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英语 作文 范文
更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】英语一大作文真题范文2010年:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养(DThe picture presents a steaming M cultural hotpot99 with all kinds of foodstuffs in it,such as Buddhism,postmodemism,the Butterfly Lovers and Einstein.Mixing together,these cultural ingredients look tremendously delicious and nutritious.What lies behind the picture is clear:Multicultural integration is a noteworthy feature of the time and is of great benefit to the inheritance and development of world culture.CD We live in an unprecedented age吐globalization,where everything is increasingly mobile across national boundaries,and culture is no exception.Multicultural elements provide spiritual nourishment for people all over the world.For instance,some of our traditional ideologies have been introduced int the western world and successfully applied to practical use to boost management effectiveness;Peking opera draws on the aesthetic elements of western opera,making it more accessible to the audience worldwide and thus more likely to be passed on and developed.All countries have been benefiting greatly from absorbing different but complementary cultures which accelerates the development of both material and spiritual civilization of human society.CD The blending of different cultures has become an irresistible trend of our time.For us Chinese,we need not only to inherit and carry l 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】forward the quintessence 0 traditional Chinese culture,but also to learn and incorporate what is best in western culture with an open mind.By the fusion of old and new,as well as of east and west,we can promote vigorous development and prosperity of Chinese culture,thus creating conditions for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.2 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】译文:图画展示了一个热气腾腾的“文化火锅“,里面是各种各样的食材,如佛“、”后现代“、”梁祝“、“爱因斯坦。这些文化食材融合在一起之后变得无比美味和营养。图片背后的含义清晰可见:多元文化融合发展是这个时代的一个显著特征,对世界文化的传承和发展大有裨益。O我们生活在这样一个前所未有的全球化时代,一切流动都跨越国界,日益频繁,文化亦不例外。多种文化元素为全世界的人们提供了精神食粮。比如,我国的一些传统思想被介绍到西方世界,成功应用千实际以提升管理有效性;我们的京剧唱段借鉴了西方歌剧的美学元素,变得更为各国人民所接受,从而更有机会得以传承和发展。各个国家都因汲取各不相同但相辅相成的文化而受益匪浅,促进了人类社会物质文明和精神文明的发展。O多文化融合现象已成为当前时代的大势所趋。对我们而言,一方面我们应该继承并发扬中国传统文化的精华,另一方面我们要以开放的态度学习和融汇西方文化的优秀元素。通过古今相契,中西相融我们才能推进中国文化的大繁荣和大发展,从而为实现中华民族的伟大复兴铺平道。3 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2011年:旅程之“余”(Din the picture,two tourists,enjoying a delightful boat trip on the lake,are dropping litter recklessly into the lakea behavior that makes themselves as well as the scenery not beautiful at all.And unfortunately,the lake is already littered with a clutter of garbage,which has spoiled the previously scenic lake.Just as the caption WhatsLeft after the Travel,implies,the cartoon is a poignant criticism of tourists with uncivil conducts that lead to environmental damage.CD What is reflected in the picture is troubling many scenic spots today.Such behavior comes primarily from touristslack of environmental awareness,thinking of just casually littering garbage as no big deal.They regard themselves merely as passers-by,who need not assume the responsibility of protecting the environment of the scenic spots.However,if everyone lacked environmental awareness,standing by and seeing environment hurt,the beautiful spots,even our whole country,would be swallowed up by rubbish one day.CD To avoid this kind of tragedy,the whole society should take actions to protect our home.For one thing,everyone should realize the importance of protecting the environment and start small by no littering at will and stopping others from doing that timely.For another,relevant authorities should establish sound and efficient laws and regulations on 4 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】environmental protection,supervise effectively and punish law breakers severely.Hopefully through shared efforts,we can make ourselves behave better,make the landscape of our homeland more magnificent 9 and fulfill the dream of green China sooner.