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图画 作文 ce43d2d071a
关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料图画作文(利之学姐整理自黄皮书及李云写作课)人生哲理(模板1)CD As can be seen from the picture,_.Straightforward as it is,the picture conveys deep meanings.It is intended to highlight the critical role plays in modern society.(Drt is generally acknowledged that _ is of great importance.Just as they say,_.This inner quality is beneficial to us in that it_.)It is no exaggeration to say that in the long run,we will even be able to achieve our life goals,such as_,ifwe can cultivate this quality.In contrast,the lack ofit will hinder us from making real progress in_.Even worse,we may fmd ourselves difficult to live with and recover from setbacks.(DBased on the analysis above,we may draw a conclusion that really counts in todays society.Therefore,we need-1-如图所示,。)图片虽看似简单直接,却传达了深刻的内涵。)它旨在凸显在现代社会中起到的关健作用。人们普遍认可非常重要。)正如俗话所说,。)这一内在品质对我们有益,因为它。)毫不夸张地说,如果我们能培养这一品质,从长远来看,我们甚至能够实现自己的人生目标,比如。g)相反,缺少它会阻碍我们在方面取得真正的进步。更糟糕的是,我们可能会发现自己难以承受挫折并重新振作起来。基千上述分析,我们可以得出结论:在当今社会确实很重要。)因此,我们需要应该必须。利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料人生哲理(模板2)(DThe drawing above depicts a touching/encouraging/regrettable/provocative scene,in which_.And below the drawing,there is a caption which reads:_.Straightforward/Exaggerated as it is,the drawing is loaded with/conveys/contains profound/sobering meanings.(DThe picture is intended to remind us that _ is an extraordinarily valuable contributor to the achievement of success and happiness.Over the course of our lifetime,there will inevitably be occasions when_.Under these circumstances,it is_ that gives us the power to/enables us to and_.A perfect example is_._.More significantly,such a(n)attitude/manner/spirit can produce a lasting energizing effect,granting us a fruitful and meaningful life/a life without regrets.(j)Just as an old saying goes,(Din short,_ lays the foundation for us to set ambitious goals,overcome formidable obstacles and then reap the happiness of success.In order to achieve something in our life,it is sensible to develop this character trait consciously.上图描绘了一幅令人感动令人鼓舞令人遗憾令人深思的画面:。图片下方标注着文字:。)图片虽看似简单直接咱些夸张,却承载传达包含了深刻令人清醒的内涵。该图片旨在提醒我们,对千获取成功以及幸福是极有价值的因素。我们的人生中总是难以避免这样的情形:。)这些情形之下,是给予了我们力量使我们能从而。G)便是一个典型事例。包)。)更重要的是,这种态度方式精神能够产生持久的激励效应,使我们获得有成就、有意义的人生没有遗憾的人生。)正如古语所,=口,总之,为我们设定远大目标、克服艰难障碍并收获成功的快乐打下了基石。)为了一生中能有所成就,有意培养这种性格特征是明智的做法。2 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料人生哲理(模板3)(Din the above picture are two_(who are)_.The one on the left/right_,while/whereas the other_.(DThe picture reflects two distinct ways of looking at _,which arise from different perceptions of the necessity/value of_.The one on the left/right represents those who tend to underestimate the value of_.With such a negative attitude,they may hinder themselves from_.In contrast,the one on the right/left can be counted as a typical example of staunch advocates of包)Suchattitude has an energizing effect,leading them to enormous success in what they do.Take _,a prominent figure in as an example.(j)The importance he/she attaches to _ has played an irreplaceable role in his/her remarkable achievements so far such as _.(DAs _ once put it,_.Therefore,it is advisable to make a conscious/deliberate effort to cultivate_,which will enable/help us to achieve our life goals over the long run.图中有两名正在。)左右侧的人,而另一人。图片反映了两种截然不同的看特的方式,这两种方式源千对的必要性价值的不同看法。)左右侧的人代表那些倾向千低估价值的人。)抱着这样的消极态度,可能会阻碍他们。)与之相对,右左侧的人可以算是的坚定支持者的典范。这种态度有种激励效应,能够让他们在所做之事上取得巨大成功。)以领域的杰出人物为例。Q)他她对的重视对千他她迄今为止取得诸如的卓越成就起到了不可替代的作用。正如所说,。)因此,可取的做法是有意识地培养,从长远来看这有助于我们实现人生目标。3 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料人生哲理类(模板4)(Din the above picture are two _.One is_,while the I 图中有两位。