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英语 黄皮书
国产品牌日系品牌美系品牌2008 年2009 年40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%.Developing.countriesDeveloped.countries4 bilion3 bilion2 bilion1 bilion0Mobile-phone-subscriptions(2000-2008)满意不清楚不满意 40 岁16.7%50.0%33.3%41-50 岁0.0%36.0%64.0%50 岁40.0%50.0%10.0%年龄组满意度2010年真题2012年真题某公司员工工作满意度调查2008年、2009年国内轿车市场部分品牌市场份额示意图2011年真题200020012002200320042005200620072008(year)英语二黄皮书历年真题范文英语二黄皮书历年真题范文大一67.7771.1371.9388.24百分比(%)大二大三大四10090807060504030201002013年真题某高校学生兼职情况20 年间中国城镇人口、乡村人口变化图单位.(百万)城镇人口乡村人口90080070060050040030020010001990 年2000 年2010 年2014年真题2015年真题春节花销聚会吃饭 20%其它 20%交通 20%新年礼物 40%15%37%33%6%9%欣赏风景缓解压力交朋友培养独立能力其它某高校学生旅行目的调查2016年真题2013-2015 年我国博物馆数量和参观人数10000800060004000200002013 年博物馆数量(家)参观人数(十万人次)4165451046977811717703782014 年2015 年2017年真题2017 年某市消费者选择餐厅关注的因素其它因素4.7%价格8%环境24.2%服务26.8%特色36.3%2018年真题某高校 2013 年、2018 年毕业生去向80.0%70.0%60.0%50.0%40.0%30.3%20.0%10.0%0.0%68.1%60.7%26.3%34.0%2013 年2018 年1.3%2.6%就业升学创业2%17%20.5%59.5%某高校学生使用手机阅读目的学习打发时间浏览信息其它2019年真题2020年真题微博是花满楼啊是花满楼啊 公众号:备考窝备考窝整理2010 年真题年真题As is demonstrated in the diagram,from 2000 to 2008,the mobile-phone subscriptionnumber grew sharply from 0.5 billion to 4 billion in developing countries.Contrastingly,duringthe same period,there was only a moderate increase(from 0.7 billion to 1 billion)in developedcountries.Different performance was due to different market environment.In developing countries,themobile phone market hadnt reached saturation.Considering the population size there,the numberof potential customers would be enormous.Thanks to the economic boom,an increasing numberof potential customers gradually joined the market,resulting in the take-off of mobile phonesubscriptions.However,in developed countries,there was a saturated market,leaving little roomfor growth.Since the mobile phone market remains vast and the economy is still growing steadily indeveloping countries,the number of mobile phone subscribers there will continue to grow at a fastrate;nevertheless,the growth will slow down as the market reaches saturation.In comparison,themarket has reached saturation in developed countries,so the growth of mobile phone subscriptionnumber is expected to remain stagnant unless extra demand is stimulated.如上图所示,自 2000 年至 2008 年,发展中国家的手机用户量从 5 亿猛增到了 40 亿。与此相对,在同一时段,发达国家的手机用户量只有缓慢的增长(从 7 亿到 10 亿)。不同的市场表现取决于不同的市场环境。在发展中国家,手机市场并没有达到饱和。考虑到其庞大的人口,潜在消费者的数量是巨大的。由于经济的腾飞,越来越多的潜在消费者进入手机市场,引起了手机用户量的猛增。然而,在发达国家,由于市场已经饱和,使得手机用户量的增长余地很少。在发展中国家,由于手机市场广阔,并且经济仍然在稳步地发展,手机用户量将会持续快速增长。然而,随着市场达到饱和,增速也会逐渐下降。相比之下,发达国家的市场已经达到饱和,因此,除非刺激额外的需求,手机用户量的增长将会停滞不前。微博是花满楼啊是花满楼啊公众号:备考窝备考窝 整理模板应模板应用用:分析反映两个对象不同增量的图表分析反映两个对象不同增量的图表As is demonstrated in the diagram,from 年份 to 年份,grew sharply from 数据to 数据 in 地点.Contrastingly,during the same period,there was only a moderate increase(from数据 to 数据)in 地点.Different performance was due to different.In,.Considering,the number ofwould be.Thanks to,an increasing number of,resulting in the take-off of.(分析对象 1 增长快速原因)However,in,therewas,leaving little room for growth.(分析对象 2 增长缓慢的原因)Since,the numberthere will continue to grow at a fast rate;nevertheless,the growth will slow down as.(预测对象 1 的增长情况)1n comparison,sothe growth ofis expected to remain stagnant unless.(预测对象 2 的增长情况)写作储备写作储备话题表达补充话题表达补充手机用户增长手机用户增长The mobile phone subscription number increased considerably.手机用户量大为增加.Growing 45 percent annually for the past four years,mobile phone subscriptions have hit 5.9billion throughout the world.过去四年手机用户每年增长 45%,全球手机用户已经达到了 59 亿.5billion mobile subscriptions added to the count.手机用户又增长了 50 亿。市场的状况市场的状况market demand 市场需求,the expanded demand of customers 消费者需求的增加,a broad market 一个广阔的市场,purchasing power 购买力,Supply falls short of demand.供不应求,Supply exceeds demand.供过于求。