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英语学习必备5500词 200119 _204901 英语 学习 必备 5500 49 51 讲义
?E49?component?comprehend?ponent kmpunnt n.?com-?+-po(n)-=post?+?-ent?1?television/aircraft/computer components?/?/?2?Trust is a vital component in any relationship.?3330.opponent punnt n.?op-?+-po(n)-?+?-ent?1?a political opponent?2?In the second game,her opponent hurt her leg and had to retire.?3686.postpone pustpun,pospon vt.?post-?+-po(ne)-?They decided to postpone their holiday until next year.?“?”?postpone,delay,put off,procrastinate?1276.delay dilei v.&n.?de-?My plane was delayed by an hour.?1?procrastinate prkrstnet vi.?pro-?+crastin?+?-ate?I know Ive got to deal with the problem sooner or later-Im just procrastinating.?put off?Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.?3681.post pust vt.?n.?1?Company announcements are usually posted(up)on the noticeboard.?2?She hardly ever posts on Facebook.?3?I must post that parcel(off)or she wont get it in time for her birthday.?4?Guards were posted at all the doors.?5?a lamppost/signpost?/?6?My application got lost in the post.?7?They have several vacant posts.?8?The soldier was disciplined for deserting his post.?9?Lots of people have commented on my post.?3684.poster pust n.?3682.postage pustid n.?All prices include postage and packing.?3685.postman pustmn n.?3683.postcard pstkd n.?3687.posture pst n.?1?Back pains can be the result of bad posture.?2?The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.?3673.pose puz n.?vt.?vi.?1?He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.?2?Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.?3?Can we go back to the question that he posed earlier?4?We all posed for our photographs.?3674.position pzin n.?277?1?The sofa is in a different position.?2?She applied for a position in the firm.?3?Keep the bottles in an upright position.?4?He takes the position(=believes)that individuals have a responsibility to look after themselves.?3675.positive pztiv,-zi-adj.?n.?3181.negative netiv adj.?n.?ne(g)=no?+?-ative?1296.deny dinai vt.?de-?+-ny-=no?1?He denies that he broke the window,but Im sure he did.?2?Her request for time off work was denied.?1289.denial dinail n.?pose kmpuz v.?com-?+pose?1?Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.?2?The music was specially composed for the film.?posite kmpzit adj.?n.?1?a composite picture(=one made from several pictures)?2?The main character in her latest novel is a composite of several public figures of that era.?position,kmpzin n.?1?a 200-word composition?200?2?At music school I studied piano and composition.?3?the composition of the atmosphere?pound kmpaund n.?adj.?vt.?1?Many fertilizers contain nitrogen compounds.?2?A compound sentence contains two or more clauses.?3?Most tyres are made of rubber compounded with other chemicals and materials.?1303.deposit dipzit vt.?n.?de-=dis-?+=-posit-?de-?1?I deposited 500 in my account this morning.?500?2?I deposited my luggage in a locker at the station.?3?The flood waters fell,depositing mud over the whole area.?4?You deposit 20 percent now and pay the rest when the car is delivered.?20%?5?To open an account,you need to make a minimum deposit of$500.?500?6?Weve put down a 5%deposit on the house.?5%?7?The rain left a deposit of mud on the windows.?1423.dispose dispuz vi.?of?formal?dis-?1?They dispose of the citys waste in the sea.?2?You cant dispose of personal property to a total stranger.?1422.disposal dispuzl n.?formal?1?waste disposal?2?He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.?disposable dspzbl adj.?disposable chopsticks?1424.disposition,dispzin n.?formal?1?to understand the buildings from the disposition of walls?2?to have/show a disposition towards violence?