Speak Now Teacher's Book 3.pdf






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Speak Now Teacher's Book Teacher
I*a,at,attt,tIttttIt11tttttttatt.taatta.taaaailaaaaaa.r-:I:;1i:.-.-!:-i);?r:OXFORDNew Y.rh,ir 10016 USACrarClarc.don Strcet,Oxlord ox2 6Dp,Unitcd(ingd.nOiao.dLhivesi!,P!e$hidepanmentoliheUnivexityoloxf!.lr turhe6 Lc U.iversig,s olrjecnve ofd.ellefte in ftcddl sll1otaslnpnnd education by publishins leorldride.Oxloid n a regisrered tEdeniloornda qo i w.o Oxlord UrvcNty P.e$2o1rThe nor:l rgnts oltlre ruthor narc lreenasencd,4ll rigL$rcseNed.NopaLl ordris pnblicatioDmaybextrodu.ed.soredinaEtrievalsy$eD,orr(nrnitfed.in ary forn orbytrn!mexns,virlroutrhe prior lermissi.n in.iiin.!o,Oxtod UnivcEis Frcs,o.a:exrtur$liemirted by Lar l,_v li.en.e o.under tcmrs asrcd*ilh rhe al)propl ialerp.ogrnphics.igis o.gr.izrtion Enqni.ies mr.eniig ep,!durtion outsiderhr s.ope oflhcaboyc sh.utd b.senttoihc ELTRightsDcprdnl.nl,orlotnUniveisity Pre$ar rLchdd.es aLoreYor nu$not.n llate tlis 1vdr1r in any.thcr lb.n andyod nnrsnnFs.inis s:me.onditionon 3ny a.qlircrIitrlc io dird party websites aft prdidcd 6y Oxald in slod liiLh and lorinaormtio.only.Oxlord djs.lainsanyrcsponsibiliry for 1lr nrterlh.ontained in ary third p ty s clNi.ttlepnced in dn!wofkThe Publis1e.granh pe.nn si d n L r rh c pho to.opring oa lh.s e pages marlc dlhoiocopirlrle a(o rding to the lollowing.onditio ns.I Mivid u.l prr.lxsaEnxymske coDies tbrttreiro$ruseorlorusetycla$esdutthey.:.hs.hoolpur.hascrs mrymakc.tie!forusebr*xf sndstudcnc Lut Lhi5!.rhissiondoes noterle ro addnional s.hools o.btr.hesUnderno cncunst.tr 6 nayan_vlarl.lllis booLbe lhoto.olied tu rcsrhGcneml Mrmger Anerican ELll:lauF lta$.rExeotive Publisling rvIrn33.r rik cntrdetre!ManagiogEditor:lennlaer rldtunDiE.tol rnPr Susan SangxilyExetutive Desisn Nlana.scr 11!xrirt rl:s*?dAsso.irrc Deiigl llam8er Mi.hael SiennrofdEle(oni.lrodu.dorlla ager:lrlieArmtonjrmdu.tio.Ariir:Elnsr 5io!,Jnie Sussni.PerezIodr.tion Co.dinato.:3rtrd Tn.krrr.r oor.,.l*l oe.I rtrBN:973 o194o3oq z Tea.h.r r!k 3s pi.k.onF.n.nt$rr:97s or9.103032 3lea.l1e.A.e$ci.l as pa.k.nlponcntrBN:973 o 19 4oloos 3 Tesdng Progrin CIROII xs pack.omFrcnrThis Loohn p.inied&r rrpc.ioJIJIJeICI4JJJJdIJJJaJJJeJJJJJaaJJaJaaaJaaaaaaaaaaN:!lJack C.RichardsDavid BohlkeCarmella LieskeWTTH COMPLIMENTS OTOr,irollD ujiil,iliistt-,l,ir rii.OXTORDLNllTERSITY IRNSSAsking about famlly re ationshipsDes.ribing family re ationshipsaCdIcCGCddcGlAsking abo!t someone!persona ityrypeDescr bing someone!personality typeDes.riblng similariries betwea peop eDes.r bing d fterence5 betwen peoptelnterrupting po itelyReturn ng to a topicdGlcqlgalqle/qlel*1lclqlglclGaglqlqla,lg,)q,ddJd)ddaJSaying,/hnt is allowedSay ng rhat l5 not allo,!,edCheckinq nto a hotelstating prob emsAddressing problemsOfferlng helpAccept ng and de.lininq helpa,?;I 5orry.,1y mistake.Poift ng ouI m stakes pollte yApo og zing for mistakesl4a k ng appoinlmentsContirm ng lnfornlalionfulakinq recornmendatlonsAcknou,edq ing recommendat oasAsking about childhoodRemlnisc ng about chi dhood.tused to ptay frops(otch.32t lread an unusualstoryRepolting vrhat someone saidTalkin!labout newsAddinq informationAskinq rvhen thlngs happenedSiatifg when things happenedffi*.