2011 年真题年真题Chinas auto market was still dominated by Japanese,Chinese and American brands.American cars remained the third most popular in the market with a slight increase in marketshare.A noticeable change occurred in Japanese and Chinese brands.Japanese brands,whose shareof market slipped by almost10%,were displaced from their leading position by Chinese brands,which expanded their share by nearly the same margin.The performance of American brand cars is to be expected,given their worldwide fame andreliable quality.The big change in the performance of Japanese and Chinese brands seems suddenbut is not unexpected.Chinese auto producers had narrowed the technology gap betweenthemselves and foreign competitors,and cleverly switched their promotion strategies to satisfyChinese customers appetite for a bargain.When Chinese brands were growing,Japanese brandswere hit by reputation crisis caused by frequent quality complaints.The plight of Japanese brands is the reminder that quality is the soul of products.Hopefully,Chinese automakers will consistently guarantee high quality,thereby protecting their ownreputation to maintain market popularity.中国汽车市场仍然由日本、中国和美国品牌占据。美国车份额有小幅增长,仍然是第三。日本、中国品牌变化明显。日本品牌的市场份额下降了约 10%,其市场主导地位被中国品牌取代,后者市场份额增加了几乎相当幅度。鉴于美国品牌汽车的世界声誉和可信赖的质量,其表现是预料之中的。日本和中国品牌表现的巨大变化看起来很突然,但也是预料之中的。中国汽车制造商已经缩小了自己与外国竞争者之间的技术差距,并聪明地改变了其推广策略以满足中国消费者对便宜商品的喜好。在中国品牌发展的同时,日本品牌因频繁的质量投诉遭到信誉危机的打击。日本品牌的困境提醒一个事实:质量是产品的灵魂。希望中国汽车制造商能一贯保证好的质量,因此保护自己的声誉以保持市场受欢迎程度。模板应用:模板应用:可选用该思路中的语句分析市场占有率排名有变化的图表,如若图表反映的是可选用该思路中的语句分析市场占有率排名有变化的图表,如若图表反映的是三个品牌中市场占有率前两名排名有变化的情况,则可全盘借用范文中的表达。三个品牌中市场占有率前两名排名有变化的情况,则可全盘借用范文中的表达。market was still dominated bybrands.remained the third mostpopular in the market with a slight increase/decline in market share.A noticeable change occurredinbrands.,whose share of market slipped by almost%,were displaced from theirleading position by,which expanded their share by.The performance ofis to be expected,given their.The big change in theperformance ofseems sudden but is not unexpected.具体后来者得到第一名位置的主观原因.Whenwere growing,were hit by reputation crisis caused by.(阐释昔日冠军失去第一名位置的主观原因)The plight ofis the reminder thatis the soul of products.Hopefully,willconsistently guarantee,thereby protecting their own reputation to maintain market popularity.写作储备写作储备话题表达补充话题表达补充市场份额上涨的原因市场份额上涨的原因:technological improvement 技术进步,effective price strategy 有效的价格策略,price advantage 价格优势,top quality 质量上乘,competitive market analysis,promotionand marketing activities 有竞争力的市场分析、推广和市场活动市场份额下降的原因:市场份额下降的原因:poor quality 质量不好,unable to satisfy customers taste 无法满足客户的喜好,fall behind in technological race 在技术竞赛中落后,the emergence of a strongcompetitor 出现强有力的竞争对手写作素材积累写作素材积累Car sales have been increasing at a rocketing rate,making China the worlds second-largestvehicle market by unit sales after the U.S.汽车销量以火箭速度快速增加,使中国仅次于美国,成为单位销售量第二大的机动车市场。For years,China has promoted the auto business,viewing it as a critical driver of economicgrowth and industrialization.多年来,中国推广汽车产业,将其视为经济增长和工业化的主要动力。Government officials are increasingly worried about the environmental and social costs ofChinas rapid shift to car driving,which has helped cover cities in air pollution,noisy traffic andcontributed to a surge in roadway-accident deaths.政府官员越来越担心中国快速变为汽车驾驶(的国度)的环境和社会代价,向汽车驾驶(国度)的转变已使城市饱受空气污染和喧闹交通的困扰,并导致车祸死亡人数的上升。