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关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料文字型材料作文(利之学姐整理自黄皮书及李云写作课)赞同材料中的观点(模板1)CD Speaking of_,people often without hesitation_.Contrary to this prevailing view,the author in the given excerpt calls for/advocates_.Personally,I am inclined to agree with the latter.I.t is no exaggeration to say that_ is the root cause of,which can inevitably lead to multiple negative consequences.From the perspective of personal development,_ will only make them feel_,especially when_.Meanwhile,this will hinder them from_.)At the social level,it goes without saying that/there is no denying that/there is no doubt that is detrimental to,let alone(!)Therefore,it is high time we_._,for example,_.As long as we_,we are/can_.说到,人们往往会不假思索地。)与这种流行的观念相反,作者在给出的这一选段中呼吁提倡。)我个人倾向千赞同作者的观点。毫不夸张地说,从根本上导致了,这不可避免会造成许多负面影响。)从个人发展的角度来说,只会使他们,当时尤其如此。)同时,这也阻碍了他们。)从社会层面来讲,毫无疑问不利于,更别提。因此,是时候了。例如,。只要我们,就可以-1-利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料赞同材料中的观点(模板2)(DBy writing this article,the author intends to convey that_.Most people would agree with this statement without any hesitation,and so do I.(DAs shown in the excerpt,research shows/reveals/suggests/indicates that.At frrst glance this seems a counter-intuitive result/conclusion,when in fact it_./This result confirms the general consensus that _.The authors point is not to _,but to_.)Put another way/Simply put,the key is to包)Totake an obvious example,we may all have friends/hear the stories of those who_.Things go well for them because these people have realized厅hingsdo not go as expected because these people have yet to realize _.(Din sum,the point/argument the author makes is perfectly/absolutely valid.It serves as a timely/sharp reminder that_.作者写这篇文章意在传达。)大多数人都会毫不犹豫地同意这一说法,我也是。如选段所述,研究表明,。乍看之下,这一结果结论似乎违反直觉,而实际上它。这一结果证实了这一共识。作者的意思并非,而是。)换言之简而言之,关键在千。举个显而易见的例子,我们可能都有某些朋友听说过某些人的故事,他们。G)事情之所以进展顺利,是因为这些人已经意识到。事情之所以没有朝期待的方向发展,是因为这些人还不明白总之,作者的论点完全能站得住脚。)它适时清楚地提醒着我们,2 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料赞同材料中的观点(模板3)(DWhile it is true that_,this may not always be the case.Just as the excerpt above argues:in some situations,_ is not helpful and would probably backfire.From my perspective,this argument makes much sense.(DFor one thing,_ can be_.This means we may end up ifwe _ instead of_.For another,_ may hinder our willingness to_,thus making us less able to_.)This can be illustrated in the example of_,who_.(Din summary,_ is a double-edged sword,which will bring real benefits only when used wisely and creatively.We can certainly_,but in order not to_,we should try to_.的确,但也并非总是如此。)正如上述文段所说:在某些情况下,千我们无益,甚至可能适得其反。)在我看来,这种说法很有道理。首先,可能会。)这意味着,如果我们只是而非,那我们最终可能会。)其次,可能会阻碍我们的意愿,从而使我们难以。)这一点可由例证,他地它总之,是一把双刃剑。只有合理且有创进性地加以利用才能带来真正的益处。)我们当然可以,但为了不,我们应试着3 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料赞同材料中的观点(模板4)(DThe excerpt above suggests that_ can take a toll on_.Indeed,there has been a growing concern among the general public over this increasingly common phenomenon.Given the alarming trend,its hard to disagree with the statement.