$ehLevel Guide,*.LiPl lU like to.he.k inDo you know.,:r Listening:Li(en for reportedspeechListen,ng:Li5tenlnq lor rulesPronunciation:Reduction ofListening:Lrsten for oFfersPronun(iation:lntonation Iw)en eq!est tq nlormatonPronunciation:Reductiof of.S$)rmanonrycniraPronunciation:Stressingimporlant r,rordsListning:Listefl forpe15onality typesPronunciation:Stresg sh ftsListening:LGten forlnterruptions-Shes a born leader46Were both reliah16.ahrill$l As lwas saying.af;-l Here are some rules,l4 There are some problems16$.that would be great.aaCan lplease,.?)6lm broke.,l,$When did tney release it?l8Listening:Llsten ng for datesIII)t)IItI)III3ataaaaaataD)faaaaaaaaaaaaaIaaaaaaaExpand the speak Now student Bookressons with activitiesfrom the Murti-skifl Bonus pack,avairabreon iTools.This Level Guide provides you with a map of the course,s varioLrs resources,allowing youio buiid a rich and comprehensive syflabus.Through targeted expansion activities,students oainconfidence in English across every skill area.-:r.lity type5Visit to Rio:alinimentsDo overs.make appolntmenttand point out mistakes.-.makerecommendationS,NeW way to stayDew Drop lnnTourism service.arePrrA:Noun clausesA:Relative c auses.address prob ems onvaation.a(cept or decline help.:aaaiionsneadlines.talk abour the past.state!hen thingshappened.English Practice PakB:Expressions ofquantityC:Uslng pretty.talk about people.describe familyrelationships.Student Union PresidentElectionsFamily dramaMy HeroThe se.ret Shoppe S.oopTips for maklng medicalappolltmentsTeenTimeBest BooksWelrd News StoriesWhat makes sornethlng news?Where to stayYenisA:Pasttense5Level GuideSmeakiowReacting wlth rep y quesi onsGtFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.FGGGGtFIFGGGtFGListeningi Listen forquallicationsPronunciation:Llnklng ol!ante(onsonant 50und5Pronun.iation:Link ng t/ithl!i ar.l!)/lListening:Llsten forsLrperst t ollsPronunciation:Reductlon ofPast nroda sDescribing quallicaiioneAvoidlng a nsv,ier ngAsking aboLrt probablL ty and por5 r:-Des.riblnq prob.bilty aid po55 b i,Describing lrendsG vinq realonsAsking about!ihat5 import.:De!.r blng!rhat!nrportaniExprcsslnq re-clretsoflering so!tions io prob.tr.Asking abo!t vrhals nEce!t:f,Describing whnts necesg;r;SpeaLr atlng v,/ith more cEria riiSpecu ating!/lth ess cert.iniyr:onlmenilng posit!e),io r r!t-.:tommentln!ne.lat!e I io sLr!:r-i:ffi td rth.not ry.llld lt could be an ad for.-:il The main reason is.-41 lt needs a qood location.58a Yorr rp.td to.What does it mean?Listening:Listen for meaningsListening:Li5tenlng foi whaltnece55aryPronLrnciation:Thoughtqroup5Des.rlblnq v/hit is ep:.i.:Describ ng rhat l!nci.r-.:A5kinq what tomthin!_:_ iSaying what sonreihing m._ lA5klng about conseq!era!Descrlbinq consequenaa:fi wnat willhappen ir.lAr:.t you didn r know.t 42A good friend is loyal.14I.ould do that.46lwish Id remembered.