2012 年真题年真题Employees above 50 years old were most likely to report satisfaction,with 40%of themindicating they were content.Employees 40 years or younger were less willing to declaresatisfaction,only 16.7%of whom said they were satisfied;instead,a third of whom expresseddissatisfaction.Employees in the 41-to-50 age group were surely unhappiest:none of them feltsatisfied and the percentage of respondents reporting dissatisfaction was as high as 64%.There is a significant difference in job satisfaction by employee age.The difference relates totheir career situation.Employees at the age from 41 to 50,less energetic than younger crowd andless competent than older professionals,reach a career plateau.The consequent sense ofpowerlessness is strong enough to reduce them to deep dissatisfaction.In contrast,youngercolleagues,in spite of occasional confusion,are mostly in an upward spiral and understandablywill feel happier.As for elder colleagues,many of them have achieved career maturity and theircareers are going to be crowned with relaxing retirement life.Not surprisingly,they are thehappiest.It is clear that career troubles will afflict people at all ages.For lasting happiness with ourjobs,positive attitude is necessary.50 岁以上的雇员最可能报告他们对工作满意,40%的人表示他们满意。40 岁以下的雇员更不愿意宣称对工作满意,只有 16.7%的人说他们满意,相反三分之一的人表达了不满。41 岁至 50 岁之间的雇员肯定是最不快乐的:没有人感到满意,声称不满意的比例高达 64%。工作满意度因雇员年龄不同有巨大的差异。这样的差别与职场情形相关,41 岁至 50 岁的人不如更年轻的人有活力、不如更年长的专业人士有能力,进入职场高原(停滞不前的局面)。相应的无力感如此之强,让他们陷入深深的不满。与此相对,除了偶尔感到困惑,年轻的同事通常处在上升阶段,自然感到更高兴。至于年长的同事,他们大部分职业发展已经成熟,他们的职场生涯将以休闲退休生活的形式圆满结束。他们最快乐一点不奇怪。很明显职场问题会困扰所有年龄的人。为了一直对工作感到满意,积极的态度是必需的。模板应用:模板应用:适用于分析体现满意度差异的表格适用于分析体现满意度差异的表格were most likely to report satisfaction,with%of them indicating they werecontent.were less willing to declare satisfaction,only%of whom said they weresatisfied;instead,比例 of whom expressed dissatisfaction.were surely unhappiest:比例 ofthem felt satisfied and the percentage of respondents reporting dissatisfaction was as high as%.There is a significant difference insatisfaction by.The difference relatesto,.The consequent sense of 体现负面情绪的名词 is strong enough toreduce them to deep dissatisfaction.In contrast,and understandably will feel happier.Asfor,.Not surprisingly,they are the happiest.It is clear that.For lasting happiness with,is necessary.写作储备写作储备话题表达补充话题表达补充工作满意度影响因素工作满意度影响因素career advance opportunities 职业发展机会,relationship with management 与领导层的关系,relationship with co-workers 与同事的关系,work environment 工作环境,organizations financial stability 组织的财务稳定性 benefits 利益。写作素材积累写作素材积累1.Organizations understand that employee job satisfaction and engagement are important to theirbusiness sustainability.组织清楚员工工作满意度和投入度对企业可持续发展至关重要。2.Employee satisfaction and engagement are very individual issues that are influenced by anemployees personal life,professional situation,expectations and values.员工满意度和参与度是个人事务,受员工个人生活、职业环境、期望和价值观的影响。3.Employees continue to seek competitive wages,an appreciative climate and workplaceflexibility.职员继续寻求有竞争力的薪水、彼此欣赏的环境以及工作环境的灵活。2013 年真题年真题The rate of college students taking part-time jobs during school time rises annually from67.77%in the first year to 88.24%in the final year.The biggest increase occurs in the graduationyear,with the rate 16%higher than a year ago.College students will become increasingly willing to work part-time mainly because of thegrowing wish to gain practical experience to prepare for their later careers.It is reasonable andwise to do such preparation especially after unemployment reached a record high in early 2013.Another motive is obviously the money.As the school year advances,there will be huger costs ofstudying materials and social events,undoubtedly pushing students to reap money from part-timejobs.It can indeed be beneficial for college students to be part timers.However,the risk of erosionof study time should be also considered.To benefit from part-time jobs without sufferingacademically,students should learn to strike a balance.在校大学生兼职比例逐年上升,从大一 67.77%到大四 88.24%。最大增幅发生在大四,其比率比前一年高 16%。大学生会越来越愿意从事兼职工作,主要源于日益迫切地希望为之后的职业生涯做准备而积累实际经验。做这样的准备是有道理且明智的,尤其在 2013 年上半年失业人数创下历史新高后更是如此。另一个动机明显是金钱,当学生进入高年级,学习资料和社交会花费更多,无疑迫使学生从兼职中获得收入。大学生兼职的确是有益的。但是,也不能忽视学习时间会遭到侵蚀的风险。要从兼职中获益的同时不损害学业,学生应该学会谋求平衡。