连接词(或关联词)引导。翻译时,大多可以依照原文句子顺序翻译,部分情况也需要采取其它方法灵活处理。主语从句 大部分主语从句的翻译可直接按照英文原文的顺序来翻译。但在部分情况中,存在it作形?15式主语的主语从句,在此类主语从句中,我们可以把主语从句移至句首翻译。【2013年真题1】Yet when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homeless,it strikes one that,for all their diversity of styles,these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges,beyond that of decoration and creative expression.【译文】然而,看到无家可归者所建造的花园的照片时,人们会突然间意识到,尽管这些花园风格各异,但它不仅显示出人们装饰语创意表达的需求,还显示出各种其它种种基本需求。【解析】本句包含状语从句与it形式主语从句。后半句中it为形式主语,而真正的主语是that引导的主语从句,即:that,for all their diversity and creative expression.该主语从句的主干为:these gardens speak of urges【2009年真题】It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience,but this effect is not a part of its original motive【译文】虽然我们可以说衡量任何社会机构价值的标准是其在丰富和完善人生经验方面所起的作用,但这种作用并不是其最初动机的组成部分。【解析】本句由but连接的两个分句构成,第一个分句为:it may be said that+主语从句,that引导的主语从句为句子真正的主语,盖住与从句的主要框架为:the measure is its effect,其中介词结构of the worthinstitution和in enlarging and improving experience 做后置定语,分别修饰measure和effect。第二个分句为主系表结构,主干为:this effect is not a part,其中介词结构of its original motive做后置定语修饰part.宾语从句 在翻译宾语从句时,一般无需改变其在句中的顺序,直译即可。而对于特殊形式的宾语从句,即it做形式宾语的句子,it通常无需译出,而真正宾语从句可按原文顺序直译。【2008年真题】Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a?16loss of happiness,but might possibly be injurious to the intellect,and more probably to the moral character.【解析】本句主干为:Darwin was so convinced that+宾语从句,that引导的宾语从句的主干为:the loss of these tastes was not onlybut might beto the intellect and to the moral character.宾语从句的标为由not onlybut连接的两个并列表语。【译文】达尔文确信,失去了这些爱好不只是少了乐趣,而且可能会有损于一个人的智力,更有可能有损于一个人的性情。表语从句 表语从句谓语主句系动词后,其翻译大多数情况下可采用直译的方式,即按原句顺序,先译主句再译从句,也可以采取逆译法(先译丛句再译主句),具体翻译中需根据句子结构、句义以及汉语表达习惯灵活选择。【2010年真题】(48)Time was when biologists somewhat overworked the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak,or that they prey only on“worthless”species.【译文】曾经有段时间,科学家们有点滥用了这样一种证据,即这些生物通过杀死体弱者来保持猎物种群的健康,或者说它们仅仅捕食“没有价值的”物种。【解析】本句主干为:Time was when,when引导的表语从句的主干为:biologists overworked the evidence;表语从句中嵌套着两个由that引导的同位语从句解释说明evidence.同位语从句 同位语从句在句中起到补充说明名词性成分的作用。一般来说,在翻译过程中,可直接跟在主句后翻译,或增加“即”、冒号、破折号直接分开主句或同位语从句。部分情况中,也可以将其放置于所修饰的名词前作为前置修饰语,但不一定添加定语标志“的”。?17【2010年真题】Scientists jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.【译文】科学家们迅速进行救援,但是提出的证据显然站不住脚,这些证据的大意是:如果鸟类不能控制昆虫的数量,昆虫会将人类吞噬。【解析】本句主干为scientists jumped to the rescue,后接with引导的介词结构在句中做伴随状语,to the effect that引导的同位语从句解释说明evidence。此处的同位语从句可以译为一个独立的句子,由to the effect(其大意是)引出。(3)状语从句的翻译 状语一般由单个副词,短语,从句构成,可位于句首,句尾,谓语动词前后等,可以用来表达行为动作的时间、地点、方式、手段、原因、结果等。在翻译中,对状语从句的翻译常将其直译为一分句,且通常翻译在主句之前,或根据其句义的逻辑关系进行一定调整即可。状语从句的翻译重点在于对于从句引导词的合理理解上,下面给出常见各类型状语从句引导词如下:时间状语:when;since(自从);until(直到、除非);before;after;as soon as(一.就);once(一旦);by the time(等到.的时候)as(当.)原因状语:because;since;as;now that(既然);seeing that(既然);considering that(考 虑到);in that(因为,由于)条件状语:if;unless;provided that(假如);so long as(只要);on condition that(条件 是);suppose that(假如);in case(如果);only if(只要);if only(但愿;要是.就好了)让步状语:though;although;even if(即使);while(尽管);whatever(无论什么);however(无论怎样);no matter(不管);granted that(即使);in spite of the fact that;despite the fact?18that(尽管)结果状语:so.that;such.that;to such a degree(如此.以至于)目的状语:so that(目的是)【2006年真题】I have excluded him because,which his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems,he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.【译文】我之所以把普通科学家排除在外,是因为尽管他的成就可能会有助于解决道德问题,但他承担的任务不过是研究道德问题的事实方面。【解析】本句主干为:I have excluded him,本局出主句外的其他部分均为because引导的原因状语从句,而该原因状语从句的主干为he has not been charged with the task,且该从句中还包含有一个由while引导的让步状语从句及of引导的后置定语。2.特殊结构的翻译(1)被动语态 与中文较少使用被动句式不同,在英语书面语的表达中,被动语态的使用频率明显高于汉语中的被动句,因此,在翻译过程中需注意主被动句的翻译转换问题,尽量避免中文译文中出现不符合中文表达习惯的“被”字句。【2000年真题】(72)Furthermore