(!)Certainly,there are plenty of compelling reasons toincluding.However,_can do more harm than good.For one thing,can be a big drain on_.For another,_.To make matter worse,_,which could contribute to(!)Therefore,special attention must be paid to the problem of Its wise to focus on quality over quantity and_ in moderation.As is often the case,a moderate approach will be the most healthy and rewarding.上面的摘录文段表示,会对带来负面影响。)事实上,这一越发普遍的现象已经引起了公众的日益关注。)鉴千当前令人担忧的趋势,我们很难不同意上述说法。当然,是有充分理由的一包括说。然而,上主恩型可能会得不偿失。)首先,(主题词)会大大消耗。)另一方面,。更糟糕的是,而这可能会对造成(负面后果。因此,我们必须格外注意的问题。注重质量而非数量并适度才是明智之举。)通常情况下,中庸的处理方式最有益身心且能带来丰富收获。4 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料赞成材料中的观点(模板5)(Din this passage,the author argues that_ can boost_ and therefore increase_.I personally fmd this argument quite compelling.And I would like to further contend that besides its positive influence on individuals,can also work miracles on a collective society.(!)Generally speaking,the way _ drives individuals and society toward success is multifaceted.To be more specific,during stable periods,ample_ can equip individuals with_ to_.Many successful,such as_,assert that it is_ that emboldens/enables them to time and again and_.)In times of turbulence and hardships,such as_,_ never fails to provide us with_ to_ till the final victory.包)Moreover,_ is the source of,ensuring it always(DTo cultivate_,there are many things we can do.As individuals,we may_.And as regards the society,we should bear in mind that 在这段话中,作者认为能够提振从而提升。)我认为这种说法很有说服力。)此外,我想进一步指出信心不仅能对个人产生积极影响,它对整个社会来说也能发挥奇迹般的作用。总的来说,驱动个人与社会迈向成功的方式是多方面的。)具体而言,在安定平稳的时期,充足的可以使人有来)许多成功的(例如)都确信正是使他们敢千能够一次又一次地并。)在动荡困难的时期,正如,总是能为我们提供不竭的,让直到取得最终胜利。包)不仅如此,是的源泉,确保其始终。为了培养,我们可以采取很多行动。)作为个体,我们可以o)对于社会,我们应该牢记。5 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料赞同材料中的观点(模板6)(DFor long,_,often equating_ with_.Nowadays,mounting critics including the author of the excerpt argue that such practices are harmful to _.As far as I am concerned,it is hard to disagree with this statement.(D The above criticism makes sense,as _.That explains why there are so many_.The result is a frustrating paradox in our society.)Furthermore,一intendedas _,seem to unfortunately evolve into_.More often,_ not for_,but only for_.It stems from_,which further diverges from our original goals of_.(DTo tackle this problem,we should embrace_,which no longer encourages_ but equips them with_.Only in this way can students/individuals _ and can our society/nation_.长期以来,常常将与划等号。)如今,越来越多的批评者(包括该摘录的作者)论称,这种做法其实不利千。)就我个人而言,很难不认同这一观点。上述批评有其道理,因为。这也就解释了为什么有这么多o)这导致了我们社会中一个令人沮丧的矛盾现象一。)此外,(主题迵)本应是,却不幸慢慢演变成了。)很多时候,不是为了,而只是为了。这源于,进一步偏离了我们最初的目的。为了解决这一问题,我们应该推崇,不再鼓励,而是使他们具备。)只有这样学生个人才能,社会国家才能6 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料反对材料中的观点(模板1)(Dour society/education system has been plagued by_.Many people,including the author of this article,are putting forward their own solutions to it.Im impressed by_,but have doubts over/about_.(DFor one thing,the author seems not to take into account/consideration,which is one of the major causes of/will have great/adverse influences on_.Under such circumstances,_ may not produce the desired effect.For another,just as the author writes/contrary to what the author writes,_.)This means_,which is far from realistic/not realistic at all.(DTo sum up,the author deserves praise for attempting to make a contribution to addressing/tackling/dealing with/coping with a thorny/complex/complicated problem,but what he or she has come up with so far is no more than a half-baked idea.What is truly needed/required to is a more comprehensive approach,such as_ and_.