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11月 作文 语料库 11
晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班1作文语料库作文语料库-2024-2024 考研考研1111 月更新月更新 一、热门表达一、热门表达主题主题中文中文英文英文人生品质类人生品质类团队精神/合作/团结teamwork spirit/cooperation=collaboration/solidarity=unity实事求是seek truth from facts尊老爱幼respect the old and care for the young孝顺的美德the virtue of filial piety规章制度rules and regulations乐于助人be ready to help others坚持梦想hold fast to my dream/stick with my dream社 会 生 活社 会 生 活/文化类文化类悠久灿烂的历史和文化the time-honored and splendid history and culture沉重的医疗负担a heavy burden of medical care区域体化regional integration带路倡议the Belt and Road Initiative改革开放政策the policy of reform and opening up声名鹊起rise to fame在社交媒体上刷实时新闻scrolling through real-time news feeds on social media刷微信朋友圈browse WeChat Moments刷抖音browse TikTok跟风jump on the bandwagon直播带货live-streaming sales短视频社交平台a social platform for short videos刷屏时间screen time阖家团圆family reunion黄金时光(尤指关爱子女,增进感情的)quality time岌岌可危的关系a stale relationship及时行乐instant gratification国际舞台the international arena钻法律的漏洞exploit a legal loophole渡过难关;走出困境weather the storm酒肉朋友fair-weather friend经济类经济类以经济建设为中心focusing on the central task of economic construction当地经济发展的支柱a pillar of local economic development加强国际竞争力sharpen the international competitiveness人民生活改善the improvement in peoples living conditions国民经济正在迅there has been a rapid expansion of national economy晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班2速发展生活水平提高raise/elevate the living standard=have a higher standard ofliving=live on a higher plane促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and modeof economic growth消除贫困get rid of/alleviate poverty缩小贫富差距narrow the gap between(the rich and the poor/the haves andthe have-nots)信用危机credit crisis职场the world of work客服人员customer service staff剥削员工exploit employees压榨员工的雇主exploitative employers带薪年/产假paid annual/parental leave同工同酬equal pay for equal work/pay for equal work网络外卖服务online food-delivery services 二、高分替换句二、高分替换句(一)(一)通用通用表达推荐:表达推荐:1.(主题词)(主题词)deservesdeserves toto bebe takentaken moremore seriouslyseriously(主题词)应该受到更多重视【例】校园暴力话题:School bullying deserves to be taken more seriously.健康话题:The prevalence of overweight and obesity deserves to be taken more seriously.环境话题:Global warming deserves to be taken more seriously.2.TheThe samesame is is truetrue for/of.for/of.或或 TheThe samesame holdsholds truetrue for.for.也是如此(表前后两个事物符合同样的规律。由于 the same 是指代前面出现的某个事实,因此视为单数,后面谓语动词要用三单形式。)【例】Vocational schools need to equip students with the essential skills needed in thecorporate world,such as teamwork and communication skills.The same holds truefor universities.职业学校需要使学生具备职场所必需的关键技能,比如团队合作和沟通技能。高校也是如此。晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班33.随着经济快速发展 替换传统表达:with the development of.(1)sth.improves/develops/advances by leaps and bounds.sth.取得巨大的进步例:The live-streaming industry has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years.近年来,直播行业迅速发展。升级为时间状语:As sth.has developed/improved/advanced by leaps and bounds overthe past two decades,.例:As science and technology improves by leaps and bounds over the past two decades,people can save much time and improve their living quality.过去二十年中,随着科技的快速发展,人们可以节约很多时间,并且提高生活质量。4.n./thosen./those withwith sth+sth+带比较级的谓语带比较级的谓语+than+than thosethose without.without.有某物的人有某物的人/国家国家/地方比没有地方比没有 N N 的人的人/国家国家/地方更地方更.(those+后置定语表示某类人)【例 1】Those with a degree are far more likely to find employment than those without.有学位的人找到工作的可能性远高于没有学位的人。【例 2】Nations with abundant natural resources tend to be more economically prosperousthan those without.拥有大量自然资源的国家通常比那些没有大量自然资源的国家经济更加繁荣。5.make headway in sth.在方面取得进展【例】The reinvention of Japans power supply is not making much headway.日本电力供应升级改造并未取得多大进展。6.SthSth is is designeddesigned to.,to.,butbut in in practice,.practice,.某事的目的是某事的目的是,但实际上,但实际上,(前句表示某种理论情况,转折后引出真实发生的情况。在进行理论与现实的对比时,可套用;其中 be designed to=be meant to/be supposed to/be intended to,表示旨在,目的是)【例】University education is designed to prepare students for entry into society,but inpractice,many graduates find it difficult to land a decent job because employers tend to晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班4demand evidence of specific experience from candidates.大学教育的目的是使学生为步入社会做好准备,但实际上,很多毕业生发现找一份体面的工作并非易事,因为雇主通常要求求职者具有具体经验的证明。7.ThereThere areare numerousnumerous reasonsreasons why.,why.,andand I I wouldwould likelike toto exploreexplore a a fewfew of of thethe mostmostimportantimportant onesones here.here.