/?3?to have a cheerful disposition?1787.expose ikspuz vt.?to?ex-?278?1?He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bone was exposed.?2?The newspaper story exposed him as(=showed that he was)a liar.?1788.exposure ikspu n.?1?You should always limit your exposure to the sun.?2?The exposure of the politicians love affair forced him to resign.?3?His last movie got so much exposure in the press.?2454.impose impuz vt.?on?im-=in-?1?Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.?2?I dont want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.?3332.oppose puz vt.?op-?1?Most of the local residents opposed the closing of the school.?2?He threw all those that opposed him into prison.?3333.opposite pzit,-sit adj.?n.?1?My brother and I live on opposite sides of the city.?2?My father is a very calm person,but my mother is just the opposite.?3730.preposition,prepzin n.?pre-?In the sentence The dog jumped over the wall,the word over is a preposition.?“The dog jumped over the wall”?“over”?3819.propose prpuz vt.?vi.?pro-?1?She proposed a boycott of the meeting.?2?He proposed dealing directly with the suppliers.?3?To be nominated for union president you need one person to propose you and another to second you.?4?I remember the night your father proposed to me.?3818.proposal prpuzl n.?1?Have you read his proposals for the new project?2?My girlfriend refused my proposal.?3820.proposition,prpzin n.?1?a business proposition?2?They were debating the proposition that All people are created equal”.?“?”?3860.purpose p:ps n.?pur-=pro-?1?Our campaigns main purpose is to raise money.?2?These small village shops serve a very useful purpose.?4803.suppose spuz vt.?conj.?sup-=sub-?1?He found it a lot more difficult to get a job than he supposed it would be.?2?I suppose(that)all the tickets will be sold by now.?3?Suppose we miss the train-what will we do then?3492.pause p:z v.&n.?1?Can you pause the movie there,please?2?She paused to catch her breath,and then kept on jogging.?3?I pressed the pause button so I could go make a cup of tea.?3866.puzzle pzl n.?v.?pose?1?Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years.?2?It puzzles me why she said that.?279?prehend,kmprihend vt.?formal?com-?+pre-?+-hend-=hold?She could not comprehend how someone would risk peoples lives in that way.?prehension,kmprihenn n.?listening/reading comprehension?/?prehensive,kmprihensiv adj.?We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.?prise kmpraiz vt.?formal?com-?pri-=pre-?+(hen)s(e)=hold?1?The course comprises a class book,a practice book,and a CD.?2?The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students.?1656.enterprise entpraiz n.?enter-?1?state-owned enterprises?2?Theyve shown a lot of enterprise in setting up this project.?1655.enter ent vt.?vi.?1665.entrepreneur,ntrprn:n.?,?entre-=enter-+-pre(n)-+-eur?4814.surprise spraiz v.?n.?sur-?+-pris(e)-?1?The news surprised everyone.?2?a surprise attack?3?Her letter came as a complete surprise.?176.amaze meiz vt.?a-+maze?I was amazed by how well he looked.?amazing mez adj.?Its amazing to think that the managing director is only 23.?23?3766.prison prizn n.?3767.prisoner prizn n.?2075.jail deil n.?gaol?vt.?cage?3751.prey prei n.?v.?1?The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.?2?Fake social workers have been preying on old people living alone.?280?ponent kmpunnt n.?com-?+-po(n)-=post?+?-ent?3330.opponent punnt n.?op-?+-po(n)-?+?-ent?3686.postpone pustpun,pospon vt.?post-?+-po(ne)-?“?”?postpone,delay,put off,procrastinate?1276.delay dilei v.&n.?de-?procrastinate prkrstnet vi.?pro-?+crastin?+?-ate?put off?3681.post pust vt.?n.?3684.poster pust n.?3682.postage pustid n.?3685.postman pustmn n.?3683.postcard pstkd n.?3687.posture pst n.?3673.pose puz n.?vt.?vi.?3674.position pzin n.?3675.positive pztiv,-zi-adj.?n.?3181.negative netiv adj.?n.?ne(g)=no?