其中一位在_J而另一位在other is_.And the drawing is captioned:|。图片注有标题:(Dit reflects two distinct ways of_,which arise from different I 图片反映了两种截然不同的方式,这两种方式源千对perceptions of in the value of _.The man on the left represents 价值的不同看法。)左边那位代表着之人。)心怀这those who_.With this attitude,_.)In contrast,the 种想法,。相反,右边的人。持有这种这种态度,person on the right_.With such an attitude,we can 我们能够。例如.For example,_.)因此我们应当培养,从而。作为一名负责(DTherefore,it is advisable to nurture_,thereby 任的公民我们还应该努力将这种正能量传递给周围所有的人,以共同建立Also,as a responsible citizen,we should try to deliver this positive energy to I个强大、和谐的国家。everyone around us,jointly creating a strong and harmonious nation.4 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料人生哲理类(模板5)(DAs we can see from the picture,_.And below the drawing there is a caption which reads:_.(DUndoubtedly,it is aimed at guiding us to _properly.It is widely acknowledged that _.And on this issue,if we_,we can manage to_ and_.)In contrast,_would make us get trapped in_,which is bound to hinder us from(DI believe that,rather than_,we should Furthermore,everything else should also be dealt with in a_ way.Without_,howcanwe_,howcanwe,and how can we?如图所示,。)图片下方为其标题:。显然,图片意在指导我们正确。)众所周知。在这一问题上,假若我们,则能够成功做到。)与之相对,将会使我们陷千,从而一定会阻挡我们我相信,我们应该而不是。)另外,其他的一切也应该以方式行事。)没有,我们何以,我们何以,我们何以?5 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料人生哲理类(模板6)(DThe picture presents _,which/who_.The caption conveys the message of this picture:_.(DThis picture underscores the important role that _ plays in modern society._can transform ones way of thinking and living in a positive manner,and an increasing number of people have become the practitioners of.They_.)Their enthusiastic practice is highly beneficial and enables people to_ and the society to _.It i.It is no exaggeration to say that_ is the catalyst for the development of individuals and the community.(DThe spirit our time calls for is one of_.It is an essential quality that makes for success in this fiercely competitive society.Therefore,we should realize its value and strive to pursue it.这幅图呈现了(图片主角)。)文字说明传达出图片的寓意:。图片强调了(褒扬对象)在当今社会所发挥的重要作用。)能以一种积极的方式改变我们的思考方式和生活方式,越来越多的人已经成为了的实践者。他们(具体介绍如何践行)。)他们热情的实践大有裨益,能让人们(说明对个人发展的裨益),让社会(说明对社会的推动影响)。包)毫不夸张地说,是个人和社会发展的催化剂。我们的时代倡导的是精神。)这是一种在竞争激烈的社会中有助千成功的必备品质。)因此,我们应该认识到它的价值,并且为之付出努力。6 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料人生哲理(模板7)(DThe picture above depicts _.As the caption_ suggests,.Straightforward as the drawing is,it mirrors reality and is loaded with profound meanings.(D It aims to instruct us that _ is an extraordinarily valuable contributor to success._allows you to_,which can ensure great achievements.For example,_.)Those who dont_,though not necessarily are doomed to decline or failure,are more likely to grow unhealthily in an unbalanced way,with very little success.(Din a word,_ is the pyramidal cornerstone for success.Without the endeavor to_,any favorable results are probably short-lived ones.In order not to be washed out in competition,we should_.上图中,。)正如图片标题所示,。)这幅图虽然很简单,但反映了现实,寓意深刻。它意在指导我们,是取得成功极为宝贵的要素。)够让你,这可以确保你取得巨大成就。)例如,。)而那些没能的人,虽说未必会退步或失败,但很可能会以一种不平衡的方式不健康地发展,难获成功。总之,是成功的金字塔的基石。)如若不努力,任何好的结果都有可能稍纵即逝。)为了不在竞争中被淘汰。我们应该。7 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料批判类社会现象(模板1)(Din the picture,_._.The words on_ read which speak volumes about the pressing problems with(Dit is true that_.But sometimes it can also be annoying.For example,we may be fooled by_ into_.we may then be disappointed by_._deserve blame for_.(D _ should realize that they are ruining their own reputation by adopting such a short-sighted approach to_._must enforce more effective regulations to rectify this situation.Together,they must create a healthy,trustworthy environment for people if they are aiming at long-term growth of_.