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31 33 讲义
?E31?attorney?auction?331.attorney t:ni n.?at-?+-torn-=turn?+?-ey?turn to?“?”?a defense attorney?5139.turn t:n v.&n.?n.?4122.return rit:n v.&n.?4120.retrieve ritri:v vt.?re-?+trieve=turn?1?We taught our dog to retrieve a ball.?2?You can only retrieve the situation by apologizing.?3?to retrieve information from the database?5140.turnover tnv(r)n.?1?The large number of temporary contracts resulted in a high turnover of staff.?2?an annual turnover of$75 million?7500?3406.overturn,uvt:n v.?1?He stood up quickly,overturning his chair.?2?His sentence was overturned by the appeal court.?3404.overthrow,uvru v.&n.?1?The president was overthrown in a military coup.?2?the overthrow of the monarchy?4988.throw ru vt.?n.?1?She threw the ball up and caught it again.?2?We were thrown into confusion by the news.?3?a well-aimed throw?1941.fling fli v.?fly?1?Someone had flung a brick through the window.?2?They were flinging insults at each other.?1441.disturb dist:b vt.?dis-=de-?+turb=turn?dis-?Im sorry to disturb you so late.?1442.disturbance dist:bns n.?1?There was a minor disturbance during the demonstration,but nobody was injured.?2?Residents are tired of the disturbance caused by the nightclub.?5137.turbulent t:bjulnt adj.?“?”?1?a short and turbulent career in politics?2?turbulent crowd?5136.turbine t:bain,-bin n.?a turbine engine?1436.distort dist:t vt.?dis-=de-?+tort=turn?1?My original statement has been completely distorted by the media.?2?The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.?3?distorting mirror?4118.retort rit:t n.&v.?re-?1?That doesnt concern you!she retorted.?“?”?174?2?She bit back(=stopped herself from making)a sharp retort.?4685.stir st:v.?1?Stir the sauce gently until it begins to boil.?2?A light breeze stirred the leaves lying on the path.?3?I was deeply stirred by her performance.?5040.torch t:t n.?1?the Olympic torch?2?She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.?5041.torment tment;tment n.?vt.?1?Waiting for the result of the medical tests was sheer torment.?2?The animals are tormented mercilessly by flies and mosquitoes.?5043.torture t:t v.?n.?1?He was tortured into giving them the information.?2?His confessions were made under torture.?5116.trouble trbl n.?vt.?turbulent?“?”?I asked her what was troubling her,but she didnt want to talk.?551.bother b vt.?n.?1?Im sorry to bother you.?2?Living on my own has never bothered me.?3?He hasnt even bothered to write.?4?I can take you there-its really no bother.?5117.troublesome trblsm adj.?-some=same?The negotiations have proven more troublesome than any of us expected.?5404.wholesome hulsm adj.?1?wholesome education?2?It is not wholesome to eat without washing your hands.?2231.handsome hnsm adj.?pretty?a handsome profit?5096.tremble trembl vi.?n.?trem=turn?1?His voice started to tremble,and I thought he was going to cry.?2?There was a slight tremble in her voice as she recalled her husband.?5097.tremendous trimends adj.?1?a tremendous explosion?2?Shes been a tremendous(=very great)help to me over the last few months.?5114.tropic trpik n.?the T-s?5115.tropical trpikl adj.?tropical fish/climate?/?4976.thread red n.?vt.?1?needle and thread?2?One of the main threads of the film is the development of the relationship between the boy and his uncle.?3?to thread a needle?4980.threshold rehuld n.?thresh=tread=turn?