-18Pronunciation:lls ngntonatlon in reply qLrestionsListeningi L stenlnq for ah.tis iripon.ntListeningr LiEten ng forresponses to su!gestlontPronunciation:t-lnrcleasedi,f,ill lt must have been.iftt ir L Carswillmostlikelyfly.7)That!a really good ideal 7,1lll pick you up.Pronunciation:Slress lntr,ro word verbsListening:Liten forpred.tionsPronunciationi Emphat(4akng a probab e predi.tlorl4ak ng a defrnlte predlctio-Adding emphaslsDescribing plansl4aking decislons and promrt:Asking about goa s and,/ish.:Dlscussing goals and v/ishesWhat do you hope to do?78Listening:Linen for goa sEl.EEEl-E.tttLtEFLtttttttLL.tai.!r,E.EIEaEtrtE,ED4-PackWorksFriend5hip traitsL,leking friendsRetolutlonqQualificirt onsFinal candidates for RegionalSales Manageric aailsemnisAdvertlsing acro5s culturesA:Reported speechautine5s irendsTrendspottinqReponing verbsBuiiness reviev.rsCir n a bookstore su.eed?LLt5tom5Study Abroad Cu tule GuideProverbs about appearanceSupeEtitionsWedd ng plansNewsWho mrde the Naz.a Liner?What nray happenadjectivegB:Anyth ng,Anyone,Nothlng,No one.talk aboutjobqualilications.describe pare culturadifferences.ask abo!t and describeconsequences.predict the future.-discuss goa s andwishes.ChorerA:Habitual presentvs.Future timeB:Future time contlnuedTyper ofFri.nds!e cometo Enqli!h l0llA:Conditlonalsl4 ss you.dlscLr5s whrtslmportantto friends.offer solutions to aprob em-Cyber BiLlyThe Great Pacific 6arbagePatl:hWeekend plansGraduation and beyondTeachers Eook ContentsHowtoteachwithspeakNow.vllTesting Program CD-RO4 Overview.lLessonl:lm an only child.-.2Lesson2;shes a born leader.3Lesson 3:Were both reliable.-4CCJJJCJJJGaJGtUJttGjJJJttCCcjCJJJJJJJJ!OCftaCeaaaaaalesson 4:As was sayinq,.Review Lessons l-4.561I9101l1314t5252627Review Lessons 5-8.,.-.Lesson 9:Do you knor/.,.Lesson 1o:sorry.My mlstake.Lelson 11:Can lplease.?.Lesson 12r lrn broke.Review Lessons 9-121611l819202122)32128293031Lesson 25:Youre expeated to.32Lesson 26:What does it mean?.33ContentsLesson 5i ld like to che.k in.Lesson 6:Here are some rules,.Leaaon 7:There are some probLerns.Lesson 8:That would be 9reat.Lesson 13:used to plaY hopscotch.Lesson14:she said she(as tofiY,Lesson l5:eodaiLr,.lllo.Lesson 16:When did they release it?.R6view Lessons 13-16Lesson lT:You didnt know?.Lesson 18:A good friend is loyai.Lesson l9i lcouddothat.-Lesson 20:!wish ld remembered.Review Lessons 17-20Lesson 2l:ld rather not saY.Lesson 22r lt could be an ad for.Lesson 23:The maln leason is.Lesson 24r Lt needs a good location.Review Les5ons 21_2412Teac&rerk Book Contents(continued)|-LttLttLtLLIr1,.lLLLl.bl.!al.l.a-ro-a-a-)-art,orl)Lesson 27:What wi I happen il.?Lesson28:ltmusthave been._.Review Lessons 25-28404142747A3435Lesson 29:Cars lvill rnost likely fly_373B39Lesson 30:That a rea ly good ideal.Lesson 31:I ll p.k/or.p.Lesson 32:What do you hope to do?