+?-ative?1296.deny dinai vt.?de-?+-ny-=no?1289.denial dinail n.?pose kmpuz v.?com-?+pose?posite kmpzit adj.?n.?position,kmpzin n.?pound kmpaund n.?adj.?vt.?1303.deposit dipzit vt.?n.?de-=dis-?+=-posit-?de-?1423.dispose dispuz vi.?of?formal?dis-?1422.disposal dispuzl n.?formal?disposable dspzbl adj.?1424.disposition,dispzin n.?formal?1787.expose ikspuz vt.?to?ex-?1788.exposure ikspu n.?2454.impose impuz vt.?on?im-=in-?3332.oppose puz vt.?op-?3333.opposite pzit,-sit adj.?n.?3730.preposition,prepzin n.?pre-?3819.propose prpuz vt.?vi.?pro-?3818.proposal prpuzl n.?3820.proposition,prpzin n.?3860.purpose p:ps n.?pur-=pro-?4803.suppose spuz vt.?conj.?sup-=sub-?281?3492.pause p:z v.&n.?3866.puzzle pzl n.?v.?pose?prehend,kmprihend vt.?formal?com-?+pre-?+-hend-=hold?prehension,kmprihenn n.?prehensive,kmprihensiv adj.?prise kmpraiz vt.?formal?com-?pri-=pre-?+(hen)s(e)=hold?1656.enterprise entpraiz n.?enter-?1655.enter ent vt.?vi.?1665.entrepreneur,ntrprn:n.?,?entre-=enter-+-pre(n)-+-eur?4814.surprise spraiz v.?n.?sur-?+-pris(e)-?176.amaze meiz vt.?a-+maze?amazing mez adj.?3766.prison prizn n.?3767.prisoner prizn n.?2075.jail deil n.?gaol?vt.?cage?3751.prey prei n.?v.?282?E50?condemn?confess?991.condemn kndem vt.?com-?+demn=damn?1?The film was condemned for its sexism.?2?He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.?1212.damn dm exclamation.?adv.?vt.?adj.?doom?1?Damn!Ive spilled coffee on my pants!?2?This is too damn hard!?3?Damn this machine!Why wont it work?4?Wheres that damn book?!?1197.curse k:s vt.?n.?course?1?Things were going so badly-it was as if Id been cursed.?2?He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly.?3?In the story,a wicked witch puts a curse on the princess for a hundred years.?4?Noise is a curse of modern city life.?1211.damage dmid vt.&n.?n.?pl.?1?Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.?2?Strong winds had caused serious damage to the roof.?3?They intend to sue for damages.?1210.dam dm n.?The flood weakened the dam.?992.condense kndens v.?1?Water vapor in the air condenses into fog.?2?I condensed ten pages of comments into two.?1292.dense dens adj.?tense?1?dense fog?2?areas of dense population?1293.density densti n.?We were unable to move because of the density of the crowd.?993.condition kndin n.?vt.?con-?+-dit-=-dict-?1?Under the conditions of the agreement,she must vacate the house on 12 July.?7?12?2?a used car in perfect condition?3?Patients can become conditioned to particular forms of treatment.?4?Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors.?138.air-conditioning ekn,dini n.?74.addict dikt;dkt v.?n.?ad-?+-dict-?1?By the age of 14 he was addicted to heroin.?14?2?a drug addict?283?1356.dictate dikteit,dikteit v.?-dict-?+?-ate?1?I dictated my order over the phone.?2?She refused to be dictated to by anyone.?1357.dictation diktein n.?1358.dictionary diknri n.?diction?+?-ary?3716.predict pridikt vt.?pre-?Its still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.?5256.verdict v:dikt n.?-ver-?1?The jury reached a unanimous verdict of guilty.?2?The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.?1257.dedicate dedikeit vt.?de-=dis-?+-dic-?+?-ate?He has dedicated his life to scientific research.?1346.devote divut v.?to?de-?+-vot-?+-e?She devoted herself to her career.?2481.indicate indikeit v.?in-?1?Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.?2?In his letter he indicated to us(that)he was willing to cooperate.?2482.indication,indikein n.?2483.indicative indiktiv adj.?of?2480.index indeks n.?pl.indexes,indices?vt.?in-?+-dex-=-dict-?index finger?1?Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.?2?All publications are indexed by subject and title.?1370.digital diditl adj.?n.?digit?-dig-=-dict-?