Speak NowWorkbook 3.pdf






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Speak Now Workbook
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PAIR WORK Discuss the questions.L Do Iou think this is a good r.al to ftrd somcone to practice a language llith?Why or vhy noi?2.Whal inform.rtiorr is good to include iD this kind ofpost?Part 2iite a post to irlroduce)ourselflo a stLrdeot in anoihcr coLrntryr Isc thc blog post as a moctcl.Part 3Exchanse your post 1!lth a classmale.Hor.are lhey the sanle or difrerent?Lesson 2:VocabularyPart lAre thcsc rvords posiiive,ng.rtive,or both?Write rhern in thc diagram.In class,talk about you.ideaswith a pa rrertdtCJCCCCCJCCoaGJCCCCCCCCCCCCCctCCCtC(CCcCceCCtCCPositiveNegativePart 2Complete the sentcnces with ideas from Pari I aod your orvn irleas.lvltrke selltences that are true for.o.1r,.,1 e.,.r.rerd rglour er rtr.r.rh.r,rrr.er.1.2.should also betm a3. dorit rcall,v like people rvho areis an optimist,butis a pessimist.r good role model musiIoliorvers arc oltenshould be chss president.He/She is a(dLesson 2:Reading&WritingaaaaaaaaaaatrtaataaaataatottItaiootaaIIIaaIaIIIIaaPart 1.:.i:.:,riclctrelo*r._:lr;nudents v/ill vote for Student Union President.Votin!l:.,:!r.a ln the Student inlon betv/een 8 a.m.and 5 p.m.I he:-:,b.poned here the same evening:-:r:rs of lhcschool newspaper,wesupportl4aria Cabra forr._:.a-.is.born leader and problem so ver.When she wasr il:.les ar-rLrnninq for Student Union Presldent:Alan=f:Rimiro,Maria Cabral,Hanaa Nasser,Robcrt crirham,:=r:rrous tour guides,Cabral recorded the toLl so v sitorsr:-r,r:idently.5he also p!shed the 5chool to make the=.:jltors in wheelchalrs.CabraJ hat rreny qood ideirs|5L roil .,i l,or poi.:-h:school needs a leader and an optlmist to delelop s.hcol spirit.ir s p.Dr.-.andidates tor presLderl.ofthe schoc,l netsprper sqrp,-r t,and-.-r:ir:r used ro bc-Iher.rrill be freein thc Studcnt Ul1;on dlrirlhilrtjrlg bl)tirs.f enta wonx Dis.uss rhe questionshar qualiLies do you think make a good studerlt rresidnt?-hen hale vou had a leadership role in the pnst?Part 2f.o|le olten n.cd written rc.omnendrtioDs lor jobs or other positions.Urrite a recornrneirdatiorl forin eone-1ou knosr Llse the third paragraph lbove as a modrl.Part 3hrichange).oul recorrmendations r.ith a.lassjnate.l)id 1,.)1r mcniion ir1.similar qlralnics?A!.lher.ommendations f ersLraslve?Lesssn 3:VocabularyPart lU1scrarnble the chamcterisrics olpeople.ccdddcCdddddtddCfdCGGJCCJCGdJaaJaJdJJdJJJJJJJJl. bekefilivggri.r ln4.r eshr r.tsPart 2Ucc tb.$ordq irorn P.,rt I ro rurnpl(te eJLh senten.e.L1 cl.rss,take turns readiril the sertences l!,ithHe is.eryYou like to chrirge your pl.r s a lot,bLlt 1u.kil).ou,h ienrl is.and doesnt get upset.llhen rour brother dos sornething 1l,rong,tour mothcr cloesrir,iri1y lngry,rcry lorg.She is5.Nlol.ic slirs l1fio are dngrv o e minurc bui liind tlre ircr h.onre lamous because thry arcdoyorrilbaelre1.lVheoever vou have a prolllem,1.our un.le is always rhere 1or you.Hc is2.Er.en though he is onu-tS rears old,hc is in fis rhir(l)ellr at universtty.his.rgc.6.Shes 201ears olJ,but she Jcrs likc she is l5 Sheli7.P.oplc I.u)oLt rlill tilke c.rre ofrhings in your ct,rssroo:rr Ihe,vthirkyoLr arelir3.S.tnr*irnLl ahrrls rhinks abouL oiher pcople anLl hori LLcy lirl She isPart 3Use the lt,ords lrom Part I to lrrite the opposjrcsf.irrcsponsiblei 0exible3.unlorgiviDg5.6.2.inmatureIr class,use thc opposites lvith a partner,:NIy sister is a little irresponsible.Yesterday,she didnl call ro tcu rny morl thar she rvould be late fordinner X,Iy mom ryas$.orried.So your sistcr Deeds to be moreYeah.B:()Lesson 3:Reading&WritingPart 1R.ad the leters belor!.Dar Dr,Drama,Im getting ma.ried next month and lhave;p(oblem.My brother and ldo notgetdong.lnfa(t,we haventspoken in months.ile is oderthan lam,but he is moodyard immatore-He,s mad at me becausofsornething very small.I borrowed hiscar ofle nighi to go out with some friends.I r#6rr a liitletoo fast and we had a littlea.ideflL I hita tree,and there was a smalldent in the front and a flattire,but that iseaty ts fix,You(ould siill ree through thesa.