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monkey 逆天改命大小作文笔记1 逆天改 命大 作文 笔记
小作文三分归元法:分段归纳本质【小作文审题要点】1、对方是谁一一决定了信的抬头2、是不是notice-一一决定了第一段第一句是letter还是notice3、次要/主要目的是什么一一决定了第一段写法4、信件的实质内容涉及哪些元素一一决定了第二段用哪儿些句子(是什么、为什么、怎么办)5、是否必须让对方回信一一决定了第三段的写法首段一表明来信的目的:次要目的(客套礼节)+主要目的(题干重点描写要求的部分)有可能需要自我介绍【熟人信件和回信不需要自我介绍】I am a junior majoring in Chemistry at Tokyo Institute of TechnologyI am a student from The University of Florida who major in AstronomyI am a member of the Photography Club at Carleton UniversityDear xx,I am writing this letter/email to(信件类)/this notice is to(公告类)+目的次要目的:do sth/thank you/congratulate you/apologize for doing sth and(+下边主要目的)主要目的:(无非这四种)offer some suggestions/.information about sth/how to do sth.(建议、介绍、混合)extend you an invitation to do sth.邀请你做某事recommend you sth推荐给你某事物do sth做某事resort to writing a formal complaint with regard to(主题词).很遗憾我需要写信投诉我对(主题词)的不满。尾段一一对读信人的期望:是否需要对方回信?不需要的模板:(比如公告、招募、问询)没有需求,创造需求1 I would be glad if you find the information/suggestions mentioned above helpful.Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.希望以上信息/建议对你有用。如果有其它问题请随时与我联系。需要的模板:(比如建议、介绍、推荐、感谢、道歉、邀请、投诉、申请)期待回复2 I would appreciate it if you could take my complaint application/resignation/recommendation/invitation/questions into consideration.And I am looking forwardto your favorable reply.希望你能重视或认真考虑我的投诉/申请/辞职/建议/邀请/问题。期待你的回复。最后结尾:Yours sincerely,Li Ming第二段一一主体段【整体架构如下(万能词、句)】Regarding(主题:xx名词),there are several points I would mostly like to mention.First of all,Whats more,In addition,For more details,.you could refer to the attachment(附件)below.(29词)【具体内容如下】三元:是什么(说明介绍)、为什么(分析利弊)、怎么办(建议意见)一一以下所有模板句子均可用肯定、否定、疑问句改写,或者就直接用。1.是什么(说明介绍)引出句I will brief you on more details about this event so that you can plan accordingly.向你/您介绍有关此活动的更多详细信息,以便您进行相应的规划。说明句First and foremost,时间、地点:它将于下周日在xx地点举行(请保证有时间)it will be held at the Main Building/具体地点next Sunday(and please makesure you are available then).出席人物:我们的工作人员届时将会提供一些必要的培训、介绍、引导/另外,会有一组媒体来记录当天活动2 our staff will be there to provide some necessary orientation/guidance./In addition,there will be a camera crew present who will take footage of the day.要求:(着装)出席活动时,着装应该得体/(流程)最后我们会邀请所有的参与者上台领取一份小礼物3 it is highly recommended to be properly dressed for the occasion./Lastly,we willask all the attendees to come up to the stage and collect their prizes.2.为什么(分析利弊)引出句There are two aspects in my recommendation/introduction,which will bedescribed below.我推荐/介绍的理由涉及两个方面,下面会具体说明。Dissatisfaction is the least I could say after what the following problems put methrough.在遇到以下问题后,不满意己经是最客气的说法了。原因句权威认可:获得了政府的官方奖项、资质、认可(说它好,就说有这个证书:说它不好,就说没有这个资质)1 have an official award/qualification/recognition from the government.群众基础:人民群众很欢迎、评价很高、很关注担心taenjoy a widespread popularity/reputation/concern among人民群众.个人喜欢:我个人觉得xx很有吸引力、有趣、有益3 I personally find it attractive/interesting/beneficial to do sthTo put it first,what can best describe you is your good-natured character andencouraging demeanor.首先,秉性善良,为人热心,这两个品质能最恰当地描述你。As well,you have instilled in me higher moral standards,which will definitelyfollow me through life.另外,你教会了我很多会令我受益一生的为人处世之道。通用句利:To begin with,(第一个推荐的理由);It has been highly recognized by manypeople who are more familiar with it.In addition,(介绍/推荐的第二个内容).For thisreason as well as all its merit,you just cannot help becoming fond of it.首先,(第一个推荐的理由):许多对此很熟悉的人表示高度赞同。其次,(介绍/推荐的第二个内容)。出于这个原因和它的无数优点,你会情不自禁地喜欢上它。弊:First of all,(第一个投诉的理由).The inconvenience it has brought forth ismore than overwhelming.To complicate the situation,I was not able to speak toanyone from your help team.I would very much appreciate it if somebody wasavailable to assist me in dealing with this matter./Primarily,the stress level that Ihave been feeling has acutely risen due to the frustrating fact that(第一个理由).Letme move on to(第二个理由),which has caused me more troubles than I care tomention.首先,(第一个投诉的理由)。它所带来的不便让人难以承受。更麻烦的是,我无法拨通人工服务热线。如果谁有空帮我解决这个问题,我将非常感激。首先,由于(第一个理由),这令我非常不安,导致我最近压力剧增。说到(第二个理由),它给我带来了更多的麻烦,我难以一一例举。3.怎么办(建议意见)引出句I will give substance to my proposals in the next part of the letter.接着,我将详实地说明我的提议。建议句端正认识:建立起关于Xx的正确价值观是首要任务1 its advisable to establish up a correct value about sth primarily.理论与经验:你可以寻求该领域的相关/先进经验2 you could look for relevant/advanced experiences in this aspect.知行合一:应当制定合理可行的计划并坚持3 a practical and reasonable plan should be promptly carried out and stuck to.