译文:O图中有两位游客,他们在湖面上泛舟游览美景时,将手中的垃圾随意丢进湖中,这一行为使景色连同他们自己都不再美丽。而且可悲的是,湖面上已经漂浮着各种各样的垃圾,破坏了昔日秀美的湖泊。)正如标题“旅程之余”所示,这幅漫画是对游客破坏环境的不文明行为的尖锐批评。图中所反映的问题如今正困扰着许多景区。游客这种行为主要源千环保意识薄弱,认为自己随手扔点垃圾不会造成太大的影响。)他们认为自己只不过是景点的过客,无需承担景区的环保责任。然而,如果人人都没有环保意识,都对环境袖手旁观,原本风景优美的景区,甚至我们整个家园,总有一天会被垃圾包围。O为了避免这种悲剧发生,全社会都应行动起来,共同保护我们的家园。一方面,每个人都应意识到保护环境的重要性,从小事做起,不乱扔垃圾,并及时制止他人乱扔垃圾的行为。另一方面,相关部门应建立健全环境保护方面的法律法规,并进行有效监督,严厉惩治违法违规行为。希望通过共同努力,我们能够让自己的行为更加美丽,也让祖国的山川更加秀美,早日实现“绿色中国”的梦想。5 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2012年:积极心态看人生CD As is shown in the picture,two men react in distinctly different manners when they see a bottle get tipped over and half of the water spill.Wearing a gloomy look,one man covers his forehead and curses his luck,lamenting,Its all gone!while the other smiles agreeably and reaches for the bottle,cheering,Luckily theres still some left.(DThis portrayal reveals that in adverse situations?Being optimistic or being pessimistic directs people towards two opposite paths.Just as Alexander Bell puts it:When one door closes,another opens;but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.When obstacles confront us,assuming the worst only spells more failures,while interpreting them in a positive light always spurs us to look for a silver lining and concentrate upon addressing problems.The drawbacks of pessimism and the benefits of optimism are self-evident.Th f erefore,optimism is of great significance in our work and life.As an old saying goes,misfortune might be a blessing in disguise When adversity strikes,instead of being blinded by pessimism,we should learn to examine it from a comprehensive perspective so as to break free of despair and discover hope.Besides?we should maintain a positive attitude all along by remaining gratified by what we have achieved,with an attempt to keep forging ahead and embrace various 6 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】challenges.译文:O如图所示,一个瓶子翻倒在地,里面的水泼了一半,而两人对这一幕的反应却大相径庭。其中一人神情沮丧,怨声连连,手抚额头哀叹道,“全完了!”另一人则面露笑容去捡瓶子,说道,“幸好还剩点儿。”这幅画揭示了:在逆境中选择乐观看待还是悲观处理,会将人们引上截然相反的道路。恰如亚历山大贝尔所言:“一扇门关了,必有另一扇打开;而我们经常久久地盯着那扇关上的门,懊悔不已,以致对为我们打开的另一扇门视而不见。遭遇挫折时,把情况想到最坏只会招致更多失败;而积极对待往往会敦促我们寻求光明,并一心寻找解决之道。悲观之弊,乐观之利,至此一目了然。O因此,在工作和生活中,乐观精神至关重要。俗话说,塞翁失马,焉知非福。身处困境时,我们要学会辩证分析,从绝望中发现希望,而非被悲观消极情绪蒙蔽双眼。此外,我们还要懂得知足常乐,尔后积极进取,迎接一个个新的挑战。7 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2013年:大学毕业生的多样人生选择切nthe above picture,a flock of graduates stand at a fork in the road,with an air of confusion on their faces.They face four different choices:hunting for jobs,taking the postgraduate entrance exam,going abroad for further study and starting a business Below the drawing the caption reads,Choice-making.(!)Undoubtedly this picture describes a dilemma all college graduates have to facewhich path to take and pursue after graduation.This choice is of great significance to our future development.Therefore its imperative for us to make a prudent and sensible decision.Firstly,graduates should know the advantages and disadvantages of each path and have an objective appraisal of ones abilities and interests.It may sound cliche but know yourselfand follow your passion go a long way.Another factor that graduates should take into consideration is career planning.(J)Once you set your heart on a given profession,you will put yourself on a track which ultimately will lead you to your final destination.(!)All desired life goals can be achieved through diligence,persistence and willingness to learn continuously.Therefore,with a compass in mind,graduates can make an optimal choice suitable to themselves and advance bravely along the chosen path.8 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】译文:在上图中,一群毕业生站在一个分岔路口,脸上带着一种迷茫的神情。