+?-al?a digital camera?;a digital clock/watch?/?4883.teach ti:t vt.?vi.?-dic(t)-?4884.teacher ti:t n.?5023.token tukn n.?adj.?tok=-dic(t)-?+?-en?1?It doesnt have to be a big present-its just a token.?2?a parking token?3?Collect six tokens for a free T-shirt.?T?4?a one-day token strike?3449.paradigm prdim n.?formal?para-?+-dig-?+-m?1?a paradigm for students to copy?2?The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature.?994.conduct kndkt;kndkt vt.?n.?con-?+-duct-?tug?1?The experiments were conducted by scientists in New York.?2?May I conduct you to your table,sir?3?Whos conducting at tonights concert?4?Copper conducts electricity,but plastic does not.?5?The sport has a strict code of conduct.?)?6?There was growing criticism of the governments conduct of the war.?995.conductor kndkt n.?284?1?a bus conductor?2?The conductor raised his baton.?3?Metal is a good conductor of heat.?4314.semiconductor semikndkt(r)n.?semi=half?1560.educate edju:keit vt.?e-?+-duc-?+?-ate?The form says he was educated in Africa.?1561.education,edju:kein n.?1258.deduce didju:s vt.?from?formal?de-?+-duc(e)-?We cannot deduce very much from these figures.?1259.deduct didkt vt.?de-=dis-?1?The cost of your uniform will be deducted from your wages.?2?Ten points will be deducted for a wrong answer.?2490.induce indju:s,indu:s vt.?in-?1?They induced her to take the job by promising editorial freedom.?2?drugs which induce sleep?3?In this hospital,twins are often induced.?2600.introduce,intrdju:s vt.?intro-=inter-?1?The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course.?2?The company is introducing a new range of products this year.?2601.introduction,intrdkn n.?to?3782.produce prdju:s,prdju:s vt.?n.?pro-?1?France produces a great deal of wine for export.?2?The drug produces a feeling of excitement.?3?farm produce?4071.reproduce,ri:prdju:s v.?re-?1?His work was reproduced on leaflets and magazines.?2?The new design unfortunately reproduced some of the problems of the earlier model.?3?Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.?3783.product prdkt n.?3784.production prdkn n.?3785.productive prdktiv adj.?He had an amazingly productive five years in which he managed to write four novels.?5?4?3786.productivity,prdktivti,pr-n.?Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant,productivity increases.?4060.repertoire reptw:n.?re-?+pert=produce?+-oire?The Royal Shakespeare Company also has many modern plays in their repertoire.?3984.reduce ridju:s,-du:s v.?re-?1?Costs have been reduced by 20%over the past year.?20%?2?We can reduce the problem to two main issues.?3985.reduction ridkn n.?1455.dock dk n.?-duc-?285?5050.tow tu vt.?n.?1?The vehicles that had been involved in the accident were towed away/off.?2?When my car broke down,a police car gave me a tow to the nearest garage.?5130.tug t v.?n.?1?The baby was tugging her hair.?2?She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.?3?Feeling a tug at his sleeve,he turned to see Joe beside him.?5128.tuck tk vt.?1?She tucked up her skirt and waded into the river.?2?Should I tuck my shirt into my trousers?4998.tie tai n.?v.?998.confess knfes v.?con-?+-fe(ss)-?1?He has confessed to the murder.?2?I have to confess(that)when I first met him I didnt think he was very bright.?3565.phone fun n.?telephone?v.?4896.telephone telifun n.?v.?3019.microphone maikrfun n.?micro-?3787.profession prfen n.?pro-?+-fe(ss)-?+?-ion?1?He left the teaching profession in 1965 to start his own business.?1965?2?his professions of love?3788.professional prfenl adj.?n.?3789.professor prfes n.?3718.preface prefis n.?vt.?pre-?+-fa(ce)?1?In his preface,the author says that he took eight years to write the book.?8?2?I must preface my remarks with an apology.?4848.symphony simfni n.?sym=same?+-phon-?+?-e?