通用句Primarily,(第一个建议),and specialists are advising that this is really worthadopting.What is more,(第二个建议),which is very beneficial both from the present andfuture perspectives.首先,(第一个建议),专家也建议我们采取此措施。其次,(第二个建议),这个建议无论是从现在还是将来的角度来看都是非常有益的。小作文押题Notice段落一(l)We are keen to meet all(话动名称)participants at the Museum of Tea Ware at8:00 am on Saturday.(2)This notice will explain the important parts of this event.(1)周六上午8:00,我们在茶具文物馆期待与参加(活动名称)的各位见面。(2)本通知将对本次活动的重要部分作出解释。段落二(3)Initially,(第一个信息),which takes precedence and in turn deserves yourconsideration.(4)Furthermore,some local media will attend the event and report onit.(5)Following the activity,there will be a question and answer session lasting forapproximately half an hour.(3)首先,(第一个信息),这是最重要的信息,需要您的优先关注。(4)其次,当地的媒体也会参加、报道这个活动。()活动结束后会有一个持续大约半小时的问答环节段落三(6)Spaces are limited,it is best to register for the event now if you are interested.(7)Ihope you areinterested and if so,please call me for more information.(6)活动名额有限,如果你对活动感兴趣,最好赶紧登记报名。()我希望您能对此感兴趣,如果是的话,请务必致电与我详谈。The StudentsUnion英一大作文万能模板【描述句怎么写】1、解读主旨2、确定主题词(个人o社会的品质、意识、问题)选择平衡类the ability to make a wise choice+条件/the ability to strike asubtle balance between A and B3、确定与主旨有关的动作(主要动作、次要动作)4、构思描述句分为单张图、对比图,但写法一致。找出主要动作和次要动作单张图:doing次要动作,主语be doing主要动作对比图:第一幅仍如上,第二幅+while如上总模板段落As is vividly/ironically depicted in the cartoon,doing/done sth,A isdoing/done/adj.(.While doing/done sth,B is doing/done/adj.).Thesymbolic meaning behind the picture is rather explicit:thevirtue/awareness/issue of xx deserves our due attention正如图片生动地/讽刺地描绘的那样,做着【次要动作】,A正在做某个【主要动作】。图片背后的象征意义是非常明确的:xx品德/意识/问题值得我们给予应有的关注。段落二To examine the significance of xx,certain factors should be specifically pointedout here.First and foremost,it is a truth widely acknowledged that all other factorsbeing equal,xx could be the decisive difference betweenacademic/professional/social success or not.In addition,1 since young peoplealways play a vanguard role in promoting social progress,and xx exerts remarkableinfluence in the development of their characters,it will inevitably shape everyaspect of China in the foreseeable future.2We are living in a world with commoninterest,and since xx exerts remarkable influence to our shared community,itsimpact will inevitably extend to each and every single one of us.Consequently,ifsb fail to do sth/recognize the importance of xx,there would eventually be acorresponding toll to pay sooner or later.要想检视Xx的重要性,我认为以下几点应该重点关注。首先,很多人都认同在其他条件一样前提下,xx是决定学术/职业/社会成功与否的关键。其次,年轻人一向在促进社会进步中扮演先锋角色,而xx对年轻人的品性成长有重大影响,后者终将在可见的未来决定中国社会的方方面面。我们生活在地球这个命运共同体中,而x对我们共同的家园有重大的影响,进而不可避免的影响到我们每一个人。因此,如果sb没能做某事/意识到某事的重要性,早晚会付出相应的代价。段落三In brief,xx is of true essentiality and relevant measures must be taken promptly.To be specific,Dgovernments should implement proper policies and launch massmedia campaigns 2education institutions should provide open courses andguidance to infuse such an indispensable virtue/awareness into everyone.Themore rapidly actions are taken,the more effectively this virtue/awareness willbenefit us in the upcoming future.简而言之,x真的很重要,我们应该立刻行动起来。具体来说,政府应该施行恰当的政策并发动大众媒体宣传攻势。各类教育机构应该提供公开课和引导,以将这样一种不可或缺的品德/意识灌输到每个人心中。我们越快采取行动,这一品德/意识越能使我们在未来受益。消极模板段落(1)Recently people have been generating loads of news reports,comments andfollows about(主题词),mainly negative.(2)The picture captures a real-life scenarioof our life that we never wish to face again:(描述图片内容).(3)Evidently,what theartist intends to advise us is that we should fully recognize the downside effects of(题词)on our life.(1)最近,网友们一直在关注(主题词)并发表评论,其中大多是批评。(2)图中捕捉到了一个我们在真实生活中再也不愿重蹈覆辙的场景:(描述图片内容)。(3)显然,艺术家意在告诉我们应该充分认识(主题词)对我们生活的不利影响。段落二(4)You might find the following two descriptions helpful for your full understandingof this unfavorable phenomenon.(5)First and foremost,may have beenformed from young,thus people feel reluctant to change this behavior.(6)In addition,when it comes to educating children,many parents and teachers have failed inbehaving like a good role model.(7)My standpoint is well-supported by the public,asdiscovered by some responsible researchers.(8)A common view should be agreedupon that we shall getdown to the problem instantaneously.(4)你可能会发现以下两点说明有助于你充分理解这一不良现象。()首先,(主题词)可能是人们从小就养成的习惯,因此他们不愿意改变这种行为。(6)另外,在教育孩子的时候,很多家长和老师都没有成为好榜样。(可靠研究发现,我的观点得到了民众的充分支持。(8)我们应该达成一致的看法,那就是我们应该立即着手解决这个问题。