*in the windshield.Anyway,lthink he;heuld be.nore flexible and forgiving.Now,etsjd I inyiie him to the wedding?*J!r!.:-:?d BrolherDear Eummed,It soundJ like you are the one who isimmature.You arashed your brothers rarlHe has a right to be nad at you-Have youmade a sincere apalogy?Did you ofJer topay forthe repails?I think you fieed to bemore responsib le.Apo log ize,and invite himro the wedding.Dr Dram,-i!:-ner,ie quesiions.I l1lo is Bummed having a problen,ith?lIat is happening next moDthiL his trrother older or younger?ht did Bummd have Jn dL.iderralghat happened to the car?ll.5.6-lYhat does Dr Drama tel ummd to do?+PAIRWORK Discuss the questions_l.Urho do you agree with more,Bummed or his brother?Why?2.What do you think of Dr Dramat adr.ice?Part 2Vrite a letter to Dr.Drama asking for advice.Describea real or imaginary problem you are having orhad in the past with someone in your family.Part 3Exchange letters lvith a classmate.Write a resporse.Lesson 4:VocabularyIead the conversations.What values are they talking rbout?hrite,Your ansaer on the line.In class,talk about hy you chose the values.Then p ctice the conversations lrilh a PartnereCCCCeCCeCCCCcaCtCCaCCCCIIttaaaaaIIIaIetaaaaaaaaa1.B:8.and9.R:1.A:I dont understand this hon)ework ai alllB:Doni lvorry.Ill help,You.2.Mom:ll.,r nnportant to help your tilends lheD dley necd it.And nol to gossip aboufihcm.And ilsomeone says sometling bad about them,you shouldnt agrec.Son:I kno!,Morn.ou tell nre all ihe iinlell.A:lvlateo allvays uses Mr.ard lrs.when he is talking f ilh PeoPle hejlrst mel.B:And he never interrupts.4.A:h1hr nc.er tlls a lie.B:Yl:ah,and at a store,ifsonleone gives him too much mtrrel,hc iever keeps it5.6.and-,lladio announcer:L.ast ni8ht,lhere l,as a big l-j.c on Xixin and First.Bcforc the firefighkrsgol lhere,somc neighbors xent into the horNe and helped the peoplel-!have a cxllcr$,ho lvxs th.Ie.Crller:1t rrrs amxzlDg.The fire,r,as eYeqrthere.Unt the ncighbors lvent i,cven tho|gh itwas really dangerous.:Last ght I.Sher slatcd at s.hool to h.h rrre rnltil 8:00.B:lie!re.tlll grcat.He al11-a)s gives sru.lcris help,e!cn uhen h.needs to do othcr thrrrglvlassimo doesnt give up.lfhe cdn t do sornethlng,he kecps prxcticjng until he can.I knorv I sarv him practicing basketball for four hodrs last S.rturdxylNelvs rcporter 1:And now,a fanlastic stor,Lcst oight,there 1,as a big car accident.Nerys reporter 2:Thats right,Bob-Two cars drove by without doing an)thing.But then a mrn siopped to he1p,and because ofhim,no one died.Nevs reporter l:lle re inds us that jl is important to helP others.lhal te.rnr is lamous because when theIt,ir,lhe,v are reallykind to the other team.ADd whc.ihcvlose,thel arekind,too.Lesson 4:Reading&Writingaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-)a-a-a-a-ra-ra-tlfPart 1,.i rl:r rsrar behw:rn Ei army genEral!,ol prerid-nts,or:a:off,:ar5.A hero i!tomeone,Yho:rrn!ii forrr lifc,maybe even taves it.lMy:_.lr.i I2 year oLd girl r/ho!e name I.=-.:i.child,I had rnanyproblcm5.:_:r:!.r and v/as firnny looklng.I hid-r.:r-.!iu.k oul all over my head.L.:-,.:.:ch problem.!couldnt sa-v:,i.r,lmirt,but I nevar lalkedi:_:-:r-.rkidsteat.d me.They;omellnes thty pushedOnc dn,a couple of boy!stalted topush rne around on the p ayground.They lhrer,r niy books on the!,lroufd andripped my honref/ork.0ther kidt(oodaround v/alchin9,bLrt no one did anything.5!ddenly,a!lrl pushed her lvay tolvardt thetr1o boys.stop beinq bullies:she said.They la!ghedat her.She u/asnl afraid.She picked up rnybooks afd hinded them to me.The lc.sin!l dklnt ltop that day,but nry