模板应用:模板应用:适用于描写和分析反映百分比上升的图表适用于描写和分析反映百分比上升的图表The rate ofrises annually from%in 年份 to%in 年份.The biggest increaseoccurs in 年份,with the rate%higher than a year ago.will become increasingly willing to,mainly because of the growing wishto.It is reasonable and wise toespecially after.Another motive isobviously.As,there will be,undoubtedly pushingto.It can indeed be beneficial forto.However,the risk ofshould be alsoconsidered.To benefit fromwithout,should.写作储备写作储备话题表达补充口话题表达补充口兼职目的兼职目的:relieve economic burden of family 缓解家庭经济负担,become financially capable totravel and socialize 有资本去旅游和交际,gain the insight into the real society 了解真正的社会,put knowledge into practice 学以致用,flexible schedule 灵活的时间安排兼职可能遇到的问题:兼职可能遇到的问题:reduction in time available for study 减少用于学习的时间,cheatn.骗子、骗局,infringement on personal rights 对个人权利的侵犯写作素材积累写作素材积累1.The numbers of students working in part-time jobs are increasing enormously in retailing,hoteland other consumer service industries.在零售业、旅馆和其它客户服务行业,从事兼职工作的学生数目大幅增长。2.The transition from school to work has become more complicated.It causes studentsparticipation in part-time labour market.从学校到工作的过渡更加复杂。这造成了学生加入兼职劳动力市场。3.Using student workers can be seen as a flexible option for many organizations.聘用学生作为工作人员被许多组织视为一种机动选择。4.Restaurant,retail and hospitality employers,nonprofit groups and labor-intensive industries relyon part-time help to minimize payroll costs.餐厅、零售和招待行业的雇主、非盈利组织以及劳动密集型行业依靠兼职的帮助减少薪水开支。2014 年真题年真题From 1990 to 2010 while moderate increase occurred in total population in China,populationdistribution experienced a dramatic shift.Urban population increased considerably from 300million to 670 million;contrastingly rural population declined from 820 million to 680 million.The population gap narrowed largely because of the joint effects of urbanization and unequaleconomic opportunities.The 20 years urban sprawl caused millions of peasants to be passivelytransformed into city residents.Meanwhile,many more peasants initiatively chose to.leave theirhometown.In the 20 years,while urban living standards were largely improved,few economicopportunities fell on rural areas,making most peasants remain at the poverty line.Povertyprompted the call for change and healthy young peasants were driven to flock to cities to make abetter living.The increase in urban population is a sure indication of economic achievement.However,weshould not ignore the inability of many urban newcomers to integrate into cities due to lack ofeducation and civilized habits.They wandered around in the cities as urban paupers,isolated fromcities prosperity and convenience.In this sense,we cannot be superficially satisfied with theoptimistic figure,but should endeavor to foster integration of newcomers.1990 年到 2010 年间,中国总人口数温和上涨,但人口分布经历了巨大的变化。城市人口从 3 亿上涨到了 6.7 亿,上涨数量可观,与之相对的是农村人口从 8.2 亿下降到 6.8 亿。(城乡)人口差距缩小主要由于城市化和不公平经济机会的联合作用。20 年的城市扩张导致了数百万农民被动地变为城市居民。同时,更多的农民主动选择离开家乡。20 年里,城市生活水平得到了大幅提高,但农村几乎没有获得经济机会,使大多数农民依然处于贫困中。穷则思变,健康、年轻的农民涌入城市,试图谋得更好的生活。城市人口的增加无疑是经济成就的一个反映指标。但,我们不能忽视许多城市新居民由于缺乏教育和文明的生活习惯难以融入城市的现实。这些新来者作为城市贫民在城市中游荡,无法享用城市的繁荣和便利。鉴于此,我们不能肤浅地满足于乐观的数据,而应该努力促使新来者融入城市。模板应用:模板应用:当数量关系呈此消彼长趋势,且具有积极意义又隐藏着问题时当数量关系呈此消彼长趋势,且具有积极意义又隐藏着问题时From 时间 to 时间 while moderate increase occurred in total,experienced adramatic shift.increased considerably fromto;contrastinglydeclinedfromto.largely because of the joint effects ofand.具 体 分 析 原 因1.Meanwhile,.(过渡,引出原因 2)县体分析原因 2.is a sure indication ofachievement.However,we should not ignore theinability oftodue to.具体问题.In this sense,we can not be superficiallysatisfied with the optimistic figure,but should endeavor to.写作储备写作储备话题表达补充话题表达补充城市化的表现:城市化的表现:skyscrapern.摩天大楼,meticulously planned layouts of cities 仔细规划的城市布局,largest shopping mall 最大的购物场所,“gigantic engine”for growth 增长的巨大动力城市化的问题:mobile urban resident 城市流动人口,rural migrant 农村移民,growin

