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22 考研 作文 押题 英二大 讲义 英语 资料 免费 分享
周黑押 22考研英语作文终极预测 英二大作文 新浪微博周思成微博:周思成新来的宝 1.定要听app“笑过”中的必背带背!四四,四天背完!2.讲义、课件、范都上传app啦!电脑版也可,登陆 app-右下“我的”-中间“学习资料”3.押题范要看:看模版共性和不会表达微博:周思成微博:周思成微博:周思成微博:周思成The pie chart above explicitly demonstrates the concerns of the college students in a certain university over employment.Among all the five items included in the survey,career prospect outruns the others,with 43%.Welfare package come as the runner-up,which occupies 28%,followed by interest and job stability,which account for 10%and 7%respectively.Other factors make up the rest 12%.What accounts for such a phenomenon?First of all,there is no doubt that with the rapid development of the Chinese economy,college students are able to integrate their ambition closely with their work,as a result of which a promising prospect(最高项)is found on top of the list.Furthermore,owing to the remarkable improvement of the general living condition of the Chinese people,students attach more importance to the quality of their life after employment,which could be easily achieved through a handsome paycheck.As far as I am concerned,it is my sincere hope that college students can strike the balance between work and life,so that they can not only make achievements in work but also enjoy life in the long run.微博:周思成What accounts for such a phenomenon?(嫌那个模版句太长的可用这个)First of all,there is no doubt that with the rapid development of the Chinese economy,college students are able to integrate their ambition closely with their work,as a result of which a promising prospect(最高项)is found on top of the list.Furthermore,owing to the remarkable improvement of the general living condition of the Chinese people,students attach more importance to the quality of their life after employment,which could be easily achieved through a handsome paycheck/finding a high-paying job.万能思路:1.国家经济迅速发展个人收入提升/有何需求/能够做到某提升导致了A占比最高、最明显趋势 2.随着人民生活水品提升谁更在乎/更重视某精神层面追求这可以通过占比第二高的项目实现微博:周思成上的饼状图清楚地展示了某所学的学对就业的关注。在调查的所有五个项中,职业前景超过其他项,有43%。其次是福利待遇,占28%,其次是兴趣和作稳定,分别占10%和7%。其他因素占了其余的12%。是什么导致了这种现象?先,毫疑问,随着中国经济的快速发展,学能够将他们的抱负与他们的作紧密结合,因此,个有前途的前景被发现在列表的顶部。此外,由于中国总体活条件的显著改善,学们更加重视就业后的活质量,这可以通过份可观的薪轻松实现。就我,我真诚地希望学能够在作和活之间取得平衡,这样他们不仅可以在作中取得成就,也可以从远上享受活。微博:周思成微博:周思成微博:周思成审图思路饼状图 Pie Chart1.第段:该饼说了。的不同例。然后,降序写2.第段:思路a.解释例最的前两项的原因(三差不多可起讲)思路b.如果家独特别多,其它差不多,可以专讲它的原因 思路c.万双饼,就讲两饼例变化前两项的变化原因 3.第三段:思路a.预测趋势(会继续)思路b.说图中的采样是有代表性的+你的情况 思路c.a/b后,+你认为可以还有什么项(如:必背“新年花费篇”)微博:周思成柱状图 Bar Chart1.第段:说该柱显示了哪个对象在某的不同趋势(同趋势的不同速度)+时间段 然后写对象A的情况,起始点,变化幅度;同时B却。(再写C,若有)时态:第句话现在时、后句般过去时 2.第段:讲变化趋势的那项的两个原因,有字数可以讲下另项、反趋势的原因 3.第三段:对趋势进预测:这个趋势会继续,因为。+你的期待、想法(若有字数)微博:周思成特别注意1.线状图(curve chart)就是多柱图、多饼图!柱状图的实质:不同对象的时间趋势变化(17年博物馆VS参观物)饼状图的实质:不同项的占 2.定要看清楚单位。个?百?百万?(17年博物馆参观数就是million)3.万考了表格(table),要在把它化成柱状图或者饼状图 去讲最明显的变化项的原因、或者最百分的占原因 4.有百分就是饼状图?要看加起来是否100%。14年不同年级打例,是打在年级中所占例!微博:周思成微博:周思成微博:周思成微博:周思成写作模板1(饼状图/表格适用,表比例)Reflected in the pie chart/table above are the proportions of.(主题)in.(时间)/from.to.(始终时间)Among all the.(项目几个数量)items included in the survey,.(最多项)outruns the others,with.%(百分比).(次多项)comes as the runner-up,which occupies.%(百分比),followed by(第三多项)and(第四多项),which account for.%(百分比)and.%(百分比)respectively.(最少项)ranks the last,making up only.%(百分比).(若有“其他”)makes up the rest.%(百分比).Even though quite complex factors contributed to this phenomenon,under no circumstances can we deny that the major reasons can be identified as follows.First and foremost,.(间接原因一)rendered it possible/impossible for.(涉及人群)to.(动词原形直接原因一),as a result of which.(最多项)was naturally/inevitably found on top of the list.Furthermore,owing to the remarkable development/improvement/change of.(间接原因二),.(涉及人群)attached more importance to.(直接原因二),which could be easily achieved through./turned into(次多项名词,或doing sth)It can be safely concluded,from the analysis made above,that this trend will surely continue in the upcoming years,as the basic factors of influence remain.As far as I am concerned,it is my sincere hope that.(涉及人群)can strike a balance between.and.,so that they can really enjoy./embrace a promising future.