_.Review Lessons 29-32Vocabulary Worksheets.Quizzcs Ansr.cr Ke,vQrizzes ludjo ScriptVocabulary Worksheet Answer KeysConfidence Booster Answer KeysThe Speak Now Testing Program CD-ROM contains the following:Spoken lnterview Placement TestScoring Rubric and Testing lnstructionsQuizzesQulz I euiz 5Quiz 2 euiz 6Quiz 3(luiz 7Quiz.l Quiz 8Speaking Assessment:GeneralFresentation TopicsIDicrvie(.QuestionsIole Plx,sMidterm Exam:Written;Speakingllidtenn Uiritter lxanlilidlerln Exam TOEFI_ stlle l,idrernr Written Exam Answer Keyillidter Exam TOEIC sqle,Uj.lterm Exam Audio ScriprsFinal Exam:Written;Speaking Assessment in the form of Standardized Testsljinal Urritter EIamI al!:ram TOEFL6 srfleFinal lnxnl TOEIC sqtcAdditional Teacher ResourcesSpeak No(,3 rideo S.riptsPresentation FeedbacL!ornPresentatlotl TipsAssessment in the form of Standardized TestsMidterm Erarn IEI-TSrir st1-lclinal Inam lijLTSrri sqle|inil Exam Ans er Ke),Fn1al Exam Audio ScriplsSpeak N.1!3 Class Ardio ScriptIaEFLT andfaElCqarc tegisterctl tadenatktof Educatianalretinsseui.es lErs).fhjs publt(ationisnatendaEed at apprcved byErs.ContentsFIow to teacBr a SpeakNow lessonEach lcsson has fi.e parts b.abul!1,CoN,ersaiion,Language Booster,Listening orD.o i.o,on.,d.e.r wr.l,o li.l r.Lesson lntrodu(tion.Read the lesson title as slrrdents follo1l a1ong.trVhen applicablc,have stlrdcnts anslrer thequestion.Point oui the funciions theywill be stlrd)Lng andexplain them or retord tlrerrr when rl.ccssar,i:l VocabularyThe purpose oftlis section is 10 get siLrde tsihlnking about the toPjc,acti-ate lhcir bacligrolxldkno ledge,and introduce lhern to vo.rbularlih.,tdley will use during the lesson.To Preprre tllesllLdcnts to use rhc l.ocablLlaryi PIetec.h tt.lrhen fievocabulaq.is urirmiliar to-vour students,Presentit through vnual eids(tbr exairple,photos),.1lonq.t.r,i.,.r,t o1r.Ifnecessarl,have studeits use an FingLsirLearners dictionary,Perhaps before coning tor.be,Fr-l-.tr c r,.r.l r.r.but also holi to LLSC the lvords.,oid giling students defiritions ir lheir-firstlanguage.lthough doing so ma)iDiLia11)-saveti:ne.st dents do not a.quire the language asthoroLlghll and vill rel)on their First languagertriher than developing their English abilitlln addition,-nuan.es in iangudges ohen.,rr,v,creating additional conlplicatiors as studentscontinue to use the lmguage.when-ou h.rvc tine.fLrrthcr reinforce thevocabular,v with personalization(for example,using the vocabulary in tl Lre scnten.es 2hr1tthemselves).2 ConversationThere are tlo types oflesson paiierns 1or theCoNersation section.Some ofthe lessons follort theConlersation with Additions model and otirersfollolv the Conversation with Expansions model.Teaching procedres for each lesson Pattern areolrtlined belo.Both conrsations Folloi!thc sameprocedure for Part A.