图中,。上写着,这充分说明了所存在的紧迫问题。诚然,。但有时它也会带来烦恼。例如,我们可能会被骗去。)之后,我们可能会因而感到失望。因为而应该受到谴责。应该明白,通过这种目光短浅的方式是在毁坏自己的名声。)必须实施更有效的监管来纠正这种情况。)如果他们要力争让实现长远发展,就必须共同为人们营造一个健康、值得信赖的环境。8 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料批判类社会现象(模板2)(DAs shown in the picture,_.Apparently,it is intended to sound the alarm over a prevalent phenomenon that_.(D People nowadays have enjoyed an increasingly prosperous life in the wake of_ development.Yet at the same time,we may forget that the consequences brought about by _ are becoming increasingly grave too.For instance,_.)Fortunately,_ has been put high on the agenda of our country/many countries.However,relevant departments still have not adopted effective measures to prevent things from getting worse.(DTo tackle the problem,it is surely necessary to improve relevant laws and regulations and frrmly implement them.But rules alone will not be sufficient,they need to be accompanied by persuasion and education that help raise public awareness of/about/that _.After all,our future depends upon what we do right now.如图所示,。很明显,这幅图旨在对这一普遍现象敲响警钟。随着的发展,人们如今享受到了日益富足的生活。)但与此同时,我们也许忘了导政的后果也日益严峻。)举例来说,。)所幸,已被我们国家许多国家列为重要议程。然而,相关部门仍未采取实质有效的指施防止事态进一步恶化。要解决这一向题,完善相应的法律法规并坚决执行无疑很有必要。)但是,仅有法律规章并不够,还应辅以劝说和教育,以提高人们的意识。)毕竟,我们的未来取决于我们当前的行为。9 利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用批判类社会现象(模板3)(DThe cartoon depicts a scene,in which_.The caption indicates 关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料图片描绘了一幅这样的场景:。)图中文字(标题)表明(DThe drawing is aimed at putting a spotlight on a social 这幅图意在提醒人们关注这一社会趋势(或:现象)。)诚trend/phenomenon that _.Admittedly,in a society 然,在一个的社会里,有些人会不足为怪。)但除了that/where_,it is no wonder that some ofus _.But apart 社会大环境以外,更重要的一个因素是的事实,这主要源自from the social environment,a more powerful factor is the fact that_,which stems mainly from_.(DTo reverse the situation is not an easy task,but a laissez-faire attitude will invite even bigger trouble.What we need to do is to join the push to practice and promote _,so that a good atmosphere/virtuous circle would be created.Additionally,efforts of individuals should be supplemented by_.)For example,10 要想彻底改变这种情形并非易事,但是持放任态度只会招致更大的问题。)我们需要做的是积极加入到践行和推广的队伍中来,从而营造出一种好的风气(或良性循环)。)另外,个人的努力还应该辅以。比如,利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用批判类社会现象(模板4)(DThe artist is displaying an ironic and regrettable scene:_.The caption reveals the implication:(DThe phenomenon reflected in the picture is not rare nowadays,as we hear a lot about_.It is reported that_,and even,a result all of us dont want.Then why does this kind of occur from time to time/has this kind of been created and becoming increasingly obvious?one of the possible causes is_.包)Itis also owing to the fact that(Din any case,however,_ could never be an excuse for_;rather,we need better options for_.Instead of looking for top-down government intervention/improvement of social enviromnent,we can start by_.For example,11 关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料艺术家为我们呈现了一幅讽刺而又可悲的画面:。)标题揭示了内涵:。G图中现象如今并不少见,因为我们屡屡听到。)据报道,甚至,这种结局是我们谁也不愿看到的。)那么为何这种会频发(或会出现且日益突显)?)其中一项可能的原因是。)另一个原因是然而无论如何,不能成为的借口;相反,我们需要更好的办法以。)与其指望政府自上而下干预(或:社会大环境改善),我们倒不如从做起。)比如,。利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用批判类社会现象(模板5)(DThe picture above depicts a comic yet thought-provoking scene.The man on the left_,in sharp contrast to the man on the right who(Dit is a mirror of the growing social trend that people are attaching greater importance to_,while/whereas still remain belittled.There is no denying that the former helps _with_,thanks to its.But the latter certainly deserves more attention than it is receiving,because it_.More critically,it plays an irreplaceable/indispensable role in_.