注:如无下划线特别说明,一律用名词填空17微博:周思成The pie chart above explicitly demonstrates the concerns of the college students in a certain university about employment.Among all the five items included in the survey,career prospect outruns the others,with 43%.Welfare package come as the runner-up,which occupies 28%,followed by interest and job stability,which account for 10%and 7%respectively.Other factors make up the rest 12%.微博:周思成As far as I am concerned,it is my sincere hope that college students can strike the balance between work and life,so that they can not only make achievements in work but also enjoy life in the long run.趋势判断句可以抛弃如果不是一个趋势 要写二段、望三段的格子,如果只有五六行了,二段要停。微博:周思成必背真题:过节花费 The pie chart above explicitly demonstrates the proportions of the citizens expenses in a Chinese city during the Spring Festival.Among all the four items included in the survey,the New Year present outruns the others,with 40%.Transportation and get-together dinner come as the runners-up,which occupy 20%respectively,followed by other expenditures,which account for 20%in total.To be honest,it is no simple task to identify the reasons for this phenomenon which involves complicated factors.First of all,there is no doubt that with the rapid development of Chinas economy,people are able to afford more expensive gifts for relatives and friends,which are well recognized by the Chinese tradition as the best token of the New Year wishes.Furthermore,owing to the remarkable improvement of living condition,modern people are in need of more social and recreational activities,which could be easily achieved through reunion dinners and travels,as they provide precious opportunities of face-to-face communication.(可以给个原因)It can be safely concluded,from the analysis made above,that this trend will surely continue in the upcoming years,as the basic factors of influence remain.As far as I am concerned,it is my sincere hope that we Chinese can spend more on other meaningful activities such as sports and charities during vacations and holidays,so that we can not only do good to ourselves but also benefit others.微博:周思成 写作模板2(柱状图/线状图/表格适用,表变化)Reflected in the bar chart/line chart/table above is the change/are the different trends/are the striking contrast of.(几个主题对象+方面)from.to.(始终时间)The past.(时间段)years/months witnessed a rapid/mild/steady increase/decrease of.(主题+对象A)from.(起始值)to(最终值).On the contrary(趋势相反)/Similarly(趋势相同),such figure for 对象B ascended/descended steeply/mildly,from 起始值 to 最终值。Besides,(若有三个项目),Cs number/percentage/market share/only changed slightly/remained the same at+数值.Even though quite complex factors contributed to this phenomenon,under no circumstances can we deny that the major reasons can be identified as follows.First and foremost,.(间接原因一)rendered it possible/impossible for.(涉及人群)to.(动词原形直接原因一),as a result of which the number/proportion of.(主题)naturally/inevitably rose/fell.Furthermore,owing to the remarkable development/improvement/change of.(间接原因二),.(涉及人群)attached more importance to.(直接原因二),which could be easily achieved through./turned into(主题),(as 这个主题能带来什么enable/provide。)It can be safely concluded,from the analysis made above,that this trend will surely continue in the upcoming years,as the basic factors of influence remain.As far as I am concerned,it is my sincere hope that.(涉及人群)can strike a balance between.and.,so that they can really enjoy./embrace a promising future.注:如无下划线特别说明,一律用名词填空21微博:周思成Even though quite complex factors contributed to this phenomenon,under no circumstances can we deny that the major reasons can be identified as follows.First and foremost,.(间接原因一)rendered it possible/impossible for.(涉及人群)to.(动词原形直接原因一),as a result of which the number/proportion of.(主题)naturally/inevitably rose/fell.Furthermore,owing to the remarkable development/improvement/change of.(间接原因二),.(涉及人群)attached more importance to.(直接原因二),which could be easily achieved through./turned into(主题),(as 这个主题能带来什么enable/provide。)第一个点:图中现象,使得某人/某国做某事成为了可能,作为结果,A数值自然上升得很快。第二个点:随着生活水平提高、眼界提升、政策推动,某人/某国更重视精神层面、另外方面,而这能通过第二个趋势、项目来实现,因为它能。