(onversation with AdditionsTlis section hclps sludents be.onle coilfortahl:with thc topic and prol.ides a modelcorlersation that Lises the lunctional langu:-g:fron1 til Languxgc Booster scciion.Read thc questions a1oud.Ask stLldents l.guess Lhe ansrrers br looking at thc Photi.t,tIrl.)the audio and select stLrdents to rn:re:.Ii1cstio11s.Ilneccssary,play thc aLrdio x.sai:.lake sure students underslanrl the arrsrr:r.:the qLLcstions bl asl lg cotcept quesiion!:.r,9,BB,r pr.tcti.hg the.onl-ersatim,studerls Lre.om,:11ore ararc oFlurclional languagc nd moLe.ornforublc(ith langllagc nrthunkil Thisprepires fie for the l,anguage tsoostcr sectLon.t:ili.i11aso help thenl noticc the changes m Part ac.Tell stLLdents thal thcv wll listen to theconversntioD agaln,trut three sentences r.ri.ud,og.I r.rorr-r.:.r.1,.,le-,.P13the rudio.Clle.i.rns11er5.li 1.5.r:.o f.J e,.,.,r.1.l.,sr1lrd,L c.o,.o.u ol tl p-orrJ-.:o:.-:intonation.Have stLrdents pal attention t!r11.1rords thedid not Lrnderslaid before.Ilave students practice the coDlersatio at leasiiir.tinres.once for each rolc-2 Conversation with ExpansionsICCCCeCCCcCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCJJCcJCaaJaJaeJaeaaaaaaB.Follow ihe same procedLLre as Conversation ri:.Addiiions,P?rt A.practice thc conlersation in Part A-Liale studeots read lhe sentences belo1lthecon,crsation.TheI sllol d placc the expansltrviii How to teach a SpedkNo1,1,LessonIII)I),),aaaaaaaaaaaa)-baL.l-l-LL.LtLLLLkF:.r.i:nces in tbc conversction b,!rjting the:!:n5er otihe rcntence in the correct plae:r:l_.ir the conlersxtion:-.ck:nsr,ers as a class.Plovide anf iangrLaget.r.rt that nlal be Deeded(1or example,:.:,:r-r;i,rtion oithe bored tert).:-r,urase sludenls to read thc l e con1er salio n.r.i.StudenLs shoLrld practice both rolcs and:.:r:each other ralhcr thrn thcir books.:.:.ienrs riho finish ttre.tctilitics quickly can.:r,:iice thc conlersation again lith their o(D3 Language Booster4 Listeningrl n.:r I,.rr LoIerDLjd(rroc.on rn.rr.dea.ar-o de.Ln rne I eringStudcnls a)lisren as lnanI tirnes as needed,1fter stlldeils have listened scleral tilles youfrrr Nant to,top the rLLdro ar lel|irls s!srLrderis c-rr LL rc eilonflcic lht 11The Lislenint otlen.olrclLLdes rLiLh a Piir orka.tilitl that;11o1is stuilcnls to fersnalize!hallr:.(o.o:,br,.rg rd.r focr,nonrL,-l-o o,irr.o.h gl.lrtcr rb:,r d.-.n or.e P o-i J ior o th,.l.nts nrr Lnd to focu,on tlte contenrflrd quLCIJ.iorget to Fa)atl.niton tu ihtirtlon ar-c ,ur.:o r.I llr L orL.flr.,ro rmj d.I r rr 1 e.*rr-.i-.,.go-.con.r,ld.roLrrrI Il,.r or.i.-Ll rrP Pl,ry tirc audio,rePcithg as necessxr):A.udenL.ob iol,q.I on,lorral ur-r L,dr r,r porr,.fo eTPLe.rl)o.areieaching s,vllables,sa,v some rvords and asksturlents hort manv syllables ar.e in theln4PronunciationA-:.:Iilrlt Drolids sLLlde ts 1ith e)ianPlcs ofthe:l:r:euage.lr almost eve lesson,th larguagc:-:.boLh questions and resPorrses-orL ma,r.,r.:.h:.e stiLdents pr.rctice tile Itngutge(i e o 5 r d.,:r:!,rirg on to Part LlB,-:i.;iilit dio1rs students to geiD coDidene.:.-r:se ihe lalguage in short exchanges This:ior-lde them$ith the skilis to urake longcr-rgues later in rhe lessoo.:riied abili!,rclasses,haYe studerts lith loerEr:lish lereis nake some notes or sentne:ir:rs betore they do the actilii)These aidsrill help thcm 1o succcssfull,l complcte the:.tirit1 and further ircrease their confidence.:tier students hayc fiDished the acti-it),)ou Inal1rnt to randornhchoose a felL Pairs and