+hold?1?She stood hesitating on the threshold.?2?He only earns$300 a month,well below the threshold for paying tax.?300?175?4705.strap strp n.?vt.?1?a watch with a leather strap?2?Could you help me fasten this strap around my suitcase?3?I have to keep my leg strapped up for six weeks.?4723.strip strip n.?v.?strap?scrape?1?He didnt have a bandage,so he ripped up his shirt into thin strips.?2?He was stripped naked and left in a cell.?4724.stripe straip n.?1?The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.?2?By the age of 25 hed already earned his third stripe and become a sergeant.?25?3?1499.drill dril n.?v.?1?a fire drill?2?an electric drill?3?We watched the soldiers drilling on the parade ground.?4?Drill three holes in the wall for the screws.?3?334.attribute tribju:t,tribju:t vt.?to?n.?at-?+tribute?1?She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.?2?Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager.?5103.tribute tribju:t n.?trib(e)+?-ute?1?Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.?2?The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the fire.?5102.tribe traib n.?tri=three+be?454.being bi:n.?428.be?bi:,?bi v.?5113.troop tru:p n.?pl.?&?v.?1?All troops will be withdrawn by the end of the year.?2?None of us knew what to expect as we trooped into her office.?1068.contribute kntribju:t v.?to?con-?1?Immigrants have contributed to the countrys culture in many ways.?2?We contributed$5000 to the earthquake fund.?5000?3?She contributes to several magazines.?1069.contribution,kntribju:n n.?1?This invention made a major contribution to road safety.?2?We rely entirely on voluntary contribution.?3?All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday.?1439.distribute distribju:t,dis-v.?over?dis-?The books will be distributed free to local schools.?4979.three ri:num.?pron.&adj.?5109.triple tripl n.?adj.?v.?4983.thrive raiv vi.?His business thrived in the years before the war.?4981.thrift rift n.?thrifty rfti adj.?They have plenty of money now,but they still tend to be thrifty.?176?335.auction:kn n.&vt.?auct-=aug-=grow?1?The painting will be sold at auction next week.?2?The family is auctioning(off)its art collection.?340.augment:ment vt.?formal?1?He would have to find work to augment his income.?352.auxiliary:ziljri adj.?n.?auxil=aug-?+?-i-+?-ary?1?auxiliary workers/services?/?2?nursing auxiliaries?3?In the sentence she has finished her book,has is an auxiliary.?she has finished her book?has?345.author:n.?auth-?+-or?Hes the author of the proposal.?346.authority:rti n.?pl.?1?She spoke with authority.?2?The health authorities are investigating the problem.?177?331.attorney t:ni n.?at-?+-torn-=turn?+?-ey?turn to?“?”?5139.turn t:n v.&n.?n.?4122.return rit:n v.&n.?4120.retrieve ritri:v vt.?re-?+trieve=turn?5140.turnover tnv(r)n.?3406.overturn,uvt:n v.?3404.overthrow,uvru v.&n.?4988.throw ru vt.?n.?1941.fling fli v.?fly?1441.disturb dist:b vt.?dis-=de-?+turb=turn?dis-?1442.disturbance dist:bns n.?5137.turbulent t:bjulnt adj.?“?”?5136.turbine t:bain,-bin n.?1436.distort dist:t vt.?dis-=de-?+tort=turn?4118.retort rit:t n.&v.?re-?4685.stir st:v.?5040.torch t:t n.?5041.torment tment;tment n.?vt.?5043.torture t:t v.?n.?5116.trouble trbl n.?vt.?turbulent?“?”?551.bother b vt.?n.?5117.troublesome trblsm adj.?-some=same?5404.wholesome hulsm adj.?2231.handsome hnsm adj.?pretty?5096.tremble trembl vi.?n.?trem=turn?5097.tremendous trimends adj.?5114.tropic trpik n.?the T-s?5115.tropical trpikl adj.?4976.thread red n.?vt.?4980.threshold rehuld n.?thresh=tread=turn?+hold?4705.strap strp n.?vt.?4723.strip strip n.?v.?strap?scrape?4724.stripe straip n.?1499.drill dril n.?v.?334.attribute tribju:t,tribju:t vt.?to?n.?at-?+tribute?5103.tribute tribju:t n.?trib(e)+?-ute?178?5102.tribe traib n.?tri=three+be?454.being bi:n.?428.be?bi:,?bi v.?5113.troop tru:p n.?pl.?&?v.?1068.contribute kntribju:t v.?to?con-?1069.contribution,kntribju:n n.?1439.distribute distribju:t,dis-v.?over?dis-?4979.three ri:num.?pron.&adj.?5109.triple tripl n.?adj.?v.?4983.thrive raiv vi.?4981.thrift rift n.?thrifty rfti adj.?335.auction:kn n.