他们面前有四种不同选择:求职、考研、出国留学和创业。图片下方标题写着:“选择“。O毫无疑问,这幅图片描绘了所有大学毕业生都要面临的一个困境毕业后选择和追求哪一条路。这一抉择对我们未来的发展十分重要。因此,我们必须做出谨慎而明智的决定。首先,毕业生应该了解选择每条路的利弊,并客观评估个人的能力和兴趣所在。也许听起来很陈词滥调,但“了解自己”和“追寻激情”大有帮助。另一个毕业生需要考虑的因素是职业规划。一旦你对某一职业下定决心,你就会把自己置千最终会把你带到目的地的轨道上。任何想要的人生目标都能因努力、坚持和持续学习的意愿得以实现。因此,脑海中有一个指南针,毕业生就可以做出适合自己的最优选择,并在自己选定的人生道路上勇往直前。9 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2014年:相携CD There are two photos of a mother and a daughter.One was taken 30 years ago showing the young mother holding her daughters hand and the other has been recently gotten recording the daughter supporting her mother with hand.Scenes have changed;but what remains unchanged is their sweet and contented smile.CD The two photos reflect the deep love between the mother and the daughter,bringing comforting relief from frequently reported stay-at-home children and elder mistreatment cases.As the world becomes materially rich,wealth accumulation and pursuit of comfort have become a fashion trend.Many young adults influenced have become irresponsible parents or unfilial children.Some leave their children at hometown where living cost is lower and their parents can help deal with tiring child raising.They intentionally or unintentionally ignore the detrimental effects of the lack of parental involvement on their children.Some turn a blind eye to their responsibility towards parents CT)They selfishly think taking care of parents will disturb their vibrant personal life and increase their economic burden.(DThese young people discard the most important element for happinessthe mutual love within a family and unwisely get temporary comfort at the expense of long-term happiness.A person of wisdom should place experiencing family love at the top of his lifes priorities.10 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】译文:有一对母女的两张照片。一张拍摄千30年前,上面是年轻的妈妈牵着女儿的手;另一张是最近拍摄的,上面是女儿搀扶着母亲。场景发生了变化,但不变的是她们甜美、满足的笑容。O两张照片反映了母女之间深厚的爱,使经常报道的留守儿童和虐待老人事件带来的负面心情得到一定缓解。随着世界变得物质充裕,财富积累和对舒适的追求成为流行趋势。许多受流行趋势影响的年轻人成为不负责任的父母或者不孝顺的孩子。一些人将孩子留在老家,在那儿生活成本更低,也有自己的父母帮着分担带孩子的累人任务。他们有意或者无意忽略养育过程中父母缺位给孩子带来的有害影响。一些人无视对父母的责任。他们自私地认为照顾父母会影响他们充满活力的个人生活,并增加他们的经济负担。这些年轻人舍弃了幸福最重要的因素一家人之间的亲情,不明智地为得到暂时的舒适而牺牲长期的幸福。一个明智的人应该将感受天伦之乐列千人生优先排序列表中靠前的位置。1 1 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2015年:手机时代的聚会CDFour friends get together to have a dinner.Whats weird is that the four appear to be stranger to each other,not talking with friends seated beside but totally indulging in smart phones(DThe picture reveals a typical scene for modem people.Whenever people have a chance to relax,they will fish out phones to play for a while.Th e warm face-to-face communication which was taken for granted has been violently ruined by smart phones and become a luxury.It is challenging or even impossible for many people to concentrate on face-to-face communication.As the quality of emotional interaction between people suffer an annoying dramatic deterioration,more and more people arrive at an agreement that people should shut down mobile phones when being with friends or relatives.Unfortunately,it is only a theoretical opinion around the WeChat,a communication tool on the smart phone.CT)Few people apply it into life.(DThe smart phone is really the most controversial modem invention,bringing enjoyable relaxation and great convenience on one hand and causing problematic phone addiction and consequent interpersonal isolation on the other hand.Rational attitude should be paid to the mobile phone.We should not squander the limited and precious time with friends and relatives on a lifeless machine.Due importance should 12 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】be attached to the contact in real life.译文:O四个朋友聚在一起吃饭。奇怪的是这四人似乎互相不认识,没有跟坐在旁边的朋友说话,而是完全沉浸在自己智能手机上。这幅图展现了一个对现代人来说典型的一幕。只要人们有机会放松一下,他们就会掏出手机玩一会儿。曾经认为理所当然的温暖的面对面交流被智能手机粗暴地破坏了,变成了一种奢侈。对大多数人来说专注千面对面交流是个挑战,甚至是不可能的任务。随着人们之间情感交流质量恼人地大幅下降,越来越多的人同意人们应该在与朋友和亲戚在一起的时候关闭手机。