为什么为什么.,原因很多,在此列举几个较为重要的原因。,原因很多,在此列举几个较为重要的原因。【例】There are numerous reasons why this measure should be taken,and I would like toexplore a few of the most important ones here.为什么要采取这项措施的原因很多,在此列举几个较为重要的原因。8.makemake greatgreat stridesstrides in in sth.sth.在某事上大踏步前进(取得巨大进步)在某事上大踏步前进(取得巨大进步)被动语态:Significant/Great/Huge strides have been made in.例:气候变化话题:Huge strides have been made in tackling climate change.扶贫话题:Great strides have been made in reducing poverty.空气污染话题:Significant strides have been made in reducing air pollution in China.9.FurtherFurther complicatingcomplicating thethe picturepicture is is.更为棘手的是更为棘手的是【例】Further complicating the picture is the reality that American democracy and politicalcohesion are at risk to a degree not seen since the middle of the nineteenth century.更加棘手的是,美国民主和政治凝聚力正面临着 19 世纪中叶以来前所未有的危险。10.countercounter thethe effectseffects of of sthsth=mitigatemitigate thethe effectseffects of of sthsth 减轻减轻(某事的不良影响某事的不良影响)【例】Extra-curricular activities can help students counter/mitigate the effects of academicpressure.课外活动有助于学生减轻学业压力的影响。(二)作文模板替换句(二)作文模板替换句1.1.1 10 0 大万能原因大万能原因(第二段)(第二段)(1 1)社会风气)社会风气晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班5According to research,acting more extroverted than you actually are can backfire,takinga substantial toll on your mental health and energy levels,potentially canceling outthe personal and professional benefits of seeming like an extrovert.研究表明,表现得比实际情况更外向可能会适得其反,对你的心理健康和精力水平造成重大影响,可能也不会获得看起来像一个外向的人所带来的个人和职业的好处。As womens working options expand,the opportunity cost of their time will grow,makingthe trade-off between family and career more difficult.随着女性工作选择的扩大,她们时间的机会成本将增加,使家庭和事业之间的权衡变得更加困难。(可用于图表类和文字材料类)In rich countries,fertility may rise,or at least fall at a slower rate,if norms,policies andthe market for child care make it easier for a woman to have children and a career.在富裕国家,如果有规范(标准)、政策和儿童保育市场使女性养育孩子的同时也可以拥有事业变得容易的话,生育率可能会上升,或至少以较慢的速度下降。(可用于图表类和文字材料类)In countries with,say,supportive family policy or fathers who take on a greater share ofchild-care duties,one would expect working women to have more children than in the past.在那些有支持性家庭政策或父亲承担更多照顾孩子责任的国家,人们便可以期望职业女性比过去生育更多的孩子。(可用于图表类和文字材料类)(2 2)社会思想转变)社会思想转变【词组推荐】:gravitate to/towards sth.被.吸引(可用于英一大作文第一段描述)例:With job prospects dimming,an increasing number of graduates gravitate to civil-servicejobs.就业前景不明朗,越来越多的毕业生青睐公务员工作。晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班6Many young people gravitate to the cities in search of work.许多年轻人被吸引到城里找工作。Fresh graduates once gravitated to higher-paying jobs in big firms.Now,amid skyrocketingliving costs and lingering uncertainties brought on by the coronavirus pandemic,a large andgrowing proportion of college-leavers eschew private-sector jobs in favour of stablegovernment jobs.应届毕业生曾经被大公司的高薪工作所吸引。现在,在生活成本飙升和冠状病毒大流行带来的持续不确定性的情况下,越来越多的大学毕业生放弃私营部门工作,而倾向于稳定的政府工作。(3 3)社会之经济科技发展)社会之经济科技发展【词组推荐】【词组推荐】eschew A in favour of B 表示避开 A,选择 B,不选 A,选择 B例:In the past two decades,consumers in both rich and poor countries haveincreasingly eschewed cash in favour of paying with their mobile phones.在过去的 20 年里,无论是富国还是穷国的消费者都越来越少使用现金,而更倾向于用手机支付。(4 4)疫情)疫情(远程办公)(远程办公)A large and growing number of people eschew their daily commute in favour of workingremotely.越来越多的人避开日常通勤,选择远程工作。(5 5)个人(大学生应不应该实习)个人(大学生应不应该实习)Gone are the days when a degree guaranteed you a decent job.Today,potential employersare looking for candidates who stand out and there is no better way to do that than bytaking an internship.学历保证你能获得一份体面工作的日子已经一去不复返了。如今,未来的雇主们正在寻找脱颖而出的候选人,而没有比参加实习更好的方法了。晶婷老师晶婷老师 2024 作文弟子班作文弟子班7 四、名言警句四、名言警句1.1.文化类文化类1.11.1 阅读阅读(1)He who reads for the pursue of freedom cant ever be conquered for he understandsthat the core value of reading.一个通过阅读来追求自由的人,是永远不会被征服的,因为他明白阅读的真正意义。(2)A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.A man who never reads lives only one.携书犹历三千世,无书唯只度一生。(3)The best moments in reading are when you come across something:a thought,afeeling,a way of thinking at things,which you had thought special and particular toyou.读书最美妙的时刻,就是当你读到某种思想、感受、思维方式,你以为仅有自己才能体会到的,却与作者产生了共鸣。(4)A book is like an axe that can break the ice frozen in our hearts.一本书就像一把利斧,可以劈开我们冰封的心。(5)Are you ready to talk to the great minds of the past?你准备好了吗?开始跟那些人类伟大的灵魂对话。1.1.人生哲理类人生哲理类(1)You cant do anything about the length of your life,but you can do something about its width and depth.H.L.Mencken你对生命的长度无能为力,但你可以对生命的宽度和深度有所作为。门肯