&vt.?auct-=aug-=grow?340.augment:ment vt.?formal?352.auxiliary:ziljri adj.?n.?auxil=aug-?+?-i-+?-ary?345.author:n.?auth-?+-or?346.authority:rti n.?pl.?179?E32?audience?avoid?336.audience:dins n.?formal?1?The secret to public speaking is to get the audience on your side.?2?She had a private audience with the king.?337.audio:diu n.&adj.?video?audiobooks?338.audit:dit vt.?n.?1?Independent accountants audit the company annually.?2?As a senior citizen,he is allowed to audit university classes.?3?an annual audit?;a tax audit?339.auditorium,:dit:rim n.?audit+-or+-ium?The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium.?audition dn n.?v.?1?The director is holding auditions next week for the major parts.?2?She auditioned for the role of Lady Macbeth.?3271.obey be v.?ob-?+-ey-=-au(d)-?The soldiers refused to obey(orders).?3269.obedience ubi:dins n.?He demands unquestioning obedience from his soldiers.?3270.obedient ubi:dint adj.?Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.?107.aesthetic esetk adj.?esthetic?aes=aud?+thet=set?+?-ic?furniture that is both aesthetic and functional?anaesthetic nsetk n.?an-=no?The operation is performed under anaesthetic.?343.aural:rl adj.?aur=ear?+?-al?The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight.?1533.ear i n.?2271.hear hi v.?from?&?2272.hearing hiri n.?3397.overhear,uvhi v.?over-?1?I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.?2?Im sorry,I couldnt help overhearing.?rehearse rhs v.?re-?+hear?+-se?The musicians rehearsed(the symphony)for the concert.?4014.rehearsal rih:sl n.?They didnt have time for(a)rehearsal before the performance.?180?344.authentic:entik adj.?aut-?+-hent-+-ic?1?I dont know if the painting is authentic.?2?authentic Italian food?347.auto:tu n.?automobile?350.autonomy:tnmi n.?auto-?+-nom-?+?-y?autonomoustnms adj.?Xinjiang Uygur Uighur Autonomous Region?1553.economy iknmi n.?eco-?+-nom-?+?-y?economy class?1550.economic eknmk adj.?social,economic and political issues?1551.economical eknmikl adj.?Theres an increasing demand for cars that are more economical on fuel.?1552.economics eknmks n.?1549.ecology ikldi n.?eco-?+-logy?353.avail veil n.?a-=ad-?+-vail-=value?The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail.?354.available veilbl adj.?1?Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?2?Will you be available this afternoon?3747.prevail priveil,pri:-v.?over?against?pre-?+-vail-?1?Justice will prevail over tyranny.?2?We were horrified at the conditions prevailing in local prisons.?3748.prevalent prevlnt adj.?These diseases are more prevalent among young children.?5231.value vlju:n.?v.?1?He valued the painting at$2,000.?2000?2?Ive always valued her advice.?5230.valuable vljubl adj.?These antiques are extremely valuable.?1704.evaluate ivljueit vt.?e-?+-valu-?+?-ate?1?We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.?5228.valid vlid adj.?1?My passport is valid for another two years.?2?a valid argument/criticism/reason?2605.invalid nvld adj.?n.?1?invalid account number?2?his invalid wife?2606.invaluable invljubl adj.?The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.?181?356.average vrid adj.?n.?vt.?aver=every?+-age?1?40 hours is an average working week for most people.?40?2?On average,people who dont smoke are healthier than people who do.?3?Enquiries to our office average 1,000 calls a month.?1000?1712.every evri adj.?358.aviation,eiviein n.?avi=awi=awy=egg?the US Federal Aviation Administration?1567.egg e n.?3389.oval uvl adj.?n.?ov=egg?359.avoid vid vt.?a-=ex-?+void?1?The accident could have been avoided.?2?The name was changed to avoid confusion with another firm.?5304.void vid adj.?formal?1?He rose,his face void of emotion as he walked towards the door.?2?The agreement was declared void.?5340.waste weist vt.?adj.?n.?5243.vast v:st,vst adj.?1?a vast land is waiting for development.?2?A vast audience watched the broadcast.?1703.evade iveid vt.?e-?