feardid.Her coorpa5siorr and kifdnest llave rnetlre courage to stand up for mysellcome in all shapes and sizes.TheYaj tlle gl,I,l the girltr rh.Birll l th.girlL,thc girlLl th.gi,l:,:;:,r1,lt llro hare each qualiLlth.,r iL.r rl the borsiir.l.ril.f fl the Lr-,rsI Ll:r ririter!the bor,;I drc nrirer L-rhe irolsa rh.iritr fl drebolsll the rvritrr tr Lhcbolsi:=_ petnwonx r,j.tioii Lr rrrs the lrriter teased so m!ch?:!1n1,.onrmon do)or ihink bullt ing is?h,v does lt hafPeni-.:i.1(iu cler scen oI enperjenced bullf ing?Pa rt 2.,:ri1-:ror:r hero.Vho is it7 Ulhat d he orrhe do for r:Lr?Ihat qLralltics does hc/she have?Part 3ir:.:ihaLce the.les.rqtiou rrilh a.lissrlrate llon are|our heroes srniiar or dilGrent?()l-essons 1-4:Video Clozealch A Weekend Aa,Et and filt iD the blanks.NIar;,I 1lis is perfecr.lve gcr to go ro Nelrlbrk Cit)l lin so exc edlEdc:s the hotel you and,ill srayjng ill OK?jUa.ii:I think so.It looked realty nice in t|epi.tures.rue you ervous about star.insEric:Sometimes,I ryish I lvere mor-lik.than mc,too.or)Ueyl So are youl And youie reatty.eeeeeeeCGtGcctccddddddddtdddddddcIGGGGelbrn:Not rt alll Iil)!spciia y hisVhere r lll,by rhc rylMa.ia:I dont know.She said she rvas on Ltrlr.t).Irie Shc ahays says rhat.lvell,1!e sLjll hrl,cso.re tiJlre lelt betore our bus.)lrria:So,llic.1!hrt!voLrrbrorherlikc?Iri.:H.l,r th,l!ith Eri.ser.iled to rreet them.ilet xfrien(ls.And hc has an au,esotrre job.lIcm kes rpps tor snrarrlionL.s.Ues anirm.tr aior and:L _r6)aII.ria:Wolv.He sornrds soleah.FIe!myI cant wait to meer himbut I just got a texr frorn Iill that she!on her Nay dolvn.Eic:So,lvlnt was I itrlkint about?Tom:Your brothei and horv hc.s sociable.Eric:Right.Ib,nr I lhnrk.rc can lcnr.a lor,)t_ lrom our fanlit,Tom:Maria:Eric:Iiaria:rr)Thanks,guys.t.rnterrupt.lrr)Iill:sorry su).s.Eric:fitl,rteie only goitlg to be rhere for tlrLrda,vs.Iill:I know.uriirlom:,ilat?Iill:I lorgot someihnrg upsrnirsE c:Whrt did you forget?Jill:I definitely need another shirt.Eric/Ntaria/:NOITomLessonsl-4:Grammar AIaaaaaaa)has dn;dieqtive form.Part 1CompLele the senLen.s lilh the correct form oic;r.Iill-to enphin the situation lo her daughterNeed can be used as a nbun.-.rn:rra i5 ln need of a ne,r dressfib:i6ra needs a new dressAdjEcriverThey help needy.hlldrenPart 2Rewrite the scntnces$ith the words in parnthesesl.llrik is inof ll ptace lo sk)lhen goes or his triP nxt lleek3.I have enough mone).fhere is no,1.Deborah doesnt tike 1o be alone ln Iact she is5.That salescierir ivas rrdean apologl fron her.6.Nonlca rcallyto be more resPonsiblc-L lenra needs to b more rellable.(hxve to)2.tr4ark recds to lake rnore rcsponsibility(sllolrld)3.You necd to be less judg ental(must).1.l-isa ceds to visit her Parents(havc got to)-s.l.ce reeds to e-mall hjs fiancde(should)Uses of need!-essons1-4:Grammar BExpressions of quantityall(loo9o)almolt all(95 99Eo)mon(a large part;the majoritysome(a tmallto medium part)both 2)one l)no e(09o,not one of)PAII IConlplete lhe scnten.es ithdescribe how much or how many:of quantity top!u.al.When usirg6ne,the verb isAll ofmysiblin!ls are olderth.n nre.Alrirost all of my friends have small families.Most of my friel)ds are reliable and considerateSome of my aousins live near us.Both of my parentt are Iedahels.one ofmy brothers is an engineer.None of rny fuiends have(.rs.dCGGCCCCCCCCCcJJCeJCaeaaJJaaaaaaaaaaaaaIIIIIIaIIIthe subject and veYb must agreeA!l of the students are in class today.Most o;my relatives ave sociable.5ome cfthese ilook5 ave lnterestin!1.llhen using iroth,the verb is alray6alw.ys;!ngular.Allofthe pizza is gone.Mosl of rny family epeaks PortugLrese.50 c sf this book i5 bolinq.I have ti/o ciiruqhlers.BGih df tlxrrm ere very seei and inte lillentone,rf my sister5 i5 n nurse,when using none,if the subject i5 s;ngular,plurat,the verb cafl t d singular or plural-lhe verb is singular.lf t