微博:周思成押题,中美日GDP变化 The bar chart above explicitly demonstrates the striking contrast of the changes of gross domestic productions of China,USA and Japan from 2010 to 2020.It is clearly indicated that while American GDP grew mildly by about 40%from USD 14.99 trillion to USD 20.93 trillion,Chinas GDP ascended drastically by nearly 150%from USD 6.09 trillion to USD 14.73 trillion during this period of time,which,on the contrary,witnessed the steady decrease of that of Japan from USD 5.76 trillion to USD 3.80 trillion.Even though quite complex factors contributed to this phenomenon,by no means can we deny that the major reasons can be identified as follows.First and foremost,Chinas reform and opening up rendered it possible for the Chinese economy to grow rapidly,as a result of which the GDP rose remarkably.Furthermore,owing to the Chinese peoples ever-increasing demand for better material and spiritual life,the Chinese government attached more importance to the development of all businesses and industries,which could eventually contribute to the soaring GDP.As far as I am concerned,it is my sincere hope that the Chinese authorities can strike the balance between the economic aggregate and the economic quality,so that the national economy can grow not only rapidly but also soundly.微博:周思成真题:城市化 The bar chart above explicitly displays the striking contrast of the urban population and the rural population from 1990 to 2010 in China.It is clearly indicated that the number of people living in cities ascended steeply from 300 million to 650 million during this period of time,which,on the contrary,witnessed a steady decrease in that of people living in the countryside from over 800 million to less than 700 million.Even though quite complex factors contributed to this phenomenon,by no means can we deny that the major reasons can be identified as follows.For one thing,the widespread urbanization rendered it possible for Chinese farmers to move to cities,as a result of which city dwellers inevitably rose in number.For another,owing to the remarkable economic growth,rural people in growing numbers aspired after better living standards,which could be easily achieved through relocating to cities where better living,educational and working conditions were available.It can be safely concluded,from the analysis made above,that this trend will surely continue in the upcoming years,as the basic factors of influence remain.Such a significant change will not only improve the general living standard of rural people but also inspire strong motivation to the economy,ultimately benefiting the whole society.微博:周思成如果第段不想写的那么模版化:The reasons why A is of such great importance/people attach more importance to A/A changed more dramatically are as follows.Firstly,个、物质的原因,如富裕、忧、溺爱,要并列两个。Therefore,所以就怎么 and 怎么,which can 带来什么、是他们怎么样。Secondly,由于经济平的提,现代也很在乎。When 什么时候,他们往往怎么样。Besides,个外在的、宏观的现实,which也使得们想要做某事。总之:分层次、个到社会、物质到精神、多讲原因、多并列、想如果、想which微博:周思成例:博物馆游客剧增 The reasons accountable for this phenomenon are readily discernible.Firstly,modern people,especially modern parents,have become increasingly richer and they would like to spend more time with their kids and help them enrich their minds.Therefore,taking their kids to museums and telling them stories about the history have become a progressively popular way of parental education.Moreover,the prosperity of our great country has provoked strong spirit of patriotism and pride about our nation among Chinese people.Its a new fashion that young people go to museums,get to know our history,and spread what they learn to others.微博:周思成例:毕业后选择的变化 The reasons accountable for these trends are readily discernible.Firstly,modern people have become increasingly wealthier.Therefore,the number of students who have to work immediately after graduation to provide for their families has diminished,while more parents support their kids to continue their study or even start their own business.Moreover,the authorities concerned have launched several favorable policies to subsidize postgraduates study and college students startup,which contributes to the increase in the numbers of these two kinds of students.Besides,the contemporary young people have become bolder and more open-minded.They are willing to face challenges and not afraid of uncertainties.微博:周思成天塌下来,都与你无关。你已经努力这么久,心无旁骛地坚持就会胜利。顶峰见。微博:周思成