不幸的是,这只是个流传千智能手机中的一个交流工具微信上的理论性的想法。很少有人将之实施。O智能手机真的是最有争议的现代发明,一方面带来让人愉悦的休闲和方便,另一方面造成迷恋手机的问题以及随之而来的人际关系的疏离。我们应该理性对待手机。不应该将与朋友和亲人在一起的有限和宝贵的时间花在无生命的机器上。应该关注现实生活中的交流。13 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2016年:身教胜千言传(DThe above two pictures reveal two distinctly different parenting methods of two fathers.In the first picture,the father is urging his son to study hard while he is just relaxing himself,with his eyes fixed on the TV set.In the second picture,both the father and his son are concentrating on their study.The caption under the cartoon reads:It is better to set an example than merely make demands.CDWhat the above pictures intend to illustrate is that parents can better teach children by example rather than verbal instruction in their daily life.As an old saying goes,a good example is the best way of persuasion.There is no doubt that parents play a vital role in the bringing-up of their children since they are the role models kids look to for guidance,especially in their formative years.When it comes to instructing and influencing kids,action tends to speak louder than words.(DTherefore,in my opinion,it is parental duty for adults to set an example for children.Only when adults earnestly practice what they advocate can children follow their example.This way,children can also enjoy better family atmosphere and get better disciplined.14 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】译文:上面两幅图片展示了两位父亲截然不同的两种教育方法。第一幅图中,父亲敦促他的儿子好好学习,可他自己却在放松休闲,两眼盯着电视机。第二幅图中,父亲和儿子两人都在聚精会神地学习。图片下方写着:与其只提要求,不如做个榜样。上图意在说明的是,父母在日常生活中通过以身作则躬亲示范,能比口头教育更有效果。正如一旬老话所说,一个好榜样是最佳说服方式。毫无疑问,父母在孩子的成长教育中起到至关重要的作用,因为他们是孩子的行为榜样;孩子们看向他们寻得指引,尤其是当孩子们处千成长期时。就对孩子的教诲和影响而论,行动往往胜过语、=口。因此,在我看来,成年人为孩子树立一个榜样是为人父母的责任。只有当父母身体力行躬行己说,孩子们方能依循父母的榜样。)这样一来,孩子们也能感受到更好的家庭氛围,并且愈加自律。15 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】2017年:“有书”与“读书”CD In the left picture,a man is lolling back in his comfortable chair,smug about a shelf full of books in front of him.What a great number of books I have!n he said to himself,yet obviously he shows no intention of reading any of them.The man on the right,by contrast,is sitting at a desk with only a few books on it,and has made a feasible reading plan:Finish reading 20 books this year.(DThrough sharp contrast,the pictures reveal the difference between possessing books and reading books.For some people,books are nothing more than decorations.Their studies are gorgeously decorated and shelves full of books which are used not to read,but to show off or to satisfy their vanity,Totally differently,some people,fewer books though they have,regard books as spiritual food and do everything possible to read.For example,Lin Haiyin,a famous writer,has written in Bookstore Freeloader*s Journal that when she was young,she always went to a bookstore and read there in a secretive way for lack of money rain or shine.It was the very thirst for knowledge that made her a writer with great achievements.CDBooks are a stepping stone to human progress,but as books are not equal to knowledge and unread books wont help,we should read a single book carefully instead of merely collecting thousands of books to make progress Furthermore 5 everything else should also be dealt with 16 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】in a down-to-earth way.Just as President Xi once put it,Empty talk would lead a country astray,and hard work can revitalize a nation,only through continuing efforts,can individuals advance steadily and the Chinese nation achieve great rejuvenation.17 更多免费考研笔记资料,请关注公众号【研灵笔记】译文:左图中,一个人懒洋洋地靠在躺椅上,望着眼前整整一书架的书沾沾自喜。他自言自语道:“我有这么多书!”却明显没有要读任何一本书的打算。而右图中的人坐在只放着几本书的书桌前,做出了一个切实可行的读书计划:争取今年读完20本书。图片通过鲜明的对比,揭示了“有书”与“读书”的区别。对有些人来说,书籍只是一种装饰。他们把书房布置得富丽堂皇,书盈四壁,却不是为了读书,而是为了向别人炫耀,满足自己的虚荣心。与这种人截然不同的是,有些人虽然藏书不多,却把书籍当作精神食粮,想方设法为自己创造读书的机会。比如著名作家林海音女士在窃读记中写到,小时候因为没钱买书,只能去一家书店偷偷读书,风雨无阻。正是这种求知若渴的精神,使她日后成为了卓有成就的作家。O“书籍是人类