(DTherefore,people/the public must abandon their preconceived ideas about_ and try very hard to strike/achieve a balance between and/the two_.Only then will/can _be ensured.12 关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料上图描绘了一幅有趣却又发人深省的场景。)左侧的男子,他与右侧的男子形成了鲜明对比。它是对(主体1)越发受人重视,而(主体2)仍遭轻视“这一日益增长的社会趋势的真实写照。)不可否认的是前者有助千(某群体),这归功千其。)但后者显然值得比现在更多的关注,因为它。)更关键的是,它对千起着不可替代(或:不可或缺)的作用。因此,人们(或公众)必须摒弃他们对(主体2)的成见,尽力实现与(或两种)之间的平衡。)唯有如此,才能确保。利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用褒扬类社会现象(模板1)(DThe picture depicts_._.The picture figuratively/symbolically shows _.(D One of the most direct consequences of_ is_.Gone are the days when_.No longer having to/Only by no longer_,_.)In addition,there will be much more time for extracurricular activities.怠)Thismeans ample opportunities for us/them to explore interests,discover talents and improve personality,which will matter more to us/them in the long run than to(D Overall,this determined effort at _ deserves credit as long as._is/are understandably concerned about_.But perhaps instead of being overwhelmed by this anxiety,we/they should_.13 关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料该图描绘了。)。)该图形象地展现了。最直接的一项结果是。)的日子已经一去不复返。)(只有)不用再,。)此外,我们他们将有更多时间进行课外日常工作之外的活动。这意味着我们他们将有充分的机会探索兴趣、发掘才能并完善人格,从长远来看,这比更为重要。总的来说。只要,的坚定努力此值得赞扬。)担心,这是可以理解的。)但与其被这种焦虑所压倒,或许我们他们应该利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用褒扬类社会现象(模板2)(DThe picture above depicts a_ scene,in which_.The caption_ the picture conveys the core message:_.(DWhat the picture shows is_.Specifically,it enables_ to.In addition,it serves as an effective way to _,thereby to some extent relieving the anxiety among_ over_.It i t is no exaggeration to say that_ plays an i s an indispensable role in(D To sum up,_ is of vital importance to_.Governmental efforts should be made to 14 关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料上图描绘了一幅画面:。图片的文字传达出核心信息:。图片显示了。确切来说,它使。)此外,它能有效地,从而在一定程度上缓解对于的忧虑。G)毫不夸张地说,在方面起着不可替代的作用。总之,对至关重要。)政府应努力。利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用褒扬类社会现象(模板3)(DAs can be seen in the picture,The caption/_swords convey(s)the core message:_.(DWhat the picture shows is a prime example of how_ mitigates the adverse impacts of_ on_.Specifically,it allows to_ as part of efforts to help_.In addition,are able to nowadays,relieving _s worry/anxiety over the gloomy/uncertain prospect of _to some extent.It is no exaggeration to say that plays an irreplaceable/indispensable role in.Its steady improvements and widespread use/The advent of this new_ will not only make our daily life much_,but more importantly,(DNevertheless,we must remember that_ itself is a mere(technology)tool that does not necessarily bring benefits.It may produce disastrous results once it falls into the wrong hands.Therefore,what really matters is to guide people to use It properly.15 关注【公众号:利之学姐】免费获取更多好用的考研笔记、资料从图中可以看到,。)图片的说明文字(或:所说的话)传达出核心信息:。图片完美地例证了如何减轻对的负面影响。)确切来说,它使得以,从而帮助)此外,如今可,这能在一定程度上缓解对千前景黯淡(或:不确定)的忧虑。)毫不夸张地说在方面起着不可替代(或:不可或缺)的作用。)它的不断完善和广泛应用(或:这一新的问世)不仅会使我们的日常生活得多,更重要的是,还会.不过,我们要牢记,本身仅是一种(技术)工具,并不一定能带来好处。)一旦落入坏人手中,就可能造成灾难性的后果。)因此,真正关键的是引导人们正确利用它。利之学姐原创整理,严禁盗用有利有弊的社会现象(Din the above cartoon,(!)Obviously,the drawing is aimed at turning the spotlight on a social trend that_.This product of_ is without doubt a double-edged sword.On the one hand,it is an effective way to _.It has also_,encouraging_.On the other hand,_ will promote_.Some people may be prone to_ when_.(DGiven the pros and cons mentioned above,the public should have a clear understanding of.In addition,must focus more oninstead of 16 在上图中,。显然,这幅图意在提醒人们关注一种社会趋势:。的这一产物无疑是把双刃剑。一方面,它能有效地。)它还,促使。)另一方面,会催生。)在情况下,有些人可能会轻易鉴于上述利弊,公众应该对有清楚的认知。)此外,要更加注重,而不是扫码关注免费网课无水印PDF