+-vad-=walk?+-e?She leaned forward to kiss him but he evaded her by pretending to sneeze.?2604.invade inveid v.?in-?1?Concentrations of troops near the border look set to invade within the next few days.?2?Famous people often find their privacy is invaded by the press.?2608.invasion invein n.?5224.vacation vkein,veken n.?-vac-=void?+?-ation?5223.vacant veiknt adj.?1?The hospital has no vacant beds.?2?She had a vacant look/expression on her face.?5225.vacuum vkjum n.?1702.evacuate ivkjueit vt.?e-?+-vac-?+-u-+-ate?The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.?5227.vain vein adj.?1?I tried in vain to start a conversation.?2?He was very vain about his hair and his clothes.?5234.vanish vni vi.?We ran out after the thief,but he had vanished into thin air.?5235.vanity vnti n.?5329.want wnt,w:nt vt.?n.?182?336.audience:dins n.?formal?337.audio:diu n.&adj.?video?338.audit:dit vt.?n.?339.auditorium,:dit:rim n.?audit+-or+-ium?audition dn n.?v.?3271.obey be v.?ob-?+-ey-=-au(d)-?3269.obedience ubi:dins n.?3270.obedient ubi:dint adj.?107.aesthetic esetk adj.?esthetic?aes=aud?+thet=set?+?-ic?anaesthetic nsetk n.?an-=no?343.aural:rl adj.?aur=ear?+?-al?1533.ear i n.?2271.hear hi v.?from?&?2272.hearing hiri n.?3397.overhear,uvhi v.?over-?rehearse rhs v.?re-?+hear?+-se?4014.rehearsal rih:sl n.?344.authentic:entik adj.?aut-?+-hent-+-ic?347.auto:tu n.?automobile?350.autonomy:tnmi n.?auto-?+-nom-?+?-y?autonomoustnms adj.?1553.economy iknmi n.?eco-?+-nom-?+?-y?1550.economic eknmk adj.?1551.economical eknmikl adj.?1552.economics eknmks n.?1549.ecology ikldi n.?eco-?+-logy?353.avail veil n.?a-=ad-?+-vail-=value?354.available veilbl adj.?3747.prevail priveil,pri:-v.?over?against?pre-?+-vail-?3748.prevalent prevlnt adj.?5231.value vlju:n.?v.?5230.valuable vljubl adj.?1704.evaluate ivljueit vt.?e-?+-valu-?+?-ate?5228.valid vlid adj.?2605.invalid nvld adj.?n.?2606.invaluable invljubl adj.?183?356.average vrid adj.?n.?vt.?aver=every?+-age?1712.every evri adj.?358.aviation,eiviein n.?avi=awi=awy=egg?1567.egg e n.?3389.oval uvl adj.?n.?ov=egg?359.avoid vid vt.?a-=ex-?+void?5304.void vid adj.?formal?5340.waste weist vt.?adj.?n.?5243.vast v:st,vst adj.?1703.evade iveid vt.?e-?+-vad-=walk?+-e?2604.invade inveid v.?in-?2608.invasion invein n.?5224.vacation vkein,veken n.?-vac-=void?+?-ation?5223.vacant veiknt adj.?5225.vacuum vkjum n.?1702.evacuate ivkjueit vt.?e-?+-vac-?+-u-+-ate?5227.vain vein adj.?5234.vanish vni vi.?5235.vanity vnti n.?5329.want wnt,w:nt vt.?n.?184?E33?await?award?360.await weit vt.?formal?a-=ad-?+wait?=wait for?Hes anxiously awaiting his test results.?5320.wait weit v.?for?on?n.?We had a three-hour wait before we could see the doctor.?3?5321.waiter weit n.?5322.waitress weitris n.?5323.wake weik v.?1?I woke up with a headache.?2?Try not to wake the baby up.?3?The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.?361.awake weik adj.?vt.?vi.?a-=on?+wake?1?I find it so difficult to stay awake during history lessons.?2?She awoke me at seven.?7?3?His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities.?4?It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation.?5324.waken weikn v.?1?I shook him but he didnt waken.?2?Waken me at 7.00,would you?7?2871.loud laud adj.?2872.loudspeaker laudspi:k n.?4573.speaker spi:k n.?163.aloud laud adv.?a-=on?He read her letter aloud to the rest of the family.?loudlyladli adv.?Someone burped loudly at the back of the hall.?4155.rise raiz,rais v.?n.?1?New buildings are rising throughout the city.?2?He rose to his feet to deliver his speech.?3?The people rose(up)against the oppressor/tyrant/dictator.?/?/?4?a sud