我们的社会教育体系一直为所困扰。)包括本文作者在内的许多人都在提出自己的解决方紧。)今我印象深刻。但我对存疑。一方面,作者似乎没有考虑到,这是的一大原因会对产生巨大不利影响。)在这种情况下,可能不会产生预期的效果。)另一方面,正如作者所写与作者所写和反,。)这意味着,而这根本不现实。综上所述,作者试图为解决一个棘手复杂的问题贡献一份力,这值得称赞,但他(她)目前提供的不过是一个不成熟的想法。)真正需要的是更全面的办法,比如和7 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料反对材料中的观点(模板2)(Din the above excerpt,the author argues that_ can be a better choice,because it helps people to detach from_.From my point of view,although the conclusion seems plausible,the evidence offered is far from persuasive.(DFor one thing,it seems that the author has overlooked an essential fact that_.This means that_.For another,it is_ instead of that_.For instance,research shows that_.That is to say,(Din short,it doesnt make much sense to me that_.Rather than,we should_.Only by_ can we_.在上述文段中,作者认为可能是更好的选择,因为它帮助人们摆脱。)在我看来,尽管该结论看似有道理,但提供的证据却远没有说服力。首先,作者似乎忽略了一个基本事实:。这意味着o)其次,是而不是(起主要作用I是问题的成因等)。例如,研究表明。这也就是说,。总而言之,我认为是没有多大意义的。)我们不应,而应。)只有,我们才能。8 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料部分赞同材料中的观点(模板1)(!)Nowadays,it is not uncommon for us to see/hear people_.The author of this article tries to look at/see this issue from a different perspective,pointing out that_.I agree with(most)part of the authors argument,but have reservations about the rest of it.(DThe author is right to state that_.A(n)obvious/probable explanation for this is that _.The author also makes sense in saying that.For example,_.包)Theonly point/One of the points on which I disagree with the author is _.The author perhaps thought of when writing this article,but_.(Din conclusion,the authors view is fairly convincing/compelling/persuasive,despite a lack of further clarification of some assertions.To some degree/extent,this article can thus/therefore serve to 如今,我们经常能见到听到人们。)本文作者试着从不同的角度看待这一向题,指出。)我同意作者的(大)部分观点,但对其余部分持保留意见。作者表示,这说得没错。)对此显而易见可能的解释是,o)作者说,这也有道理。)比如,。我与作者唯一的分歧点I的一个分歧点在千。G)作者在写这篇文章时可能想到了,但总之,尽管欠缺对某些论断的进一步说明,作者的观点相当有说服力。)因而本文能在某种程度上起到的作用。9 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用部分赞同材料中的观点(模板2)(DThe author of this passage argues that _,rather than _,is the ultimate factor that determines whether_,with which I partly agree.He makes a good point in asserting that _ make/makes crucial difference.However,instead of assigning _ to the second place,I hold both of them to be equally important.(DThere are several reasons why both_ and_ should be treated with equal emphasis.To begin with,just as_ acknowledges,each is distinct in his_,hence the need for_.Secondly,numerous studies have shown that bothandplay a significant role in_,meaning that_.Moreover,focusing_ on_ is more likely to yield successful results,as can be illustrated bys story,who G)Surely,is/are a prerequisite for attaining great achievements.However,based on the above analysis,it is reasonable that before we embark on a journey that(and)requires _,we make a full assessment of first.10 这段话的作者认为一而非才是决定一的最终因素,我部分赞同这一观点。)他肯定地指出,有着至关重要的作用,这很是有道理。)但是,我不认为是次要的,而是认为这两个因素同样重要。和应该得到同等重视。原因有几个方面。)首先,正如所承认的那样,每位的都是不同的,因此有必要o)其次,许多研究表明,和在中都发挥着重要作用,这意味着。G)此外,将一专注千一更有可能获得成功,的故事便可以说明这一点,她他。当然,一是取得卓越成就的前提条件。)但是,基于上述分析,在踏上一段(且)需要一的旅途之前,我们应首先对进行一个。全面的评估,这样的做法更为理性。扫码关注免费网课无水印PDF

